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Page 9

by K. D. Jones

  Maxim took a right cross. He sent an oblique kick at the Beastial. He tried for takedown, but the Beastial was expecting it. They clinched and held on to each other in the middle of the cage. Maxim could tell that the Beastial was on the verge of shifting his size when the bell rang to end the second round. The Beastial wouldn’t release him so he kept hold of his opponent. The referee, a mechanical arm with a camera attached, came over and broke them apart.

  “Are you okay?” Alona asked him as he came over to their corner.

  He checked with his IO chip. “All my vitals are fine, though my oxygen level is a little depleted.”

  She laughed. “That must be why your breathing is so heavy.”

  Maxim glared down at her, but he made an effort to calm his breathing. “When we do the next round, let me take the lead.”

  “You are not going to fight both of them by yourself. I’m your partner! You have to learn to accept that and deal with it. There has to be trust, Maxim.” She didn’t have time to say anything else. The next round was about to start and she needed to get her mind in fighting mode.

  The third round started out normally. They tag teamed for a bit. Maxim would fight the Beastial then the Beastial would tag his partner and Maxim would tag her. Then she would fight the Sorian. She was definitely out of breath after the third round and her ribs were sensitive.

  The fourth round was even more excruciating. She took a flying superman shot from the Sorian. She knew her visit with the healers would be a lot longer that night. She came too close to where the men were fighting and paid for it when the Beastial grabbed her ponytail and held her still so that the Sorian could land a left jab to her body.

  Maxim was furious with the Beastial and landed a few uppercuts and a strategic knee. Alona concentrated on letting the Sorian tire herself out. Her biggest concern was making sure not to get caught up in the middle of one of the Sorian’s wind tunnels. That was a dangerous position to be in because the wind tunnel could suck up her oxygen. She also needed to conserve as much of her energy as she could.

  By the end of the fourth round, all four opponents were limping back to their corners. The Beastial had already enlarged his body and she could see that he was losing his size little by little. Maxim was wearing him down. All they needed was to pin one of the opponents. It didn’t matter who, it just took pinning or knocking one of them out for the match to be over.

  Round five began and Alona was determined to keep the Sorian off balance. She really felt that it was up to her. Maxim and the Beastial were too closely matched in strength. If she wanted to end this match, she needed to take the Sorian down.

  The Sorian wasn’t going down without a fight. Unfortunately for her, she wasn’t as strong as Alona. They clinched in the center while the men were pressed against the fence. The Sorian tried to land an elbow to Alona’s face but she managed to block it. She returned with an uppercut and then landed a knee to the other female’s rib cage. Alona didn’t waste any time as she tossed the Sorian over her shoulder onto the mat. Quickly, Alona jumped on top of her, pinning her opponent’s arms with her knees. She punched with her right, then her left. A few more big blows and the Sorian finally went out.

  Alona waited for the referee to come in and count it down. Maxim kept the Beastial away from the action. Five . . . four . . . three . . . two . . . one, and the bell rang to officially signal the end of the match.


  Everything after the bell rang was a blur. She had gotten to her feet and walked towards Maxim. The Beastial was furious and tried to hit her, but Maxim was there, blocking him and knocking him out of the way. Security came and separated Maxim and the Beastial. Alona stood motionless but felt as if the room was spinning. She started to tilt to the side. She felt strong arms around her and then everything went dark.

  Some time later she opened her eyes to find herself lying on a bed in the healing facility. Maxim was sitting in a chair next to her with his eyes closed.

  “You should be in bed getting treated,” she croaked at him.

  Maxim looked up at her in surprise. “I didn’t know you were awake.”

  “Have you been treated yet?”

  He lifted his hand away from the outlet and showed it to her. “I am charging. I will be healed by morning. All my systems are functioning properly.”

  “Good. Because I have plans for all your systems later.”

  Maxim growled at her. “Don’t tease me Alona. I am not in the mood.”

  She sighed. “What have I done to deserve your bad mood?”

  “You took quite a few hits before you put the Sorian out. You should have let me take the Beastial down.”

  “You were too evenly matched, Maxim. I knew I had to be the one to take down my opponent. It’s what I do. You have to trust me as your partner. It’s a fifty-fifty relationship.”

  They stared into one another’s eyes. He knew that she was right. She wasn’t the kind of woman to give up everything she was for a man. Truth was, he didn’t want her to. He loved who she was. If he wanted to keep her in his life, he had to find a way to accept her choice to be a fighter.

  “Fine. But we will practice more so that you can take your opponents down faster and without as much damage to yourself.”

  She gave him a flirty smile. “Are you going to personally see to my training?”

  He stood up and moved closer so that he could lean down over her. He hovered his lips just an inch away from hers. “I’ll give you very private lessons as soon as you are released.”

  “I can’t wait,” she said breathlessly.

  He kissed her softly before sitting back down in his chair.

  “When can I leave?” Alona asked, now even more eager to be alone with him.

  “A few more hours. Then you are all mine.”

  “Looking forward to that.” She licked her lips, smiling when his eyes tracked the movement.

  “Get some rest. You’re going to need it.”

  “Yes sir.” She smiled as she closed her eyes. Images of them together filled her mind. She couldn’t wait.


  “Well? Is it working?”

  Nigel nodded his head. “Yes. Our ratings are up by over thirty percent and the seating capacity was 100 percent full.”

  “What are the reporters saying?”

  “They are raving about the new GCFA couple Maxim and Alona. ‘Beauty and the Borg’ they’re calling them. I’ve had thousands of social media requests for more pair matches with them.”

  “Very good. Send Alona flowers as a special thanks for her assistance in improving Maxim’s image.”

  Nigel’s assistant snorted. “I don’t think she wants thanks. It wasn’t a job for her. She really does love him.”

  “A true love story within the GCFA. How perfect! Capitalize on that, Nigel.”

  “Of course, sir.” Nigel nodded to the board members before taking his leave. His assistant followed him out.

  Chapter 13

  Alona woke up slowly, feeling a wonderful tingling throughout her whole body. But the slow fire was building down lower in her feminine heat. She lay still, feeling deft fingers spreading her pussy lips wider before she felt a tongue swipe at her juices.

  “Oh . . .” She arched herself close to the tongue that was torturing her with pleasure. A finger was inserted, followed by another. Maxim pumped in and out of her, curling his fingers so each stroke caressed her inner g-spot. Her breathing increased and every cell in her body felt like it was on fire.

  “Maxim, please . . .” She wanted him so much, but she couldn’t form the words at that moment to tell him. She was all about emotion and sensation; thinking was not a factor.

  “You taste delicious,” Maxim murmured as he stroked her hard and faster. He nibbled her inner thigh, biting down just hard enough to cause a reaction from her.

  She came hard, her body arcing up. She was still reeling in the after effects of the orgasm as Maxim worked his way up her body. She felt him worship
every inch of her, especially her breasts. He was definitely a breast man. He draped both her legs over his shoulders and hovered above her with his cock tip barely entering her.

  She looked up into his dark eyes and could not look away. He was beautiful, sexy, and at that moment a little dangerous in his need for her. She lifted herself up to try to bring him further inside of her.

  “Mine,” Maxim growled.

  “Yes, yours. And you are mine,” she agreed. Then the all words left her as Maxim drove deep inside of her.

  He didn’t go slow and gentle this time; he was staking his claim on her with hard and fast thrusts. Over and over he took her. With her legs wrapped over his shoulders it gave him leverage to go deeper inside of her.

  “Yes!” She was his, there was no denying it. She felt it with every stroke. She belonged with Maxim. They were two sides of the same coin. She wanted only to be as close to him as she could possibly get. She squeezed her inner muscles, causing Maxim to groan with pain and pleasure.

  “So good.” Maxim leaned forward and kissed her. Their tongues tangled. He reached for her wrists and pulled them above her head, holding them there as he ground into her over and over.

  Alona loved it. She loved how he took control, the way he watched her so intensely to find what she liked most and when he found that, he repeated it over and over. She loved his scent combined with hers. It was intoxicating. She wanted to cover her body inside and out with his scent. She loved everything about him. She just . . . loved him. She loved Maxim. If she was his, then she was taking him for herself.

  She felt Maxim reach between their bodies to where he was joining her. He teased her clit with his fingers. It was all she needed and she came again.

  Maxim moved in and out a few more strokes and then he groaned out his own release. She felt her name on his lips as he continued to kiss her. He turned them carefully so that they were on their sides. Their bodies were soaked with their combined sweat. But she didn’t care.

  Alona felt so euphoric at having been thoroughly loved. She looked at him with what she knew must be a completely satisfied and awed expression. “We should end every match like that.”

  “Get some sleep. I plan to love you a few more times tonight.”

  She smiled closing her eyes. “Love you.” She hadn’t realized she had whispered it. She was so exhausted she fell right to sleep.

  Maxim stiffened as he looked down at Alona. Did she know what she had said to him? Did she mean it? No one had said that to him since he had been converted into a halfsie droid. His human parents had said it at first when he had been reunited with them, but they stopped saying it to him shortly after they realized he was not the same person he had been before. When he left to go out on his own, he had doubted anyone would ever say those words to him again.

  It didn’t bother him back then because they were just words and had no real meaning for him anyway. Until now. Hearing Alona say the words had the strangest effect on him. It made his heart beat faster and his breath catch. He ached, but in a good way, a happy way.

  He pulled her closer to him and wrapped himself around her. Maxim was content just to hold her and to take in her scent. He memorized the feel of her, the taste of her, her scent. He would know it anywhere. This was new for him, this feeling of contentment. It was scary, but at the same time, necessary somehow. And he would do anything he had to in order to keep it, and to keep Alona. He wasn’t sure if what he felt was love, because he had never felt it before, but it was the strongest emotion he had ever felt for anyone. He would kill to protect Alona and kill anyone who tried to take her away from him.


  The next day Maxim went to his suite to shower and change clothes. He was meeting with Nigel for an early breakfast to discuss a new strategy to improve his image. He didn’t want his and Alona’s relationship on display for the world anymore; that was a private matter. Alona was planning to go shopping with her friends on the planet they were currently docked at.

  He wrapped a towel around his waist and turned on the TV as he began to dress. The news channel had a breaking story that stopped him in his tracks.

  “The IDJ does not have any leads as of yet for the young woman who was brutally attacked and killed two blocks from the local downtown park a few days ago. Her identity has not yet been released but the description we have is that of a blonde woman in her mid-twenties. We will have more on this case at noon.”

  Maxim felt his stomach tighten and his throat suddenly felt dry. Could it be a coincidence that the woman killed resembled Alona? He dressed quickly and headed to the security office. He had to find out more.

  He knocked on the door and one of the security guards opened it. “I’m looking for Rachel.”

  “Let him in,” Rachel called.

  Maxim walked into the security control room and spotted Rachel sitting near a console drinking coffee. Her old partner from the IDJ sat eating a donut next to her.

  “What can we do for you, Maxim?” Rachel asked.

  “Can you give me more information on the woman that was killed near the park a few nights ago?”

  “Sure, but why?” Rachel nodded for Trig to call someone from IDJ.

  “I don’t know, I just have this feeling. I’m not used to having feelings, but this one tells me that it may have to do with Alona.”

  They both turned to listen as Trig spoke to someone he knew well from the IDJ. They joked a bit and then Trig asked for the file on the case to be sent to them on a secure line. Trig hung up and typed something in the computer and the image of the dead woman came up on the screen.

  “She’s blonde, about the same height and age as Alona. Where was her body found?” Rachel asked Trig.

  “Down an alley two blocks from the central park, the one Maxim and Alona went to on their picnic. The estimated time of death was two hours after sundown. She had been tortured and . . .” Trig didn’t say the rest. He looked over at Maxim. Maxim felt the blood drain from his face.

  “It could be just a coincidence,” Rachel said, but she didn’t sound convinced. She looked at Trig. “Let’s add more security for Alona. Where is she now?”

  “She left the ship with her friends to go shopping,” Maxim told them worriedly.

  “She has a security guard with her. Let me contact him and see where they are. We’ll send some added security to her. Might not hurt to cut their trip short and bring them back on board the ship.” Trig said as he picked up his cell phone and called the security guard.

  Maxim was breathing in and out, trying to control his fear. He was never scared of anything. It didn’t factor in with his systems. But now he was terrified that something would happen to Alona and that he would not be able to get to her.

  Trig hung up. “He says that they’re about thirty minutes away from the docking port. He’s going to try to get them to leave early. But I think we should still send someone out. If the killer has targeted Alona, now that the victim has been found and it’s on the news, he’s going to have to make his move soon.”

  Rachel turned to Maxim. “You have a meeting with Nigel, go on to that. We’ll notify you when Alona is on her way back.”

  It made sense, but at that moment, logic was not working for Maxim. All he wanted to do was go and fetch her himself. “You’ll call me the moment she arrives?”

  “Absolutely,” Rachel tried to reassure him. But Maxim wasn’t feeling reassured at all.


  “So . . . how are things going with Maxim?” Maya asked.

  “Fine.” Alona blushed remembering how he had woken her up with his mouth and hands. That man was insatiable. Funny thing was, she found herself just as insatiable lately. That had never happened to her before. She heard bickering and turned to see what was happening.

  “Gana, that dress is the wrong color!” Roxy yelled from across the store.

  “But I like green!” Gana insisted.

  Maya rolled her eyes and both she and Alona broke into giggles. �
�Those two are the worst to go shopping with. Roxy goes straight for the tight and short stuff, and Gana would rather shop at some kind of military store for camouflage gear.”

  Alona snorted. “I refuse to go to the same store that one of the men would shop at. Are you hungry?”

  Maya nodded her head. “Yes, let’s grab lunch before we head back. I’ll go get the renegades over there, you fetch your shadow.” Maya pointed her thumb in the direction of the security guard that was standing just outside the little shop, attracting more attention than he wanted.

  Alona walked to the entrance, wishing she could have convinced Rachel to let her come without the guard. It really didn’t seem necessary. That strange guy from the dance club hadn’t showed his face at all. They were all overreacting.

  The guard turned to her hanging up his phone. “Rachel wants us to head back as soon as possible.”

  She frowned. “We were going to grab a quick lunch first.”

  “I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

  “Come on, we’re all hungry. You can eat with us, too. There’s a diner two doors down. We’ll be quick.”

  The guard hesitated. “I guess as long as it is quick. Let me text Rachel so she knows where we’ll be eating.”

  “I’ll go grab the girls.” Alona turned to go back into the shop. Her friends were arguing by the counter. She passed a dressing room and gasped when someone’s hand came across her mouth. She found herself being dragged into the back of the store. She looked over to her side and tried to scream when she saw the saleswoman’s prone body crumpled on the floor. The hand tightened and she felt real fear when she felt pressure at her neck. Then everything went dark.


  “You’re fidgeting,” Nigel commented as he sat across the restaurant table from Maxim.

  He had been shifting in his seat for the past fifteen minutes without realizing it. He checked his phone. “Why haven’t they gotten back yet?”

  Nigel’s assistant Amelia picked up her phone and sent a text. “Perhaps we can end the meeting early so that Maxim can wait for Alona at the loading ramp.”


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