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The Jade Dragon

Page 14

by Rowena May O'Sullivan

  “Another secret, Zelda,” Rosa alluded to the fact Zelda had known all about Aden when he’d first arrived in Raven’s Creek shielded behind a cloak of secrecy but had kept that knowledge to herself.

  “I have many secrets to keep,” Zelda said. “I have had no desire to keep any from you, but that’s the burden my role carries.”

  “Beth,” Alanna asked. “Are you all right?”

  Beth remained silent. Staring outwards. As if she wasn’t listening. She picked at a cold biscuit until it was in lots of little pieces. She started tossing them to the birds.

  “I don’t know how I feel,” she finally spoke, her voice so soft they strained to hear her. “Are you sure he’s telling us the truth?”

  Zelda answered for Alanna. “It is the truth.”

  “So what do we do with this knowledge? It doesn’t change anything. Mom and Dad are gone. We can’t bring them back.”

  “Gregori has heard the bells,” Alanna knocked back a second glass of elderberry wine. “It’s me he wants.”

  Beth sat up straighter, her eyes finally filled with some emotion. It was better than nothing at all. “Do you want him?”

  “No!” Rosa slammed her hand down on the table. “You can’t bind with an immortal.”

  “I don’t know if I have a choice. There’s a link between us. It’s there. I feel it all the time and it’s growing stronger. I think he’s right about me being the one for him, but there’s no way to bind with him while my magic is bound.”

  “I’ll begin a tapestry.” The color was slowly returning to Beth’s cheeks. “If you can sculpt, then perhaps I can weave. My magic is returning in small increments. There’s a possibility the dreams will come if I begin weaving again.”

  “That would be fantastic,” Alanna said. “Then we’d definitely know if I was on the right path.”

  “You can but try,” Rosa pursed her lips and looked over to Aden, standing with Goran and Gregori who were huddled in a tight circle, deep in their own discussion. “I’ll check with Aden if he knows anything about the timing on your magic being fully unbound.”

  “What about Gregori?” Beth tossed more crumbs to the birds.

  “What of him?” Alanna’s tone was defensive but she couldn’t help it. He was growing on her and didn’t like the idea of him being criticized.

  “We don’t know anything about him.”

  “That’s what you said about Aden, and look how that turned out.”

  “But can we trust him? Are those images he showed us untainted and a true depiction of what happened?”

  “No need to tell us what I know, deep down.” Alanna commented, her tone snarky. “He’s innocent.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “I know it.” Sweet Goddess, help me please.

  ““She’s right,” Zelda waved a hand over the table, refreshing the biscuits and juice. “He didn’t do it. Something or someone else caused your parents’ death. Both the Supreme Council and Marylebone don’t know what happened. As far we know, the car had an anti-crash spell surrounding it. Gregori was ensorcelled by Marylebone because the Bells of Marylebone had tolled for him when Alanna was only fourteen.”

  “If that’s the case,” Rosa echoed Alanna’s thoughts, “then are you sure he’s the right warlock for her? Why would they ring so early?”

  “Why do the three Fates do anything?” Zelda shrugged. “They’re on the Supreme Council and I’ve never been able to figure them out. But everything they ever do always works out in the end.

  The information gave Alanna hope. “My fingers are crossed it all works out this time, then.”

  “Why has Gregori shown us all this now?” Beth said. “It’s in the past. I’d prefer it to remain there.”

  Alanna was puzzled by Beth’s remark. “I thought you’d be angry.”

  “What’s the point?” she said. “It’s not going to bring Mom and Dad back.”

  Her indifference made Alanna feel unsettled. “Rosa. What do you think?”

  “I think you should stay well away from Gregori. He’s immortal. You know Aden’s history. He married me in another life when I was mortal and I died, as did our children. The timing wasn’t right. We pre-empted everything and it all turned out horribly wrong.”

  “But you’re together now. Surely your past children will return to you in this lifetime. I don’t think you can escape destiny when it arrives.”

  “I don’t remember that life. Only what was revealed to me by Marylebone and what Aden has told me. I wouldn’t know if any child I had was one that was reincarnated or not. It’s a huge leap to believe that will happen. Besides, we’re talking about you. Not me.”

  Beth offered her opinion. “If the time is right for her and Gregori, the bells will toll for her, too?”

  Zelda tsked. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that. We must deal with what we have, not what might be.”

  “All I know is,” Alanna admitted, “the link between Gregori and I grows stronger every day. I feel things for him like I’ve never felt for anyone else, ever. But you don’t need to worry, Rosa. I’m not planning on binding anything with him.”

  “So why is he still here?”

  Because he knows where to find the truth.

  “I’m here to prove my innocence.” Gregori spoke from behind, startling them all. He and the men had rejoined them. “I’ve given my word to Marylebone to return to them before my fortnight is up if I don’t find what I’m looking for or I fail to bind with Alanna.”

  His gaze was direct, but only Alanna heard what he really thought. You must release your shields and let me in. The truth lies in you. And so does your salvation.

  If only she believed him. But she knew better. She was damned if she did and damned if she didn’t.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Alanna had spent most of the day with her sisters, discussing Gregori’s revelation. But now she was home, in her quiet studio, with only Gregori for company. She was growing used to his being there and actually looked forward to spending time alone with him. It was after dinner, they’d had a couple of glasses of rosé and she was feeling mellow and more at ease than she’d had in years. Was this what came with unburdening secrets?

  “I want to show you what you will be missing if you turn me away.” Gregori’s tone was desultory, his eyes watchful.

  Please! She rolled her eyes. “Don’t tell me you can see into the future as well as mindwalk?”

  “No. But I can show you what life could be like with me if you’d only allow yourself to love me freely.”

  “Love is overrated.” Of course she didn’t mean it. She longed for someone to share her life, despite her difficult nature, despite all her flaws. But she didn’t believe even Gregori would love her when he heard her story.

  Sometime between her discussion with her sisters and Zelda that afternoon, she had decided to confess her sins. She would find the courage. Somehow. She didn’t know how she was going to without inducing another panic attack. But she would do it. He was right. She needed to unburden herself. Let them see the real Alanna. If they truly loved her, they would eventually understand. If they didn’t, well, that would be her cross to bear.

  “I can prove to you it is not,” he murmured, and tugged her into his arms. His head bent slightly. She nearly matched him in height. Their bodies melded well together. She felt safe in his arms. He smelled of promises, of a life she had only ever dared dream of. “Come with me now.”

  “I’ve no problem with you proving anything to me,” she told him. “You promised we would have sex. Today would be good.” She didn’t want him to think it would be anything more than that. Still, a thrill of anticipation coiled in her gut and she allowed herself to relax into his arms.

  Who was she kidding? She wanted him as much as he — she could f
eel his need pressing against her — wanted her. “Where are we going?”

  “Home,” Gregori said, the energy vibrating around them. A sudden rush of wind whirled through the studio and the world dimmed for a moment. Then a crisscross of radiant lines — ley lines, she guessed — appeared in her vision, spreading out from Raven’s Creek to other towns and cities, across oceans to the other side of the world. She watched in awe as they sped towards one and within seconds she stood still within the circle of his strong powerful arms, her head resting against his chest but located in a different country and, she guessed, in a different time zone from the light filtering through shutters of the room they now stood in.

  “Where are we?” she whispered. Oh, for the ability to travel like this. Rosa could. Upon being Called to Marylebone she had ascended to mastership, attained immortality and could now translocate to wherever she wanted, including the ethereal Marylebone.

  “We’re in my villa in the South of France. Cabasson is a small town I escape to when I can. I bought Villa Paradis for you.”

  Alanna felt heady with an elation she couldn’t explain. “You’re such a charmer. You did not buy this for me. Are we really in the South of France?”

  “I did. And yes. We are. When this villa came up for sale I knew, deep in my soul, this was where I would live with my beloved. That’s you, in case you haven’t worked it out yet. This is where our children will grow up.”

  He was so sure. A shiver ran up her spine. “I have a life in Raven’s Creek.”

  “You can have a life here, too. We can share our time between the two countries.”

  “You’ve got it all mapped out.”

  “It’s my dream. I hope it will become yours as well.”

  “I hate to disappoint you, but I can’t bind with you.”

  “You can. I know it. You know it.”

  “I have no magic.”

  “I have an answer for that. It’s possible. But only if you are truly are honest and open with me.”

  Fear gripped Alanna. She shoved at his chest. He let her go. She needed space. She had been using her lack of magic as a safety net. If he knew a way for them to bind their magic then the knowledge she held protected inside her was the only thing standing in her way of a life with Gregori.

  “What time is it?”

  “Approximately 8:15 in the morning. While Raven Creek prepares for bed, Cabasson awakes.”

  He didn’t seem to be disappointed she had pulled away or not asked how she could bind herself to him. “Come,” he said, a confident smile on his lips and pride in his eyes. “You will not be disappointed with what I have to show you.”

  Thinking of his body naked and available, she murmured, “Oh I’m sure I won’t.”

  His laughter informed her he got her meaning. “First I must show you my villa. She has a name. I call her Villa Paradis. It means paradise. Later, I will take you to one of my vineyards. We make the best rosé in the region. At least we did ten years ago. We will spend the day here, swim in the sea, and watch the sunset while drinking a bottle of my wine and then,” he shrugged, “we will see … ”

  Heaven. Absolute heaven. “You’re positively evil. How can I refuse such an offer?”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  “You were sure I would accept.”

  “True. But I’m happy nonetheless you’ve said yes.”

  With a wave of his hand, all the shutters on the windows unfolded and daylight surged in. She blinked as her eyes adjusted. It was a long wide room with a terracotta floor. At the far end, there was a magnificent, dark wood dining table, a chandelier suspended above it. Upon it rested a bowl filled with fresh fruit. Peaches, nectarines, strawberries, oranges, lemons and pomegranates.

  She stood, surrounded by the plushest, deepest, snuggle-up-and-read-a-good-book couches she’d ever seen. But it was the view out the floor-to-ceiling French doors that held her spellbound. Azure blue water beyond a luxurious swimming pool beckoned. As well as the time difference, it was mid-winter. But the light from the sun sparkled on the sea, a reflection of a sky free of clouds. The day was filled with promise and Alanna knew it would be one to treasure, to keep her warm when Gregori was gone.

  She breathed in deeply, a salty tang in the air. Oh my … one could get used to this.

  “Yes. You could.” Gregori had once again heard her thoughts. He stood behind her and wrapped his arms about her. She leaned back into his chest, his head resting atop hers as they gazed out at the sea. “There’s something very healing about this place. A combination of the view, the weather, the quiet. It’s my haven. And now, if you wish, it’s yours also.”

  She twisted her head to look up at him. “It’s heaven.”

  “More so, now you are here.” His voice was husky as he met her gaze. His head dipped and he stole a kiss from her lips.

  Butterflies danced in her belly. “Show me the rest of the villa,” she said. “Show me where you sleep.”

  “It’s early morning. There’s so much to see.”

  “It’s night-time at home. If we wait it will be tomorrow today.” She frowned and then giggled. “That didn’t come out right.”

  “I know what you mean. Even though it’s winter here, the day ahead is forecast to be warm. It’s best to see the property and the vineyard before the sun rises too high in the sky.”

  She would prefer to stay here, in the villa, in his arms for the entire day. Do nothing except make love, lie on the loungers, drink his wine, make love again, sleep a little and then watch the sun go down.

  “Then we’d better get started.”

  • • •

  Alanna had known him barely four days and she was struggling to keep her emotions in check. All she had to do was think of him, and she dissolved into a puddle of need, thinking wanton thoughts, wanting nothing more than for him to brand her with his body.

  He showed her the villa, reserving his bedroom, he said, “for later.”

  Later seemed eons away. “Why prolong the inevitable?” she asked as she followed him room by room. “Let’s do the deed now. Get it out of the way.”

  “Deed!” The skin around his eyes wrinkled and his lips twitched.

  “Then I can relax.”

  “By the time we enter my room, your nerves will be a screaming mass of need. There will be no relaxing today.”

  “My nerves are screaming now.”

  “You’re just used to getting your own way.”

  “I could say the same about you.”

  “It will be worth the wait.”

  “You’re pretty good in bed, I take it.”

  Gregori spluttered with laughter. “I like to think so.”

  “It’s been ten years. I think your first time will be over before we even get started. I’ve got stamina on my side. I’m fit and healthy. I go for a run most mornings. I don’t think you’ll be able to keep up.”

  “I’ve been celibate since your birth,” he admitted. “Since I first felt our connection and knew you were the one for me.”

  Alanna’s mouth dropped. “What?”

  “I’ve the patience of a saint,” he told her as he led the way out of the villa and down a pathway to the rocky shore.

  A tide of color rushed up her neck to her cheeks. “I don’t know what to say to that, except to warn you I haven’t a single drop of patience in my nature.”

  “You are my yin.”

  Alanna blinked. “You want me to say you’re my yang, don’t you?”

  He laughed. “Just enjoy the day here with me. Relax. Go with the flow.”

  “Not my strongest talent. Once I want something I go for it.”

  “Right now you want to swim in the ocean.”

  “Do I?” The shoreline was rocky but the water, which lapped at her fe
et, was warmer than she expected. “But I don’t have a swimsuit. And it’s winter here!”

  “The water will be invigorating.” He grinned a wicked smile and leered at her. “No one will see you naked.”

  Alanna laughed and rotated in a circle looking for other villas overlooking the beach. There were none. “I’m assuming you’ll be naked, too.” She so wanted to see that body again. The first time, the day he’d broken free, he’d been unconscious and she’d been mostly shocked. But, she’d never forgotten just how magnificent and … how generously endowed he was.

  “Skinny dipping is a truly sensual experience.”

  “I hear you,” Alanna said. “I’m ready for sensual.” She whipped her top off in two seconds flat.

  “I love a woman who’s shy.” He snapped the button open on his jeans.

  “Thanks,” she said and kicked off her shoes. “I work hard at it.”

  “I can tell,” he said as he shrugged out of his shirt.

  Alanna wanted to cross her legs when faced with his truly delicious body. “Man, how did you maintain those abs with no workouts inside that dragon all these years?”

  “Genetics,” he told her with a grin.

  She laughed and tugged down her jeans until she was standing in her bra and skimpy panties. Thank heaven she’d taken the time to pull out a matching set this morning. She ran her hand down her flat stomach. “I’ve my own six-pack here.”

  He laughed. A real, genuine deep belly laugh and the sound was music to her ears.

  “Let me feel.”

  Her hormones performed a happy dance and her skin tingled with the sheer anticipation of his hands on her skin. “Get your clothes off first.”

  He whipped off his jeans and her eyes practically popped out of their sockets at the size of his talent tenting his underwear. Yes, she’d seen him naked, but this was different. This time he was fully erect and she wasn’t afraid.

  It was far too rocky for anything physical other than playful verbal banter. They were going to have to take this into the sea. Which, she guessed, was where he’d intended to take her all along.


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