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Stolen: Suspense Mystery Thriller Romance (Hartness Security Book 1)

Page 29

by Mia Faith

  Chapter Five – Dexter

  I couldn’t do it, I could not do it. I tried hard, I really did, but I couldn’t keep away from Lori’s date with Robbie.

  I knew it was a farce, she obviously didn’t like the guy and only agreed to go out with him to piss me off, but I couldn’t stand the thought of it all the same.

  As eight o clock started to come around, I distracted myself with all kinds of activities – television, booze, computer games – but it wasn’t enough. I still ended up at Turner’s Bar, hiding behind a menu, waiting for the pair of them to arrive.

  She turned up first – which pissed me off greatly. That schmuck was lucky to have a shot with her. He should have been here extra early; you didn’t leave a classy girl like that waiting.

  She looked good too – her dark hair was spilling down her back, her green eyes popping against the natural looking make up she was wearing, and she had a black, figure hugging dress on that was to die for. She was teetering on some lovely heels, which made her legs look even longer, and far more kissable.

  She was making it extremely difficult for me not to go over there and steal her away from the ridiculous Robbie. She should have been with me anyway, we both knew it. This whole charade was ridiculous. But if she wanted to go through with it just to prove something to herself, then so be it.

  I watched her order a glass of wine and sit awkwardly at the bar. I could almost see the cogs ticking in her brain – if he hadn’t turned up by the time she finished her drink, she could go home without feeling guilty.

  But then he raced through the door, looking far scruffier and dishevelled than she deserved, and he ran to her side with his excuses to hand. Whatever he said, it wasn’t a good enough reason. There couldn’t be a good enough reason.

  Luckily, they stayed by the bar the entire time they were having their drinks, which meant I could stay where I was and watch them undetected. Robbie seemed completely oblivious to the signs that she just wasn’t into him – the uncomfortable body language, the phone constantly close to hand, the never putting the drink down. I wasn’t sure if he was just stupid, or if he didn’t want to see it. Either way, it was embarrassing. I almost wanted to tell him, to put him out of his misery.

  I wished that I had Lori’s phone number, so I could send her a cheeky text message to distract her. I would have loved to have been able to make her blush in the cute way she did at that moment. But of course, I couldn’t. I had to sit there and watch her from the sidelines, growing increasingly jealous.

  This is about the business, not the girl. I tried to remind myself, but it did nothing to diminish my feelings.

  Finally, I could sense that she was about to make her excuses to leave. She began to fiddle around in her seat, putting away her belongings. I knew that he would try to kiss her, but I was also sure that she would reject him and I didn’t need to see that. Instead, I slid from my seat and escaped, coming up with a new plan.

  I stood outside the door of the bar, just to one side so he wouldn’t see me if he came out first, and as predicted, only moments later Lori burst through the doors.

  “Going somewhere?” I asked, watching her jump at my unexpected words.

  “I... er...” She wanted to question what the hell I was up to, but she was too stunned. I decided to use that to my advantage, and I grabbed her to pull her into the alleyway. If I moved quickly, she wouldn’t have time to question what was happening. Then she might actually just go with the flow. “What are you...?” She gasped, but I didn’t let her finish her sentence.

  Instead I crashed my lips against hers.

  She tasted so much better than I even expected – like strawberries and chocolate, and I realised that I never wanted to let her go. She tried to resist at first, struggling feebly against me, but it was only for a couple of seconds. Then she melted into my embrace, allowing me to hold her upright as she collapsed into my chest.

  The kiss deepened, became more passionate, and I heard an involuntary moan escape past her lips, giving me all the motivation I needed. I moved one of my hands off her back, and started to trail it up her leg. I half expected her to throw me off, but she grabbed my hair with her own hands, and threw her head back in ecstasy.

  As I worked my way up her legs, eventually finding the outline of her panties, I noticed that she didn’t open her eyes once. I wondered if she was trying to treat this as a fantasy, and if she opened her eyes she would break the spell.

  That didn’t bother me. If that was what it took for her to keep allowing me to touch her, I was all for it. I’d wanted to get my hands on this body from the first time I’d seen her, and I would do anything to take full advantage now.

  I began to rein kisses down on her neck, thinking that if this was going to be the only time she let me feel her, then I wanted it to be amazing... unforgettable. I wanted her to think about this moment for the rest of her life, even when someone else was touching her. Her head lolled to the side, and she tensed with the passion that was building up inside of her.

  Finally, I tugged her panties to the side, and began to explore her hot, wet desire.

  “Oh God.” She cried out, sounding as if she’d never been touched in such a way. My cock strained painfully against my jeans, but it wasn’t going to see any action tonight. Having a bit of fun was fine, but I couldn’t fuck a woman this sweet in an alleyway. She didn’t deserve that, even if she clearly wanted it.

  I worked her body using my expert touch. If there was one thing I knew well, it was women, and what they liked. Of course, everyone was different and had their preferences, but I knew how to use a clit to my advantage.

  “Oh fuck.” She cried, and I began to feel that she was close to orgasm. It was cute to hear a profanity fall off her lips in that way. I could tell that she didn’t do it often.

  As the waves of pleasure began to crash through her, and her face contorted in pleasure, I used my other hand to hold her upright. I could tell that she was close to collapse, and I didn’t want that precious butt to land on the dusty floor out here.

  As she panted against my chest, I could see her eyes flickering opening, reality finally settling back in.

  She looked shocked and a little dazed by what had happened, but also as if that wonderful post orgasm bliss was swirling around her.

  “Shall I walk you home?” I asked her, wanting her to know that I was better in every way than Robbie. I was the sort of guy that would make her come hard in public, but would also walk her to her door like a gentleman.

  “N... no.” She gasped, glancing around, panicked that someone might have seen us. “No thank you.”

  Just as I was about to insist, she took off running, leaving me alone in the dust.

  Chapter Six – Lori

  As I woke up the next morning, I still couldn’t believe what had happened! A part of me was convinced that I’d been dreaming.

  I’d let Dexter Smith – the man I hated – touch me up in a dirty alleyway, outside a bar where I’d been on a date with another man! What sort of woman did that make me? It sounded like the plot of a film, or certainly something that had happened to someone else – not me! That was the complete opposite of the way I normally behaved.

  How the hell was I going to face him at work?

  I pondered this as I took a shower, while I was getting dressed and as I walked to the office, and by the time I got there, I still had no idea how I was going to behave. I didn’t know how you were supposed to act when something like that had happened – my lack of experience with the opposite sex was rearing its ugly head.

  Unfortunately, I wasn’t going to get a minute to calm down by myself, because he was already sitting in my office when I arrived.

  “Hello.” He smiled sweetly, giving me none of the smarmy, dirty comments I’d been expecting.

  Butterflies raced around my stomach, and my heart began to pound wildly. I could have sworn that even my breaths were coming in shorter. I was scared... terrified actually, but I was also incr
edibly turned on by his presence. All sorts of sexually charged images flowed through my mind, which didn’t help me keep the composure that I so desperately needed.

  “Er, hello.” I kept my eyes focused on my desk, unsure of how I was going to make it through the rest of the day.

  “What do you have planned today?” He asked me, innocence filling his tone.

  “Oh, er, I have... this and that to finish.” I answered lamely. Why didn’t I know what I was supposed to be doing at this job? I was a hot mess. The sooner he realised that, the sooner he would expose me for being a fraud. Then everyone in the office would hate me even more.

  “Only, I have some ideas I’d like to run past you.” This completely shocked me. I’d assumed that he was a joker, a chancer of some sort. I hadn’t expected him to have actual ideas.

  “Oh, erm, sure of course.” I couldn’t stop myself from smiling at him. Maybe my instincts had been way off, and I’d completely misjudged him. Maybe I should trust that my father knew what he was doing. “I’ll just... clear my schedule first.”

  Then I sat and pretended to type at my computer for a little while, just wanting him to think that I had stuff on.


  “That’s a great idea!” Dexter yelled once more. We’d been discussing ideas all afternoon, and it had gotten to the place where I was having some of my own. I was actually excited about my job for the very first time ever, and I couldn’t wait to implement all my new plans. They would work, they would bring in new business, I was sure of it.

  “Are we alone?” I suddenly asked, realising that the rest of the office seemed eerily quiet. Normally, as soon as 5pm rolled around, I was out the door, but somehow in all of our conversations, I hadn’t realised that it was almost 7pm.

  “Yeah, we have been for a while.” Dexter didn’t seem to care that we were working so late. He was taking notes of all we were discussing – very soon, we were going to have a decent dossier to present to my father. I wondered if he had something better to do, but he seemed quite content to be here with me.

  As I watched him write, the memory of the night before flashed into my mind, and a stirring occurred within me. Almost as if he could sense the sudden change in the atmosphere, Dexter looked up and smiled at me.

  “Are you okay?” He asked curiously.

  I nodded. “Yeah, I just wanted to say thank you. Your ideas have been invaluable. I really appreciate it.”

  An odd look passed across his face before he answered. “Of course, that’s what your dad hired me for.”

  A moment passed, and the next thing I knew papers were falling to the floor, and Dexter and I were kissing passionately. I don’t know who made the first move, all I knew was that we were glued together as if nothing could tear us apart.

  I felt Dexter lift me up onto the chair and place me on the table. Whilst I was there, I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him closer to me, giving me a good feel of his thick, throbbing erection. He was rock solid, and somehow that was because of me! I didn’t know how that was possible – I wasn’t the sexy, confident type that I was sure he was used to, but I didn’t vocalise my fears. I was far too turned on for anything to stop this from happening. I was determined to just go with the flow.

  He began tugging at my top, wanting it off, and in that moment I did too. I yanked it, hearing a few buttons pop as it tore from me. Dexter’s fingers made their way around my back to unhook my bra, and as soon as it fell to the ground, his lips found their way to my nipples, sending waves of bliss rushing right through me. He licked and tugged with his teeth, which sent all kinds of crazy sensations flowing through me.

  After a minute or so, I began to pull his top off too. I could tell that he had some serious abs under there, and I wanted to get my hands on them. I was not disappointed either as they were revealed to me, this guy was ripped! Clearly he spent a lot of time in the gym.

  His hands were trailing up my thighs again, but this time his fingers weren’t going to be enough. I wanted to feel him; I wanted him to take me right here on the work desk, before I had the opportunity to talk myself out of it. I needed him and I wanted him to understand that.

  “Fuck me.” I whispered to him, sounding far braver than I felt. I just didn’t want him to treat me with kid gloves. I wanted this to happen, and I knew I’d be gutted if it didn’t. I didn’t want a misunderstanding to be the reason I was left unsatisfied.

  Dexter didn’t need telling twice, he trust inside me as soon as the words had left my mouth, casing us both to gasp out in shock.

  “Oh fuck.” I groaned, gripping tighter to him, while he rode me as if there was no tomorrow. “You feel so good.”

  “You’re amazing baby.” He whispered against my cheek, kissing me sporadically. “So wet, so tight, just for me.”

  It wasn’t long before the pleasure began to pool in my stomach, and soon it was coursing through my veins and causing my body to rock and shudder. I couldn’t believe how good this guy was – he’d given me two mind blowing orgasms in two consecutive days, and it was intoxicating.

  As he pulled away from me, both of us panting wildly, I began to fear that I was becoming addicted to him, that I might never be able to stop being with him. I knew he wasn’t the ‘forever’ type – he had too much of a bad boy vibe for that – and I feared I was going to end up with my heart shattered into a million pieces.

  Chapter Seven – Dexter

  As the weeks passed, mine and Lori’s secret relationship grew in intensity. She was one hell of a distraction, completely sidetracking me from my original mission at Empire Technology, and I didn’t even care. Ever since that night in the alleyway, I’d actually been doing some market research and had been coming up with ideas. Now, I practically was the marketing expert that I’d pretended to be, and in a weird way, it was kind of exhilarating. I found myself actually enjoying the work.

  It was ironic that I was putting more effort into marketing my rival company – the one I was supposed to be taking down – than my own, but I had Lori, so nothing else really mattered.

  She was intoxicatingly beautiful and sexy as all hell, and to top it all off she was growing increasingly adventurous in the bedroom, which was driving me wild. She made me completely reconsider my entire game plan. I figured that I didn’t really need to take down Empire Technology. After all, my own technology business was doing just fine, and I had plenty of companies at my disposal anyway.

  Money wasn’t exactly an issue for me! I wasn’t sure why I’d been so determined to end it in the first place.

  I was even starting to reconsider my criminal empire, which was shocking for me. Something about Lori made me want to be a better man. I hadn’t actually done anything to act upon these whims, but they were there all the same. I knew that I might just change, should the time come.

  We had to try and keep professional at work, to try and keep our union a secret, but when we were at her home (I hadn’t yet invited her to mine. I felt like it screamed criminal, and I was afraid that she would guess the truth) it was a whole different matter.

  Like tonight for example. We’d kept things strictly business all day, secretly sending each other dirty text messages to amp up the tension between us, then we’d torn each other’s clothes off as soon as we’d gotten home, and we’d fucked all over the place. It was wild and crazy and I absolutely loved it.

  I was slightly concerned that my feelings were growing in intensity, and I had no idea where that would leave me, but it wasn’t enough to make me stop.

  I’d had relationships before, but they’d always been purely physical. Although the sex between myself and Lori was fantastic, I was more interested in her as a person, than in her body. I found her fascinating. Where I’d assumed that she was boring, not going out partying every night, I was actually starting to learn that she was incredibly intelligent. Instead of getting wasted and whiling hours away pointlessly, she was reading, increasing her knowledge of the world. I found myself having the most interest
ing conversations with her, and often I didn’t want her to stop talking, even as she was drifting off to sleep.

  I wasn’t sure what her destiny was in this world, but I was certain that she was worth more than some PR job in her daddy’s business.

  Once I’d actually asked her what she wanted out of life, but she’d dodged the question, proving to me that she didn’t really know. We were alike in that aspect, both floating through our existence, not really knowing where we belonged or what our purpose was. When I’d first seen Lori, I assumed that we couldn’t have been more different, but despite our varied life choices, we had a whole lot in common.

  Deep, deep down I already knew that she was the one for me, but I wasn’t ready to accept that yet. I had no idea what to even do with that information, where I would begin. I’d always been the playboy, the bachelor – I could do that, I was good at it. How would I, the criminal expert, settle down in a normal life and be a typical husband, family man?

  I wasn’t sure that I could, and I certainly didn’t want Lori to be my test dummy. I was digging myself a hole, sinking in deeper and deeper, fully in the knowledge that one day I would have to try and dig myself out...

  It was a mess, and I was sure that it would eventually come crashing down on me. But for the time being, I was enjoying every damn minute of it.

  Chapter Eight – Lori

  As time passed, I realised that I was falling head over heels in love with Dexter. Of course, I didn’t vocalise this. I fully intended to let him do it first, but it was there inside of me, like a delicious little secret that only I knew.

  There was only one problem, and I’d been trying to ignore it for weeks and weeks, but it had gotten to the stage where I couldn’t put off finding out the answer any longer.


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