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Dance for Three

Page 1

by Brown, Berengaria

  Published by Evernight Publishing at Smashwords

  Copyright© 2013 Berengaria Brown

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-428-3

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Melissa Hosack


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Romance on the Go

  Berengaria Brown

  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  Oh God, I’m stupid. So fucking stupid. Why did I come here? Jeez. I should know by now I never get this stuff right. Never.

  Talitha mentally shook her head at herself and wondered how soon she could sneak out. Along the right wall stood a row of men. Mostly younger than she. Mostly wearing shirts and neckties. Along the left wall were twice as many women. All definitely younger than she. All weighing at least fifteen pounds less than she. All wearing slinky dresses with spaghetti straps and plunging necklines. And strappy sandals.

  Talitha’s heart pounded beneath her navy blue t-shirt. Sweat rolled down her back and caught under the waistband of her denim skirt. She looked down at her sensible, low-heeled navy pumps and sighed. Yep. Once again her ex had been proven right. She was a one-hundred-percent social idiot.

  Just then the music started and the man at the microphone said, “Right, now, guys and gals, line up and we’ll begin with The Nutbush. Don’t worry if you’ve never danced this one before. It has just two basic steps that anyone can follow. ”

  As people started moving onto the floor and the line dancing instructor started talking about a four-wall-dance and explaining the steps, Talitha moved toward the “girls” wall and scanned the room for exits. Obviously there would be one to the restrooms at the very least.

  Ahh, there it is.

  Talitha moved behind a gaggle of giggling young women who looked barely old enough to drive and hurried around a corner into the passageway to the restrooms. And stopped.

  Halfway along the passage stood an incredibly delicious-looking man. He was tall, at least six feet, with dark brown hair curling just a tiny bit on his collar.

  Talitha’s breath caught as she looked at muscular arms in a short-sleeved shirt, arms that were wrapped around another equally tall, masculine figure. The one with his back to her had golden-brown hair cut short and very broad shoulders tapering in to a narrow waist and tight ass.

  Surreptitiously, Talitha wiped her hand across her mouth to check that she wasn’t drooling.

  Oh. My. God. What delectable hunks. And just my luck they’re gay. Not that they would ever look at me anyway she reminded herself, thinking of all the thinner, younger, prettier females in the big room.

  “Jared, honey, the dancing has started. We’ve gotta get out there and learn this stuff. We promised your cousin we wouldn’t disgrace her at her wedding. ”

  “But Nathan. We only have two weeks. That’s like two or maybe four lessons max. We’re never gonna solve my two-left-feet problem that easily. This whole thing is a total waste of time. Let’s forget about learning to dance and hire some crutches instead. If I’m on crutches even Hannah can’t expect me to dance with her. ”

  “Uh-huh. Honey, basic line dancing is easy. Anyone can do it. And you don’t need a partner. You don’t have to worry about stepping on anyone’s feet like that ballroom stuff. All we have to do is watch the people in front of us. Come on. ” He gently rubbed his hands up and down the other man’s arms.

  Talitha watched as the two yummy men lifted their eyes from each other, turned, and saw her standing in the hallway. Her face flamed a bright red, her neck heated, and once more sweat trickled down her spine, this time with embarrassment.

  Oh God, this is definitely the worst night of my life, she thought miserably, wishing for a potted palm to hide behind, the floor to swallow her up, an earthquake—anything.

  The one with the lighter hair—Jared?—looked at her with kind, hazel eyes and smiled. “Hey. Are you okay? I didn’t see you before. ”

  “I…um…” She hesitated, embarrassed.

  “Come with us,” Nathan said. “We’ll join in the back row and conquer this Nutbush thing. Or are you a line dancing expert?”

  “No. This is my first time here. ”

  * * * *

  By the end of the evening Talitha could not only do the Nutbush, she had mastered the Macarena and the Chicken Dance as well. All very basic but at least she had remembered the steps and not fallen flat on her face.

  Jared obviously felt the same sense of achievement. “You know,” he said as they walked to the parking lot together, “that’s the very first time I’ve managed to dance for more than five minutes without stomping on a girl’s foot. ”

  “Yeah. It was usually me stepping on someone’s foot,” Talitha replied. “My ex would never dance with me because—”Abruptly she stopped.

  Because you’re a fat cow with no social skills.

  Her ex’s voice finished her thought for her in her head.

  Heat flamed across her face again and she reached into the pocket of her skirt for her car keys. “Nice meeting you. Bye,” she said and hurriedly turned to go.

  “Wait. ” Nathan’s strong hand reached out to touch her arm. “It’s not late. Are you thirsty? How about joining us for coffee? There is a nice little coffee bar at the end of the block. We’d like to get to know you better. We’ve enjoyed your company this evening. Right, Jared?”

  “Yeah, it’s been fun. Let’s not call it a night yet,” Jared said, smiling into her eyes.

  God, he’s handsome. They both are. I sure would like to spend the night with them. Wait! Spend the night with two guys? Am I out of my mind?

  Talitha dragged her thoughts back to the conversation. “Coffee would be good. I am thirsty. Thanks. Let’s do that. ”

  They walked to the coffee bar, Jared on one side of her and Nathan on the other. It was nothing special—a dozen tables, half of them full, a variety of coffees and some snacks. But the staff was friendly, the atmosphere great, and she could see other women wishing they were her. That was a first. Always she’d been the odd one out. The socially inept one. The one on the sidelines. Tonight she was talking and laughing with two hunkalicious men she’d just met. And she was having fun. They were all having fun.

  Her eyes ran over Nathan. His muscles rippled under that white shirt. His thigh touched hers and it was firmly muscled, too. Her panties dampened and her breath caught.

  Oh my God, he’s sex-on-a-stick. Besides being nice. Genuinely nice.

  But so was Jared. He was so kind, so caring. And that ass. Every time the dance steps had her facing his ass she could hardly keep from touching it. Taut muscles, yet rounded. Delicious.

  What am I thinking? These guys are gay. They’re partners. Yeah sure they’re caring people, interesting and fun to be with, but they belong to each other.

  Once again, she carefully ran her finger over the corners of her mouth to check she wasn’t drooling. She caught a glance between the men. Nathan seemed to be asking Jared a question. Jared definitely nodded.

  See, she chided herself. They have their own private language. They don’t even need words they’re so attuned to each other’s needs.

  The guys leaned across the tiny table and each took one of her hands.

  “Talitha, we like you,” s
aid Jared.

  “Tonight has been great,” added Nathan.

  “We want you to come to our house for the rest of the evening. ”

  “Please? We won’t do anything you don’t want to do. ”

  “But whatever happens will be good. We guarantee that. ”

  Talitha looked from Jared to Nathan and back to Jared. They were serious. They were asking her—her!—to go to their house? To go to bed with them? Both of them?

  “Um. I’m not very good at… And I’ve never… Well, not with two guys… Um…” She knew her face was fiery red again.

  God, how many times have I blushed in front of these two men? They’re going to think I’m a virginal fool!

  The men gently lifted her to her feet.

  “We won’t do anything you don’t want to do,” Nathan reiterated.

  “And we can promise anything we do, you’ll enjoy very much. ” Jared smiled.

  Talitha nodded. How could a girl refuse an offer like that?

  * * * *

  Nathan had scrawled their address on the back of a business card and even included a tiny map so she could find their house easily. Talitha programmed the details into her GPS and was just turning the key in the ignition when her ex’s voice thundered in her head.

  You stupid cow! You’re driving off after two strange men and no one knows where you will be? You deserve to be raped and murdered! Do you really think any man would want an overweight klutz like you?

  Her hand stopped midair.

  Yes, she’d turned thirty. Yes, she really should lose ten or fifteen pounds. And yes, her social skills weren’t wonderful. After all, that was why she was at the line dancing class in the first place. She didn’t need a partner to go line dancing and it was both a social skill and exercise all rolled into one package.

  Besides, while they’d been talking over coffee, they’d had an ‘It’s a small world’ moment. Nathan used to work for the same company she did. In fact, he’d left only a matter of weeks before she’d started there, and they knew quite a few of the same people. She was sure it wasn’t just an act. He’d asked after the workers, their significant others, and even Jason’s devil of a cat.

  But I’m not stupid. I’m good at my job. My boss is always saying so and he doesn’t believe in flattery.

  So use your brain, girl.

  Talitha got out of her car and went to the trunk. Grabbing her laptop, she fired it up and clicked on the email icon, then on the calendar function. She typed in the guys’ names and address in the space for that evening, emailed the updated calendar to herself at work, then logged out, thanking God for her Wi-Fi and whoever had unwittingly given her access to it from the parking lot.

  If I disappear, someone will come looking for me. And at least I will have had one night of hot sex before I die—well, at least I hope I will!

  Quickly packing away the laptop again, Talitha set off following the directions the guys had given her. Her mind wandered to a conversation she’d had with a workmate who’d slept with two men at the same time. Apparently, she’d had the hottest sex of her life and an orgasm so powerful she’d almost passed out.

  * * * *

  As Talitha drove up to the house she saw Nathan leaning against the garage door. He waved her up the driveway, pressing the remote so the door opened for her to drive straight in and park beside his big, black SUV. Or maybe it was Jared’s?

  I really don’t know very much about them at all.

  Then her breath hitched as Nathan leaned over, opened the car door and extended a hand to help her out. His dark brown eyes were sparkling and his straight, white teeth gleamed in his tanned face. And the look on his face—like he was about to eat her up.

  Talitha’s belly clenched and heat shot straight to her clit. Her moisture dampened her panties and suddenly she couldn’t breathe. Desire heated her.

  “Come,” Nathan said, drawing her out of the car with a gentle tug.

  Oh, I’m coming all right.

  Internally, she giggled at the double entendre.

  A side door from the garage led directly to the kitchen—a large room with modern appliances—but Nathan moved them straight through it and down a hallway to the spacious master bedroom.

  The lights there were dimmed and Jared was lighting a row of vanilla-scented candles. Orchestral music was playing softly in the background.

  “The best sex always involves all the senses,” Jared said. “Don’t you agree?”

  Talitha nodded, realizing she’d never really thought about it before.

  Nathan stepped up behind her, pressing himself along her back. She could feel the stiff ridge of his cock against her butt and the hard muscles of his chest on her back. His breath was hot against her neck. She shivered with delicious expectation.

  Jared took her hands in his, moving until he was almost, but not quite, touching her front. “Nathan and I have been together for over three years now, but from time to time we do enjoy sharing a special lady. We want you very much. The three of us had a good time together tonight and you turn us both on. Is this what you want, Talitha?”

  Talitha couldn’t think. Couldn’t breathe. She was so aroused by them she could scarcely speak. Her panties were saturated. Her heart was pounding. The two hottest hunks she’d ever seen in her whole life were offering her—her!—a night of no-holds-barred sex. “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, I want this. I want you both. ”

  “Thank God!” Nathan said, leaning his head against hers and kissing her gently on the ear. He moved slightly and sucked her earlobe into his mouth, running his tongue along the ridge and nipping it gently with his teeth.

  Talitha gasped and her knees wobbled.

  Oh God, that’s sexy.

  “After all that dancing I think we should start with a shower, don’t you?” asked Jared, running his hands up her arms.

  Uncertainty hit Talitha.

  What if I’m sweaty? When did I last shave under my arms? I just know I am going to mess this up!

  Gentle hands massaged her back. “Relax,” whispered Nathan soothingly. “You’ll enjoy this. We all will. ”

  As Talitha nodded and took a deep breath, Jared whipped off his shirt, toed off his shoes and unbuckled his belt. In seconds she was staring at his tautly muscled, lightly tanned chest and at a trail of golden brown hair leading down to an impressive bulge in his pants.

  Behind her Nathan’s hand had dropped to the hem of her boring, navy blue T-shirt. Slowly, he lifted it up and over her head, dropping kisses on her back as the skin was bared.

  With smooth teamwork, Jared took the shirt and dropped his mouth to her shoulder, sucking and kissing the soft skin there. He moved to the top of her breasts, licking and sucking as he went.

  Nathan’s clever fingers undid her sensible navy cotton bra and pushed the straps down her arms. He reached around her, fingers smoothing across her sides, her ribs until they covered her breasts. He continued to kiss and suck at her neck and shoulders as he tweaked her nipples and palmed her breasts.

  Jared unzipped her skirt and gently pushed it down over her hips. He caressed her skin as he pressed kisses across her abdomen. Then he licked and sucked her bellybutton as he slid her boring navy panties down and off.

  Talitha couldn’t think, couldn’t move. She could scarcely breathe. All she could do was experience, feel. Four hot hands on her skin. Two hot mouths on her, kissing, sucking, licking.

  A mouth on her clit. Sucking it. Teeth teasing it.

  Fingers pinched both nipples. Someone sucked hard on the tendons of her neck. Three fingers thrust deep in her cunt, pressing the walls. Teeth bit lightly on her clit.

  Talitha exploded in an orgasm, her whole body shaking with the power of it. Her knees wobbled and she sagged back against Nathan, who was still cupping her breasts in his palms, gently stroking her down from the peak.

  Jared continued licking and kissing her cunt, running his tongue into her slit to lap up her juices while holding her thighs steady. Finally he
stood and pulled her into his arms, rubbing his chest against her breasts, gently stroking her hair. Then he kissed her on the mouth, sharing the taste of her juices with her. She thrust her tongue into his mouth, suddenly wanting more of him, more of them both. He responded by sucking on her tongue, pulling it into his mouth sucking hard, then releasing it to run his tongue over her teeth, inside her cheeks.

  Talitha’s arms tightened around his back, her nails digging into his shoulders as she pressed into him, wanting more, more, more.

  Then Nathan was behind her again, naked now, running his hands down her legs, slipping her feet out of her sensible navy pumps. He slid between her legs and sucked her toes.

  A second orgasm started to coil in Talitha’s belly. No one had ever sucked her toes before. She had never even thought about toe sucking.

  God, that’s hot!

  Then the men were gently pulling back from her.

  “Come on, Talitha, let’s get cleaned up,” said Nathan.

  Talitha nodded, took a deep breath, and found her legs did work. She followed them into the ensuite bathroom and into a huge shower.

  She had a vague impression of more dim lights, more vanilla-scented candles, and hot, steamy water. Both men were naked now and leading her under the spray. Jared poured shampoo on her hair while Nathan rubbed liquid soap up and down her back, arms, and legs.

  Talitha had never felt so cherished, so loved, so special. Her skin tingled with their touch, yet burned for more. Water cascaded over her skin, warm and inviting. Suddenly she wanted to touch, to be involved. She picked up the liquid soap container and poured it into her hand then ran them up and down Jared’s back. He grinned and turned her so she could do the same for Nathan.


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