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Working It All Out

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by Dena Garson

  Working It All Out

  Dena Garson

  When Angie needs a trainer to prepare for a corporate fundraiser, Noel comes highly recommended. No one told her he’s sexy as hell too. Unfortunately, he’s way too young. He couldn’t possibly share the same clothes-ripping, fucking-on-the-gym-floor fantasies that inundate her every time she looks his way. Or so she thinks.

  Noel has other ideas. When they get the gym to themselves for an intense one-on-one, he gives her the workout she’s been waiting for.

  A Romantica® cougar erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave


  Dena Garson

  Chapter One

  “Come on, Angie. Just one more.” Noel Coffield’s deep, smooth voice was both encouraging and distracting.

  I was torn between calling him a sadistic bastard and licking a trail from his Adam’s apple to his bellybutton and maybe even lower. At the moment, “sadistic bastard” was winning so I thought it best to keep my opinion to myself.

  Every muscle in my arms cried out in protest as I pushed against the seemingly unmovable weight centered over me. At least I had something yummy to look at as I was tortured. Noel stood nearby and if I turned my head just a bit I could see the well-defined muscles along his chest and abs through his fitted shirt.

  From where I lay it wasn’t safe to look lower. Even if he didn’t catch me looking, as fair-skinned as I am I would have turned six shades of pink with one glance. Then he would have known exactly what I had been looking at, not to mention thinking about. And that would have been more embarrassing than I could live with for the next couple weeks.

  Noel had been the object of my fantasies for several months. As soon as I joined J&N’s Gym on the recommendation of a friend, I fell in lust with Noel. The same friend talked Noel into coaching me as I trained to run in a corporate fundraiser. Not being a big fitness buff, and having had my forty-fifth birthday, I don’t know why I agreed to do the fundraiser much less to allow Noel to coach me. Soon we were spending three evenings a week together in one-on-one sessions and my wayward thoughts were getting harder to control.

  During one of the sessions we went for a run around the city park. Instead of watching for unsavory characters lurking in the shadows as all safety training tells you, I started fantasizing about me and Noel up against a tree in a hidden grove. I was so lost in the thought I almost ran over two other joggers using the running path. Thankfully Noel steered me away before I did any damage, but he probably thought I was some kind of nitwit for not paying attention to where I was going.

  It was his fault I was so distracted. For weeks his touches had been lingering a little longer and it seemed as if he was standing a little closer each day. By the time I got home I tingled everywhere he had brushed against me. I kept telling myself that he was too young for me and he couldn’t possibly be interested. That didn’t stop my traitorous body from responding.

  The good thing about my fascination with him was that it kept me from thinking about how tired and sore my muscles were when I got home.

  “Did you finish that set already?”

  “Huh?” I realized I had gotten lost in my thoughts once again and was just sitting there with the bar in the upright position. “Oh yeah.” I let the bar down easy then quickly sat up to cover up my distraction. “That’s all of them.”

  Noel didn’t look like he believed me but didn’t say anything.

  “Let’s try something new tonight to mix it up a little.”

  “That would be great,” I said with forced excitement. Although learning a new exercise should keep my thoughts from straying. I hoped, anyway, as I followed him toward one of the back rooms.

  The clock above the doorway we passed through indicated it was after seven. J&N’s was a small facility and had somewhat limited equipment. Whenever Noel scheduled me to use the weights and machines I liked to come in late. It meant no waits and fewer people around to see how inept I was.

  “Here we are.” Noel indicated the monstrosity of cables, handles, weights and bars in the center of the room.

  I imagined getting tangled up in some of the cables and hanging myself. Panic must have shown on my face.

  “It’s not complicated once you figure out how to attach the parts,” Noel quickly assured me. He squatted next to one of the lower sections and attached a flexible handle to a cable. It looked as if he’d adjusted the weight before pulling on one of the handles to try it.

  Seemingly satisfied with how it was working, he motioned me over. “Come stand here and I’ll show you how this works.”

  Noel was always quite thorough in his instruction of how to do an exercise and even took the time to explain what muscles it would work and what it would do for me. Unfortunately he went through those details while wrapping the flexible handle around my ankle. As he spoke it felt as if he were stroking my ankle and calf. I didn’t hear a damn thing he told me to do. All I could think about was the warmth that crept up my leg from where he was touching me.

  I’m pretty sure I nodded in agreement and made the appropriate “I understand” noises. He patted my foot then moved out of the way so I could begin. Somehow I fumbled around enough to make the thing work only to be rewarded by having Noel kneel at my feet once more and attach the handle to the other ankle. That too was followed by a light stroke up my calf. Now both legs were warm and tingly.

  Not distracting at all, I told myself.

  Noel continued to show me several other exercises I could do just by moving the parts and adjusting a lever or two. After the fifth or sixth variation I had the distinct impression that something was different about our session. Each exercise required him to be more hands-on. Or at least it seemed that way.

  I argued with myself over whether I was imagining the lingering touches. Eventually I was just too addled to think straight and still maintain a calm front.

  No matter what all the self-help books say about positive thinking, I couldn’t figure out why he would be interested in me. Noel, the yummy stud-muffin, probably had women throwing themselves at him on a daily basis. While I never considered myself ugly, I was never model material. Since my divorce, I made an effort to stay active and regain some of my sagging confidence. I was determined that fantasies of Noel were not going to make a fool of me by reading more into his attentions than was really there.

  It seemed, however, that when Noel was nearby, not only did my ability to concentrate go out the window, but it took all of my coordination with it. As I tried to follow his instructions for using a different section of the equipment, I turned too fast to ask a question and tripped over one of bars. Luckily I fell against Noel instead of face-first into the machine.

  It was like a scene right out of a movie. We just stared at each other. I couldn’t think of anything except that I wished he would kiss me.

  Then he did!

  And was it ever good. His lips gently teased the edges of mine until I sank further against his rock-hard body. Then he swept in with a surprising and almost overwhelming intensity. Despite having worked out with me, he smelled clean with faint traces of soap or aftershave. But every bit of him smelled like man. It was amazing how right his body felt pressed against mine.

  Somehow I contained my whimper of protest when we mutually pulled away from the kiss. I brushed my hair with my hands, trying for some semblance of order. My ego preened when I saw that he needed a moment to compose himself as well.

  Neither of us said anything about the kiss but the sexual tension in the air was tangible for the rest of the workout. As I finished the last set of exercises Noel’s business partner Justin came in.

  “Hey, Noel, my last client called to cancel so I’m going to head out.” He glanced back and forth
between us. “You’re the last ones here, so do you mind locking up when you’re finished?”

  “Sure, that’s not a problem.”

  “Thanks, man. Julie will be thrilled that I’m home early enough to help with the baby before dinner.”

  I turned my face away to avoid looking at either Noel or Justin. I didn’t want either of them to see the blatant lust I was sure was evident in my expression. The prospect of being left alone with Noel after that sizzling kiss was more than I could wish for. Part of me was afraid he wouldn’t kiss me again. The other part was terrified he would and I’d just throw him on the ground and have my wicked way with him.

  “Angie, will you excuse me for a moment?” I risked looking in Noel’s direction as he continued, “I need to ask Justin about something before he goes.”

  “Sure, go right ahead.”

  I watched Noel follow Justin out of the room. As much as I enjoyed looking at his broad shoulders, he did have a nice ass. And the knit shorts he seemed to prefer showcased every muscled ridge. Taking a few deep breaths to calm myself, I reminded myself that he was way too young.

  Putting away some of the equipment we had been using earlier gave me something to focus on. Visions of Noel taking me from behind over one of the benches swam through my mind. Those images quickly merged into new ones of him burying his face between my legs as I lay sprawled out on the mat. Those were almost my undoing. I felt flushed and it had absolutely nothing to do with the workout.

  “Sorry about the interruption.”

  Noel’s voice jolted me from my thoughts. I looked up into the wall of mirrors and saw Noel standing behind me. “That’s okay.”

  Our eyes met and held in the mirror. He stepped closer and gently ran one hand across my shoulder and down to my hip. I knew at a glance that he would stop if I asked him. At that moment I couldn’t have told him to stop if my life depended on it.

  Chapter Two

  I turned around so I could face him. His lips were all I could think about. I wanted to feel them on mine. On me. The look in his eyes reassured me that I wasn’t the only one who felt this way. I stepped closer and ran my hands up his ribs and across his well-defined chest. The chest I had dreamed of licking a variety of things off. I held his gaze as I lifted up on my toes and pressed my lips against his.

  He immediately took control of the kiss. I closed my eyes and let myself drown in sensations. His tongue tickled the tip of mine, coaxing me to step further into the fire. His hand slipped down my spine to cup my ass and he pulled me even closer against him. The heat from his body radiated through the thin layers of cotton and spandex between us. Even that small amount of clothing was too much. I wanted to feel everything—his entire body pressed against mine.

  Without breaking the kiss, Noel nudged me backward with his body. Despite my inability to think of anything other than his hands and his lips, I knew he was moving us to a better spot. In just a few steps I felt one of the benches behind my knees.

  “Sit,” he commanded.

  Not sure my knees could hold me upright anyway, I complied. Fortunately, when I did, his crotch was at eye level. The knit of his shorts, now pulled tight, did nothing to hide his erection. I licked my lips and slowly raised my eyes to his, wondering what he had in mind.

  “As much as I want your lips wrapped around my cock, I want to taste you. I’ve wanted to for weeks now.”

  It was thrilling to know I hadn’t been alone in my desire.

  He knelt on the floor in front of me and slid his hands from my waist down toward my feet. He pulled one foot up then the other so he could slip my shoes and socks off. I was somewhat self-conscious about what they smelled like after my workout but gave up and let him do as he pleased.

  He held my gaze as he ran his tongue from my heel to the space between my first two toes. Then he repeated the same motions on the other foot. My toes curled and a shiver ran through me at how erotic that single act felt. I anticipated what he would do next.

  He made his way slowly from my ankles to my thighs with his fingers and lips. When he reached the tops of my thighs he tormented me by spreading my legs and brushing his cheek against my still-covered crotch. My breath caught in my throat at the contact but he continued his upward onslaught.

  Next he slid my t-shirt up and ran his tongue around my bellybutton. He lingered for a moment, looking at the belly ring I usually kept covered. Very few people knew about my post-divorce fit of rebellion.

  “Nice,” he concluded. Before I could respond, he swept back in to jiggle the ring with his tongue and I forgot what I was going to say. Goose bumps spread from the center of my body down all four limbs.

  My breasts were the next in line for his attentions. Thankfully he was able to pull my shirt and sports bra off with little effort. I squirmed on the bench as his lips and tongue began exploring. When he kissed his way up to my neck, my sensitive nipples brushed against his still-covered chest and I wanted to cry out in frustration.

  “We can’t—” Oh God, he was unbelievably good at this.

  “Yes, we can,” Noel whispered in my ear.

  He’d kissed and licked his way from my knees to my ears and was killing me with anticipation because he skipped a couple of places that were crying out for attention.

  “What if—” I groaned as he found yet another sensitive spot. “What if someone comes in?” I wasn’t sure how I managed to form a coherent sentence while he traced the edge of my earlobe with his tongue.

  “No one will come in,” he murmured against my lips. “I locked the front door after Justin left.”

  My head spun in anticipation. I slid my knee up and wrapped it around his hip, putting his erection closer to the place I wanted it most. Good thing we both still had our shorts on. It was almost embarrassing how wet I already was.

  We groaned in unison and his hips ground against mine. I was close enough to the edge that one more brush against my clit would probably send me into oblivion, but I didn’t want to go without him.

  Caught off guard by an unpleasant thought, I pulled away from Noel’s kiss.

  “Noel,” I began hesitantly. “I hope this isn’t something that happens to you every week.” Looking into his eyes, I needed to make him understand what I was saying. “Because I don’t make it a habit of throwing myself at the nearest available guy.”

  At first he seemed confused and it was nice to know he was as caught up in the moment as I had been. Then he seemed to realize what I was asking. “No,” he assured me. “I don’t make it a habit of seducing clients on the gym floor. Or anywhere at work for that matter.”

  “Okay. Well, good,” I stammered. “I just wanted to check.”

  “Glad we settled that.” He smiled then asked, “Can I go back to kissing you now?”

  “Yes.” I chuckled. “Definitely back to the kissing.”

  It was delightfully apparent that my interruption hadn’t killed his mood. Noel pulled me to the edge of the bench, fitted himself snugly between my legs and began kissing me with renewed fervor.

  Before I let myself get drugged from the sensations he was creating, I wanted to get a good look at and maybe even a taste of Noel. I pushed against his chest until he leaned back enough so I could stand. Once I stepped away from the bench I reached down to help him up from the floor. He seemed content to let me do as I pleased for now but I doubted that would last long.

  I ran both hands down his chest and abs, anxious to see what was underneath his shirt. With a little help from him, I had his shirt off and was staring at his muscled chest. It was almost overwhelming trying to decide where to start exploring.

  Noel gripped my hips and practically growled, “If you keep looking at me like that, your panties will be ripped off and you’ll be on your back before you can blink.”

  Unsure what he was talking about, I dragged my gaze away from the delicious sight of his bare chest. “How was I looking at you?”

  “Like you wanted to lick me all over.”

But I do,” I confessed. “I just can’t decide where to start.”

  Noel growled again.

  Trying to soothe him, I ran my hands across the wide expanse of his chest, down his ripped abs then back up again before pressing a kiss against the center of his chest. That was as good a place to start as any. I ran my tongue over his breastbone and tasted the lingering saltiness from our earlier workout. With my tongue, I traced the lines of his chest muscles until I had made my way to one nipple. His breath quickened as I suckled and lavished attention on his hard little buds.

  Meanwhile I let my fingers roam across the planes of his chest, his abs and down to his nearly rock-hard erection. When I slipped my hand inside his briefs and palmed his cock, it jerked in response. I stroked his smooth hardness from top to bottom then gently fondled the sac before easing my hand out.

  With a particular destination in mind, I kissed and licked my way down his belly. It took very little effort to slide his shorts and briefs over his hips and to let them drop at his feet. As I knelt in front of him I looked up to see him watching me intently, his hands fisted at his sides as if he were barely maintaining his control. I held his gaze as I reached for his penis and licked the pre-cum from the tip.

  The salty tang of him coated my tongue as I traced circles around the head before taking him completely into my mouth. He only let me make three or four passes before pulling back. His jaw was clenched as he reached down and helped me stand.

  “I’m not going to last if you keep that up,” he growled softly before capturing my lips once again in a searing kiss. Just when I thought I would go up in flames, Noel pulled back and looked down to where our bodies touched. “You have entirely too many clothes on.”

  He was quick to remedy that problem and soon I was standing skin-to-skin against him. The heat rolled off his body, engulfing me from head to toe. Noel continued his onslaught by ravishing my mouth once more while his very talented fingers made their way from my breast to my now-drenched pussy.


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