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His thigh was between mine and I snuggled closer, relishing the sensation. My hair fell into my eyes and covered both of our faces but I was too busy exploring the tight sheets of muscles in his back to do anything about it. Joe's fingers crawled up over my belly and then grazing the underwire of my bra.
Feeling the flat of his palm on my skin brought me back to reality and I broke off the kiss and squirmed backwards as far as possible.
"I'm sorry," he said breathlessly. "Too fast?"
Pulling my shirt down, I shook my head. "No, it's just…my stomach." I blushed and looked away.
Joe grunted. "Don't be stupid. Your body is amazing. I couldn't stop staring at you in the diner."
Really? "I didn't notice."
"I'm glad I was slicker than I thought about it, but yeah." His hand reached out to touch me. "God, Liss. You're gorgeous."
I licked my lips and finally met his gaze again. "You're not so bad yourself, Joe."
He smiled and scooted closer to me. There was blistering desire in his eyes. "Prove it."
His lips seared mine when they met. Any nerves about him touching my decidedly imperfect body disappeared and I gave myself over completely to making out with him. Within minutes my bra was unhooked and his shirt was on the floor somewhere. A line of tattoos snaked up his right arm over the shoulder and one looked just like the bird on his ring. I briefly considered asking about it as I ran my hands over his bicep but his fingers found my nipple at that moment and I decided it could wait. I moaned and arched my back, heat flaring brighter in my core.
Joe's lips slid down over my chin and throat, coming to rest where my pulse thundered under the skin. "I want so you much," he whispered against my neck.
I was about to reply when something under my hand vibrated. A second later rhythmic beeping sounded. "What's that?"
"My phone. Ignore it," he barked before kissing his way over my shoulder, pushing my shirt out of the way.
"Okay." And after it stopped making sounds his phone was forgotten.
Joe slid down my body and started kissing a line down my center until he came to the waistband of my jeans. His fingers gripped my hips and I moaned just as the phone rang again. He let loose a string of curses and yanked it from his back pocket, resting his chin right below my belly button and keeping his eyes on my face.
"What?" He paused, trailing fingers lightly up my arm, raising goosebumps. "No." The silkiness left his voice and he sat up, frowning. "Fine." He cast a glance at me and smiled tightly. It wasn't the freewheeling crooked grin I'd grown to adore so quickly, and I knew he was leaving. "All right. I'll get a cab and be there in a few minutes."
I pulled my knees up and hugged myself.
Joe hung up the phone and looked at me again. "I have to go."
"I figured."
"That was my manager. We have a thing that I forgot about and everyone's pissed." He stood up but then bent down to rub his stubbled cheek against mine. "Believe me when I say I'd rather stay with you all day." His hand grazed my breast and he sighed. "Really, really want to stay."
"I understand." I didn't.
He stepped away slowly and just stared at me for a long moment before grabbing his shirt and heading out the door. "Call me later, okay? We're staying at the Griffin Hotel."
"Okay," I said, and as the door shut behind him I collapsed into a heap of frustration.
I woke up a couple hours later still mostly dressed, incredibly uncomfortable and grumpy. I rolled over and looked around my apartment. When my eyes landed on Joe's sunglasses I smiled, wondering how soon I could call him so I could return them. Figuring he'd still be busy with whatever he was doing I decided to just find the phone number for the hotel. So it was convenient when I did call. Much later. Not at all immediately like the desperately smitten girl I was.
First I stripped down and put on a robe, piling my clothes into the over-full hamper. I turned my phone on and went to search for the Griffin Hotel. I copied the phone number down and clicked over to read emails, snuggling back into bed.
Nothing looked very interesting so I read some headlines and came across a news story about the club down the street from the diner. The article talked about the show last night, a surprise set from Dream Defiled, some local band whose new album was selling incredibly well. The gig was a real coup for the club, down on its luck since the area started going downhill. The writer seemed to think that one performance from the band on the cusp of fame could turn the whole neighborhood's luck around, which seemed silly to me. Hell, I'd never even heard of the group before. I searched for them, wondering what all the fuss was about and saw that I did know their music. The single, "Full Dark," was everywhere the past few weeks, and I was intrigued.
My heart stopped when I opened a link to their Wikipedia page. There was a picture of the group and right there in the middle, half turned away, familiar spiky hair and strong naked back, stood Joe. Joe Hawk. The lead singer and songwriter of Dream Defiled. Who'd just left my apartment. Who I'd been kissing and groping. Whose stubble had left red marks on my neck.
"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit."
The whole night suddenly made more and less sense that the same time. He's assumed I knew who he was and why he was in the neighborhood. And his manager had called, probably for an interview or photo-shoot or whatever the hell rock bands did while they weren't on stage.
I'd been making out with a guy on the cusp of mega-stardom. In my teeny apartment. Oh god.
Chapter Three
A day and a half later I was still reeling from the shock. Not only had I been making out with a really hot virtual stranger, but he turned out to be the front man for a famous rock band. Too weird. Too crazy for my life.
After many hours of rehashing on the phone my friend Kelly got sick of me going on and on. She asked me to join her and some friends from her college at a bar. I was planning on spending my night off in pajamas reading but I owed her one after making her listen to my ranting all afternoon. And so I found myself standing against a wall sipping a beer while Kelly and her friends did shots and acted wild.
I wasn't sure when it started but my whole life it seemed I ended up the adult around my friends. From skinned knees in grade school to missed curfews in high school and even now I was sober and making sure they didn't get out of control. Hell, I didn't even really like crowded places. And certainly didn't want to embarrass myself in front of a hundred people.
It wasn't that I wanted to be the one dancing on the bar. I wasn't remotely coordinated enough and no one wanted to see me shaking my big butt up there. But still, it would be nice to feel like part of the party once and a while.
After checking the time I groaned. It wasn't even midnight. I'd be stuck there for another couple of hours and then probably have to help Kelly get home. By the time I managed to make my way back across town it would be almost morning. Just like I'd been at work and about as fun.
Though, of course, one recent night of work had ended up being pretty entertaining. Joe's sexy, crooked smile flashed through my head and I smiled, taking a long drink. My brush with a rock star. I could see the gossip blog headlines already. Not that I'd ever do something like that to Joe. Or that anyone would believe me. A picture of my frizzy hair and less than fashionable curves would scream obsessive loser and liar.
But Joe didn't feel that way. He liked my body. He'd said so, yeah. But I knew it was true by the way he looked at me. How he touched me. Excitement flooded through me again and I sighed, wishing we'd gotten to finish what we started.
There was some kind of commotion in the bar and as I looked for the source, as if I'd conjured him up with wanting, there was Joe. Shoving through the crowd with three other guys I now recognized as his band mates, he was even sexier than I remembered. He was in total rock mode. Super tight dark pants and a t-shirt that looked painted on. His arms were bare, tattoos almost glowing under the lights. He clearly hadn't shaved since I'd seen him and the stubble was dark and close to being an actual b
eard now. The framing of dark hair on his head and face made his bright blue eyes stand out even stronger.
Even from twenty feet he took my breath away and made long-neglected parts of my body tingle. I smoothed my hair and clothes while telling myself that I wouldn't go over and talk to him.
Kelly ran over and grabbed my arm. "Is that him?"
I nodded, keeping my eyes on Joe. He'd managed to snag a table and seemed to be coordinating drink orders. Meanwhile, all around them the crowd pressed closer. Girls casually strolled into their line of vision, each one angling to get some bare square of flesh in sight.
"You gonna stand there staring at him all night or go say something?"
"Neither. I'm going to go hide behind that pole on the other end of the bar."
A song ended just as she screeched, "What?" and half of the heads in the place turned to look at us. Joe included.
I groaned and prayed to be invisible, to no avail. But he barely glanced at me before turning back to his friends. That stung. Whether he didn't recognize me or didn't care, I downed the rest of my beer and headed up to the bar for another.
I spent the next thirty minutes tucked into the far corner of the bar, close enough to flag down the bartender but hidden from sight from most of the rest of the crowd. I'd spotted Kelly wandering around trying to find me a few times but managed to evade her. What I really wanted to do was go home and hide but I wouldn't leave her without warning and wasn't ready for that conversation just yet.
After another two beers I'd practically forgotten about Joe. Which is exactly when he sidled up to the bar next to me, of course.
"Liss, where'd you go? I've been looking for you."
"Yes." His words were a bit slurred and he didn't look very steady on his feet.
"I've been right here."
"Oh. Look," he said, running his fingers nervously through his hair. "I know you don't want to talk to me but I just had to say hello."
Now I gave him my full attention. "Why do you think I don't want to talk to you?"
"You never called. You didn't come over and say anything when I saw you earlier. I got the message."
"Joe…" I started, but didn't know what to say next. I'd been so busy thinking he snubbed me when I'd done the same to him. "…I'm sorry. I didn't want to interrupt your group and I'm not really comfortable in crowds."
He nodded. "This place is a little nuts tonight. We're only here because of me. I used to sneak in here in high school and thought it would be cool to visit again legally before we head out on the road again." With that admission he grinned and I melted.
Looking around at the trying too hard décor and drunken flailing customers I laughed. "Was it as wonderful as you remember?"
He chuckled. "No. But you are."
Every part of me warmed and it wasn't just the beer.
Joe moved in close, draping an arm over my shoulder and putting his lips almost against my ear. "I am really sorry about the other night. Or morning. Whatever. I get it if you're mad at me for bailing like that."
I could smell whiskey on his breath, sweet and smoky. "It's fine. I was bummed but you had something to do. It wasn't like we planned to spend the day together."
"Yeah, but I would have. Day, night. Anything." He was practically purring in my ear by this point and it made my stomach do flip-flops.
"Next time," I gasped.
"What about right now?"
"Aren't you supposed to be hanging out with your friends?"
He slid his hand down my back and kissed me on the cheek. "I spent twenty-four hours a day with those guys. I want to be with you. In every sense of the word."
I closed my eyes and willed my heart to start beating again. I don't know if it was the beers or the way he touched me but I nodded. "I have to say goodnight to my friend."
"Okay. Let's go." Joe took my hand and we eventually found Kelly. She saw our entwined fingers and just waved goodbye. I felt a flash of guilt for ditching her but then Joe yanked me to his side and I forgot everything except how much I wanted to kiss him.
We struggled through the throngs of people and out the door into the cool night air. The quiet and space were wonderful but I didn't have much time to enjoy either. Joe pushed me roughly against the wall and slanted his mouth over mine. In a moment I was breathless and wrapped in his tight embrace. His kiss was as sexy as I remembered and I let myself get lost in it.
"I've been thinking about this since I left your place," he murmured. "I could take you right here."
I laughed. "You're drunk."
He pulled back and nodded. "True. But I would feel the same way sober. You drive me wild, Liss."
"Right back at you," I said before kissing him again. This was so not me. Making out in front of a bar where anyone could see? Not me at all. But I couldn't stop myself. And as Joe pressed tighter against me I knew he felt the same way. Drunk he was more forceful than the other day. And strangely, I liked it. Liked his strength and passion. He made me feel sexy and cherished instead of awkward and lumbering.
We kept kissing, ignoring a group who catcalled and whistled as they left the bar, or the car honking. My hands were laced behind Joe's neck as he ground his lower body against mine, hard and hungry.
Finally I gathered my wits enough to push him away. I took a minute to catch my breath and smiled. "We can't keep going like this. We'll get arrested."
"Good point. Let's get out of here."
"Where to?"
His blue eyes glittered in the streetlight. "Hotel's just a couple blocks away."
"Let's go."
We practically ran, both sobering up as we went, moving faster and surer. By the time we got to the front door I was ready for anything.
Joe didn't touch me at all while we rode up the elevator, but I could feel his eyes on every part of my body like a caress. I was suddenly glad I'd taken the time to get dressed up cute for the night.
He led me down the hall and into his hotel room. Once inside I caught a quick glimpse of the messy floor and generic furniture before he was on me, dragging me down to one of the beds, shoving a pile of clothes out of the way. I wondered briefly if he had a roommate who might interrupt us but then his lips met mine and I left rational thought far behind.
Chapter Four
Joe lifted my shirt over my head but got too distracted to finish the job so I my arms were caught in it on the pillow above me. He kissed my lips and then my shoulder, sliding my bra strap out of the way. He cupped my breasts, sliding his thumbs over the satin, teasing my nipples awake.
I managed to free my hands and grabbed his face, pulling him in for a kiss. Our mouths crashed together with bruising strength but I didn't care. His kiss sent fire flowing through my veins, igniting every inch of my body.
He nuzzled at my neck and inhaled deeply. "God, Liss. You smell like heaven." He nipped at my skin there as if to taste me. After having hid fill Joe broke away and lowered his head. He tongued each of my nipples through the fabric of my bra and then kept sliding lower on my body. His lips left feather light kisses down my belly to the waist of my skirt. His hands approached from below, sliding up over my knees and then my thighs, and then between my legs. I tensed up and he kissed my belly button, making me smile and relax a bit.
"Wait," I said, stopping him as he began to move my skirt out of the way.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I just…"
"Don't worry. We don't have to rush. We have all night. Well, what's left of the night and all day."
I laughed and ran my fingers through his hair, mussing it completely.
"Come back up here. I'm not done kissing you yet."
He grinned up at me and I felt dizzy.
"Yes ma'am."
We kissed again, tongues entwined and exploring. He kept one hand on my breast, gently kneading the tender flesh and then brushing over the distended tip. His other hand caressed the side of my face as he kissed me, soothing and arousing at the same
I wrapped my arms around Joe's neck and held him close to me. I could feel him along the entire length of my body, all lean hard muscle against my softness.
Joe sat up, pulling me with him. He stopped kissing me just long enough to yank his t-shirt off. As his chest came into view again it took my breath away. I traced every dip and line of muscle, enjoying the way his breath caught and his heart beat faster.
"No fair, Liss," he said huskily. "I'm topless and you're not."
I unhooked my bra and slid it off, reflexively covering my breasts.
"Allow me," Joe joked and did just that, holding them gently as he leaned down to kiss the peaks.
With a moan I arched my back into his touch. He sucked a nipple into his mouth and laved it with his hot, wet tongue. I shuddered with pleasure as he switched back and forth, showing loving attention to both of my breasts until I couldn't take it.
"More, Joe. More," I pleaded. Any shyness or nerves were smothered under a rush of desire that felt like flames licking me from head to foot.
Joe grinned that perfect crooked smile and slid down my body. He spread my thighs and came to rest between them. He pushed my skirt up and traced his finger along the line of my panties. With a growl he pushed them aside and slid a finger along my crease.
I bit my tongue and closed my eyes, lost in sensation.
He rubbed me for the longest time, coaxing everything inside me alive until I was writhing. Satisfied, he moved long enough to pull of the rest of my clothes and return to his delicate ministrations of my now naked body. With a sound of pleasure he pushed a finger inside me, easy with the evidence of my arousal so plentiful. My muscles tightened and my stomach clenched as his lips passed over the tiny bundle of nerves that could drive me out of my head.
"Oh…yes…" I breathed.
Joe added another finger inside me and stroked slowly, his tongue washing back and forth across my clit. My hips rose to meet him and he sucked the little nub into his mouth. Just when I thought I couldn't love any more he started humming deep in his throat, playing my body like an instrument. The vibrations emanated from my center to the tips of my fingers and toes and the whole world disappeared as I reached climax and kept climbing, his mouth and fingers pulling me over the edge again and again.