A Lifetime With You (Falling For A Rose Book 5)

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A Lifetime With You (Falling For A Rose Book 5) Page 12

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  She reached for a napkin but Jonathon captured her chin and licked up to her lips. Octavia shuddered. If being with him gave her this uninterrupted euphoria and she was truly in a coma, then she never wanted to wake up. Together they tasted the samples of the fruit going from one to the other. Sweet and tangy layers of juicy flavors assaulted them as they indulged.

  “I think this one’s my favorite,” Octavia said, taking a bite out of the papaya.

  “I’m sure we can get that back at home from the store. What do you think?”

  “Not like it taste here.”

  “Hmm, you might be right.”

  “Of course, I am.” She smiled then sighed. “I could lay next to you right here and fall asleep.”

  Jonathon sent out a curt whistle, and a server approached.

  “We’re heading back to the hotel,” he said, sliding his hand in Octavia’s as they rose to their feet. Jonathon gave Octavia a once over. “My lady needs her clothes,” he said to the server.

  “Clothes? What are those?” Octavia mentioned. She giggled at the way Jonathon’s lids lowered as he pulled her close.

  “Don’t play with me, woman.”

  “Miss,” the server said, “this way.”

  Slowly, Octavia removed herself from Jonathon’s grasp and followed the woman until she disappeared into the hut. While he waited, Jonathon cleaned up their area, taking the half-bitten pieces of fruits and adding them back to the basket. Another server appeared to help him.

  “Thank you,” Jonathon said. He turned to watch the shoreline as he pondered on a future with Octavia. With his T-shirt now thrown over his shoulder and his chiseled chest on display, Jonathon sank his hands in his shorts pockets. He thought of the many ways he could treasure her and wanted to show Octavia every day that his actions would be a never-ending presentation of how he planned to love her for life. When a warm body sank into his back and heated arms circled his waist, Jonathon’s eyes fell to a close. Octavia’s hands roamed up his chest and fell over his heart, taking in the special beat of its rhythm. With her face pressed against his back, she breathed in deep, exhilarated by the thrill of her own.

  I love you. The thought ran through them both, and simultaneously they inhaled and exhaled as they both sought ways to spill these sentiments without making the other uncomfortable. To Octavia, as much as Jonathon showed his love for her, saying the words was something else entirely.

  For Jonathon, his reasons remained the same. Taking things a little slower was better. He’d rather live in this moment than risk pushing her away for coming on too strong all at once. The thing was their connection was so naturally raw that every second, Jonathon second guessed himself. Surely, Octavia wouldn’t be thrown by his love for her, but because he couldn’t be absolute, still, Jonathon waited.

  Octavia turned her face into his smooth skin and pushed a kiss into his vertebrae. A wave of warmth ran through them, and Jonathon pulled a hand out of his pocket to reach for her hand. Bringing her fingers to his lips, he kissed them and exhaled.

  A power boat coasted down the shoreline to a pause. “Our ride’s here,” Jonathon said.

  Octavia moved to his side to grab his hand, and they strolled out to the floating vessel. Once there, Jonathon wrapped Octavia in one strong arm lifting her as she sat on his firm biceps, and with an agile leap, they were inside the power boat. The rush Octavia felt with the cock-strong movement was heart pounding, and her arms clung to him as she looked down in his beautiful face. Their breaths tapered across each other’s mouths, and slowly Octavia slid down his length as Jonathon sat her on her feet.

  A cocoon of butterflies fluttered through Octavia’s belly, and her nerves stood on edge.

  “Good evening,” their guide said, breaking through their electrifying moment. He was the same fella who’d chauffeured them the entire day.

  “Good evening,” they both returned in unison. Keeping their eyes on one another, Jonathon and Octavia smiled.

  “I do hope you enjoyed your day. Shark diving, yeah?” the guide said, holding two thumbs up. Octavia finally pulled her eyes over to the man.

  “I loved it,” she said, turning back to Jonathon.

  “As did I,” Jonathon ensured.

  “I’m glad you both had a good time. If you’ll get comfortable, I can take you back to your hotel, and if we hurry, we won’t miss the sunset.”

  Octavia’s eyes stretched with an elated surprise. “I’d love to see that,” she mused, leaning into Jonathon.

  “Then let’s see it,” Jonathon said.

  They found a seat, and Jonathon stretched his long legs out and tossed an arm over the top as Octavia nestled into his nook. The guide escorted the boat-ski off the shoreline into the distance of the sea. As the floating craft picked up momentum, the boat skidded over a deep wave and water splashed overboard.

  “Sorry,” the guide chuckled, “that happens from time to time.”

  Octavia smirked. “We’re not worried,” she said, “we don’t mind getting a little wet.” She glanced up at Jonathon and shuddered at the wildly untamed look in his eyes.

  Unable to resist her for another second, Jonathon leaned in just as Octavia did and they set off an explosive kiss that heated their mouths and burned within. Octavia was crawling into his lap when they hit another bold wave. The boat skidded across the water, and another layer of water splashed inside. She giggled as they rocked with the sudden impact. But their lips continued to move over and under their mouths completely breathing into one another. Sealed tightly, they nibbled, savored and sucked on each other. The thought ran through Jonathon’s mind to take her right then and there, and it wasn’t easy for him to resist.

  Unbeknownst to Jonathon, Octavia felt much the same as their hearts and libidos fell in sync. With a dangerous grind, Octavia moved her hips and the friction between them sparked. With a reluctant draw away from her succulent lips, Jonathon took in a lungful of air as his head fell back against the rest. He closed his eyes and sank into a pool of lava as Octavia took her lips down his jaw, and neck, then nibbled over to his shoulders.

  He didn’t want to tell her to stop. It wasn’t in Jonathon to prohibit himself from such ecstasy. But if Jonathon let this continue, he would most certainly make love to Octavia, audience be damned.

  “Octavia,” his voice thundered.

  “Mmhmm,” she responded without halting her make out session with his solid body.

  Pulling his head back to glance at her, Jonathon caught Octavia just as she was getting ready to take her tongue across his taut nipple.

  “Don’t do it,” he said with an urgent plea.

  Octavia cocked her head to the side and looked into his smoldering eyes. Easily, her tongue waved out of her mouth to tease him.

  “For God’s sake, woman,” he growled.

  Octavia snickered.

  “You’re not playing fair,” Jonathon spoke again.


  Jonathon shook his head.

  “But I love making you feel good,” she oozed.

  Jonathon shut his eyes briefly then peered at her.

  “Would you like to give our guide the show of his life? Because I doubt that he has witnessed anything like what I’m going to do to you if you keep this up.”

  Octavia’s eyes widened and she smiled modestly. “Is that right?”

  Jonathon didn’t respond, opting to hold her steady gaze so she could be reassured that he meant what he said.

  “Here it is!” The guide shouted from the bow.

  A sea of an orange glow stretched across the heavens, sending a stream of gold highlighting through the sky. Octavia gasped and shifted herself in Jonathon’s lap while keeping an arm draped leisurely across his shoulder. A delighted smile spread over her face.

  “This is so beautiful,” she said as the orange glow sailed across the sky as far as the eye could see. “I wish,” Octavia started.

  “What?” Jonathon asked.

  Octavia swallowed her words, a
nd her stomach swirled.

  “O,” Jonathon said, “don’t hold back. Tell me what it is that you wish.”

  Octavia pressed her lips together then spoke. “I wish we could stay right here forever.”

  Jonathon’s heart knocked against his ribs. “Forever?” he queried. “Are you sure about that?” Octavia didn’t have a clue there was a double meaning in his question. Or so Jonathon thought. Octavia indeed heard it, and she answered as if they were both outwardly aware of this.


  Their gazes held and even behind them, Octavia could see the orange glow in the distance. It seemed to go on for longer than a few minutes, and it was seriously like heaven on earth.

  Trying with all her might to shake herself from a daze, Octavia turned her view back to the picturesque sight in front of them. As waves dashed past their boat and the currents of wind sailed through her hair, Octavia held on to a smile and took a mental snapshot. This, she would certainly never forget.

  Chapter Fifteen

  By the time they made it back to their hotel, Jonathon and Octavia were wrapped once again in each other’s arms. Pulling apart felt impossible at times as if they could only breathe if their lips were together. Octavia wiggled out of Jonathon’s grasp and back pedaled into the bathroom with a smile on her face. She winked then disappeared inside the vestibule, strolling to turn on the shower.

  When Jonathon’s dark voice spoke, the vibrations of his tone skimmed across Octavia’s skin. “I’m thinking a bubble bath would be exceptional,” he said. “Do you mind?”

  Octavia turned the nozzle on the showerhead off. “Not at all,” she said.

  Jonathon smiled lazily. “Allow me.”

  He moved to the hot tub that sat adjacent to the shower and powered it on. Leaving the bathroom, Jonathon strolled to his luggage to grab a few things then he returned. Octavia eyed him speculatively as he cruised back to the tub and dropped a few crystals inside that dissolved on contact with the water. Bubbles spewed from them and Octavia lifted her nose to the intoxicating aroma.

  “Mmm, smells like my mango at home.”

  “I thought you might like them.”

  “I do,” she said, approaching him. “What are they called?”

  “They’re Hawaii’s form of a bath bomb. I picked them up while we were at the airport when you were in the ladies’ room.”

  “Mmmm, smells delightful.”

  Jonathon peered at her. “They reminded me of you when I got a whiff of them.”

  “Oh yeah?” Her smile was provocative.


  They watched each other as the hot tub filled. While Octavia held his eye, she stripped, first removing the shawl around her waist, then peeling off the bathing suit. Jonathon’s gaze melted into Octavia’s skin as she sauntered to the tub and cast a leg over into the hot bubbles. Making a show of it, she bent over slowly and pulled the rest of her into the water. Jonathon’s eyes had burned a whole right through Octavia, and he quickly removed his garments.

  When Jonathon stepped over, he went straight for her, coupling Octavia in his arms. Jonathon spun them around so she was sitting on top of him. Bubbles slid up and down their body as they bobbled in the slippery whirlpool jacuzzi. Octavia slipped her arms around his shoulders.

  “Promise me something,” Jonathon said.

  The softest part of her connected with the hardest part of him and Octavia’s mouth fell open. “I promise,” she purred as her walls expanded to meet his engorged shaft.

  In a gruff response, Jonathon said, “You haven’t even heard my statement.”

  Octavia moved up and down his length in a floating wave. “Still yes…” she purred. “Whatever it is, I promise.”

  Jonathon captured her mouth and they sank into each other. Grabbing her ass, Jonathon opened her up and plunged inside her womb. A shriek evaded Octavia, and she bounced back tinged in the pressure of his temerarious thrust.

  “Oh my God…” she panted as she pulled from his mouth.

  Jonathon sucked in a brown areola and Octavia’s head flung back. “Jonathon…” she crooned and bounced. “Oh my God.”

  As if it was the thrill of her existence, Octavia rode him and moaned, bucked, and gripped his shoulders until they both came with an earth-tilting release. Octavia squealed and Jonathon held her tight. That night, they made love twice more before removing themselves from the bath and cuddling in the king size bed. Like the last few nights they’d been together, Jonathon listened to Octavia’s soft breathing and watched her sleep. A lifetime of images fluttered through his mind, and he didn’t know how much longer he could wait before proposing to her.

  But however long it took, Jonathon would be right there to make sure Octavia never got away from him and he was willing to wait no matter the time.

  The next day, Jonathon and Octavia found themselves back on Lanikai Beach. Sitting across from each other, they ate pancakes, turkey bacon, and scrambled eggs. Octavia lifted a glass of water to her lips and took a sip. This morning she’d awakened feeling deliciously sated, still buzzing from their all-night marathon. Never had she felt so utterly absolute around another person. Ever. It was so easy to roll over in his arms and kiss on his face then fall back into another love session. Pealing herself out of the bed had been her biggest challenge yet, and Octavia wondered where their relationship would go from here.

  “It’s such a beautiful day,” Octavia said.

  Jonathon nodded. “I was just thinking the same.”

  “The atmosphere here is so different. Living in a place like this must be paradise.”

  “For the locals, it’s not that big of a deal. To them, it’s the way of things.”

  “You say that with definition. Do you come here often?”

  An easy smile graced his face. “I wouldn’t say often but enough to know some of the locals.”

  “Hmm,” Octavia said. “I’m always learning something new about you.”

  “Ditto.” Jonathon smiled. “Do you plan to open your home back up this weekend for the volunteers?”

  “Yes,” Octavia replied. “It’s a shame they haven’t found Ayana. I hope she’s okay.” She pulled at her bottom lip with her teeth.

  “Hey,” Jonathon said, “we will keep searching. My team has been there all week, and most of the stations were able to remain open.”

  “It should’ve been me, too,” Octavia said.

  “You had to work.”

  “Doesn’t look like I’m doing much working,” Octavia mumbled.

  Jonathon watched her for a long moment. “If you’re looking for someone to blame, blame me. Your intentions were to work the week, mine were to get you out of your element.” Jonathon rubbed his jaw in thought. “Octavia, I’ve always wanted to ask you a question but didn’t, hoping that when you were ready to disclose certain things you would just tell me.” He paused. “But that has since changed after finding out you were keeping your nightmares from me.”

  Octavia braced herself for whatever he would ask.

  “Do you blame yourself for your parents’ deaths?”

  The table became quiet, and even the patrons around them couldn’t be heard in Jonathon and Octavia’s world. Breathing evenly, Octavia processed his question and although she wanted to respond no, it stalled in her throat. A crease on her forehead formed when she hesitated.

  “You do, don’t you?” Jonathon said. The question wasn’t a query at all. More like a confirmation.

  “I um.” Octavia was uncomfortable. Not because the question had been raised but because her answer hadn’t been swift with a definite, of course not.

  Jonathon leaned across the table and reached for her fingers, taking her hands in his. “Baby,” he spoke, his voice warm and drumming. Octavia’s focus never left his as she swallowed. Jonathon felt a slight tremor when they touched. “Is there any reason why you’re no longer seeing Dr. Cooper?”

  Octavia shifted slightly. “I stopped going to my appointments because I felt be
tter. My nightmares thinned out before they stopped altogether. I assumed, for lack of a better word, that I was cured.” Octavia smiled tersely.

  “You should reach out to her and make an appointment. I’m sure she will be glad to see you and know that you’re okay, and I’m sure she would like to pick up where you left off.”

  Octavia pressed her lips together in thought. She shifted her weight again and placed a light squeeze on his brawny hands. “Thank you. You’re right and I will.” Octavia smiled softly. “Will you go back out with the search party?” Octavia asked, switching gears.

  Jonathon sat back against his chair and went with her flow. He would check later in the week to find out if she’d made the appointment.

  “Unless you want me to stay at station three with you.” They both laughed when Jonathon used the label Octavia’s house had been given while the search was underway.

  “I would love for you to stay,” she said.

  “Why do I feel a but coming?”

  A sly smile slipped across Octavia’s mouth. “But, I can’t be stingy with you. I know how important you are with everything that you do. I know being in the field with your team is important for them just as much as it is to you. It’s in your spirit to lend a helping hand, and I would never get in the way of that.”

  Jonathon leaned back in to reach for her once again. A warm smile covered Octavia’s face as she sat forward to sit her hands in his. When their fingers linked, the solemnity Octavia had felt moments ago vanished as his touch only heightened the buzz they both still shared from last night, and at this point neither of them could foresee this chemistry going anywhere anytime soon.

  “Come here,” Jonathon said.

  Octavia leaned forward meeting him halfway across the table for a seared kiss that was soft and refined. Their mouth’s taste of syrup and fluffy buttery pancakes. It was becoming natural for their make out session to become extended like that of a long tune from a violin. It was Octavia that finally pulled back, but it was only to gather herself before going back in for another round of juicy lips. She loved kissing Jonathon. It was so electrically charged to the point that she felt swept away the longer their mouths mixed.


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