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Dani's Secret: A Hotwife Awakening

Page 2

by Lexi Archer.

  Dani: u r bad!

  Asshole: u know u love it

  Dani: that elevator was full!

  Asshole: so?

  Dani: so what if someone saw u?

  Asshole: we were in the back n no one was watchin

  Dani: they couldve seen u! i was so nervous!

  Asshole: but they didnt.

  Asshole: admit it. that made u hot

  Dani: asshole :-p

  Asshole: guilty ;) btw do u always wear lace?

  My hands shook as the conversation went back to the mundane day to day chatter of office work. What the hell happened on that elevator? Lace? Dani was a big fan of lace all right. I knew firsthand. Some of my favorite outfits of hers were the expensive bits of lace lingerie that I occasionally bought or that she picked up from time to time on lunch. Dani always loved showing off her tight little body in a new bra or thong she just bought. Heck, Dani loved showing off her tight little body period. I saw the little thrill she got when she debuted a new bikini at the beach and every guy within a half mile radius turned to stare. Now it looked like she was loving showing that body off to this Nick guy as well.

  My eyes flicked to the next conversation.

  Asshole: c'mon

  Dani: no :p

  Asshole: why not?

  Dani: because! ;)

  Asshole: no one has to know but u and me

  Asshole: and the changing room mirror ;)

  Dani: grrrrrr

  The timestamp on the texts jumped forward by about an hour. Probably her lunch.

  Media message sent IMG_791

  Asshole: oho, what's this?

  Dani: shut up :p

  Media message sent IMG 797

  My pulse quickened. One of the deleted pictures. What the hell was she sending this guy?

  As if on cue the window for the image recovery utility started flashing in the start bar. I was smart enough to mute the computer this time. I felt like I had a fever there was so much blood rushing to my face and so much heat radiating off my body. I opened the image recovery utility, scrolled down, and... yes! And shit. The delete button wasn't enough to save her, and all my nagging suspicions were correct.

  Talk about a classic glass half full/half empty situation.

  My heart leapt and my cock jerked as I clicked through the pictures. I flipped the windows so they were side by side and I could read the texts as I scrolled through the pictures.

  Media message sent IMG_797.

  Dani pulling the strap of her black lace bra down her shoulder with one hand while she took a picture with the other.

  Media message sent IMG_799.

  Dani arching her back with the strap dangling at her side and her hand reaching behind her back.

  Media message sent IMG_801.

  Dani shrugging off her bra but still covering those glorious tits with one arm.

  The pale swell of her breasts pressed up under the pressure from her arm as she stared into the mirror with a look that made me want to jump through the computer monitor and fuck her right there in that changing room. I reached down and stroked my cock through my boxers, wondering if someone else got a chance to fuck her pretty close to that spot after she got back from her lunch break. I reached inside my boxers and ran a finger lightly up and down the shaft as my eyes darted between the texts and the pictures.

  Media message sent IMG_804.

  The bra was completely off. One milky white tit was covered by the phone and the other by her hand, though she'd spread her fingers apart slightly so I could just barely make out her pink nipple through the gaps in her fingers.

  Asshole: c'mon baby, send the rest

  Dani: u prick :p hold ur horses

  Asshole: oh i'm holding something all right

  Media message received IM_402.

  Huh. Well that picture didn't leave anything to the imagination as to exactly what Asshole was holding at that moment in the conversation. Now I wasn't one to take much of an interest in a cock other than my own, but I couldn't help but wonder whether or not that dick had fucked my wife shortly after this picture was sent. What Dani looked like sliding down the shaft. If she made the same little squeals she did when I pressed the head of my cock against her tight pussy. Whether they used a condom or if Asshole just exploded inside Dani filling her with his seed.

  Dani: o ur bad!

  Asshole: ;)

  Asshole: now be a bad gurl 4 me :)

  Dani: hold on :p

  Media message sent IMG 805.

  Dani stood in the changing room looking at the mirror with the phone held up in one hand, the other at her side, and her beautiful tits, those perfect globes that turned up ever so slightly as they swept to those pink tips that I'd sampled more times than I could remember since we started dating and which I thought were closed to any man but me, displayed for all the world to see. Those soft and succulent nipples strained out towards the camera.

  Media message sent IMG_810.

  This time she had her head thrown back and her mouth opened wide. I knew that look all too well from all the times I'd seen her lose control with me and the reason for her loss of control was apparent. Her free hand was down the front of her panties as her lush red lips formed a perfect "O" as she stared into the camera. She was gone. My wife was putty in this asshole's hand.

  Noise from the bedroom brought me out of my voyeuristic little digital world and back to reality.

  "Ryan? Where are you?"

  3: Caught

  I pondered options for the briefest of moments. Lie and say I was getting a drink? Try to bring her phone back in the room and hope she didn't notice it was ever gone? Sit on what I'd just discovered until I had more time to digest everything and think it through? The last thing I wanted was a confrontation while I was so keyed up that I wasn't sure if I wanted to punch something or fuck something.

  Well, judging by the way my cock was still throbbing it, at least, was sure that we should be fucking something. And no, no matter how mad I got I could never raise a hand against Dani.

  Now Asshole on the other hand...

  All that worrying was a moot point anyways. That moment's hesitation was enough to take the decision out of my hands.

  "Ryan? Where's my phone?"

  What was I supposed to say to that? "Oh it's right here honey along with a few dozen undeleted pictures of you stripping for the guy at work I'm not supposed to worry about and some texts that pretty much prove he's very much something I should be worried about. Come on in and grab your phone but I'll be keeping the evidence."

  Yeah, that would go over well.

  Instead I simply didn't respond. More shuffling from down the hall in the bedroom as she no doubt grasped in the dark for the familiar shape of her phone resting on the nightstand and came up with nothing. A click and faint light spilled down the hall from the bedroom.

  "Ryan! Do you have my phone?"

  Still I didn't respond. I was too busy copying and pasting everything I'd just resurrected from the digital ashes of her phone's memory so that I'd have a record of everything in a minute when she inevitably marched into the room and snatched it out of my hands.

  As though summoned by those thoughts Danielle appeared from down the hall looking incredible in her barely-there pajamas. I arched an eyebrow as she walked into the room, trying to imagine what was going through her head as she took in the scene. Her eyes went from my face bathed in the glow of my laptop monitor to my hand which was still resting on my cock, whoops, and finally came to rest on her phone sitting on the coffee table adding its own small glow to that of the laptop.

  Dani's eyebrows shot up and then down as her eyes narrowed.

  "Is that my phone? Did you steal my fucking phone?"

  This was it. The explosion I'd feared the entire night. And I didn't care. I had what I needed. I had her right where I wanted her. The only problem was I wasn't sure exactly what it was I wanted from her. Sure she was obviously carrying on with this guy, but I was more turned on than angry
even though there was a tinge of righteous jealousy trickling its way through the surge of emotions that was threatening to carry me away as I sat stone-faced in front of my wife letting the tide of her own angry emotions crash over me.

  Yeah, she might be mad, but her anger was nothing compared to the cold fury that was starting to get a slight edge over my cock.

  "This is your phone, yes," I said. I unplugged it from my laptop and held it up.

  "What the fuck Ryan? Why do you have my phone?"

  I felt heat rising as that cold fury started to warm. I felt lightheaded as I thought about her letting that guy run his hands all over her body, though part of that lightheadedness might be the blood seemingly draining from every other part of my body to fill my throbbing cock to the breaking point. I felt angry, though my cock was very close to wresting back total control of the situation.

  "Why do you think I have your phone?"

  "You jealous asshole!"

  "Yeah? What if I have something to be jealous about?

  That shut her up. Those beautiful green eyes darted from the phone to my computer. I could see the wheels turning in her head. What did I know? What could I possibly know? She was so good at covering her tracks. The brief hesitation was gone replaced by anger. Yeah, there was no way I could possibly know what was going on and she was going to let me have it.

  Yeah, like hell I was going to let that happen.

  "You suspicious prick."

  "Again, what if I have something to be suspicious about?"

  "Give me my phone Ryan."

  "You want your phone? Here, take it."

  I held her precious phone up, the thing she'd had her nose buried in for the past two months, the device used to send those pictures to that asshole and carry on those conversations, the little hunk of plastic I'd learned to loathe, and it went flying across the room. It slammed into the wall with a satisfying thunk but surprisingly it didn't shatter, instead falling to the ground with the screen turned on.

  "What the fuck Ryan?" Dani shouted. She took a step towards me.

  "Yeah, what the fuck is right Dani."

  I reached down and turned the laptop around. She stopped in the middle of her next step as she looked down at the screen that had her supposedly deleted texts on one side and the shot of her holding her phone up with her tits displayed to the mirror and her hands down her pants in the other.

  Dani took a step back. "How did you?"

  I stood and followed her in her retreat across the living room. "I'm not an idiot. I see you with your nose buried in that thing all the time."

  "How's that any different from you having your nose buried in that damn laptop all the time?"

  This time I advanced and she retreated. I smiled.

  "Y'know Dani, that might've been a fair question before I found out you were using your phone to bang some other guy. I was just using my laptop to play video games. Sort of an apples to oranges situation if you ask me."

  Dani took another step back and came to an abrupt halt against the living room wall. Her head bowed, her cute little chin coming to rest just above the rapidly rising and falling swell of her tits that were barely contained by the thin silky material of her pajama top. I could make out the outline of her nipples against that silk. That was an interesting reaction to being caught.

  Dani spoke barely above a whisper.

  "I didn't fuck him."

  I reached the wall and placed my hands to either side of her head. Tears glistened in the corners of her eyes and I wanted nothing more than to lean down and kiss them away the way I had so many times before when she was upset, but I couldn't this time. Not yet. Her breaths came in ragged gasps, her barely covered tits rising and falling more rapidly as I leaned closer though I couldn't tell if that was fear of being cornered or arousal, her nipples straining against the soft silk material of her pajama top as they rose and fell with each rapid breath and I felt their rock hard tips brushing against my own bare chest as I brushed against her. My eyes moved down her flat stomach to the gentle sloping V leading to those impossibly short shorts that didn't cover her ass and barely covered her pussy.

  I pressed my cock against her pussy and was rewarded with a slight intake of breath from Dani. Oh yes, she knew what that was. I luxuriated in the warmth radiating out from her pussy and onto the tip of my cock as I rubbed the head back and forth against her slit through those thin pajama bottoms and her panties.

  "What did you say?"

  "I said I didn't fuck him." Her breathing was deeper now and I saw the expression in her eyes subtly change from tears to something else. Questioning? Anticipation?

  "What about the elevator?"

  This time I did smile as her eyes widened and her mouth worked back and forth silently while she searched for words. Oh yes, I knew everything, but that wasn't enough. I was going to hear the truth directly from her rather than by sneaking around in a digital playground.

  Dani looked off to the side so that she wasn't meeting my eyes. I cupped her chin in my hand and pulled her back so that our eyes were locked together again.

  "It started in my cubicle," she said, still barely above a whisper.

  "Your cubicle?"

  "He was always coming by my cubicle to chat. I didn't think anything of it until the day I wore that purple dress, you know the one."

  I certainly knew the dress she was talking about. That was one of my favorite dresses in her work wardrobe, and I was pretty sure that Asshole would like that dress for the exact same reasons I loved it so much. It was made of a filmy material that molded itself to her body while still covering just enough to make it a reasonable work outfit. The top swooped down in a slight V that exposed just enough of her cleavage that I got a raging hard-on every time I saw her putting it on in the morning and there was at least one occasion when we'd both gotten to work late when I saw her shrugging it on. Usually she wore something else over her shoulders so the top wasn't completely indecent, but I was always sure she was the most popular girl in the office amongst the heterosexual male demographic on days she wore that thing.

  And now that she was telling her little story it turns out my suspicions were true all along. I was surprised to realize that maybe, just maybe, part of the reason why I loved that dress so much was exactly because I knew that it would drive every guy in her office wild. And now that I knew it definitely had that effect it was definitely having an effect on me.

  I leaned in closer so that my mouth was against her ear and continued grinding my cock slowly back and forth against her pussy. I felt her press down against my cock, ever so slightly meeting my thrust with one of her own.

  "Yeah? What about that dress?"

  "Nick was standing at my cubicle talking and I had to lean down to grab a file. That stupid dress is always falling open when I lean down, I only wore it because you like it so much, but when I looked up I saw him staring and I knew."

  I felt the tiniest hint of moisture rubbing against the tip of my cock but couldn't tell if it was her soaking through her pajama bottoms or precum soaking through my boxers.

  "You knew what?"

  "That he was staring down my dress at my tits. That was why he was always hanging around my cubicle anyways."

  Now that was surprising. Dani was always playing the naive innocent with me. So she always knew he was staring at he like that did she?

  "Of course he was. You're so fucking hot."

  I placed a hand on her tit and massaged it through her pajama top as I ran a finger along the tip of her nipple in a practiced move that always got a response out of her. Tonight was no exception as she ground her pussy against my cockhead and let out a small gasp. Words spilled out of her as her ass and hips started moving in a practiced dance grinding her pussy against my cock with more and more force. I kissed down her neck and let the words wash over me, each one turning me on more and more as my pretty little wife gushed about how Asshole's attention turned her on.

  "And all the girls at the office ar
e always going on about how hot he is and here he was staring at me like he wanted to rip my clothes off and fuck me right there in the cubicle and I got a little thrill from it."

  I pulled back from kissing along her neck and looked into her eyes. She returned the look, but all the worry had disappeared from her face. Instead she was smiling up at me. I guess it was pretty obvious by my reactions just how much this all was turning me on.

  And I didn't care if she knew.

  "More of a thrill than you get from your husband?"

  She at least had the good grace to avert her eyes at that question. She spoke quietly.

  "Not more. Just different."

  I pulled my cock back so that it wasn't running along her slit anymore. Her lip jutted out in a slight put but she let out a little squeal a moment later when fingers replaced my cock. Yeah, it was definitely wetness flowing from her pussy and soaking through her pajama bottoms that was causing that dampness I felt rubbing against the head of my cock a moment ago. I ran a finger up and down her slit through those silk bottoms while my thumb idly traced a circle around her clit in a motion that I knew would ramp her up.

  "So what did you do?" I asked.

  "I," she let out a small gasp as my finger grazed a particularly sensitive spot. "I started having more little 'wardrobe malfunctions' whenever he stopped by my cubicle."

  Dani reached out and grabbed my chin pulling it so that she was looking straight into my eyes.

  "I promise that's all I ever thought it would be. Just him stopping by my cubicle and me giving both of us a little thrill."

  "What about the elevator?"

  I moved my hand up and ran it along her taut stomach that was rising and falling rapidly in time with her quick breaths. I slipped my fingers past the band of her panties and inched down to provide more direct stimulation. I was astonished at how slick it was as my fingers pressed in between the steaming folds of her lips and her pussy molded its warmth around them pulling me in deeper. She hadn't been this turned on in months. Though admittedly when we did have sex we usually skipped over this part, which I was starting to think was a mistake. I stared into her eyes as I took the time to explore her depths with my fingers in a way that I hadn't in a long while.


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