A Lifetime With You (Falling For A Rose Book 5)

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A Lifetime With You (Falling For A Rose Book 5) Page 13

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  When they pulled apart, Jonathon was the first to speak. “We should get out of here. Since I know you didn’t get much sleep last night,” he said with a smirk, “you can get some rest on the jet, but before you do, I want you to do one thing for me.”

  Octavia arched a brow. “Oh yeah, what’s that?”

  Jonathon’s gaze lowered. “Let me kiss you. For as long as I want to, unrestricted. I promise not to exceed twenty minutes.”

  Octavia coughed up a laugh. Jonathon’s wide smile was a sexy open mouth presentation.

  “Did I say something funny?” he mused.

  Octavia shook her head as her laughter died down. “Twenty minutes is pretty lengthy, don’t you think?”

  “I said I promise not to go longer than twenty minutes.”

  Octavia laughed again. “Mr. Rose, why do you feel the need to kiss me,” she paused with a smirk, “no longer than twenty minutes?”

  “Because our souls connect when we’re together like two streams of a river finding their home when they meetup in the ocean.”

  Octavia’s smile evaporated, and immediately, she was covered in chills. A sudden flame rode over her skin and nestled between her thighs. She didn’t know how to respond to such a statement and was rather shocked by his analogy.

  “Don’t you feel it, too?” he questioned.

  Octavia’s heartbeat knocked against her chest. “Yes,” she said simply, “I do.”

  A swell of tenderness wrapped around Jonathon’s heart, and he stood from the table and went to claim Octavia’s hand.

  “About that thing I asked of you,” he said.

  Octavia accepted Jonathon’s hand, and he pulled her to her feet.

  “That’s easy,” she said, “I’d love to kiss you, Jonathon.” Octavia’s was on the verge of asking Jonathon where he would like to indulge in such a kiss when he wrapped her in his arms and captured her mouth.

  His warm lips slid over her soft lips as his tongue invaded her mouth. A curl of hot nerves bounced around, pouring down their face, neck, and shoulders. Instantly, they were covered, completely in a saturation of incredulous need. Their tongues mingled, and their breaths waved a smooth course of heat as they sucked on each other with satisfied pleasure. Jonathon and Octavia kissed for the better part of ten full minutes. Completely unaware of activities going on around them, they shared in the joy of their new love, never taking a moment to regret it.

  Chapter Sixteen

  After Octavia and Jonathon touched down in Chicago, Jonathon took Octavia’s hand in his, led her out of the airport, and helped her inside the Rolls Royce. Sliding in next to her, Jonathon closed the door and turned to Octavia.

  “I want you to come home with me,” he said.

  “Hmm, I did bring work clothes just in case, so…” she said, “let’s go to your place.” Octavia leaned into his shoulder, and Jonathon kissed her forehead.

  Turning to the driver, he spoke, “Take us home.”

  The Rolls Royce pulled away from the curb and cruised to Glencoe’s Northshore community.

  “Are we not going to the penthouse?” she asked.

  “No.” Jonathon looked down at her. “I purchased a house,” he said almost as an afterthought.

  “You bought a house?” Octavia echoed.

  Jonathon smiled easily. “Yes. It was on the market for a few weeks before I put an offer on it. When I first saw the place, I thought it was a jewel.” He glanced down to her. “You’ll tell me if I did a good job, right?”

  Octavia frowned and folded her arms. “So, all this time you’ve been hounding me about keeping secrets from you, but you went out and purchased a home without me?”

  Jonathon smirked at the cute frown on her face. “You’re right. Trust me, I had every intention of telling you about the house. But I’m not making excuses, you’re right. I’m indebted to you.”

  “How about we’re even. I kept something from you, you kept something from me.”

  “The two are not interchangeable,” Jonathon said. At the evil arched brow on Octavia’s face, Jonathon continued, “but, I get what you’re trying to say, and you’re right.”

  Octavia twisted her lips, and Jonathon merely leaned in and kissed her cheek. The Rolls Royce pulled to a padded gate, and the driver powered down his window and entered his private code. The wrought iron gates opened slowly and the vehicle moved in. As the upscale mega mansion came into view, Octavia’s mouth gradually opened.

  “Oh my God,” she said, lifting off the seat to look out the window. As the Rolls Royce pulled in front of the sidewalk leading to the front door, motion lights illuminated the architectural structure. “Jonathon!” Octavia screeched.

  “Come on, love,” he said, “let me show you around.”

  They left the vehicle and strolled on the cemented walkway past an outdoor pool that sat adjacent to the house.

  “How big is this house?” Octavia asked.

  “Hmm,” Jonathon said, “fifteen thousand square feet, I believe.”

  “You believe?”


  Octavia stopped walking. “Isn’t that the kind of thing you need to know when purchasing a home?”

  “I suppose,” he said. “It was a quick purchase, so some of the details I may have half listened to.”

  “Oh great, so there could be ghosts up in this place then, and you wouldn’t know it.”

  Jonathon laughed and tugged her ear. “I asked the questions I cared about the most.”

  “And if this house is haunted wasn’t one of them?”

  Jonathon laughed again. “No, but if there are ghosts, you can bet your ass they don’t stand a chance against me.”

  Octavia shook her head with a smile. “Because Rose Security Group is in the house!” she shouted then covered her mouth as realization dawned that they were outside and it was late night.

  Jonathon chuckled. “You’re good. The house sits on three acres of land. No one can here you scream here.”

  A blistering wave of heat covered Octavia’s skin as she took in a soft gasp. Carnal images of Jonathon thrusting in and out of her with her head flying back and her mouth open in a serenaded scream flashed through her mind. Without thinking, Octavia’s hand reached for her neck and her fingers trickled down her skin. Jonathon noticed her nervousness and drew closer to her.

  “Does that scare you, Octavia?”

  More chills covered Octavia, and her nipples were hard as stones. “No,” she said finally.

  Jonathon’s arms circled her waist and oozed down to cup her buttocks. Octavia’s breath quickened, and he scooped her up against the powerful wall of his chest and leaned in to place his lips just above her ear. “Are you sure?” he said. His warm breath tickled her lobe.

  Octavia cleared her throat and tried not to pant at the throbbing between her thighs. “Yes,” she barely spoke. Inwardly, Octavia was petrified but in a blissful sort of way.

  Jonathon kissed the side of her head, face and trailed down her nose to her lips. They kissed and butterflies churned in Octavia’s gut as a storming heat swept through Jonathon’s. Pulling back just slightly, Octavia said, “Maybe we should go inside.”

  Jonathon kissed her again then turned her in his arms. They strolled to the door, and Jonathon shuffled through his keys before finding the right one. When they stepped inside, Octavia was swept away again. The foyer illuminated upon their entrance, and a thick rectangular mirror was the base of the hallway interior. Hardwood floors held a shine underneath their feet, and it spread down the walkway before disappearing into another room. As they moved through the home, Octavia oohed and aahed at the remarkable surfaces in each space. The state of the art kitchen was newly renovated and lacquer cabinetry sat against the walls.

  “Have mercy,” Octavia said, moving from Jonathon to slide her hands up and down the pristine finishes. “I could cook Thanksgiving dinner for hundreds of people in here,” she said with a smile.

  “Hmmm, would you like that?” Jonathon ask

  “Well, maybe not for hundreds of people,” she decided.

  Jonathon chuckled. “How about for one person maybe two or even three?”

  Delighted, Octavia nodded with a smile. “That I can most certainly do.”

  “Good to know,” Jonathon said, reaching out to her. “Come, let me show you the bedroom.”

  Octavia sank into his arms, and they traipsed to the bedroom. The suite was unmatched to anything Octavia had seen before. Plush white carpet, floor to ceiling windows, and a king size bed big enough to stash twenty people caught Octavia’s attention first. With bright eyes she admired the décor, and the thick cherry wood panel patio doors were just as lovely. Octavia sashayed over to the doors and pulled back the thick vanilla drapery. She glanced over to Jonathon.

  “Do you mind?”

  “Of course not,” he said, strolling over to meet her. With a click, the patio doors unlocked, and the breeze from outside gently pushed it ajar. Jonathon reached around Octavia and pushed the door wider. “After you,” he said.

  They sauntered out, and the smile on Octavia’s face held. The panoramic view of the property was breathtaking. Even at night, lights around the house gave a glow to the property’s essence. A fireplace sat on the patio, and it led to a courtyard, lawn, and the pool she saw upon entrance. The wind blew, lifting her thick curly strands, and Octavia shut her eyes and exhaled. This place was magnificent, so much so that it was like a dream. Warm arms encircled her shoulders, and Octavia reached for him, rubbing her hands up and down his biceps.

  “Jonathon, this place is beautiful,” she said dreamily.

  “I’m glad you love it,” he said. And she didn’t know just how much. Jonathon had found this house while looking through the newspaper one morning as he searched for highlights of the Chicago Bulls game that aired the night before. He was drinking a hot cup of coffee when he skimmed the sports section and fell upon the real estate listing. The word Dream Homes was highlighted along with five of Chicago’s most luxurious homes. The six-bedroom, seven-and-a-half bath, fifteen-thousand square foot home had been on the market for a few weeks, and a few of Chicago’s wealthiest benefactors had placed a bid and were currently awaiting a response when Jonathon sauntered in and made an offer neither the home owner nor the realtor could refuse.

  All he’d seen was her, Octavia, poolside in a barely-there bikini, laying on her back in a lounge chair with shades across her eyes and a tall umbrella resting over her head. Every corner he turned brought another pleasant collage of images that had everything to do with him and her. Making the purchase was a gamble. Especially if Octavia had gone on with this friendship thing, ignoring all signs that they belonged together. But it was a risk Jonathon was willing to take. So he did. And now that she was happy about the place, the warm sensation that always settled around his heart was even more compelling. Still holding her from behind, Jonathon bent down and kissed the crook of her neck.

  Octavia pulled her lip between her teeth and smiled. “I’ve been meaning to ask you a question, Jonathon.”

  “I’m listening,” he murmured.

  “You haven’t said much about the fundraiser, for Jan’s Roses.”

  The still of the night nestled around them as Octavia waited for Jonathon’s response. “It’s coming up in December,” he said.

  “I know,” Octavia responded. “Are you good?”

  Jonathon kissed the side of her forehead. “Yeah, I’m good, baby girl.”

  “Do you need me to do anything?”

  Jonathon peeked at her. “Yeah,” he drawled. “I need a date.”

  Octavia blushed.

  “So, what do you say?” Jonathon asked.

  Octavia turned in his arms to face him. “I’d love to be your date.” She leaned in and kissed his lips.

  Octavia was making everything in his life right, and she didn’t know Jonathon intended to make her more than that.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Hold up, wait a minute.” Selena strolled into the kitchen of S & M Financial Advisory and hovered next to Octavia.

  Dressed in an ivory skirt suit with a four-button suit jacket, clear pantyhose, and three-inch heels, Octavia lingered, waiting patiently for the Nespresso to finish brewing her morning cup of caffeine.

  “Good morning to you, too,” Octavia said, her voice holding a steady groove.

  Selena mocked her, “Good morning, she says all fuzzy and shit.”

  Octavia smirked and kept her lips tightly pressed together.

  “I sure do hope it was a good morning for you,” Selena said.

  “Look,” Octavia began, “I had plans to be here all week—”

  “Oh no, I’m not mad, but I’m hoping upon hope that you finally stopped playing Hide and Seek with that fine ass specimen and all is well in Wonderland.” Selena batted her eyes. “Go ahead and tell me.”

  “Tell you what?” Claudia said, strolling into the kitchen followed by Samiyah.

  “Okay, okay,” Octavia said, holding up her hands. Octavia knew it was only a matter of time before the girls would be breathing down her throat. They had done it enough as it was. “It’s Friday, we all know we’re getting slammed today, so I’ll give each of you one question to ask me, starting with you, Samiyah.”

  Selena gave a wounded look. “No offense, Samiyah, but why does she get to go before me when I ask the question first?” Selena whined.

  “Because your question will most likely be loaded with a layered answer, so it’s best if we just save that one for last.”

  Selena pursed her lips and raised a brow. “I guess,” she answered.

  Octavia turned a bright smile over at Samiyah as she pulled her coffee from the machine. “Let’s hear it, Boss,” Octavia said.

  “How many times have I told you not to call me that?” Samiyah fussed.

  “Well it’s appropriate since you are the boss, but since you’ve asked your question, I’ll move on to Claudia. What would your question be, Claudia?”

  “What?” The women screeched.

  Octavia scanned the three of them. “What?” She shrugged.

  “You can’t do that!” Samiyah said.

  “Ooooh, you know you’re wrong for that,” Selena said.

  “Right,” Samiyah said. “That wasn’t my official question, and you know it.”

  Octavia giggled and took a sip of her brew. “Okay, okay,” she said. “I was just playing anyhow, what’s your question, come on with it, we don’t have all day.”

  “Don’t be trying to rush us now,” Claudia said.

  “Yeah,” Samiyah chimed. “We’ve been here all week, so we can take as long as we like,” she said, pulling out a chair to sit at the dining table. Samiyah crossed her legs.

  Octavia squinted at Samiyah, combing her eyes over an extra set of curves that weren’t previously there. “Is it just me or have you ladies noticed that Samiyah’s gotten curvier?” Octavia said with a tilt of her head. Carefully, she examined Samiyah’s shiny face, thicker arms, and hips.

  “Don’t try to turn this around on me!” Samiyah said. “This is about you and Jonathon,” she paused, “and yes, I’m pregnant.”

  Sharp gasps and a shriek fell from Claudia, Selena, and Octavia.

  “Oh my God!” They screamed, and simultaneously they jumped up and down, excited beyond measures. They all ran to her and pulled her out of the chair, hugging and squeezing her as they bounced with joy.

  With an elated smile, Samiyah warned, “Sssh, you guys, we still have clients in the building.”

  They tried, but the excitement was high. “We’ll apologize later,” Claudia said in a squeal. Octavia and Selena squealed with her. “Oh my God, I can’t believe you’re about to have my nephew,” Claudia gushed.

  “Or niece,” Octavia said.

  Samiyah beamed. “I always knew you were a part of my family, and now we are actually sisters because of our husbands.”

  “Mmhmm,” Selena chimed, “that’s too much like right.”r />
  “Well they say a real man will elevate you and not bring you down, make you move out of town and disconnect from family like a madman,” Claudia fussed.

  Everyone frowned, and Octavia placed her hand on Claudia’s shoulder. “Is there anything you want to tell us?”

  Claudia stuck her lip out. “About what?”

  “Which one of them low-life rascals tried to control you?” Samiyah said with a hand to her hip.

  “Girl, that’s water under the bridge,” Claudia said. “He doesn’t even matter because Jaden is my everything and I’m his.”

  “That’s right!” Selena said, high-fiving Claudia.

  Samiyah cut her eyes and peered at Claudia then smiled. “Sho ya right.” This time, Claudia and Samiyah high-fived each other.

  “We are so excited for you,” Claudia sang, “and now we get to plan your baby shower!” Another round of squeals went throughout the room, and the ladies jumped up and down with extreme enthusiasm. A knock on the kitchenette’s door brought the girls’ attention around.

  “What’s all the fuss about?” Daniel Potter said, leaning his bald head into the doorway.

  Claudia glanced at her watch. “Mr. Potter, our appointment isn’t for another thirty minutes. Do you mind having a seat and waiting for me? I’ll be out to get you soon.”

  Daniel nodded. “Sorry for intruding,” he said, turning to traipse back to the waiting area.

  “Okay, we’re going to have to resume this another time,” Samiyah said.

  “Oh no, we still have a few minutes, and while I want to gush about your pregnancy news, I still need to ask this one my question,” Claudia said, turning back to Octavia.

  “You know what,” Octavia interjected. “I remember a time when I was trying to get all in your business, and you were hard as a nutshell.”

  “Oh, don’t try and get out of this question. I promise to be nice,” Claudia smiled perkily. “Besides, you’ve already told me I can ask a question.”


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