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The Forbidden Princess

Page 11

by Day Leclaire

  Good morning, wife, he greeted her with a slow smile. Welcome to our first day of married life.

  Unable to resist, he lowered his head and kissed her again. Cupping the nape of her neck, he nudged her into a deeper embrace. Her arms encircled him and after a long moment, she pulled back just long enough to look at him. He thought she was going to speak, but instead she slid her fingers into his hair and tugged his head back down to hers. He didnt need any further encouragement. He gave in to her, gave everything. Not that he had any choice. Half measures werent part of his nature. But he was honor bound, bound to obligations he could no longer postpone.

  He swept unruly curls from her face. Its time for me to leave.

  Leave? The hint of sleepy passion ebbed from her voice. Where are we going?

  To Avernos.


  He didnt know whether to laugh or groan at her look of utter bewilderment. He wished he could take credit for her having forgotten, that he could believe shed been so enthralled by their lovemaking that it had driven every other thought from her head. But he knew the more likely cause was exhaustion. He hated to remind her, to put their relationship back onto a business footing, especially after the night of passion theyd shared.

  Your mother, remember? When she continued to stare blankly, he added, Our bargain?

  OurOh, good Lord! A deep blush blossomed across her cheekbones and she shot him a chagrined look. One kiss and you drive every intelligent thought out of my head, she admitted.

  Her embarrassed honesty had him fighting back a grin of sheer masculine delight. She had forgotten and it hadnt been due to exhaustion. At least he could take comfort in that much when he left. Ive made arrangements for you to stay with some of my men. Theyll protect you while Im gone.

  It took a second for his words to sink in. The minute they did, she bolted upright in the bed. The sheet dropped to her waist, and she snatched it up again, tucking it beneath her arms.

  Youre leaving without me? No way. Im coming, too.

  He shook his head before shed even gotten the words out. Too risky. Itll be faster and easier for me to slip in, grab your mother and slip out again on my own.

  She wont go with you unless Im there, Alyssa argued. Youll need me to convince her.

  How should he phrase this? Ill convince her the same way I convinced you.

  He should have chosen a more diplomatic way of wording his explanation, perhaps something in the nature of a flat-out lie. Rage lit her eyes. Youre going to abduct my mother? she demanded in disbelief. Youre going to terrorize her the way you did me? Thats just great. Brilliant plan, Prince Charming.

  He gritted his teeth. I may not have any other choice.

  You cant do that. Shes not like me. She doesnt get angry in scary situations. Shell be terrified.

  Only until I get her clear of the area. Didnt she understand? Hed been trained for this, damn it! He knew what he was doing. Ill explain everything to her then.

  Please, Merrick. Dont do this. Theres only one of you. Youre one man against all of Prince Brandts forces. Against a royally ticked off Tolken, in case youve forgotten. And youll be abducting a struggling uncooperative woman who will be crying and screaming the entire way. Somehow I dont think thats going to work. Unless, of course, you plan on holding a knife to her throat. Her eyes widened in sudden alarm. Oh my God. Is that your plan? To use a knife on my mother?

  Hell. Didnt she know him better than that by now? Of course it isnt. If itll help satisfy you, Ill arrange to bring a few men with me. But I still cant risk taking you.

  Cant risk? And just what am I supposed to do when youre captured? she protested. Spend the rest of my life hiding out with your men?

  Morning had fully broken and brilliant light flooded through the window, washing over her. It struck her jeweled wedding band and splintered, shooting miniature rainbows of color in every direction. A conflicting combination of pleasure and sorrow surged through him. The ring looked right on her finger, as though it belonged. It was a declaration, a promise, a pledge for the future. His jaw firmed. A future theyd see together, no matter what it took.

  She stood, struggling to wrap herself in the length of soft Egyptian cotton sheet. It only makes sense to bring me with you, she argued as she worked the knot.

  Merrick snagged a pair of jeans from his overnight bag. Maybe to you. Not to me.

  But were married. She thrust a tumble of curls from her eyes. Theres nothing Prince Brandt can do anymore. Youve stopped him.

  You dont know the man. Theres plenty von Folke canand willdo.

  She folded her arms across her chest and the knotted sheet slipped a tantalizing inch. Then he can and he will, whether Im with you or not.

  I cant risk that. I cant risk you, he corrected.

  Right back at you, husband.

  Husband. Shed called him husband. He approached and grasped the ends of the loosened sheet. With quick, economical movements he retied it. Lyssa. Princess. He smiled. Wife. You have to trust me.

  I do. Its just

  No, not just. No debate. He cupped her face, forcing her to look at him. Yes or no. Do you trust me?

  Her mouth quivered. You have no idea what youre asking.

  I know precisely what Im asking. And you havent answered my question. He feathered a kiss across her mouth. Listen to your heart. What does it tell you?

  The answer he wanted hovered on her lips and glowed in the sudden softening of her eyes. The events of the life shed shared with her mother had forced her to erect self-protective barriers, to regard others with deep suspicion. To distrust. But now those barriers trembled, their foundation shifting and he knew that he was close to breaching them.


  His cell phone rang before Alyssa could say anything further. He was tempted to let it ring, to force her to answer his question. But only a limited number of people knew where they were. And theyd been told to contact him only in case of an emergency. He crossed the room and snatched up the receiver. Montgomery.

  Theyve found you, his man informed him, a hint of urgency underscoring his words. Von Folkes man, Tolken. Hes on his way to the safe house. Please, Your Highness, you must leave immediately.

  What? Whats happened? Alyssa demanded the instant he cut the connection.

  Tolken. Hes on his way here. Merrick grabbed the overnight bag and dumped the contents onto the bed. Get dressed. Fast.

  She didnt waste time talking. Ripping off the sheet, she started throwing on clothes. In less than a minute she was ready to go. Merrick spared precious extra seconds rolling up her wedding gown and stuffing it into the bag.

  What are you doing? she asked. We have to hurry.

  Were not leaving your wedding dress.


  He spared her a brief look. Dont get misty-eyed on me. I dont want to leave any evidence behind of our marriage. No point in giving them an edge. At her stricken look, he added. Okay, so maybe theres a little bit of sentiment involved. Grab your veil and head for the car. I need to clean out the study.

  In under five minutes they were on the road and racing away from Glynith. He deliberately headed north toward Avernos, hoping Tolken would expect them to travel south to Verdon since it was Montgomery-controlled.

  What now? Alyssa asked.

  Ill arrange to rendezvous with one of my men and pick up the equipment Ill need to rescue your mother. Hell take you with him to another safe house. With a bit of luck your mother and I will join you there within twenty-four hours.

  Let me come with you. She spoke urgently and he suspected tears werent far off. I can help.

  No, you cant.

  A quick glance confirmed the tearstears she seemed determined to keep from falling. Were married now, Merrick. If we approach Prince Brandt with that fact, maybe hell let us take Mom home without any hassle.

  I have no intention of approaching von Folke, let alone confronting him about our marriage. If I had my way we wouldnt come within a hundred miles of the man. He
shot her a concerned look. Id keep you a solid thousand miles away, if I could.

  She managed a smile, though he could tell it took an effort. She fell silent after that and two hours later they reached the rendezvous spot. To his frustration, his man wasnt there. Nor did he answer his cell phone or show up in the three hours they sat and waited. Finally, Merrick started the engine.

  Change of plan, Princess.

  Im coming with you?

  Youre coming with me.

  What about the supplies you need?

  I know a place I can get them. But this worries me.

  They crossed the border between Celestia and Avernos in the early hours of the morning. Merrick parked near the location of Alyssas abduction. Once he had the car secured, he reached into the back for the equipment hed purchased. His wife stood patiently by while he helped her strap on a pair of night vision goggles and instructed her on their operation. Then he led the way through the woods toward the chapel.

  On the edge of the woods, he caught Alyssas arm and drew her to a stop. I doubt theres anyone around at this hour. But we dont want to take any chances. So, no talking once we leave the woods. Were going in low and careful. I take point. You follow. Agreed? At her nod, he continued. Theres an underground passageway near the chapel that leads to an interior courtyard. Are you familiar with it?

  Yes. The private rooms of the palace surround it. Theyre keeping my mother in one of the courtyard bedrooms.

  Do you know which one?

  She frowned. I might be able to figure it out once were there, assuming they havent moved her. They kept us separated most of the time. I only had the opportunity to see her once. Considering how upset we both were She trailed off and bit her lip.

  He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into a swift embrace. Dont worry. Well find her. Of course, then theyd have to get away again, backtrack to the car and drive like maniacs for the border. All in a days work. Okay, lets go. Once we get to the palace courtyard Ill need you to show me which room is hers.

  The first part went more smoothly than he could have hoped. The chapel appeared deserted and they found the door to the passageway without any problem. It was locked, of course, but he didnt detect any sort of alarm system, cameras or motion detectors, which surprised him. The lock proved a minor obstacle. He had it picked and open in less than a minute. The next phase of the operation promised to be trickier.

  They emerged on the palace side and he signaled Alyssa to wait while he checked the exit. He still couldnt find any sign of an alarm system and that bothered him more than he cared to admit. Every instinct he possessed warned that their incursion had been too easy. That it was a trap. More than anything, he wanted to turn around and get Alyssa the hell out of here. But he knew, without a single doubt, that the only way shed leave without her mother was the same way hed removed her last timeby physical force.

  The landscaping of the courtyard offered plenty of cover. Trees and shrubs abounded. He made a swift reconnaissance of the area, familiarizing himself with the layout. There were two doors that accessed the building and here he finally found an alarm system. He examined it carefully and it only added to his growing suspicion.

  Hell. He couldnt see Tolken using something this basic. Not when a pair of wire clippers and a remote device could disarm it. Theyd both been trained better than that. He returned to the passageway.

  Whats wrong? she whispered the minute he crouched beside her.

  Its a trap.

  Where? How?

  The alarm system is too dated. I can punch through it in no time.

  But thats good.

  He sighed. They know were coming and theyre waiting for us. We should leave.

  Not without my mother. And then she played the one card he couldnt trump. You promised. You gave me your word.

  I did. And Ill keep it. But I want you out of harms way.

  Her mouth tightened. You mean, you want me to return to the car.

  And leave if Im not back within thirty minutes.

  She shook her head. Good try, but Im staying.


  Were wasting time, Merrick. Lets get in there, grab my mom and get the hell out before were discovered.

  He could feel her anxiety, sense how close to the edge shed slipped. If they had any hope of succeeding, they needed to act. Now. Catching her hand in his, he lifted it and kissed her ring. It sparkled in the subdued light, a rainbow flash of joy that mirrored his memories of their wedding night. It helped center him, filling him with determination.

  Okay, Princess. Listen up. Once were in the courtyard, Im going to give you a moment to get your bearings. There are two doors. One will be to your left, the other directly in front of you. See if you can remember which is closest to the room where they were keeping your mother. Ready?

  At her nod, they exited the passageway and slipped into the deep shadow of an ornamental cherry tree that overhung a koi pond. She scanned the area and then pointed toward the door to their left. As promised, he disabled the alarm in minutes. He went through the door first, ready for anything.

  The corridor was empty. Not good. It only heightened his sense of dread. This wasnt going to end well. He knew it with a gut-deep certainty. The worst part was putting Alyssa at risk, which was why hed deliberately left his weapon behind. At the first sign of trouble, he intended to surrender. In the meantime, hed let it play out and hope he could negotiate a reasonable resolution if the situation went sour.

  She tugged at his arm and pointed to a room farther down the corridor. He nodded in acknowledgement. Keeping her behind him, he approached the door shed indicated. Ever so carefully he turned the knob. It held firm. Precious seconds were eaten up as he picked the lock. The deadbolt snicked home and he eased the door open. The room lay in total darkness and yet with his night vision goggles he could see a woman standing rigid in the middle of the room. The only thing she lacked was a sign hung around her neck that read, cheese.

  Before he could stop her, Alyssa brushed past him and darted toward the woman. Mom!

  He swore. Instantly, the lights flashed on, blinding him. He tore off his goggles, not that it helped. His vision was gone and all he could do was brace himself for the inevitable. They took him down. Hard. Theyd left nothing to chance this time. There were a full dozen men who moved with a fluid coordination that warned that their attack had been expertly planned and executed. He didnt fight them. There was no point. They finally dragged him to his feet, not too bruised, his hands cuffed behind him.

  Tolken stood beside the two women, both of whom were weeping as they embraced. This was the second most foolish thing youve ever done, Your Highness, he commented.

  And the first? As if he didnt know.

  Abducting Princess Alyssa, of course.

  Merrick would miss their friendship, could hear the finality of its passing in Tolks voice. Id have to disagree with you there. He attempted a smile, then winced as it tugged at his newly split lip. That may have been the smartest thing Ive ever done.

  You will change your mind after Prince Brandt is through with you.

  Merricks smile faded. Or hell change his when Im done with him.

  Tolken escorted Merrick and the two women through the palace. They ended up in a large, richly appointed office. Von Folke sat behind his desk, nursing a drink. He stood as they filed into the room, studying each of them in turn. His attention settled on Alyssa.

  Are you all right, my dear? Montgomery didnt harm you?

  His undisguised warmth surprised her, as did the tenderness underscoring his words. What in the world was going on? Im fine, thank you, she replied cautiously.

  His gaze shifted to Merrick and all warmth and tenderness vanished. Raw fury gleamed in the inky darkness of his eyes, fury he barely held in check. You stole my wife, you son of a bitch.

  Alyssa shuddered. Shed heard a similar tone used only once before. Ironically, it had come from Merrick when Tolken and his men had burst into their bedroom that first m
orning at the cottage and one of the guards had dared to put his hands on her.

  I stole your bride, Merrick corrected. Theres a difference.

  Brandt lunged before his men could stop him. He grabbed Merrick by the throat and slammed his back against the wall. She isnt just my bride, you bastard. Shes my wife. You dare deny it?

  Your wife? Hell, yes, I deny it. To Alyssas relief, Merrick didnt fight back. She suspected if he had, Prince Brandt would have taken him apart, piece by precious piece. What are you talking about?

  You snuck into my home in the middle of the night and you took her from me. She was with you when my men found her. In your bed. A primal rage exuded from von Folke. You may have taken advantage of her since our wedding night but that doesnt change the fact that shes my wife. You put your hands on my woman. And I will see that you burn in hell for that.

  Merricks eyes narrowed. Yes, I abducted her, but not in the middle of the night. He spoke slow and clear, a hint of cold arrogance bleeding into his words. And FYIShes not your wife.

  Brandts hand fisted and for a split second Alyssa was certain he intended to use it to pound Merricks face. Gathering himself, he released Merrick and took a step back, the breath heaving in and out of his lungs. His fight for control was impressive to watch. Bit by bit he regained command of himself, banking the fierce anger that held him in its grip in order to consider the situation logically.

  Ive never before known you to flat-out lie, Merrick, he said after several endless minutes had passed. In consideration of our former association and out of respect for the faithfulness with which you have served our country, Ill give you a single opportunity to justify your actions. After that, I promise you, life will become very painful.

  In response, Merrick pulled himself up into a military stance, wincing as he did so. First, you didnt marry Alyssa Sutherland. I cant be any clearer than that. As for justifying my actions, you know damn well why I took her from you. His voice held undisguised condemnation. The people of Verdonia deserve a fair election, not one orchestrated by you. I was honor bound to stop you, and I did. End of story.


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