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COWBOY ROMANCE: Justin (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 1)

Page 97

by Amanda Boone

  “Isa, is that you?” her father’s voice came from the kitchen.

  “I’m in a hurry right now, Dad,” she responded. “Can we talk later?”

  “Do you know anything about Roselli’s?” he asked, moving into the foyer as she tried to run up the stairs.

  “Fiona told me about it this morning. I have a date though, Dad. I need to un-awful myself ‘cause this is important.”

  “I just… wanted to tell you to keep a low profile for a while.”

  “Okay. I will try to keep under the radar of the paparazzi. Can I shower now?”

  “Of course,” he gave a slight smile and let her move further up the stairs. “Isa?”


  “You don’t look awful. You never can. You have the best parts of your mother in you.”

  “Uh… thanks, Dad.”

  She continued up the stairs to get ready. Normally, she would spend a little more time (okay, a lot more time) getting ready for a date, but she had to appear cool and not superficial. She braided her dark hair and put on enough makeup for the “natural look.” She wore a simple all black outfit and her favorite red flats. She rushed back out, avoiding her father (who sounded like he might’ve been crying) and rode her bike to the bar.

  She had to stay responsible.

  Adam stood outside, texting on his phone. She smiled, walking up to him with confidence.

  “Hey, have you been here long?” she asked, hoping he hadn’t.

  “Hey!” he greeted. “I literally just got here.”


  “You look very pretty tonight. You cleaned up good, kid.”

  “Thanks, Adam. I appreciate it.” Is that a sexy thing to say? Maybe not.

  They walked in together. The hostess greeted Adam with a familiar smile and welcoming words. She seated the two in a private booth near the back, the “VIP booth.” Isadora felt very much like a courted female, and she very much enjoyed it.

  “You must have an in here,” she said as they sat down and were immediately brought the signature drink of the bar, a Dark and Stormy.

  He laughed, “I do. I’m pretty close with the owner.”

  “Awesome. I hope we get the VIP treatment then.”

  “Yeah, Penny the hostess loves to say it’s VIP. We should get to business though.”

  She sipped her drink, “Special date business?”

  “Date business?”

  “Yeah. Aren’t we on…”

  “You’re funny, Dora. You know Victor and I are together.”

  “Victor is your roommate.”

  “I guess technically he is. But now he’s my fiancé. I wanted to ask you if you’d be in the wedding party.”

  Her heart dropped to her feet, into the fathoms of her toes. “Your wedding party?”

  “Yeah. You’re one of my favorite people, Dora.”

  Oh. My. God.

  Just then, Victor, a blonde man with impossible cheekbones, walked up with a grin, “Dora! How nice to see you. Has Adam asked you about the wedding yet?”

  “I did. I think she’s a little stunned,” Adam laughed.

  Isadora waved for another drink as Victor sat down. The couple started to describe their wedding: the winery, the color scheme, the party favors… every other torturous thing. She sank further and further into the booth cushion. She hoped she could be sucked into it and disappear into oblivion. Once Adam and Victor started flirting with each other instead of explaining their celebration of love, she escaped in a hurry.

  She thought of riding home, but worried her father would judge her for getting home so early. Instead, she walked to her favorite bar and ordered a whiskey neat - she needed more alcohol for such a terrible night.

  “Start the day with a tragedy, end with a tragedy,” she said to herself, gulping her drink as she sat alone on the bar patio.

  “Hey stranger, where’s your date?” Doran’s voice greeted her.

  She looked up into his smiling face, feeling somehow comforted by a familiar person, “He’s getting married to his boyfriend.”

  “Sounds like a good date. Can I get you a drink?”

  “Please do.”

  He touched her hand, then went back into the bar. She gulped the rest of her drink and let the warmth fill the misery she felt. How could she have been so blind? She had no idea Adam and Victor were together - she honestly thought they were just close roommates. Maybe she just hadn’t listened enough, like always.

  “I got us a couple shots and asked the bartender to make up his best bad date cocktail,” Doran said as he set down the drinks. “It might be disgusting.”

  “Thanks, Doran,” she raised the shot, he clicked glasses, and they drank. She chased it with the “Bad Date Cocktail,” which wasn’t so bad. “How did you find me?”

  “Your dad asked me to keep an eye on you. I saw your bike at that hipster place, didn’t see you there, so I went to the next nearest bar. It seems to be this one.”

  “Good guess, Sherlock.”

  “I expected you to be here with someone, so I’m pleasantly surprised.”

  “I’m glad you relish in my misery.”

  “I admit, I did get a little jealous when I heard you were on a date. I couldn’t help it.”

  “I’m sure you could get a date if you wanted to.” She squeezed his cheeks like a grandmother with her grandchild. “You’re so cute.”

  “Women do like a man in uniform,” he grinned, rubbing his cheeks.

  “You are legitimately handsome, Doran. I think you’ll be fine,” she said, leaning back in her seat and sipping her drink. “Me, on the other hand, I’m destined to be in love with gay men and die alone.” Though, she thought frankly, that wouldn’t be so bad.

  “Yeah right. You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”

  “Shut up. You’re just saying that because you’re my not-brother.”

  “I don’t know what that means, but I’m not just saying that because your dad married my mom. You’re gorgeous.”

  “Thanks. That makes me feel a little better. I think also the shot is catching up to me.”

  “I aim to please. Want to play some cards?”

  “Only if it comes with another drink.”


  They played Slapjack together, slapping the Jacks anytime they saw one. A couple times, they slapped down at the same time, touching hands for an awkward, but strangely erotic moment. She liked the change in him since he’d returned. He seemed more compassionate and loving than before, perhaps even nicer (though she’d mostly been fighting with him since he got back.)

  “Maybe we should head home. I have to work tomorrow,” she said.

  “That sounds like a good idea,” he answered. “Your dad was worried about you going out anyway.”

  “Why is he so worried?”

  “I guess he’s worried because of what happened with the Rosellis.”

  “Just because our last names are similar doesn’t mean something’s going to happen to us. He thinks if something happens to one Italian family, it’s going to happen to every Italian family.”

  “Maybe he has some unfinished business with them or something.”

  “Do you think they were involved with,” she whispered, “the mob?”

  He laughed, “Do you think that?”

  “I heard some stories. Does that mean my dad…”

  “I wouldn’t worry about it, Izzy. As you said, just because something happened to them doesn’t mean anything will happen to you. Plus, I’d never let anything happen to you or my mom.”

  “But you’d let something happen to my dad?”

  He gave a sideways, cocky grin. “I didn’t say that.”

  “I think the point is that you didn’t say it.”

  “Let’s not get into an argument when we had so much fun. Let’s go.”

  She rolled her eyes, but stood to lead the way out. At that moment, she hated the thought of something happening to her father, and Doran letting
it happen. Then again, she never completely connected with her father - he worked a lot, and sometimes she resented him for not grieving more for her mother. Isadora could never replace her mom, but it seemed he could.

  “I rode my bike here,” she said. “Did you drive?”

  “No, I rode my bike too,” he replied. “We can have a nice night-time ride.”

  She laughed, “Maybe we should just walk the bikes. Or leave them here.”

  “Where’s your sense of adventure, Izzy?”

  She conceded, though she wasn’t happy about it, and they indeed did have a pleasant night-time ride. He made jokes to make her laugh, while also guiding them home safely. At one point, they stopped at an intersection, and he put his arm out protectively so she didn’t ride into the street as a car passed.

  “You’re my knight in shining armor,” she grinned.

  “I’m your Navy SEAL in a white t-shirt,” he grinned in return.

  They rode slowly, finally making their way home. Something about how the soft moonlight touched the asphalt made the night feel magical to her. She looked over to him, marveling at the way the night light illuminated his face. He caught her looking and smiled, his eyes shining and infinite like the stars.

  They pulled their bikes into the back yard quietly. He banged his knee against a potted plant and almost yelped out in pain, but she covered his mouth with her hand.

  “Shh,” she whispered. “Dad is a light sleeper.”

  She felt his lips form into a smile against her palm. He wrapped his arms around her to bring her closer. Her heart beat swiftly inside her chest, like a bird fluttering inside her ribcage. He pulled her hand from his lips tenderly, kissing it before gazing into her eyes. His blue eyes mesmerized her as he leaned in. Her whole body trembled as he came toward her, as if in slow motion. Finally, he kissed her softly, his lips soft and warm against hers.

  He repositioned his head and flicked his tongue against her lips. She kissed him back, opening her mouth to take his tongue in. Though the night had been slightly chilly, they both felt warmer as they kissed with the crickets humming a chorus for them. A noise came from inside, startling them apart.

  “I think it was the cat,” she whispered, chuckling.

  “That cat adores you,” he responded. “I think…” he looked up at her shyly, “I think I adore you too.”

  She couldn’t help but smile, “Let’s not do that, hmm?”

  “I’ll try not to be romantic.”

  He leaned in to kiss her again, but she pulled away. “We should go in before Tess gets antsy.”

  He nodded. She grabbed his hand as she walked quietly into the house. The cat meowed softly at her feet. She leaned down to give a few soft pets as she took off her shoes. He raised an eyebrow, but she only held her finger over her lips in a “shh” gesture. He smiled and took off his own shoes, continuing to follow her up the stairs. She turned to wish him goodnight at her door, but he kissed her again with intense passion. They turned the doorknob and stepped into the room together, not unlocking their lips.

  They fell on top of the bed, undressing as they kept kissing.

  “You looked beautiful tonight,” he panted between kisses.

  “I always look beautiful,” she answered with a smirk.

  “And you’re so humble,” he smirked back before kissing down her neck.

  She smiled, her skin electric from his touch. His lips carved a trail down the length of her body, making her softly moan. She felt hypersensitive, every kiss making a ripple effect of tingling pleasure through her limbs.

  “I have dreamt since I first met you of making love to you,” he whispered, looking into her eyes again and cradling her head in his hands.

  “We were just kids when we met,” she responded, lost in the blue of his irises. Even in the dark, his eyes shined.

  “I was sixteen, and you were fifteen. We weren’t too young.”

  “I felt so awkward then.”

  “You were smart and funny and so beautiful. You had this softness that I could see would grow into an even more beautiful woman. Loving you was an investment.”

  She didn’t know what to say. She hadn’t felt that way about him, that as for sure. She thought he was the worst. But looking into his eyes, she wondered if she had misjudged him all that time. Perhaps he had a sweetness she couldn’t recognize.

  “I thought about you a lot when I was away. I…”

  She put her finger over his lips again to shush him, “Let’s not talk. Let’s enjoy each other.”

  She kissed him before he could protest. Her legs opened to let him slide in between. His hands trembled as he kissed her back more passionately. She arched into him as he entered her, their bodies fitting like perfect puzzle pieces. She felt completely alive, her blood dancing in her veins and every sense heightened.

  Maybe it felt so good because they tasted each other’s forbidden fruit; still, she felt completely in-tune with him, the rhythm of their bodies in-sync. Time seemed to stand still as they moved together until they climaxed together. This time, he put his hand over her mouth to keep her pleasured moan from waking anyone. They took a moment, lying together and catching their breaths. He then rolled over and held her close, his heart still beating fiercely against her back.

  “That was great,” she whispered. “You can get the hell out now.”

  He laughed softly, “You’ll have to pry me away.”

  They fell asleep, his arms wrapped around her to protect her against the darkness.

  Chapter 4

  “Meow,” Tess rubbed her face against Isadora’s. “Meow meow.”

  “Go away,” she replied, swatting the cat lightly. “Get away, Sorrow, the Unloved.”

  “What? Sorrow the what?” a male voice asked.

  “It’s from Tess of D’Urbervilles. I like to call Tessy ‘Tess of D’Upurrvilles,” Isadora said sleepily before opening her eyes fully and shooting up. “Oh my God, that wasn’t a dream.” She searched around her bed for her phone. “Shit, what time is it?”

  “I don’t know,” Doran answered, reaching out for her. “Lay back down. Call in sick today.”

  “I feel like death, but I really need to go in.” She pushed him away. “Stop pawing at me.”

  “I do treasure our time together. You’re so lovely.”

  “Not now, Doran. Where is my phone?” Knock, knock. Isadora’s eyes shot to the door as she softly cursed. “You have to hide.”


  “Because they consider us brother and sister, and it might not go over well.”

  He rolled his eyes and sank under the blanket, moving between her legs to (she supposed) seem more inconspicuous.

  “Hey honey,” her father opened the door. “I was a little worried because usually you’re up for work already.”

  “Yeah, I had a…” Doran started kissing up her thighs, “uh… long night. I think I forgot to set my alarm.”

  “Yeah, your phone is downstairs. It rang a few times, so I figured you didn’t have it.”

  “I’m glad it’s been found. I was um…” he started to kiss in a more naughty area, “worried um… about it.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Fine, fine. Really… good. Fine.”

  “Okay,” Mario raised an eyebrow. “Do you happen to know if Doran got home? He’s not in his room.”

  “Yes, hedi…. Oh my God,” she grasped the sheets, then steadied herself. “Sorry, I’m really not feeling well. I think he said he was going to go for a jog in the morning, so he’ll probably be back.”

  “Oh, okay. Do you want me to bring your phone up.”

  “No, I’ll be back soon. Can you make me some coffee though?”

  “Sure, sweetheart. I hope you feel better.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  He closed the door. She waited until she heard his heavy footsteps descend the stairs before opening up the blankets.

  “Good morning, gorgeous,” he grinned.

  “You’re p
retty bold, handsome.”

  “I try to live on the wild side.”

  He slid up and kissed her. She gave in for a moment, but quickly regained her senses and pulled away. She kissed his forehead to be nice, then stood to get ready quickly. He watched her, unmoving on the bed. The cat came to lay near him with a soft meow.

  “You’re somehow going to have to act like you were outside jogging,” she said, putting her hair in a ponytail. “Do you want me to go into your room and get jogging clothes?”

  “I think I’ll be fine. So, are we going to pretend last night never happened?”

  She shrugged, “I guess so. It was fun though.”

  He nodded, but didn’t speak.

  “All right, I’m going to go to work. I’ll see you when I get home.”

  He nodded again, saying nothing. She nodded too, then rushed downstairs. She grabbed the coffee Mario made (as well as her phone) and hurried to work. She called Georgia and Fiona, who’d both called (though she was only about fifteen minutes late) to tell them she’d overslept. All she knew was that she didn’t even want to think about what happened the night before. She just wanted to get to work, throw herself into any task she had, and not discuss Doran with anyone.

  She somehow avoided both talking about Doran and talking to Adam, keeping focused on her work. Fiona stayed quiet too, staring deeply at her computer and leaving every so often to make calls. Isadora wanted to turn around and tell her all the juicy details, but she couldn’t find the words.

  “Did you talk to Doran’s mom?” Fiona asked toward the end of the day.

  “Why would I have talked to Doran or his mom?” Isadora replied defensively.

  “For one, you live with them; for two, I wanted to know about his dad.”

  “Oh. No.”

  “You’re being weird.”

  “I’m not.”

  Fiona raised an eyebrow, but changed the subject. “I was looking at Doran’s Navy SEAL records, and it said he would go AWOL often. He’d eventually come back with the mission done, but sometimes they didn’t know where he was.”

  “What was he doing?”

  “I think that’s the point. They don’t know what he was doing. His file does allude to him being an adept killer though.”


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