The Ocoda Chronicles Book 5 Paladonians

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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 5 Paladonians Page 14

by Daniel OConnell

  Caleb growls, saying, “The Celesta was stolen and several Bentonians were killed. I know about the information your people gathered about Celesta hundreds of years ago. If I find out you and your people were involved with its theft, the penance I will inflict on you this time will make the last time look like a weekend getaway.”

  Xavier looks over to his children in amazement. He immediately turns back to Caleb, saying, “During our civil war with the fanatics that worshiped you Caleb many of our secrets were stolen. You may need to seek out those that revere you as a symbol of hope. Perhaps you can inflict your penance on them.”

  Caleb looks sternly at Xavier, and then at his children, saying, “Xavier you have grown weak in your old age, I can tell that you are no longer in charge of your own people. Regardless of your feebleness, if you have foolishly allowed two teenage children to gain control of your people.” Caleb pauses as he menacingly stares at the three, saying, “Let it be known that I will discover just who is responsible, and I will make sure justice is done.”

  Paladin cuts the transmission, reporting, “Cale I have received a transmission from Council leader Mary of the Bentonians. I have already informed her we are working diligently on retrieving the Celesta.”

  Caleb, even more aggravated, says, “Pal do what you must, but we need to find that ship fast.”

  Fast never happens, as they search for several months, Paladin searches as far as it can without success. The Black guard, as well as Bentonian internal security, spends every waking moment on locating the Celesta.

  Finally, on a quiet, peaceful day, Paladin detects an anomaly near the outskirts of Paladonian space, which Allie confirms that whatever is out there possess a psionic shield large enough to be the Celesta.

  Caleb prepares to launch Paladin, when Paladin reports, “Cale, I have tried to re-establish control of the Celesta, but whomever has taken her, has definitely found a way to override all my lock outs. I cannot even detect the A.I. program Celesta. It is possible they may have deleted her.”

  Caleb enraged, sits in the command chair, as Paladin rises from the moon of the First ones. However, before Paladin can head out, the Celesta appears in high orbit above Bentonia and fires multiple volleys down upon the cities. Emergency defense fields rise up, but not before hundreds are injured or killed.

  Paladin alarmed, reports, “Cale there is no one but us that can stop them.”

  Caleb focused on the attack yells, “Shift us below Celesta’s guns, and activate the superior shield systems.”

  Paladin shifts directly between the Celesta and the Bentonian capital city. The Celesta fires all her guns and torpedoes directly at Paladin. Paladin is able to withstand the attack, but Celesta is perhaps as powerful a ship as Paladin is.

  Paladin switches back to normal shields, transferring the excess energy into weapons, firing a massive volley right back at the ship. The Celesta quickly shifts away, avoiding the blast and reappears directly behind Paladin firing again.

  Paladin cannot shift away in time. The powerful Battleship is struck hard, as her standard shields barely contain the assault, dropping the shield down to twenty-four percent.

  With little time left, Caleb tells Paladin, “Pal I know they’re going to do another shift when I fire. I need you to calculate the most likely location they will pop into, and prepare a full blast of torpedoes to fire three seconds after we fire the main cannons.”

  Paladin doesn’t hesitate and says, “Calculated, we are ready to fire.”

  Paladin fires its weapons in multiple directions, and just as expected the Celesta shift away, but Paladin guesses correctly, as it shifts directly back where it predicted. The crew of the Celesta has no time to react as over twenty torpedoes strike her tearing down her shields and decimating her decks. The Celesta floats helpless in space.

  Caleb quickly shifts over to the Celesta. Unfortunately, he arrives too late, as the crew has died. Caleb is shocked to see this once proud ship in shambles, as most of her control panels have been removed, and it appears that many parts of the ship were just ripped apart long before the battle. Caleb checks several of the bodies to discover that they too had died long ago. He can detect no signs of life, as he scours the ship.

  After almost twenty minutes, Paladin reports, “Cale I have over fifteen ships fast approaching the Celesta. I have already alerted them that we have disabled the ship. They are requesting that we allow them to take her back to Bentonia so they can conduct their own investigation.”

  Caleb, still looking at the dead, replies, “Very well Pal, let them have her, but inform them that I will personally oversee her repairs, and Pal can you locate Celesta’s program?”

  Paladin responds, “No Cale, they have wiped the A.I. program, but I have her latest backup taken a few months before she disappeared, I can restore her.”

  Caleb looks over the devastation, saying, “There is much to do here, and I have less than a hundred years left.” Caleb shifts back to Paladin as the Bentonians arrive to retrieve the Celesta.

  The year is now one thousand three hundred and fifty. It is just one year before Benton is to wake. Caleb has once more guided the Paladonians people as best he could, while still maintaining his distance from their government control, with the exception of his direct involvement with the Celesta incident Caleb has done his best to remain in the shadows.

  Finally, with only a year until Benton awakes, Caleb calls all the moons leaders together, including the Tof and Rooke leaders to meet later this week. His invitation is not a request.

  Caleb sits in the chamber of the Flower stone two days before the council meeting, as Allie towers above him. She asks telepathically, “Father, I do not need to use my powers to see your mind is troubled, what can I do to help you?”

  Caleb looks up at the massive T-Challa queen, and smiles, as this is now the third incarnation of Allie and each one has remained true to those that came before. He replies, “I’m sorry Allie but I have much on my mind today, and unfortunately I cannot share it all with you. There is much to do, and so little time left. I will need you to overcome your aversion of Gabriel, and help him. His mind will become weak and he may once more succumb to the stress of such a long life, but I need him to survive to make sure the Meli is defeated in this timeline.”

  Allie confused, asks, “Father? What do you mean the Meli of this timeline?”

  Caleb, aware that Allie could easily read his mind with just a thought replies, “Allie it is best that you focus on the things I need you to do. One is to help Catherine Whitefeather maintain control of the council and ensure she is protected. The second is even more important.”

  Caleb reaches behind him pulling out a case and places it before him, saying, “This possesses a lifetime of work, which will guide and teach Carla in her powers as well as the key to defeating the Meli. It is to be given to Carla once she has passed her twentieth birthday and has avoided the Meli. I have placed two other devices in secret locations that will work with this device to perform a third task.”

  Allie concerned by the way in which Caleb is speaking, asks, “Father, you speak as if I will never see you again?”

  Caleb holds back a tear, speaking, “Allie I love you as if you were my own child, and in many ways you are. However, in a year, I will be gone for a very long time and I cannot share where I am going, all I can say is the Flower stone showed me the path I must take and I need to begin that part of my journey soon. If I don’t start, then the result will be catastrophic for the human race.”

  Allie, now very emotional, asks, “Father, may I come with you?”

  Caleb smiles, looking up into the massive T-Challa Queen, and says, “I need you to teach Carla in her powers, help her understand right from wrong, and teach her as I have taught you.”

  Allie holds back her tears, answering, “I will do so father, I will pass down all that you have taught me to my descendants. We will not fail you.”

  Caleb stands and says, “One day Allie, I want you
to come out of the shadows and let the Paladonian and Earth people know just who it is was that helped save them.”

  Allie lowers her head, replying, “I too hope for that day.”

  Caleb then asks, “I need to know that Abraham will be safe Allie. Have you been able to successfully conceal his connection to Noskcaj?”

  Allie replies, “Father, I have done all that I can. The Black guard and I have purged virtually all records of Noskcaj, but some documents may remain hidden from us. Only you, Gabriel, and I know just who Noskcaj was. Unfortunately, it will be your daughter, which will endure the hatred and fear of our people.”

  Caleb lowers his head and sighs, saying, “I wish I could shield her as well, but she has the power to protect herself, and Abraham despite my gift is still only human. Should it be discovered that he was as great a part of the evil in the alternate timeline, his life would be in constant danger.”

  Allie shakes her head, stating, “He will be protected Father.”

  Two days later, on the moon of the First ones, the council hall is filled with representatives from all the moons. The Council leader is Catherine Whitefeather of the Whitefeather moon, and she is a direct descendant of Reggie and Rachel. Unfortunately, she is overly dependent on Caleb’s aid, and because of this often lacks the ability to make decisions for herself. This is something Caleb plans to correct with Allie’s help. Catherine is unaware of Allie, or any of the aliens, as only the Black guard and Caleb knows about the aliens living within the quarantined section of the moon of the First ones.

  The Tof world is now represented by two siblings’ brother and sister, Durand and Ariel. Not much is known about either, other than that they rose to power quickly after Xavier their father died un-expectantly. Many claim the children may have even been responsible for his death, as it was often believed that his children were the true power of his regime. When it came time to elect Xavier’s successor many of there would be challengers became ill, and died mysteriously. The Tof have very little interaction with any of the other worlds other than the moon of the Rookes.

  The Rooke world has always been ruled by a descendant of Edgar, and not much has ever changed in the past thousand plus years, as the current ruler is named Edgar the eighth. His rule is iron clad, as they have always been an isolated world, with very little contact with outsiders, with a few exceptions. The Rookes have also built up a large military, which nearly rivals the Bentonian worlds.

  The Moon of the First ones has been, as always under Allie’s control. She often uses Black guard officers to represent her wishes. This representative is Amiel Sanchez, who is the current head of the Black guard. His loyalty to Allie is unwavering. He stares directly at the Tof and Rooke representatives with all his contempt undoubtedly noticeable. Amiel rarely speaks unless he has too, but when he does, he makes certain that his opinion is heard.”

  The moon of the Uari is in flux, as they have had no direct ruler for over a year, and has instead sent a pro-temp member who will speak for the Uari. She is uncertain and fearful of everyone, having very little experience in politics, her name is Yvette, and she is very young, only in her early twenties. She was chosen by a council of six who represent the major populace of their world. These six Uari council member’s motives, are, however, self-centered, as they have purposely avoided appointing a leader, instead choosing Yvette to be their puppet while they seek to increase their own power. This power manipulation has not gone unnoticed.

  The Moon of the Valens, often named their rulers Valentine. This has always been seen as a way of showing respect to Caleb. The current ruler of the Valen moon has chosen not to follow this trend, instead going with his true name Richard. Richard is a simple man much revered by all on the council, as well as on his home world. He is very old, perhaps one of the oldest on the council, being a direct descendant of the original survivors his age is just over three hundred years old. He prefers the simplicity in negotiations often vocalizing his disdain to boisterous chatter.

  Finally, the Council leader of the Bentonian moon is a woman named Mary. She is intelligent and strong willed, as she studies the others looking for weaknesses, and as many of the previous Bentonian leaders before her, she often speaks out whenever she chooses, threatening, and bullying the others with threats of aggression with Celesta. Counsel Mary like many before her is a direct descendant of the original survivors, and has ruled Bentonia for over one hundred and fifty years.

  Caleb arrives late, as many of the worlds have begun arguing amongst each other. Caleb walks to the head of the chamber refusing to make eye contact with any of the people in the room.

  Caleb sits at the head of the table and tosses out a portable holoprojector. The device activates, showing a satellite. Caleb waits for the room to focus on the satellite image. He begins to speak, “These satellites have been in place around each world since the day of our arrival over a thousand years ago. They have helped us all by allowing instant communication, weather control, and of course, it has been a means to record all our history. These satellites have protected the innocent, and shown us the guilty, and it has always been you the people that stand before me that controlled these satellites.”

  Caleb waits, while he studies the room. He stares threateningly at the Tof’ and the Rooke. He continues, “Well, I have to be honest with you all, these satellites also shared all that they saw with me, and for years I have remained silent as I watched crimes committed, and I allowed it to happen. This stops now, and before you go off and send out your ships to destroy these satellites, you should be aware that I have implanted a device within each one that will render that world void from all X’ena military based technology should the satellite be damaged or destroyed.”

  Durand stands up enraged, screaming, “Remove these satellites from my world at once!”

  Caleb glares at Durand, and says, “Shut up and sit down Durand.”

  Durand looks down at the others waiting for someone to support him, no one does.

  Caleb then shows a recording of Durand placing an unknown liquid into a drink and then passing it to another Rooke council member of his world. The recording quickly flashes forward showing that council member dying painfully. Caleb smirks, saying, “I have shared that bit of information to all the worlds, and I will do so again and again until the people in this room learn to heed my prime laws. From this day forward, you are all being put on notice. I will no longer tolerate the simple greedy goals of those who wish to manipulate their power over others. If you push me, I will push back a hundredfold more. Test me, and you will wish you hadn’t. The reason for our being here will soon be coming to its zenith. In less than one thousand years, the Paladonian people will be able to step out into the light, and save your brothers and sisters of the Earth.

  Catherine stands up applauding Caleb, while the rest sit quietly. Feeling uncomfortable with her stance she speaks, “Caleb, as the leader of this council I hope that we don’t disappoint you.”

  Ariel and Durand stand up, and prepare to leave when Amiel stands up and blocks their path, saying, “Sit down now.”

  Ariel angered, shrieks, “We are no longer part of this council. We only came as we were given no choice, it was come here or face the wrath of Caleb!”

  Caleb annoyed, says, “You both will sit back down and participate in this council from now on. It has been almost two hundred years since you and the Tofs have left the council and that will no longer be tolerated.”

  Ariel and Durand slowly sit down, as Mary asks, “Caleb it is soon going to be the time to awaken Gabriel from his long slumber, what will his role be when he awakens?”

  Caleb smiles at Mary, answering, “That is something that Gabriel already knows all too well.”

  Edgar, who has remained silent up until now finally speaks, stating, “You may be able to force us to your will for now Caleb, but a day will come when it will be us setting the tone of things to be, and not you.”

  Caleb clearly aggravated with both the Tof and
Rooke worlds glares at Edgar, stating, “Edgar, it is true that you and your people will grow stronger than even your wildest imagination could ever perceive, but know this. I have seen the future, and I know the final outcome of both your world, especially the outcome of the world of the Tofs, so you may choose to heed my words, or face the inevitable outcome. Your rule of deceit, lies, and intimidation will fail, and you will be forced to be dependent of those within this room for your own survival.”

  Yvette quietly asks Richard, “Are all these gatherings so angry?”

  Richard looks at Yvette and huffs, saying, “You are but a child, and here only as a puppet to hide those in your world who fear Caleb.”

  Caleb smirks hearing Richard. He then states, “Yvette, I’m going to ask you to take full command of Uari government as the council which is ruling your world has become too corrupt.”

  Edgar snarls, stating, “Spoken like a true dictator.”

  Caleb turns to Edgar, and says, “I see Edgar you need a lesson in humility as well.”

  The holopad shows an image of a private meeting between the Uari council of six and Edgar of Rooke in which a plan is discussed in full detail in taking over the Valen government and gaining control over the council. The holorecording then shows Edgar’s plan to eventually betray the council of six to Bentonians, thus destabilize the Uari world, and allowing him greater control.”

  Edgar is enraged, as Caleb stares him down, saying, “This too was just broadcast to every world, including your own Edgar, and so if you chose to challenge me again, I can play more of your treachery for all to see.” Caleb pauses, staring down Edgar, who lowers his head in defeat. He quickly turns to Yvette, saying, “Yvette, your world needs an unbiased leader until they can vote in a new leader. You are far too innocent to be corrupted by past dealings of the council of six.”


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