Rite of Exile: The Silent Tempest, Book 1
Page 22
Enntesk: A school for physicians in Telené.
Erthair: River flowing west from the southern end of lake Lrana. It is said to feed lake Oné’en, where the island Graxmoar is located.
Etrenga: Most hallowed Supreme Raén and Overseer in Adan history, the first and only time anyone held both positions. She is the author of the Oath of the Raéni, and was the first to swear it, thus becoming the first official Raén.
Etre Obald’aseli: Minor work written by the last Adan Prophet, Obald, circa 250-260.
Eya: Physician of Spierel, female, age 51, Garda’s older sister.
Féitseg: Fifth Underseer of Ekendoré. His many duties include consultation for both new citizens and those who wish to join the Raéni.
Ferguen: Lord of the Hodyn people.
Fet’anidaré: Meaning “presentation of the blade”, it is part of the ceremony surrounding the taking of the Oath of the Raéni.
Fetra: The most common type of sword used in Ada, and a ceremonial weapon for their military, the Raéni. Its chief characteristics are a long hilt with no pommel, a short cross guard, and a narrow, slightly curved blade with a single honed edge. Higher members of the Raéni usually have their swords engraved.
Fouvé: Raéni guard stationed at the armory in Ekendoré.
Frehaiani: Network of caretakers dedicated to the education and safekeeping of Raéni children.
Garda: The 18th Overseer of Ada from 983 to present day, female, 47 years old.
Gargáed: The 9th Overseer of Ada from 594-649, female. She was the first to occupy Wsaytchen upon its completion. Because she founded Gerentesk she was also given the honorary title of 1st Grand Loremaster of Ada.
Gebi: Small village on the northern shore of Tnesen.
Gendor: Ferguen’s second in command, in charge of the Hodyn army and their network of spies.
Gerentesk: The main library and archives of Ekendoré and all of Ada, founded in 633. The office of the Grand Loremaster is located there.
Gortgal: A series of caverns high in the mountain valley of Ekendoré.
Grand Loremaster: The highest scholarly position in Ada. See Loremaster.
Graxmoar: Mysterious island to the west of Tnestiri, where the Broken Lor’yentré is said to be located.
Grimoa: Land of the Hodyn, to the northeast of Ada.
Grondolos: Ancient hero and king of Urmanaya who defeated the sorceress Heradnora by breaking the Lor’yentré in two.
Gur’alyreiv: An invisible barrier of fear surrounding the forest Tnestiri and the mountains of the Iéndrai to the south.
Hall of Memories: A chamber of large sculptures behind the main tower of Wsaytchen.
Hendra: Refers not only to the tallest mountain in Ada that stands just north of Ekendoré, but also the spirit of truth which the Adaiani believe inhabits it.
Heradnora: Heradnora was a female sorceress who used the power of the Lor’yentré to hold sway over Urmanaya, home to Ada’s ancestors.
Hodyn: Currently Ada’s only enemy, living to the northeast in Grimoa. They are somewhat shorter and broader than a typical Adaian, and tend to have thick black or dark brown hair.
Homim: First Underseer of Spierel, male, 54 years old.
Idi: A very rare gold coin considered to bring good luck.
Iéndrai: The longest mountain chain in Ada, beginning in the west near Tnestiri and the ocean Cresus, and ending just to the east of Udan, with a southern spur terminating at Eastgate.
Illvent: An inactive volcano northwest of Lake Tnesen. Though dormant for most of Adan history, it has long been feared as an evil omen.
Irenseni: A scattered range of mountains running along the eastern shore of Lrana, ending in the south at Enilií Pass. Many silver mines are located there.
Joásen: Father to Soren, a Raén, 77 years old.
Judgment: A formal inquiry a foreigner must undergo to achieve Adan citizenship. It also refers to a trial for anyone accused of a crime.
Kenda: First Underseer of Enilií, male, 57 years old.
Kerraél: Martial law, which includes the authority to order citizens to take up arms.
krel: Standard monetary unit of both Ada and Trethrealm.
Krengliné: A large, nearly 8-mile long limestone wall, built in 578 to keep out the Hodyn. Its dimensions are roughly 25 feet wide by nearly 60 tall.
Kseleksten: The first of two powerful, evil devices known as the Lor’yentréi, the second of which was used by Heradnora during her tyrannical rule over Ada’s ancestors.
Lagornan: Capitol of Grimoa, land of the Hodyn, near the sea Larsus.
La’hegré: A large sculpture of a wounded sparrow, occupying the far end of the Hall of Memories in Wsaytchen. It is the Adan symbol of sacrifice.
Larai: Loremaster of Besa, female, 38 years old.
Larientur: A chamber deep inside the mountain Hendra reserved almost exclusively for the Overseer and the Council of Nine. It is said that the truth cannot be hidden there from those who seek it.
laroné: Also known as clairvoyance, the ability to see glimpses of current events outside the normal range of vision.
Larsus: Inner sea bordering Grimoa, the Hodyn nation.
Léiff: A fortress standing against the mountains of Norgdir on the eastern side. It is the first major establishment in Ada, built in the year 65.
Loremaster: The highest position of academic learning in a city, usually associated with an advanced teaching center and historical archive such as Gerentesk.
Lorgdir: A short range of mountains to the west in Trethrealm.
Lor’yentré: Plural Lor’yentréi. Name given to either of two evil talismans used in the ancient past, as written by Orand. The Second Lor’yentré, later known as the Broken Lor’yentré, was used by Heradnora against Ada’s ancestors.
Lrana: A large lake to the northwest of Enilií.
Master Raén: The title given to a military commander in charge of a city or fortress. The official title for the highest military position in Ada is Supreme Raén, more commonly known as the Master Raén of Ada.
Norgdir: A tall mountain range in southeastern Ada.
North Road: The road following the southern foothills of the Iéndrai.
Oath of the Raéni: The unbreakable vow an Adan citizen takes when he or she joins the military and becomes a Raén. A Raén’s highest duty is to find Kseleksten and destroy it.
Obald: The last Prophet of Ada, a descendant of Orand. He died in 292.
Olo: Third Underseer of Spierel, male, 65 years old.
Onayonlé: A town roughly halfway from Ekendoré to Enilií on the eastern shore of the Séinen river.
Onaysal: Center of three towers in Spierel, and the tallest. The infirmary and guest rooms are located there.
Oné’en: A lake west of Tnestiri near the shore of Cresus, where lies the island Graxmoar.
Oorlsal: The left-hand of Spierel’s three main towers. The local library and office of Spierel’s Loremaster (currently Acallor) is located there.
Orand: The first of the Adan Prophets, and the author of the Yrsten Prophecy.
Overseer: The highest position of political authority in Ada, residing in Wsaytchen. Garda has held this position since 983.
Prophets: A private group of seers whose origins date back to Urmanayan times. Soon after Orand’s death in 66, all but one of the remaining Prophets (Odreld) departed Ada in protest to the deteriorating relations with the Hodyn.
Quayen: The longest river in Ada. It begins high in the Ekendoréan Valley, flows east for many miles, then meanders far south to empty into the sea Cresus.
Raén: Plural Raéni, a soldier of Ada. The plural term is also the name of the military organization founded by Etrenga in 193.
relleté: A low, circular boat navigated by a single oar or rudder.
Ressolc: Loremaster of Ekendoré, male, 68 years old.
Rewba: Master Raén and First Underseer of Udan, male, 46 years old.
Rite of Exile: An ancient ritual that gives the ability of
any soldier to exile another for an act of disloyalty against Ada.
Sintel: Westernmost of Adan cities, founded in 148. It is was initially a military establishment to guard against the Hodyn, who occupied Agrin at the time.
Sonién: A dam which holds back the waters of the Quayen, forming the narrow Tarn of Ekendoré.
Soren: Currently the 17th Supreme Raén of Ada, male, 57 years old.
Spierel: The second and most revered of Adan fortresses, situated on the west side of the mountains of Norgdir near Eastgate.
Tarn of Ekendoré: A small, narrow lake in Ekendoré directly behind the dam Sonién.
Tedrel: Narrow mountain valley west of Udan, site of Ada’s only major defeat.
Telai: Currently serves as the 13th Grand Loremaster of Ada, a position she achieved in 995.
Telené: The second largest city in Ada, founded in the year 86.
Tellahur: Soren’s buckskin warhorse.
Telquayen: Branch of the Quayen river, beginning near Welfené.
Tenlar: Master Raén of Spierel, male, 33 years old.
Tenra: Second Underseer of Ekendoré, female, 47 years old.
Tnesen: Large lake in central Ada, known for its plentiful supply of fish.
Tnestiri: Large primeval forest to the northwest beyond Lrana.
Tonorasus: Massive cataracts by which the waters of both Lrana and Oné’en empty out of a fissure in the cliffs. It towering plume of mist was used by Trethan mariners in old times for navigational purposes.
Tratirené: Large forest along the eastern and southern borders of Trethrealm.
Treth: The people of Trethrealm (see below).
Trethrealm: A relatively small country, situated between the Lorgdir and the western sea Cresus. The Iéndrai marks its northern border, and the edge of Tratirené facing Ada its eastern. They are a practical folk, unlearned in the academic sense, yet notoriously shrewd traders and merchants.
Udan: A primitive yet well-defended fortress in the northeast of Ada, established in 520.
Underseer: A position of civil authority in a city, town, or fortress. The First Underseer is the highest, and answers only to the Overseer in Ekendoré.
Urman: Ancient hero who led Ada’s distant ancestors across the ocean to begin the new kingdom of Urmanaya.
Urmanaya: Land of Ada’s ancestors, from which the Adaiani emigrated long ago.
Véigen: A narrow tunnel about fifteen miles long, leading from Tedrel (Blood Valley) to Dernetondé.
Warren Stenger: Only child of Caleb Stenger. He arrived in Ada with his father in 997 at the age of 9.
Weaponmaster: A Raén assigned to the storing, guarding, and dispensing of various forms of Adan weaponry, as well as the training of recruits.
Welfené: A medium-sized town near the source of the river Telquayen.
Werten: Ninth Underseer of Ekendoré, male, 24 years old.
Westgate: A gap between the western end of the Iéndrai and the mountains of Lorgdir.
Winding River: A river flowing east from a mountain lake in Tedrel (Blood Valley). After passing Udan it winds for many miles through Grimoa before emptying into the sea Larsus.
Wirden: Raén stationed in Udan, female, 29 years old.
Wsaytchen: A tall, many-towered and turreted palace standing on the northeast corner of Ekendoré against the foothills of Hendra. It is the seat of government for all of Ada, and the permanent residence for the Overseer and Council of Nine.
Yoté: Telai’s personal and professional assistant, male, 24 years old.
yrgona: The traditional drink of the Raéni, much like mead yet flavored with a very specific formula of spices. It has an almost uncanny ability to strengthen the body and mind after a long day’s work or an exhausting battle.
Yrsten Prophecy: The most dreaded and revered of all of the Prophets’ works, and the basis for the part of the Oath that calls for the destruction of Kseleksten. It was written by Orand in the year 23.