Insta-Bride: Contemporary Bride Book One

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Insta-Bride: Contemporary Bride Book One Page 5

by Fox, Erin

  The meeting ended after a few hours. There were so many points to talk about and I just couldn’t wait for it to finish and finally meet Vivienne again. My mind was off somewhere, halfway through the meeting. But I know that I got most of the points and I have important things to handle… later.

  Right now, my only thoughts are thoughts of Vivienne.

  When the meeting ended, I quickly say goodbye to Nigel and excuse myself.

  “Where are you going, really?”

  “Oh, just somewhere. I’ll follow up with you after. I’m really quite busy now, though. Thanks, Nigel!”

  I didn’t wait to hear his reply. I just quickly go to the car so I can drive to the venue already.

  I shoot Viv a quick text.

  I’m on my way there. Hopefully traffic isn’t too bad. See you, Viv.

  I placed the phone down and drive off. The excitement is overwhelming. I see Vivienne’s reply on my phone screen.

  Can’t wait. See you <3

  I smile and feel more energized as I drive to the venue. As I arrive, I check my phone to see instructions from Vivienne.

  Please use the side door. I’ll be there waiting since the entrance would be full of people lining up for the launch.

  Copy Ma’am, I jokingly say to myself. It’s like I can almost hear Vivienne’s voice instructing me to do that. I approach the side door and knock. Vivienne opens it and I smile at her sheepishly. Every time I see her is like I’m seeing her for the first time.

  “Baby, you look amazing..”

  “Thank you.” She comes closer to whisper to my ear, “I’ve been waiting for you.”

  I draw a sharp breath and close my eyes. How can she do this to me so suddenly? She keeps catching me off guard.

  I move her in front of me and kissed her teasingly.

  “Much as I want you now, we should wait till after, Viv. We wouldn’t want you ruining your makeup.” I kiss her lips one more time and we sit down the couch for a moment to breathe. It’s all I can do to keep my hands off of her.

  “Psh. I know that.” She pouts and I have to wonder how this woman can be so many things at once. She’s sexy, she’s bossy, she’s adorable and now she’s showing me this vulnerable side. She’s a lot of things and I just can’t wait to discover more of her.

  “So… I’m nervous.”

  She laughs at me softly. “There’s no need to be. I’ll brief you.”

  “Thank you. I’ll need that.” I smile at her sincerely.

  “So, we estimated the crowd to be more or less 2,000 people, and that’s excluding the press. Don’t be too overwhelmed, they’re excited fans waiting for the signing but they don’t bite, don’t worry.” She smiles at me and continues, “We’ll be before them at exactly 4:30 pm and the fan-signing will start right after the press interview. You don’t have to do anything. Just stay with me throughout the event. And of course, the usual smiles and greetings.”

  I laugh softly and nodded my head. “I can do that.”

  “Don’t be too nervous. It’s a fun event. We just need to enjoy ourselves.”

  “Yep. Sure thing. Oh and Viv, thank you for inviting me.”

  “Of course, you’re my husband.” Her smile does something inside me. “Let’s go and wait outside now.”

  We stand up and I grab her hand and squeezed it softly.

  “I’m proud of you, Viv, my wife.” I love saying those words to her. “Congratulations.”

  She looks at me with such a sincere smile and kissed my lips.

  “Thank you.”

  We go outside and get ready to wait for the press and the crowd to enter the room. As I hear chattering outside, I start to become anxious again. I look at Vivienne and she smiles at me encouragingly. I draw a deep breath and calm myself.

  I can do this.

  As the first few people enter the room excitedly, Vivienne turns to look at me with her beautiful doe eyes, “Are you ready?” and smiles excitedly at me.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.” I say as I plaster on a smile and gets myself ready to welcome her fans. I had no idea just how powerful romance novels could be, but I learned it from the woman who made me want her as my real wife.

  That was something to deal with anytime other than the biggest night of her life… I was here to support her.

  Because I know now.

  I love her more than anything in the world.



  I can hear the fans outside the room. I’m just as excited as them. I’ve always loved release days. It’s the day I show my supporters the fruit of my hard work. This specific book is special to me for so many reasons. It’s a historical romance that I’ve always been wanting to write, a different twist. With The Heartthrob I poured my heart into it and let myself be vulnerable and tell the deepest story of my heart that I barely even understood I wanted to tell until it was on the page, and I took it slowly, to the point where Dusty almost pulled out his non-existent hair because of the pace of my writing. I can’t blame him; I really took my sweet time writing this. And the other reason is that I met Blake because of this book. Can anything be more special than that?

  I think I’m becoming such a hopeless romantic. Writing so many romance books can take its toll on someone, it seems. I chuckle and Blake looks at me.

  “Something funny?”

  “Oh, nothing. I just remembered something amusing.” I smile at him and he returns it with an equally mesmerizing smile.

  I’ll never get over the fact that Blake Williamson is beside me to welcome my supporters and cheer for me. I’m already satisfied with just that fact. Add to it that he’s my husband, and, well, suddenly I don’t think I can feign any more ignorance. Real life love came and at least subconsciously made me crazily go after everything I want.

  The fans enter the room and they start filling the area assigned to them. They are to stay at the area until the press interview is finished and we can do the fan signing and greeting of fans. I smile and wave at them as they excitedly return the gesture. I can see others looking at Blake, probably wondering who he is if they don’t recognize him from the cover, he’s still new in the industry and to see him beside a renowned author must be very surprising. I see my fans whispering at each other and giggling or others trying to hide how they’re very curious about the guy beside me. I look at Blake and I see him just smiling at them kindly.

  Then one shouts: “That’s your husband?”

  “Yes,” I call out and wave with a big smile spread across my face.

  The crowd roars.

  “Thank you, Blake.”

  “It’s nothing, Viv. I’m happy to be here.” He kisses me on the cheek. “I’m happy to be your husband.”

  It’s the press’ turn to enter and sit on their assigned seats. The interview began and Blake did his part. He answers whenever he’s questioned but other than that he stayed and smile at them.

  I can’t wait until all this is over. Blake is too irresistible.

  The press interview ends on time and they asked me fairly standard questions.

  But as I found myself confirming that, yes, he is the cover model on The Heartthrob and, yes, I did fall in love with him there. It all feels real.

  Blake volunteers to answer the story about when we met. He tells the details… and listening to him tell them everything except that our marriage is supposed to be a sham?

  Well, it tells me just how un-fake this marriage is.

  Everyone can tell.

  Our love is real.

  I squeeze his hand. “Now my favorite part of the event is going to start,” I tell him.

  The press starts to leave and some stayed for the fan signing. The supporters start to move forward and the cordon is off. Instantly, the crowd gathers in front of us. And not long after, the scattered people all form a line to take turns for the fan signing.

  “Hi, your name please?” I say as I smile to the first person to get her book signed.

  “Laura. I really lov
e your books, Vivienne.” She sounds and looks so excited as her friend giggles with her at the back.

  “Thank you, really. I hope you still support my works after this.”

  “Without a doubt!”

  And the crowd kept on moving and not too long a few of my fans start asking questions.

  “Can we ask his name, Vivienne?”

  “It’s Blake.” He answers and smiles to them. I hear a lot of cheers and giggles all around.

  Wow. Someone’s popular.

  I smile to my fans even though a pang of jealousy is making its way in me. I ignore it first and try to continue my work.

  Blake stands up and walks to the side to answer a call.

  “He’s really gorgeous, Vivienne. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you. Is he? Don’t let him hear you,” I jokingly say.

  I notice how the girls keep on staring and ogling at Blake.

  Not long after Blake is at the side being harassed by my fans. I stop to look for a while but it seems like he can’t see me over the group of girls now talking to him and chatting. I carry on with what I’m doing but I become more wary as the line gets thinner and the girls eventually go to Blake after I sign their books.

  I see some girls being all touchy and Blake just laughing at them and accommodating them. I know that I shouldn’t feel too defensive and that I should be happy that he’s interacting with the crowd but the touches are too much.

  A sudden commotion erupted when a few excited girls pushed each other to get closer to Blake and I saw Blake catching the girl who almost fell and pulling her up while his hands are on her hips.

  Just what the hell is going on now?

  I try to concentrate on the few girls left so that I can interact with my fans instead but I see that it’s still quite a few people left. I try to make my movements hurried but still thanking every single one of them.

  Where’s the excited feeling I had when I woke up today? It’s now replaced with anxiousness. Charlene comes over to give me a bottle of water.

  “Charl, can you see what’s going on over there? Ask if Blake is getting uncomfortable so he can move inside, please.”

  “Will do.”

  I return to my signing and not soon after a loud giggle is heard from where Blake and the group of girls are. I look up immediately and saw that Blake was too close to someone. Probably saying a joke or something, but his right hand is placed on the hip of a girl and he was whispering something that made the girl laugh and giggle loud.

  That was my limit. I know that I’m always level-headed and that I always think of others first whenever I make a move. I’m considerate like that. But this time, it’s just too much. I stood up and move towards the remaining supporters waiting for their turn.

  “I’m sorry, but I suddenly feel sick, if you can just excuse me. I’m really sorry.”

  They all look worried at me and I hurriedly walked out of the room. I’m not in the mood to continue anymore. I seriously feel like a little bit more laugh or giggle I hear, will drive me insane. It also doesn’t help that I keep seeing Blake touching the women and vice versa.

  What the hell is he even thinking?

  I thought we were really something.

  Char is right. I’m dumber than fuck.

  This is a fake fucking marriage. I shouldn’t think it is more than an arrangement and some fucking.

  I’m so upset that I don’t even realize where I’m going anymore. I just had to get out of that room as soon as possible. I grab my phone and text Dusty.

  Sorry but can you wrap it up for me? I suddenly don’t feel well. Please tell my fans I’m sorry and that I’ll make it up to them. Thank you.

  Now what? I stay at the hallway and try to compose myself.

  Stupid Blake.

  But what I really mean is stupid me.



  The girls are fucking insane.

  Yep. Well and truly insane. They’ve been pushing each other in the hopes to get closer to me. Some are trying to grab my shirt, tear it off. I’m hoping that after this war, I’ll be fine.

  Jesus. These girls are fucking scary. Most of the fans seemed fine, but there’s just enough crazies that hung around and I need to get away from them.

  I want to go hide somewhere else or under Vivienne’s table. Yes, I can totally hide under the table and fuck her with my tongue while she’s signing books.

  That’s filthy and I know it. Can’t avoid it, my mind goes south when Vivienne is around. I squint my eyes, I can barely see her in this throng of women.

  I would just like to quietly gaze at her face and never let her leave my sight. She’s a fucking view to behold.

  She looks beautiful with her hair down while signing her books and the concentration on her face is so mesmerizing. I can stare at her all day.

  Her hotness is beyond words.

  The girls keep on asking questions and I'm obliged to answer them. They’re making my ears hurt with their incessant chattering. Please god, take mercy on a simple man like me.

  Someone, please, bring me away from here but these thoughts didn’t show on my face. A smile is pasted on my face. A professional and enchanting one.

  I’ve heard from a lot of women that my smile is a deadly weapon. It pierces hearts in a heartbeat and I’m aware of it. I’m good with a poker face too.

  Like now. I keep nodding and giving them short, witty answers for their questions.

  I thought romance readers hated cheating. These women are trying to give me their phone numbers. Asking if I want to go back to their hotel rooms with them. I tell them I’m a happily married man.

  There are days that I revel at the attention that women shower to me but it’s definitely not today. Recently, I’ve taken a liking to only one woman’s attention. Vivienne’s attention.

  I want it all for myself and I want it far longer than I expected. I usually get bored easily, but look. I’m here now and still working and fucking her at the same time.

  She’s hot but the good kind of hot. Something that warms you inside with her intelligence and beauty. She’s kind too.

  My mind keeps on drifting to her even if I’m in the middle of these girls.

  A woman stumbles towards me and I catch her. Of course, I’m a gentleman but who told her to wear six-inch heels? I swear these heels will become the death of women. I didn’t fully appreciate them until I saw how great they make her already fantastic ass look, but now I just want to swoop her in my arms and maybe rub those perfect feet.

  But I appreciate the heels, especially with Vivienne’s legs. Those legs of hers are the real winner. I want to fuck her with only her heels on. It’s my fantasy.

  Maybe we can try it tonight. I squint my eyes in her direction and she still has a long way to go with her fans. She’s talking with Charlene.

  “Hi, Mr. Blake. Can I take a picture with you?’ a girl asks me in a saccharine voice. It’s grating in my ears. I smile politely and made a pose but she grabs my hand.

  She puts it on her hips and squeezes it. She smashes her big breasts on my sides. To be honest, I really want to push her. Her perfume is cloying too.

  “Please take a picture of us,” she gives her phone to a woman in front of us. She strikes a pose, pressing her breasts on my sides. I smile politely, trying to have her let go of me very subtly.

  I jump as someone grabs my ass. The girl from my side giggles. The others too.

  “Sorry, can’t help myself. Your ass is so fucking tight. Here’s my number,” she gives me a card. The woman clinging to me gives her the evil eye.

  “Here’s my card. I know a friend, they’re always hiring for models.” She gives me her card too. “Call me.” I get my arm back.

  These women are fucking wolves. They’re hungry for my pure manmeat. They’re blatantly checking it out some are making forward comments.

  Someone grabs my ass again. Shit.

  I look up to Vivienne, hoping she can get my hint for a rescue.
  I just see her pass by me running. What happened? Understanding dawns on me, shit. It’s because of these crazy women.

  I excuse myself, pushing them away. I need to follow her. To stop her from leaving me. This can’t be happening.

  “Viv!” I shout, calling her name out loud. “Wait!” I shout again and she disappears. I run faster.

  Great. She’s here.

  By the time I get to her, as she’s running wildly even in those skyscraper heels, we’re in some random hallway.

  “Listen to me-” she cuts me off.

  “Blake, I can see that you’re so happy with those women. Why’d you follow me?” she asks me angrily. “Go to them. Fuck them. I should never have let myself believe our marriage meant more,” she tells me.

  “Are you jealous? There’s-” I try to explain to her.

  “Jealous?” her voice raises. “What made you think that? I just realized that everybody’s right. You can’t mix pleasure and business together. I want a real divorce for this fake fucking marriage!” she tells me and grabs her hand back.

  I grab her back.

  “No! You’re wrong. You’re the only one I want,” I tell her but she moves away. “I love you. I honestly want you as my wife. Nothing fake about it.”

  “We’re over,” she says in a voice that brooks no argument. I honestly thought she loved me.

  I stand stupefied as she walks away.



  I feel awful. The fake marriage between me and Blake is over as soon as I get divorce papers for him to sign.


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