Same Time Next Year (Tundra Wolves Book 1)

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Same Time Next Year (Tundra Wolves Book 1) Page 3

by Maggie Walsh

  “What? What guy?” Dell asked, as he turned and looked toward the bar.

  “He’s gone now. Little brother chased him away. Shit, dude, you could have had that guy in the palm of your hands. Literally. The way he was looking at you he looked like he was either going to eat you, or bend you over right there on the bar and fuck you into a coma. Either way, it would have been so fucking good with a guy like that,” Marlo replied.

  Dell gave him a sympathetic smile, then looked to the guys and said, “You don’t know that, Mar. For all we know all the guy had going for him was his looks. He could be bad in bed, or kiss like a dead fish, or even worse. He may have a cock smaller than a Vienna sausage.”

  “Damn, now that would be a crime. He was so fucking hot. Probably the hottest guy I have ever seen,” Bo said, then took a drink from his glass as he looked around the bar.

  Caleb chuffed in annoyance at his best friend. “You’re actually looking around for him, aren’t you?”

  Bo gave him a duh look, then replied, “Of course I am. What do you think I am? Stupid? Even I would bend over and grab my ankles for that, and you all know I don’t bottom. But that guy, shit, he can tie me to his bed and have his way with me any time he likes.”

  “Yeah, like you would ever let some guy tie you up. Look all you want, I’m not interested,” Caleb said, and stood up.

  “Where are you going?” Dell asked.

  “To use the can. It was a long drive and I gotta go. And don’t drink my beer, you vultures,” he admonished, then turned and headed toward the men’s room.

  Jude looked at Dell and gave him a curious look. “Does he still not know that as betas, deltas, and gammas, we have submissive tendencies when it comes to alphas?”

  “Yeah, he knows,” Dell replied, then took a drink from his beer.

  “Okay, but does he know about mixed genes like beta-delta, beta-gamma, delta-gamma, and so on? What that means exactly and that he is one?” Jude asked.

  “Nope. He has no idea. He knows about the mixed genes. Shit, how can he not growing up around all the different ones we have in the pack? But that he’s a beta-gamma, no, he has no clue. I wanted to tell him when he turned eighteen, but Pop said I needed to stay quiet,” Dell answered in frustration, as he ran a hand down his face.

  “Why the hell would the alpha do that? Shit, Dell, you know as well as I do how that could screw someone up. The thoughts going through your mind when it comes to sex and what you like and don’t like, as well as what you crave, but not realizing it is a part of who you are, can be even more confusing than for those of us who do know. Keeping him in the dark is not helping him, man. He needs to know,” Jude admonished.

  Dell sat forward as he glanced toward the bathroom, then he looked to his best friend and hissed angrily, “Don’t you think I know that? Shit, I know Caleb is struggling with it, man. I’m sure that’s why he’s satisfied with only handjobs and blowjobs. I agree with you and have had many arguments with my dad over it, but he just keeps insisting he knows what he’s doing when it comes to Caleb, and I need to stay out of it and keep my mouth shut. As my alpha he ordered me not to say a fucking word.”

  “That’s just so wrong. He may have ordered you, but he didn’t say shit to me about it. I’m gonna tell Caleb,” Bo insisted.

  Dell reached out and gripped him hard on the back of his neck and squeezed, then pulled Bo close, so their faces were only an inch apart, then Dell said angrily, “You are a delta so you know how to follow orders, and you will not say a fucking thing. Do you hear me? Our alpha has his reasons and we will honor his word. Even if we disagree with him.”

  Bo’s eyes were wide in fear as he nodded his head enthusiastically. “I won’t say a word, man. I promise.”

  “Good,” Dell said, as he released Bo and pushed him away.

  Dell grabbed his beer and put the bottle to his lips, taking a deep drink. As he lowered the bottle he met Jude’s gaze and knew what was coming. “Look, Dell. I understand what you’re saying, even if we don’t understand why the alpha insists on this, but you know that even though Caleb is a beta, he has more gamma tendencies, which means―”

  “Yeah, yeah, which means he has more submissive tendencies than full betas, but less than omegas.”

  “Yeah, and most of the time the ones like him make the best submissives. Omegas are too compliant and subservient for most alphas. Betas and deltas aren’t enough for most alphas, they tend to have their own alpha genes, and even though they will submit, they won’t go all bondage and shit like most alphas want. Gammas are more the goal alphas are looking for. They are submissive and will give the alpha whatever he wants, but he is also a protector, so they are good for raising cubs. And you fucking know as an alpha yourself that your kind look for gammas, or beta-gammas, or even delta-gammas as their mating partners, more than any other.”

  “Beta-gammas are the perfect blend of submissive. They will do pretty much anything an alpha wants in the bedroom, and at the same time they are warriors, because they are betas. They are fierce fighters and protectors of the pack. To an alpha that is a delicious combination,” Bo added.

  “Unless the alpha wants a total submissive, then they grab up any available omega,” Marlo said softly.

  Dell looked to the omega and placed a hand on his shoulder. “When your time comes for a match, Marlo, you know we’ll make sure that alpha will treat you right. A submissive in the bedroom, but an equal in the relationship. If he can’t give you that, then we won’t allow the mating.”

  Marlo gave him a shy smile of gratitude. “Thanks, Dell.”

  “Yeah, we’ve got your back, Mar,” Bo agreed.

  “Got his back for what?” Caleb asked, as he rejoined them.

  “We were talking about matings and if any of us would ever be lucky enough to find a mate,” Jude replied.

  Caleb sat and looked to his friend. “They're right, Mar, you know we’ve got your back, no matter what. But, you do realize that if you’re fortunate enough to find your true mate, then you’ll pretty much just drop to your knees and give yourself to him.”

  “Shit, when was the last time any of our kind found a true mate? A hundred years? Two?” Bo asked.

  “Not since before our breed settled here. They think it has to do with the fact that the females don’t want to be here, so how are we supposed to find our true mates? I’ve spoken to other wolf breeds around the country and they don’t have big numbers of true mates either, so I just think it’s a hard thing to find for anyone,” Dell said.

  “Well, we never know, right? Someday one of us may be lucky enough to find a true mate,” Caleb said, and gave Marlo a smile.

  ~ * ~* ~ * ~ * ~

  Later that night, Caleb walked into his bedroom, a big yawn breaking free as he closed the door behind him and began stripping his clothes. He walked to the bed and sat, then unlaced his boots and pulled them off. As he leaned back to unsnap his jeans, his gaze landed on a letter sitting on his nightstand. Shit, how could he have forgotten his yearly birthday letter?

  Caleb stripped to his briefs and left his discarded clothes on the floor, then grabbed the letter and lay back in his bed, leaning against the headboard. He ripped the envelope open then pulled out the paper and unfolded it.

  Dear Caleb,

  Happy twenty-first birthday. Today in the human world you become a man, but in our world you still have four years to go. Although I do already see you as all man. You’ve grown into an honorable man, fierce, protective, and very talented. The way you love cars and know how to fix them is a great talent. You’ve also grown into a very sexy male.

  Your parents and brother must be very proud of the man you have become. I have seen how you treat your pack and how they adore and respect you. I also know that you are still top of your class in training and have become one of the best warriors for your pack. If you are this good now, I can only imagine how fierce you will become by the time your training is over on your twenty-fifth birthday.

  A lot
of changes are happening for you now and there will be many more over the coming years, but I know you will take everything in stride and excel. I myself have gone through some major life changes over the past year and have found a few struggles, but nothing that I couldn’t handle. Having good people, people like you, by my side has been a blessing and the future looks bright. It appears we both have a wonderful future on the horizon.

  I hope you had a wonderful birthday and that your coming year will be filled with happiness. Keep up the good work and remember to soak up everything you can.

  As always, you are not alone, Caleb.


  Caleb read the letter over and over again, once again looking for any clue as to who the writer was and why they kept writing to him, but there was nothing. The one thing that really called out to him was the line about how he had grown into a sexy male. No, a very sexy male.

  Caleb had never seen himself as sexy, but this guy, whoever he was, thought Caleb was and that thought thrilled him for some reason. Shit, for all he knew, this guy was some kind of creep or serial killer. No, that couldn’t be it. If it was, his parents wouldn’t have given him the letters in the first place, and they sure wouldn’t keep giving them to him. For some reason the author of these letters was important to him. He didn’t know how, or why, but he knew it to be true. Just from his parents’ reaction to the letters and the fact he kept receiving them told him so.

  So again, Caleb would take the letter and put it with the others, then once in a while he would pull them out and read them as he thought about the reason behind them, and the man who wrote them. And he did know it was a man. He could scent a manly musk on the paper now that he was getting older and his senses were advancing. Last year had been the first year his wolf was able to pick up a hint of the musky scent, and now tonight that scent was a bit stronger and had Caleb moaning with pleasure. Hopefully, someday he would be able to meet his anonymous pen pal face to face, and finally know who the man was and why he wrote to Caleb every year on his birthday.

  He put the page to his nose and drew in a deep whiff. A gorgeous face flashed through his mind and deep green eyes looked back at him. Caleb’s cock throbbed and grew, and within seconds he was hard as granite.

  “Fuck!” Caleb hissed, in a whisper.

  He dropped the letter next to him and leaned over, opened the nightstand and pulled out a tube of lube. Caleb coated his fingers on both hands, then slid his right hand down the front of his briefs, wrapped the hand around his hard cock, and slowly started to stroke himself.

  After a few strokes he bent his knees, letting his legs drop open, then reached down and pressed the tip of a finger from his left hand against his puckered hole. Caleb relaxed back and closed his eyes, then brought up a vision of the man from the bar. Letting his fantasies take him away, Caleb thrust two fingers in his ass as he stroked himself faster, picturing himself tied face down to a bench with a ring gag in his mouth, as the hot guy from the bar slid in behind him, grabbed onto the straps of the chest harness he wore, and then thrust his massive cock deep inside Caleb, making him cry out in pleasure.

  The fantasy grew and morphed and suddenly the man moved around him and gripped his head between his two large, strong hands. The fantasy vision of himself raised his gaze, meeting the man’s amazing green eyes and he saw need, desire, and love in those beautiful pools. His fantasy body relaxed and he could tell it was willing to accept anything this man wanted from him. A loving smile came to the man's lips as he moved closer, the tip of his engorged cock slipping between Caleb’s lips that were being held open by the ring gag. Fantasy Caleb closed his eyes in acceptance and allowed the sexy man to do what he wanted. The large, thick cock slid down his throat as the man's grip on his head tightened, and Caleb threw his head back, groaning to the ceiling as he came, filling his hand with his release as his ass muscles flexed around his fingers.

  Gods, that had been the most powerful orgasm of his life. Caleb thought, as he lay there trying to catch his breath. Fuck, there was really no denying it now. He wanted to be submissive to a lover. He wanted his lover to take care of all his needs, both in and out of the bedroom, and his needs in the bedroom were to be dominated. Fuck, he was so screwed. It meant that only an alpha would be able to satisfy him, but with him being trained as beta to his brother when Dell became alpha, there was just no way that was going to happen. So, was he now destined to live a life alone and looking for backroom hookups that could hopefully scratch his itch?

  Deep green eyes, jet-black hair, and a musky, manly scent came to him and Caleb whimpered. If only…


  “Ridge, you ready?”

  Ridge placed the ledgers in the safe and closed the door, then turned the dial, locking it, before turning to look at his best friend and beta, Jag. “The meeting is in two hours. We have plenty of time to get there.” As he spoke, Ridge grabbed his coat and keys from his desk.

  “Yes, but it’s halfway between both packs. It will take us a good hour, or more, to get there in the Sno-cat,” Jag replied.

  Ridge smiled as he approached Jag and headed out of his office. “You sound nervous, man. What’s up, got a hot date?”

  Ridge smirked to himself when he heard Jag grunt under his breath. He knew why his best friend wanted to get to the meeting. Alpha York was sure to bring not only one of his betas, his son Dell, and a few Lead Warriors, or Enforcers, but he would also most likely bring the delta, Bo with him, and Ridge knew Jag had the hots for the man.

  “No, asshat. I just know how important this meeting is for you and for our pack. You and your father before you, have worked hard for many years along with Alpha York to get your hands on the land that separates our two packs, and with this meeting it will become final. Our lands will expand and so will theirs, and now we will be neighbors and allies. I also know why you have all worked so hard to make it happen and exactly why it is so important to you personally. It’s the last step and it’s finally here,” Jag replied, as they both put on their heavy outer gear and headed out the door.

  “Technically, it’s not the final step, but close. There is one more step in the plan and it’s the biggest,” Ridge said, as he climbed into the driver's seat of his Tucker Sno-cat.

  Jag closed the door behind him as he jumped in the passenger seat and clicked his seatbelt into place. “You don’t think he’ll reject you, do you?” Jag asked, worried.

  Ridge started the vehicle and put it in drive, then pulled away from the house and over the snow covered drive. “I have no idea. I really hope not, but who knows?”

  “Fuck, after all this time it would suck to now get rejected.”

  “Thanks, man, like it’s not stressing me out enough already. One more fucking week. One damn week and then I’ll know.”

  “Well, you know I got your back, man. No matter what happens, I’m here for you, brother.”

  Ridge smiled. “I know, man, and thanks. That means a lot to me.”

  “You have been my best friend since fucking birth, Ridge. You don’t stand by a man for fifty-five years then turn your back on him when he meets his actual true mate. You lucky fuck.”

  “Well, I haven’t met him yet, but soon.”

  “So that “accidental” meeting on his twenty-first birthday doesn’t count?” Jag said, and Ridge could hear the smirk in his voice.

  “No, because he had no idea. But now that he’s about to come into his full maturity, his wolf will know who I am and we’ll meet properly.”

  “You know I only wish you luck, Ridge. I hope all your dreams of your mate and your life together come true.”

  Ridge turned his head and smiled at his best friend. “Thanks, man.”

  “And he has grown to be one hot fucker, hasn’t he? Damn, those long, thick blond eyelashes alone are what fantasies are made of. Can you imagine how those cobalt blue eyes will look up at you when he’s kneeling before you with his hands tied behind his back, waiting expectantly for your command? Shit, that th
ought probably gives you masturbation material for weeks.”

  Ridge reached out and punched Jag in the shoulder.

  “Ouch! Shit, man, what was that for?” Jag asked, as he rubbed his shoulder.

  “You’re not supposed to be eyeing my mate, asshole. He’s fucking mine and if I catch you, or anyone else, having fantasies about him, I will cut your balls off,” Ridge threatened, with a growl.

  “I wasn’t fantasizing about him, Ridge. I was just saying you’re one lucky bastard. Your true mate is fucking hot as hell, smart, and a fucking beta with gamma tendencies. What more could an alpha ask for in a mate? Shit, the guy is perfect for you. And not for nothing, but you know I hope to find my own delta, or gamma. I couldn’t deal with a fucking alpha, or omega. As much as I love to dominate my lovers, I don’t want a doormat. I’m a beta with alpha tendencies and a beta wouldn’t do it for me either. We would clash too much in the bedroom. Probably out of it too. But, a delta or gamma, now there’s a breed I could fall in love with. A delta is fierce and loves to fuck. You know their kind. Sex seems to be all they have on the brain besides protecting their pack, and as much as some of them balk over being tops, we know they are all bottoms who love to take a hard pounding. Then, a gamma is only one step above an omega. They’re not totally submissive, but they are fucking close. A gamma would let me fulfill all my sexual fantasies, but give me hell out of the bedroom. But you, you lucky fuck, get a beta-gamma. That man will play out your dominant fantasies happily, but then, he will be a fierce warrior, ready to defend his alpha and his pack with his life.”

  Ridge snickered as he shook his head. His best friend was such a horndog. What Jag needed was a delta-gamma to fulfill all his sexual fantasies, and he knew it. Which was why he had such a hard-on for the delta that was coming from the York pack. The guy was pretty hot and if Ridge was right in his summation, the guy had gamma tendencies, even if it appeared as if the man had no clue he actually did, but it was so apparent to any alpha who met him. And Jag was speaking the truth when he said deltas were known to be sex fiends. Shit, if deltas had things their way, they would spend all day, every day in bed fucking. Shit, it would be a hoot if Jag got a mate like the delta that was coming. Not only did his best friend deserve to find his perfect match, but it would be fun for him to watch the guy drag Jag around by his nose. Well, his dick. And Ridge knew it was exactly what would happen if Jag did find a delta or delta-gamma male to mate.


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