The Ocoda Chronicles Book 5 Paladonians

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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 5 Paladonians Page 13

by Daniel OConnell

  Salem reports, “With our shields currently extended to their maximum distance, added with what limited shield power the Dorsa have, we have less than a fourteen percent chance to save everyone.”

  Gruel then appears on the holocom, stating, “I have diverted everything we have to our shield emitters, and that’s including the majority of power designated for life support, this is as good as it gets.”

  Oni, who is still studying the scanner reports, “I’m detecting energy spikes across the quadrant. The storm has spread outward across two light-years, and has made hyperspace completely unusable.”

  Callen bites her bottom lip, as she weighs the options before her. She turns to Oni, asking, “If we tried to use long-range communications could we reach Caleb?”

  Oni looks over the sector of space shown to them by the Dorsa as she studies the data, she turns to Callen, replying, “Still too risky sir, the X’ena could possibly pick up a stronger signal, and we couldn’t maintain a two-way conversation anyways Commander. Nevertheless, our repeater signal should have reached him hours ago, provided he was there.”

  The final hours pass all too quickly, as the energy storm reaches the fleet. Salem routinely announces the storm intensity, speed, and mass, as well as its own shield strength and hull integrity.

  Salem reports, “The storm has now reached across seven light-years and has completely disrupted hyperspace. Energy readings are increasing as we approach the center of the storm. Multiple energy spikes nearer to the eye of the storm are strong enough to penetrate our shields with ease.”

  Oni then notices the Dorsa, trying to reach them. She turns to Callen, saying, “Commander, the Dorsa are hailing us.”

  Callen shakes her head in agreement, as the com opens and the Dorsa commander speaks, “We wish you luck and hope that we all survive this. We also thought you should know that the civilizations we discovered possess similar being just like you, although other humanoid life forms are part of their society also like your crew. They are however young and savage at times, but seem to have some form technology that is guiding and teaching them. Perhaps if we survive this, we may try to better understand these people.”

  Salem ominously reports, “We are at the edge of the storm, and we will need to maintain shield strength for sixteen hours. My overall data on the storm shows that by the eighth and tenth hour we will see the strongest parts of the storm.”

  The initial storm front hits as Salem’s extended shields hold true protecting the fleet. For the first hour, Salem reports the shield strength as it holds back the storm, while it continues to rage on. After four hours, the storm increases in intensity and Salem reports, “We have shields beginning to weaken in the forward sections of the defense grid by eight per cent.”

  An additional hour passes, as Salem reports, “Shields are down to sixty-four per cent, and we still have ten hours to endure, with only two more hours until we reach the strongest part of the storm. We currently have less than a forty percent chance of our own survival, with less than an eleven percent chance to save the entire Dorsa fleet.”

  Callen angered by Salem’s blunt report, responds, “Salem, your bedside manner has much to be desired.”

  Salem responds as expected, “My programming was not given a human element such as Celesta, my program was mirrored more so of Templar or the Cavalier A.I.”

  Callen frowns, as she turns her attention back to the storm.

  Two additional hours pass, as Salem reports, “We have shields down to forty-two per cent, and they are rapidly diminishing on the outer reaches.”

  Suddenly, a burst of plasma strikes the shields causing a temporary disruption that damages the Salem and two Dorsa vessels.

  Salem reports, “We have suffered moderate damage to our forward bow as well as three torpedo launchers. Overall, our superstructure is at eighty-nine percent. If we are hit with another such blast, we may lose power, and our shields would be compromised.”

  Callen troubled by the damage, asks, “How did that energy strike penetrate our shields?”

  Salem responds, “Our shields are currently overextended beyond its intended range, and this is causing intermittent gaps in the shielding.”

  Oni, who is studying the Dorsa vessels reports, “The Dorsa ships took very minimal damage to their outer hulls. It would appear that their hulls are heavily reinforced.”

  For the next twenty minutes, the storm continues to batter the fleet weakening the shields down to less than twenty percent. Salem reports, “Commander, I understand my news is unwelcomed but the strongest part of the storm is almost upon us, we have placed our lives at considerable risk. We have less than a four percent chance of saving the entire Dorsa fleet, and less than a twenty percent chance of surviving ourselves.”

  Callen lowers her head in defeat, when Oni is suddenly surprised, reporting, “Commander, I’m detecting an incoming signal.” Oni pauses as she reviews the signal, she turns excited, stating, “Commander its Paladin.”

  Callen smiles, saying, “Put it on the holocom.”

  Caleb appears on the holocom, clearly unhappy, asking, “What the hell are you trying to do Commander Callen?”

  Callen releases a huge breath of relief, as she replies, “Sorry Caleb, but we needed to find you quickly as the Rooke’s have created a colony in restricted space and we were running out of time. We had no choice but to make contact with the Dorsa and then discovered that they were in danger. Basically, they helped us find you, so we couldn’t just leave them to die.”

  Caleb grumbles, responding, “I was aware of the Rooke colony long before I left, I had already planned on returning later this year. Regrettably, you have now exposed to the Dorsa just how powerful we are, and this could now have a negative impact on our future contact.”

  Salem then interrupts, stating, “We have a massive energy discharge directly before us, our shields will not hold.”

  Caleb shakes his head in frustration, saying, “Watch your heads, I’ll be right there.” With that, Paladin shifts halfway across the quadrant and directly above the fleet of Dorsa ships. Paladin immediately extends its superior shield system and blanket covers all the ships as the strongest part of the energy storm strikes.

  The Dorsa commander is in awe at the immediate arrival of Paladin, which dwarfs all the Dorsa ships. Cautiously he contacts the Salem, which opens the holocom, allowing the Dorsa commander to ask, “This is the ship you were searching for?”

  Callen smirks, as she answers, “Yes. This is Paladin.”

  The strongest part of the storm strikes as Paladin shields hold against the onslaught. Paladin holds its superior shields up for almost two minutes at full strength before it turns back to standard power. The storm rages on for several more hours, but all the ships are safe from harm.

  Caleb has Paladin open up a com line to the Dorsa and the Salem as Caleb speaks, “I am Caleb, and I have been watching you and your ships for some time. I am sure you have many questions, and we will have much to discuss.”

  The Dorsa commander concerned, but grateful at the rescue, asks, “How is it you know about us and our people?”

  Paladin then responds, “We are from an altered timeline, which pitted your race and the race of humans against each other for thousands of years. Billions died on both sides of this futile war. Nevertheless, when a way was found that could prevent the war from ever happening, your people sacrificed thousands of lives to ensure that future, which we escaped from would never come-to-pass. Their sacrifice allowed Caleb to travel into the distant past and rewrite history. Caleb has since placed several human colonies near the outer fringes of your exploration to allow you to become more familiar with humans, as well as to allow humans to become familiar with the Dorsa. It is our hope that your people will be able to learn and teach the humans, as we are teaching you now.”

  The Dorsa commander alarmed, asks, “Why are you telling us this now? Why not just meet us before all this?”

  Caleb then speaks, saying,
“We didn’t want to cause your people to fear us. Can you not imagine the result of this ship appearing within your space, our technology, our weapons, and our advanced systems would easily cause fear amongst your people. You people could have raced to advance your technology to rapidly and possibly altered our timeline. And if you damage our timeline, then all that we have done will be undone. Your people may never enter our galaxy for the next fifteen hundred years, or you could create a paradox that could possibly destroy both our civilizations.”

  Callen reluctantly adds in, “Even now, we have issues with rogue elements of our own people that endanger the timeline, and that is why we were in search of Caleb. He is the only one that can ensure that the timeline remains pure.”

  The Dorsa commander in shock of everything carefully asks, “Your concern seems to be focused only on not damaging your timeline, yet you have directly interfered in ours?”

  Paladin replies, “We had planned on doing so with less direct involvement, but with this encounter that is no longer possible. You see Commander it is more than likely that in the previous timeline you and your fleet were destroyed. Your early hyperdrive technology had created many of these energy storms, which slowed your early development into deeper exploration for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is more than likely, that your fleet was destroyed, and now we have changed that. You now can teach your people just how dangerous your early hyperdrive technology is, and teach them about us. How your people will grow from this point on is now up to you.”

  The Dorsa commander studying the data of both ships states, “Your ships could easily destroy us, yet you are willing to risk your future on the hope that we will not interfere with your timeline?”

  Caleb grins, saying, “Hope is sometimes all we have.”

  Paladin ends the transmission with the Dorsa, as Caleb turns his attention to Callen, stating, “We need to go home Commander, Paladin has informed me of Salem’s shift drive being damaged beyond repair. I want you to set it on automatic pilot and send it home, and then transfer your people to Paladin.”

  Callen, concerned about Salem, asks the ship, “How long will it take you to get home Salem?”

  Salem responds, “Six years and eight months.”

  Callen looks over his crew, and then asks Caleb, “Sir, I think it would be best that we stayed out here with the human colonies you have created, and ensure their survival. Let us carry on your work as a protector and teacher to these people.”

  Caleb smiles, replying, “Honorable Commander, I will have Paladin download all the pertinent data on the colonies as well as all the other space faring races that presides out here. Commander, you should be aware that it may be some time before I return.”

  Callen smiles, as she looks out over her crew, stating, “We were chosen for the Black guard because we think differently than most. Our lives are not as important as those we are able to protect.”

  Caleb stands, saluting Callen, saying, “Godspeed Callen.”

  The holocom ends, as Paladin informs Caleb, “Cale I’m detecting a Rooke heavy cruiser following the Salem, it is however experiencing engine issues and unless they reduce their speed the vessel may become stranded out here.”

  Caleb sighs, saying, “Nothing in life is easy Pal. Okay, set us up on an intercept course and let’s see what we can do to persuade this foolhardy captain to nurse his vessel home.”

  Paladin states, “Cale, this Rooke captain will more than likely refuse to surrender his ship, and we can be sure his mission was to stop the Salem before they located us. It is also more than likely that this ship is heavily armed with T-Challa weaponry, and they may even be reckless enough to try and attack us.”

  Caleb sighs heavily, saying, “The Rookes are really trying my patience as of late. Ok Pal, just send em a signal letting them know I’m heading to remove their colony, so they can keep chasing the Salem, or head back home. I really don’t care what they do at this point or if they strand themselves out here.”

  Paladin alarmed, states, “Should they continue chasing the Salem. The Salem will not be able to fight back.”

  Caleb exhales slowly, as a grin comes to his face, saying, “Release the blocks on the Salem Pal.”

  Paladin reluctantly responds, “The signal has been sent, and the ship will be able to fire on every ship, except ours. I have instructed the Salem A.I. to inform the crew only if they need to be told.”

  Caleb chuckles, saying, “Well the Rookes will have their hands full chasing the Salem, and as for that colony, how much you wanna bet they’ll have that colony evacuated by the time I get there.”

  Paladin responds, “Not a bet I’d take Cale.”

  Caleb smiling, sits back in his chair, saying, “Head for home Pal.”



  The year is one thousand two hundred and fifty-four, and much has happened over the past six hundred years. The time of the Earth’s dark ages has proven most difficult for the Paladonian people, as many of the refugees are stricken with religious fervor and are unable to cope with the reality of the universe. Thousands die senselessly, committing suicide. Only the Tof and Rooke’s maintain sizeable numbers of refugees, but by only saving the very young, leaving the older people to their fate. As cruel as that may seem, it has worked, as so many were blinded to their religious ways that they were unable to be saved.

  The past few centuries have been interesting to say at the least. Four hundred and fifty-two years ago in the year, eight hundred and twenty-two the Tof people become divided, as an internal civil war sprung up. A secret sect within the Tof government rose up to power, challenging the current regime on the way the Tof government had been ruling. The civil war, which lasted for year caused turmoil amongst many of the other Paladonian worlds, as many of the Paladonian people took sides. This in turn causes even more internal strife amongst the council, as both the Tof and Rooke governments chose to leave the council as a result. The rebellion was finally put down. In what many have believed to be a false amnesty that ended with the murder of thousands. Many question if this was true, and if so, why did Caleb not interfere. It is later discovered that the secret sect were worshipers of Caleb, which was against Caleb’s prime laws. It is also believed that the Tof only imprisoned or exiled the majority of the sect, while others fled out into the other moons. Regardless, the next four hundred and fifty two years people moved on as this became part of Paladonian history, but these extremists have become part of the Paladonian people and many wonder just what they are capable of doing.

  A year later, one thousand two hundred and seventy-five Caleb is awoken from a peaceful sleep by Allie, “Father, wake up, Celesta is gone.”

  Caleb wakes, shocked by the psychic scream, he answers in similar fashion, “Allie I love you to death, but can you try and wake me up with less enthusiasm.”

  Allie, obviously unamused, repeats her statement, “Father, listen to me, Celesta is gone.”

  Caleb confused, asks, “Gone? What do you mean by gone?”

  Allie upset, reports, “Father, I was monitoring the psychic plane when I heard screams, as several Bentonians were just killed. I could not scan their assailants, as they had psionic shields on. I immediately scanned the minds of others as they saw the Celesta shift away.”

  Caleb alarmed, asks, “Paladin what happened to Celesta?”

  Paladin replies, “Unknown Cale, I have lost contact with her. The A.I. program was shut down just before she vanished.”

  Caleb shocked, asks, “Pal, how could anyone shut off Celesta?”

  Paladin uncertain, answers, “Cale I don’t know the answer to that question, only you and Gabe had access to the information to shut down Celesta’s A.I. program.”

  Allie, who is still listening to Caleb’s conversation, tells Caleb, “Father, I believe I know of another possibility. Several hundred years ago, a Black guard officer was taken prisoner by the Tof government. He was subjected to severe interrogation, where drugs were used
to make him speak. He used to be Gabriel’s Black guard liaison. This man had detailed knowledge of Celesta and her inner workings. It is quite possible that he may have been aware of this.”

  Paladin who can hear all of Caleb’s thoughts as well as this psychic conversation says, “This is a most serious issue Cale. If the Tof did indeed take control of the Celesta they could easily attack any and all Paladonian ships, including us, and the Celesta’s weapons systems are almost a match for ours.”

  Caleb furiously gets up out of bed, stumbling to get dressed, saying, “Get me the bumbling idiot Xavier of the Tof moon.”

  A few moments pass, as the holocom opens and a young man stands into view, saying, “My father doesn’t want to talk to you.” A very young girl beside him nastily adds, “Go away you big old meanie.”

  Caleb unamused, says, “Very well then, tell your father that he has five minutes to call me before I shut down your tech again.” Paladin ends the transmission.

  Paladin curious, asks, “Cale is it your intent to once more shut down the Tof worlds X’ena based technology?”

  Caleb annoyed, says, “Only if I find out the Tof’s are responsible for this.”

  Paladin alerts Caleb, “Cale as expected, Xavier is trying to reach you.”

  Caleb smirks, seeing Xavier appear before him kneeling. Xavier is close to two hundred and forty years old, and during such a long life, he has only had two children in all that time, Durand, his son and Ariel, his daughter, both adolescent children, but spoiled to no end. Xavier with his head bowed, asks, “Must you always threaten my world in such a manner Caleb?”

  Caleb clearly unconcerned with Xavier’s complaining, asks, “What do you know of the Celesta?”

  Xavier looks up confused, asking, “What do you mean? The Celesta is the flagship of the Bentonian fleet. Why are you asking me about it?”

  Allie, who is still listening in says to Caleb, “Father, he is not wearing a psionic scrambler, I have scanned his mind and he is telling the truth about his ignorance in this matter. In fact, he is barely in charge of his government, and as frightening as this may sound, he is letting his children make decisions. Regrettably, I cannot read their minds, as they are both wearing psionic scramblers”


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