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Same Time Next Year (Tundra Wolves Book 1)

Page 10

by Maggie Walsh

  “When they settled here, those first years were some of the worst, and a lot of our kind didn’t make it. But, my fathers found each other and realized they were true mates. Once they joined, so did their fortunes. As the world changed and grew, my dads found ways to invest their money and make it grow too. It’s one of the reasons they took trips down to the main states. They checked on large businesses to see if they were worth investing in.”

  “Amazing. They both must have been very smart men,” Caleb said, as they stopped in front of another door.

  “They were,” Ridge replied solemnly.

  Caleb immediately pressed close and ran a hand up his chest in comfort. “I’m sorry for your loss, Ridge. I wish that I could have met them.”

  Ridge smiled as he took Caleb’s hand, lifted it to his lips, and kissed it. “I would have loved that, and they would have loved you.”

  “I don’t know about that, but I’ll take your word for it.”

  “Trust me, they would have loved you. My father, Hiram, knew who you were before he died, and he was very excited about you being a part of our family.”

  Caleb smiled shyly. “I keep forgetting your father knew me even though I didn’t know him.”

  “It’s all good, mate. Come, let me show you the last room here, then we’ll head out to the courtyard. I can’t wait for you to see it,” Ridge said, then dragged him into a large workout room. Caleb almost came when he saw all the workout equipment and knew he would spend a lot of time in the room keeping up with his training. After that, they walked into a large pantry that had multiple walk-in freezers and refrigerators, and a shit ton of shelves all filled with food supplies. It looked like they had their own grocery store right there in the house. Going through another door, they found themselves back in the kitchen and Ridge immediately took him to the French doors leading out into the courtyard.

  When he stepped out, Caleb froze as his gaze tried to take everything in, but there was just too much. First, there was a really big built in pool that looked so inviting. It was surrounded by a brick patio with lounge chairs and tables set around it. Along both sides were plants and flowers of all different kinds and colors. He spotted a birdbath among some of the bushes and his eyes went wide when he saw a small bird drop down into the bath.

  He slowly walked further into the courtyard and saw a large jacuzzi to the right, then a beautiful water fountain to the rear of the pool. Beyond that looked like a tropical rainforest, thick with trees and plants of all kinds. Something flew past his face and Caleb drew back, then watched as a butterfly landed on his hand. He raised his hand in front of his face and stared at the little creature in awe. He had only ever seen butterflies on TV and in pictures, but never in person.

  “I think he likes you,” Ridge said as he stepped close and gently took the insect from his hand, then released it up into the air. Caleb watched as it flew away and his gaze landed on the glass roof above his head. Ridge was right. This place was big.

  “Do you see that brick wall there?” Ridge asked, pointing across the yard, and Caleb nodded. “To the right side there is a door. If you go through there it leads to a private patio outside our suite.”

  “So that’s why your rooms had two sets of doors,” Caleb replied.

  “Yup. Come on, I’ll show you the gardens, then we’ll head down to the tunnels and go see Jag.”

  ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

  As Ridge showed Caleb around he kept a close eye on his mate’s reactions, and the one he received from showing him the main playroom was exactly what Ridge had hoped for. Caleb was excited, turned on, and looked like he was ready to strip and drop to his knees, and as much as Ridge wanted that too, he knew they had to wait.

  When he saw the same excited look in Caleb’s eyes when he showed him the gym, Ridge was happy knowing his home pleased his mate. But, it was the look of pure joy and wonder he saw in his mate’s eyes when they stepped out into the courtyard, that had Ridge’s heart expanding more for the man. Caleb’s face looked like an excited child on Christmas morning, and at the same time, he was completely awestruck.

  Ridge walked them down the cobblestone path that brought them through the gardens where he pointed out many types of flowers and trees. A few birds flew by and Caleb laughed every time, causing Ridge’s cock to take notice and begin to fill. By the time they made it to the far corner of the courtyard where he’d had a small waterfall built, leading into a pond where Koi fish swam, Ridge was ready to attack his man and fuck him.

  When Caleb stopped to look at a flower, Ridge came up behind him, pressing their bodies together, and wrapped Caleb in his arms as he started to lick and suck the side of his neck. Caleb leaned back into him and turned his head, giving Ridge more room as a small moan escaped his lips. Caleb pushed his gorgeous ass back to rub against his hard cock, and Ridge lost it. Fuck, his mate seemed to always be ready for him, which only turned him on more.

  He spun Caleb around and forced him back until he was plastered against a tree, then Ridge devoured his mouth, thrusting his tongue deep as his hands roamed over Caleb’s body. Caleb’s hands gripped Ridge’s shoulders, and Ridge loved the feeling of his mate touching him. He never before allowed a lover to touch him back during sex, but he found he wanted his mate’s hands on him.

  Ridge pulled away quickly, leaving Caleb panting, then started to suck his throat. He moved down to his chest where the top two buttons of his shirt were open and licked his mate’s sweet skin. Fingers dragged through his hair, nails scratching his scalp, and Ridge growled from the sensations. He fucking loved it.

  Quickly, he straightened and wrapped his arms around Caleb, then lifted him slightly as he pushed a leg between Caleb’s thighs, and pressed it against his mate’s hard cock. As he kissed him, Caleb cried out in his mouth, and gripped his leg between his own as he began to ride Ridge’s thigh.

  Fuck, Ridge was loving this. Visions of him just making love with his mate flashed into his mind and Ridge was surprised to find he wanted that.

  “Excuse me, Alpha,” Blu’s voice penetrated his lust, and Ridge pulled back from the kiss, but didn’t stop what he was doing to Caleb, and was thrilled when Caleb didn’t seem to be bothered by Blu’s sudden appearance, but kept humping his leg.

  “What is it?” Ridge growled out.

  “Jag called and said he needs you and your mate in the holding room. He says it’s an emergency.”

  “Tell him we’re on our way. Thank you, Blu.”

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  Ridge could hear Blu walk away, then kissed Caleb again before pulling back. “We need to go, pet.”

  “Mmm, I know.” The sadness in Caleb’s voice pleased him, and Ridge promised himself he would make it up to his mate later. He stepped back, releasing Caleb and they both adjusted their pants. He took Caleb’s hand and led him to the tunnels.

  As they made their way down the slope, Ridge turned to look at Caleb and noticed he was still trying to control his breathing, which made him smile. “Thank you for not even missing a beat when Blu found us.”

  Caleb looked up at him, his eyes showing his surprise. “Why would I?”

  “I wasn’t sure you would be comfortable being found in a compromising position with strangers around. I mean, they are your pack now, but you’ve only just met a handful of people, and I thought for sure you would have pulled away.”

  “We are wolves, Ridge. Public displays of sex, submission, and dominance are a part of who we are. My whole life I have seen my pack mates displaying some form of sex, no matter who was around. The worst was when some idiot from another pack was visiting and showed my mother a little too friendly attention and my father exerted his dominance over her right there in front of the whole pack to show the guy who she belonged to. I got an eyeful before I turned away. It was only because it was my parents, you know? Although Dell and I had seen them doing things our whole lives in our house as we grew up. I don’t know if I can do the whole tie me up and whip me thing in front of other
s, or anything extreme, because I have never done that before, but I would if my alpha master wanted me to, and it made you happy.”

  Ridge squeezed his hand as they continued walking. “You really are perfect for me, do you know that, mate? I must confess that I have had fantasies of taking my mate in front of the pack to show them who you belong to, and I definitely don’t have a problem with public sex. As you said, it’s who we are. But I agree, I’m not sure if I could tie you up and play with you with others around. Maybe we’ll have to try it with a small group first,” Ridge said, and wiggled his brows as he laughed.

  Caleb laughed too and the sound made Ridge happy, as well as everything Caleb said. His mate would do whatever he wanted, even in front of others, if it made him happy.

  Ridge stopped Caleb and swung him up into his arms, then pressed his back against the wall, surprising his mate. Caleb immediately wrapped his arms and legs around him and held on. “I grew up seeing my fathers share their relationship, no matter where they were, or who was around, and I don’t want to be restricted with my mate either, but I promise to respect your needs, always. If you only feel comfortable with me taking you in private, then that is how it will be,” Ridge promised.

  Caleb smiled, then leaned in and kissed him under his chin. “Let’s take this a day at a time and see what happens, okay? If there is something you desire, or I do, or something we don’t like, then we need to promise we will always be honest with each other and talk about it.”

  “I agree. I love how smart you are, mate. Gods, I love you,” Ridge said, then suddenly froze as he realized what he had just said.

  Thankfully, just then the door next to them opened, and Jag stepped out. “I’m sorry to interrupt you, Alpha, Alpha mate, but I think you really need to hear what this guy has to say.”

  Ridge placed a shocked Caleb on his feet, then turned to face his friend. “What is it?”

  “Come on in and see,” Jag said, and led them into the room.

  They entered the room to find one of the wolves chained to the floor with silver cuffs, while Mason kept an eye on him as he leaned against the wall with his arms folded over his chest.

  Jag walked over to the guy and demanded, “Tell my alpha what you told us.”

  “I’m not your lap dog. Do it yourself,” the man spat.

  Jag kicked the guy in the side, as he sneered, “Talk!”

  “Fuck. Bastard,” he sneered at Jag, then looked to Ridge. “My alpha wants your mate before you can claim him. He tried to get to you a week ago when you met with Alpha York, to stop you all from buying that land, but we got held up in the storm, and by the time we got there you were all gone.”

  “I’m confused. Why does he want the alpha’s mate?” Caleb asked. Ridge noticed he didn’t give away that he was the alpha mate.

  When the guy got tight lipped, Ridge moved to stand over him and growled, forcing his alpha power toward the man, causing him to pull back, expose his throat, and whimper.

  “He was trying to stop your merger with the York pack. If you all were allowed to join, then you would be the largest, strongest pack, not only of our kind, but in the region. But, when he missed your meeting, he knew he was too late, so the only other way to stop you was to take your promised mate and claim him before you could, which would break your allegiance with the York pack,” the man answered frantically, his voice quivering in fear.

  “How did he even know about the meeting? Or my mate for that matter?” Ridge asked.

  “He has had people watching you. When we got to the meeting, he found the attorney that handled the transaction was still there. The man told him that you and Alpha York had already finalized the purchase and sighed a new alliance between you. That’s when he found out you were now in charge of the Heart pack. When we headed back to our packlands, one of Alpha Stuart’s spies caught up to us and told us you were spotted in York territory, that you were there to take Alpha York’s youngest son as your mate as was part of the bargain your packs had made. Alpha Stuart called for more men to attack you, so that he could take the young York male and force a claim on him. He is hoping that with you only just taking over your father's role as alpha, that your pack would be vulnerable with its new leadership. Then, there is your mate. Alpha Stuart was hoping the young male wouldn’t be happy with his father bargaining him away, and would fight your claim on him, giving Alpha Stuart a chance to take your mate from you. So, he sent half of us here to watch for your return, and the minute we spotted you and the young York male we were ordered to attack and take him, but we never expected you to be so organized, and no one knew you had such a fierce warrior in your pack.”

  “I only have fierce warriors in my pack,” Ridge growled.

  “Yes, but the one I saw out there in the battle was faster than any of your men. He was tricky too. Shit, that guy took out seven of my guys all on his own and wasn’t slowing down.”

  Ridge’s chest filled with pride and he looked over his shoulder at Caleb and smiled. His mate was amazing that was certain. He turned back toward the guy and asked, “And where is your alpha now? Why would he not lead his own attack?” The man only looked down and started to shake.

  Caleb stepped up beside him. “Because, as far as Alpha Stuart, that big twat nozzle, is concerned, you and your pack are of no consequence. He believes you have only just taken command of your pack and are inexperienced. He sent his second string to take you on, while he’s leading his best men,” Caleb surmised, and Ridge knew what he said was spot on when the guy’s head snapped up and his eyes widened.

  Caleb dropped to his knees and grabbed the man by the throat, then lifted his right hand with his fingers pointing out and cocked his arm back. His mate’s face twisted in anger as he leaned in toward the guy. “Who is Alpha Fuckhead attacking?”

  The guy started to shake uncontrollably and suddenly the putrid smell of urine reached Ridge’s nose. What the fuck? Had this guy really just pissed himself?

  Caleb just stared the man down as he tightened his grip around the man's throat and angled his arm higher. “Tell me now, or I will jam my fingers through your fucking skull using your eye sockets,” Caleb threatened.

  “T-the Y-Y-York pack. He’s trying to kill the alpha, so his beta son will return before Alpha Heart claims him, then Alpha Stuart will take him and force an alliance with the new York alpha instead, making the young alpha turn on Alpha Heart. The Heart pack is by far the wealthiest of us all, but the York pack is the strongest. We need an alliance with them if we are to take over the Heart pack. We were sent here as a diversion,” the man answered, as he started to cry.

  Caleb’s eyes filled with rage and he brought his arm down in a flash, but he didn’t shove his fingers through the guy’s skull as he had threatened. Instead, at the last second he made a fist and slammed it against the side of the guy’s head, knocking him unconscious. Caleb then released him and spun around as he stood. Ridge could see the anger and fear in his eyes. “We need to go to them.”

  “He’s right, mate. Your father’s pack is the largest and strongest in the region. They can hold their own until we get there. Jag, call Alpha York now and meet us at the garage. Mason, take this piece of shit, along with the others out onto the glacier and leave them there. Come on, Caleb,” Ridge ordered, as he grabbed his hand and they took off out of the room.


  Ridge drove the Sno-cat as fast as he could over the terrain, hoping they made it to the York pack in time to help Caleb’s family. As the idiot had said, the York pack was the largest and strongest pack, not only of their kind, but in the region, and Ridge had no doubt they would be able to hold their own in any attack. It wasn’t like he, Caleb, and Jag would be any big advantage with only adding three of them to the mix, but Ridge knew his mate wouldn’t be happy until he saw for himself that his family and pack were okay.

  When Jag joined them as Ridge was pulling out of the garage, he informed them that he was able to reach Dell and warn him about what was h
appening. That gave Ridge a small measure of hope. Alpha York and Dell would know how to take Alpha Stuart on and get rid of the threat.

  They drove silently for the first two hours, then Ridge sighed in relief when he saw the sign for York Village only twenty-five kilometers away. They would reach the pack lands in less than fifteen minutes and the Alpha house about ten minutes after that.

  “So, Alpha mate, is it true that your pack makes its money from art?” Jag asked, as he leaned in from the back seat, and Ridge could hear the disbelief in his friend’s voice. Ridge wanted to pull over and bitch slap the asshole. If he insulted Caleb in any way, Ridge was going to string him up by the balls.

  Caleb smiled as he turned his head to look at Jag. “Yes.”

  “Your pack has like, what, four hundred or so people in it, so how do you survive on just art?” He asked doubtfully again and Ridge’s foot hovered over the brake, ready to stop and slap the fuck out of his friend.

  “It’s not like we all sit around doing macramé all day,” Caleb replied. He then turned in his seat, more so that he could face Jag better. “We’re full of artisans and master craftsmen. Each member of our pack has two jobs. One they do for the safety and growth of the pack, like enforcer, warrior, healer, hunter, teacher and so on, but they also have talents that they use to help bring in funds for the pack. My brother, Dell, who will be the next alpha is not only a warrior, but he is also a painter. His work is brilliant and sells for a pretty penny. Then others are good in different forms of art like pottery, jewelry making, furniture making, quilting, photography, and so on.”


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