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His Obsession

Page 17

by Sam Crescent

  Possession was part of him. The club was part of his own history, and in its own way a part of his father’s. Being part of the club meant he was still with his father in some kind of way.

  “So, we meet again,” Eugene said.

  “If all you wanted to do was meet, why cause all this to get to me?”

  “Fun. I don’t like you. My father hated you for taking over Possession. He thought he’d convinced your father to give the club to him. When that didn’t go according to plan then dad had no choice but to go to Dominic.”


  “Money. Power. My dad had a preference for liking them young. Can you imagine how he felt when I came home with Isabella Sanchez?”

  Lucas and Sean tensed.

  “What does she have to do with this?” Stephen asked.

  “Well, she was so devastated when Sean rejected her. Can you imagine how much fun it was when she pretty much ran into my arms? I took her home, and then my father sent her to Dominic. She was the icing on the cake of a very lucrative deal.”

  “She was sold this whole time?”

  Eugene nodded. “Like most women, she was a means to an end.”

  “I don’t get why you let Isabella Sanchez go?” he said.

  “She was so fucking pitiful. Dominic paid a fucking fortune for her virgin cunt, and what did I get? Nothing. She was sold as far as I could tell. Then I saw her wandering around on the street. I decided to point her in the direction of her brother. She was useful. While you were looking for her, Rebecca was being beaten. The perfect distraction.” Eugene shrugged his shoulders and smiled. Stephen saw Lucas losing his temper. “I love the fact I kept her right under their noses for all this time. I thought about taking her to the club to show off, but my dad told me not to. He warned me you’d end me.”

  “What’s Lloyd got to do with this?”

  “He wants his wife back. Rebecca was a great piece of ass. After my mother let herself go, he wanted a woman he could keep to his exacting standards. Rebecca fit the bill. She was young and had the curves my dad likes. Also, she never defended herself. A true submissive according to your friend, James. He was the one who introduced them, I believe.”

  James growled in anger.

  They needed to keep him talking.

  “What else do you want?”

  “When Rebecca drops the charges my dad will be free to go. He wants to run the business. Also, we need some payment to the man who has taken Dominic’s place. We figured Violet and Ursula would pay that bill,” Eugene said.

  Stephen’s hands tightened to fists at the mention of his woman. The voice in his ear warned him they were ten minutes away. Sean and Lucas visibly relaxed, but then Eugene pulled a gun. “But I want you fucking dead.”


  Violet parked the car, and Ursula got out. Her heart was beating so fast she thought she was having a heart attack.

  Paul stood outside the abandoned club. He was smoking a cigarette, and she knew he was nervous. The moment he saw her, the cigarette was thrown to the floor.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked.

  “Stephen is in there. I’ve got to get to him,” she said. As she spoke she walked towards the double doors.

  “Don’t be fucking stupid.” Paul blocked her way, stopping her from entering. The man she loved was putting himself in danger, and she couldn’t sit back and do nothing while he put himself at risk.

  “I know you hate me, Paul, but I’m getting inside that building. I’m not letting Stephen get hurt.” She pushed at him. His weight was unmoving no matter how much she pushed or tried to get him to move.

  “I told you no, Ursula. For once do as you’re told.” He shoved her away. She stumbled, catching herself at the last moment before she fell on her ass. Annoyed at being denied access to Stephen, she picked up a stone and hurled it at Paul. The stone hit him on the chest. Still, he didn’t move out of the way.

  “I should have known you’d be working for that bastard. You don’t have a fucking clue how to work at all. All you do is wait for a woman to come and serve you.” She grabbed another stone launching it at him. He dodged the stone, which only made her angrier. “I bet you were the one who got that woman hurt. You know, the one you put in hospital.” Ursula saw the guilt cross his face and knew she was right. Feeling angrier she began looking for more stuff to throw at him. “How could you?” She yelled every word not caring about the attention they got.

  “Stop,” he said. Paul was getting closer. She ignored him, the anger inside her growing to a fever pitch.

  “Fucking ... lazy ... bastard!” She yelled each word while throwing a stone.

  With her back to Paul as she leaned down to pick up another rock, she didn’t see him coming. He hauled her up against the nearest building. Her hands locked over her head.

  “Let go of me.” She tried to move. His strength shocked and scared her.

  “No.”She struggled some more with no chance of moving. When she settled down, she saw him gazing at her with lust. Her stomach turned at the danger she could be in. Fear gripped her.

  “Don’t,” he said. He stroked her hair. The action would have soothed her if it was Stephen. Paul made her feel sick. “I won’t hurt you.”

  “You did once. Why should I trust you?”

  “Because organising the men to put that woman in the hospital was the last straw. I never knew it was a woman. I knew he wanted several men ready to attack a house. I didn’t know what they were going to do.”

  Ursula knew he wasn’t lying. She frowned as pieces of the story were clearly missing. “Why won’t you let me go to him?” she asked.

  “Stephen knew you’d come for him. You really do love him, don’t you?” he asked.

  She hesitated a moment then found it useless to hide her feelings. “I’ve been in love with him since the moment I met him.”

  Paul nodded. “I knew there was something different about you. You grew distant and hated me touching you.”

  “No offense, Paul, but I haven’t got time to go down memory lane. Stephen is in there, and he’s in danger.”

  “Stephen told me to keep you out here.”


  “I phoned him to meet me at a hotel bar. He came, and we talked. I signed up for easy money. I didn’t sign up to put a woman in hospital.”

  The sound of police sirens filled the air between them. Violet got out of the car. A gunshot sounded inside. The other woman ran toward the door.

  Ursula screamed. Everything happened in slow motion as the doors opened. Paul got off her and ran towards the door. She tried to follow them, but a cop held her by the waist keeping her back.

  “Let me go. I need to get in there. Stephen!” She yelled his name all the time fighting against the strength of the man who held her.

  No one came out. The police went in.

  An ambulance pulled up.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Stephen savoured the moment the police escorted Eugene out of the warehouse. His life was in tatters. The club wasn’t going to be investigated as Dane and the tape he’d recorded were more than enough to send Eugene down. All that remained was the media attention on his club. Until that died down the members were scarce. He stared at the few friends he had. They would stand by him through this crisis. He hoped his father would be proud of the decision he made.

  Paul came out of the building after James. Stephen rounded a car, and there she was being restrained by a police officer. The moment she saw him she ran to him. He caught her close, holding her as she wept against his chest. The other man stood in front of him, a look of shock on his face. “I’m pleased you listened to me,” Paul said.

  “I didn’t have a choice. You offered me a way to get rid of Eugene Black.” Stephen soothed the woman in his arms. Nothing could have been better in his life. The police escorted Paul away for questioning. Cadeon nodded his head after talking to the police. Violet was in his arms. James, Sean, and Lucas stood by him as the police a
sked them questions. They all answered. He never let Ursula go. She was the love of his life.

  “We’ll be in touch,” the officer said.

  “I’m going to the hospital,” Sean said. Lucas nodded following behind him. James remained at his side.

  “Well, that has been an enjoyable few months. Remind me to never hang out with you guys. I prefer my subs over this fucking mess.” James slapped Stephen on the back before leaving.

  “Can we go home?” Ursula asked.

  “Yes.” They walked home. Their cars were blocked in by the police cars. They were making arrests and causing no end of disturbances.

  When they walked far enough away from the noise Ursula began asking questions. “What happened in there?”

  “We knew Eugene wasn’t going to let us live. We know too much. Lucas had a wire that put a line straight to the police. They could hear every word. I got Eugene to talk about everything.”

  “What was everything?” she asked.

  “Lloyd Black was broke. He’d made some risky investments, and that had ruined him. He’d have lost everything his family had spent generations acquiring. Anyway, from what his son told us, Lloyd went out one night and came home with Dominic Green in tow. Dominic is the guy who was in charge of the prostitution, drugs, and crime in the United Kingdom. He was over here to do business in a club downtown. According to Eugene, they made a deal. Lloyd would be responsible for the drugs and prostitution over here and get a cut of the profit,” Stephen said.

  “I don’t understand why the club was involved or how you became involved,” she said.

  “Violet is the daughter of one of Dominic’s deceased workers. Violet’s mother died keeping her daughter a secret. Dominic discovered it, but Violet had already fled to the States. He came looking for her, but Cadeon was in love. No one was taking his woman from him. Cadeon is part of my club, and he’s my friend. That’s how we became involved. Lloyd had a score to settle with the clubs because of what happened when we found out he was abusing his wife. Rebecca was used to keep Dominic and some of the other men happy. They abused her, and the club found out. Lloyd was removed and is in prison for almost killing his wife. Eugene carried on his father’s work. With Dominic dead Eugene no longer had an income. He wanted to make an example of us because someone will be taking Dominic’s place. There is more to this, but those are the basics. Petty revenge and greed.”

  “What about the gunshot?” she asked.

  “Eugene pulled a gun on me. Sean and Lucas were able to restrain him. He got a bullet off, but he was a shit shot. It didn’t touch me.”

  Talking with each other, they walked as the sun rose. “Mom is going to be clawing the walls when she watches the news.”

  “I think Malcolm will keep her calm. He knows a lot more about this kind of stuff than you give him credit for,” Stephen said.

  The press had dispersed outside his house by the time they walked home. He carried her inside and took her upstairs to the bedroom.

  He left her for a few moments to unplug all the phones. Privacy was essential for what he had planned.

  When he walked back upstairs she was undressed and in the bath water. She crooked her finger at him. He tore the clothes from his body and joined her in the water. She still wore the pendant and engagement ring.

  He lifted her into his lap as they settled back together. “Will it always be like this with you?” she asked.

  “No. I don’t think I’d have the strength to go through something like that every night.”

  “When I heard the shot I thought you were dead. I was so scared.”

  “No one is taking me away from you,” Stephen said. He cupped her face kissing her deeply. His cock stirred as she squirmed on his lap.

  “I never want to lose you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. I love you too damn much.”

  She settled her head against his chest as he stroked her hair. They were together, and that was all that mattered. The future could wait. He held her in his arms. The beast inside him was relaxed. The woman he loved was safe.

  Stephen thought about Isabella and Rebecca. There were going to be problems with them. He would be there for all of his friends when they needed them. The chaos had only just begun. No matter what happened, Ursula was with him, and that was all that mattered.

  She was his obsession and would remain so.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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