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Page 7

by Jenika Snow

  “You’re looking at me like you want me to fuck you, like you want me to ease that arousal you have.” He leaned in close and whispered in her ear, “You look like how I probably look, because right now I want to do all of that and more.”

  Her heart pounded so hard that she felt like it would burst right through her ribcage. Rebel smelled so good, like cologne and a scent that was all him, all masculine. His gaze were lowered and trained on her lips, and she felt them part under the weight of his stare. Damn, Rebel just had this raw masculinity that poured from him, and Rosie couldn’t have stopped this even if she’d wanted to.

  She went to lean forward that small inch to seal their lips together, but before she could even move Rebel started speaking.

  “I am going to fuck you so hard and good when you sit down tomorrow you’ll still feel me inside of you, still feel the soreness of how fucking good I stretched out your cunt.” He lifted his gaze from her mouth and looked at her eyes. After a prolonged second he finally eased the suffering and kissed her. Rebel was potent, so damn intoxicating, and he was about to have his way with her.

  “Tell me how much you fucking want this, baby. I want to actually hear you say it. I want to hear you tell me how much you want my cock in your pussy.” His breath brushed along her lips, and a small sound left her. Here, now, and especially with Rebel, she felt so very helpless and feminine. It was an incredible feeling, knowing this man would take care of her in all facets.

  “Tell me you want me to do filthy fucking things to you, that I’m the only one you want … ever.” He slid his hand over her thigh, along her hip, and up her side to rest right by her breasts.

  A shiver worked its way through her body, and as much as she wanted to say those words, her throat was too tight and her mouth too dry to say anything.

  “Tell me what you want, Rosie.” He slid his hand over her breast, very slowly, teasing her, tormenting her. When he covered the mound a moan spilled from her on its own. “Come on, baby. Tell me what I want to hear.” He applied pressure to her breast, and curled his hand around her sensitive flesh until a sting of pain filled her and mixed with the pleasure. Rosie let her head fall back slightly, not able to hold it up anymore as pleasure tore through her. Rebel had his mouth on her exposed throat, licking, sucking, and running his teeth along the skin. She was going to come before he even fucked her.

  “I want you, every part of you. Fuck me, Rebel.”

  And she knew he would until she was sated and couldn’t even keep her eyes open.

  Chapter Twelve

  Rebel groaned deeply against Rosie’s neck, his cock so hard, and pre-cum slipping out of the tip because he was so turned on. She tasted sweet, addictive. He flattened his tongue and ran it up the length of her neck, over and over again, knowing he was just tormenting both of them with going slow. But he wanted this to last, even if he ached to fuck her.

  Her breasts were more than a handful, and her nipples were rock hard, pressing again the material of her shirt. He wanted the damn clothing off, wanted to feel her naked body pressed up against his. His cock jerked against the zipper of his jeans, and he couldn’t hold in his groan.

  Rebel wanted her, and he was going to fucking have her. “You have no idea how hard I am for you, baby.”

  She moaned, and the vibrations that came from her neck went right to his mouth, and had his cock growing impossibly harder.

  “I’m so wet,” she whispered, and it was his turn to groan.

  “There are so many things I’d like to do to you, baby, but I don’t want to push you.”

  She moaned and thrust her chest into his hands. “Tell me what you want to do to me.”

  He’d taken Rosie’s virginity, and even before he’d known she was in love with him he’d already deemed her as his. But he owned her cherry, and nothing would ever change that. She was his, and that would never change.

  “I want to see your ass in the air.”

  She made this soft sound after he spoke.

  “I want to spread your ass cheeks and look at the cunt that is mine now, Rosie girl.” He pulled back enough to look in her face, but she was already watching him.

  “Rebel, God, I need you.”

  He didn’t want to talk anymore, didn’t want to tease them both. All he wanted was them naked and on a bed with him between her thighs. Rebel took her lips in a kiss again, fucking her mouth with his tongue. He groaned deeply at the feel and flavor of her. He wanted her to scream out his name as she got off.

  “The things I’m going to do to you…”

  A gasp left her, and he swallowed it. Kissing her harder, he didn’t give her time to think about anything else aside from what they were doing. He slipped his hand down her side, gripped the hem of her shirt, and in one move tore the material from her.

  “Rebel,” she gasped out, pleasure lacing her voice.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll get you another one, but I need you naked.” He pulled back and looked at the work he had done. Her dress was in two pieces now, hanging open and showing him she was braless. His mouth watered at the sight of her huge breasts and her darker rose-colored nipples. All self-control snapping, Rebel pushed her back on the couch, not able to go slow. She breathed hard, her chest rising and falling.

  He lowered his head and latched his lips around one of her nipples. Moving his tongue around her areola before sucking on the taut peak, Rebel felt her tremble beneath him. He took her flesh harder and more fiercely in his mouth. He alternated to the other breast, sucked, licked and nipped until both of her nipples were wet from his saliva, hard from his mouth, and red from what he was doing. Her little pants and soft mewls for more had him escalating things.

  “As much as I’d love to take you right here, I want you spread out completely on a bed for me.”

  “I don’t care where we are. I just want you, Rebel.”

  He groaned. “I want to see every fucking part of you spread for me, on display.” He leaned forward, placed his mouth right on hers, but didn’t apply any pressure.

  “Tell me what you’ll do to me,” she said again.

  “I’ll slide my dick into your pussy, which I know is all nice and wet for me, all primed and ready for my big cock.”

  She arched up for him.

  “I want to see you stretched for me, Rosie, want you to tell me how much I’m filling you up.”

  She arched up again, and the smallest pressure was applied to his mouth with hers, at the same time her breasts pressed to his bare chest. He ran his tongue along her bottom lip, his cock so damn hard he couldn’t even think straight.

  Rebel swore he could smell how wet her pussy was, like these animalistic senses rose up inside of him.

  “Rebel, please, enough with torture.”

  He placed his hand right over her pussy, through the material of her panties, and pulled back to look into her face again. Her eyes were closed, and her mouth was slightly opened as she breathed in and out heavily. “This is mine, Rosie, do you understand?” He added pressure between her thighs. “You are mine.” Slowly she opened her eyes, and her lust was so strong that her pupils were fully dilated.

  “Yes. I’m yours, only yours.”

  He hummed in approval. “I have no problem resorting to violence with any fucker that thinks they can do so much as think about touching you.”

  “I don’t want anyone else.”

  Good, that is real fucking good.

  “I want to be inside of you so badly right now.” He removed his hand and thrust his cock against her spread thighs. “I want to slide my cock deep into your body, feel you clench around me, and have your wetness slide down the length of my dick.”

  “Yes, Rebel. Do it already.”

  He thrust against her again.

  “And when you think I can’t possibly go any deeper, I’ll push that last inch far inside of you until there isn’t any part of your pussy that I’m not touching.”

  “Oh. God. Rebel.”

  Yeah, he fucking loved w
hen she was lost in the moment.

  She licked her lips and lifted her hips, causing his cock to press further into her. He needed her naked, and wasn’t going to wait. In a move faster than he thought was even possible for himself, Rebel helped her get fully undressed. Once she was naked he took off his jeans and boxers. He pressed his bare cock against her slick folds, and they both groaned.

  This time he took her mouth brutally, their lips pressing so hard together he didn’t doubt circulation was cut off. Rebel rotated his hips against her, rubbing himself along her exposed pussy, and feeling her lips part for him, her center soft and hot, wet and his.

  She writhed under him, held onto his biceps with an unyielding force, and curled her nails into his flesh. There was pain from the act, and he fucking loved that. As much as he just wanted to shove his dick into her sweet body, he had to taste her first.

  Pulling back so he could look down at her, all Rebel could think was that she was all his. He leaned down and ran his tongue along her lips, moaning at how good she tasted.

  “I’m going to eat you out until you come all over my mouth, baby.”

  A moan left her, and before she could suck in another lungful of air he was moving down her body until his face was at the junction between her thighs. He ran his tongue first along her left inner thigh, and then moved to her right, slowly getting closer to her exposed pussy. She smelled good, clean and sweet, but with a hint of intimate musk.

  She had her hands in his hair, and tugged at the strands, trying to push him lower. He grinned, knowing his girl wanted to feel good, wanted to get off. “Please, Rebel.”

  “Christ, baby, you have no idea what it does to me to hear you beg.” He latched his mouth right over her pussy and sucked on her like he was starving. Her pussy lips were puffy from her arousal and his suckling, and a gush of wetness came from her. He licked it up, lapped at her under she was pressing her pussy harder against his mouth.

  Leaning back to look at her again, he reached between his legs and rubbed his cock, jerking himself off at the sight of her. Her pussy lips were slightly parted, and he saw the pink center of her cunt. The swell of her ass was generous and had his hands itching to grip the cheeks and squeeze the fuck out of them. She had a trimmed thatch of dark hair at the top of her mound, but her labia were bare, and he fucking groaned at how hot that was.

  A guttural sound left him, and he let go of himself to leaned forward and eat her out more, harder, until she came for him. The musky, sweet smell and flavor of her exploded on his tongue, filled his nose, and he licked, sucked, and bit at her flesh harder.

  “Come on, baby. Get off for me, let me taste your juices.”

  The sounds she made were driving him insane. He fucked her pussy with his tongue, slid it in and out continuously until he knew she’d be coming soon. Flattening his tongue once more and slowly dragging it up her slit, Rebel sucked her clit in his mouth and hummed. She cried out softly, so he did the act again.

  Taking a finger, he started teasing her pussy hole while he continued to suck on her clit. Her pussy gripped those digits in rhythmic pulls, and the soft sounds she made told him she was close.

  “God, yes, Rebel.”

  And then he knew she was coming.

  Tugging at her hair forcefully, Rebel grunted but didn’t stop his ministrations. He was so fucking turned on that he started pressing his cock into the couch, thrusting against the cushion to try to ease his own raging desire.

  When he felt her relax he moved away from her pussy. Her pussy juices covered his mouth and part of his chin, and that just turned him on more.

  “I don’t think I can last much longer, baby.”

  She shook her head. “Let’s go to a bed.”

  Good fucking idea.

  Rosie’s eyes were wide, and her cheeks were red from her orgasm. Rebel was the one to make her look like that, and damn was it a good look on her. He had her in his arms seconds later, and the little giggle she made had him smiling. Her face was in the crook of his neck, and the small, heated puffs of her breath moved along his flesh.

  Rebel went into her room this time, shut the door with his foot, and set her on the ground. He took a step toward her and she took one back, smiling.


  He kept moving toward her, loving every glorious inch of her body, of her curves, and when the bed stopped her retreat he reached out and gently pushed her back on the bed.

  If she wanted dirty from him, Rebel would give her fucking filthy.

  “Spread your legs as wide as you can get them, baby.” Her chest rose and fell quickly, but she did what he said without any hesitation. When she was in the position he wanted a deep noise left him. The room was dark, and the setting sun cast this dusky glow in the room.

  Rebel ran a hand over his mouth and looked at her spread pussy lips. Her clit was hard and engorged, and the crack of her ass and roundness of her cheeks called out to him.

  Fuck, I want my cock between those luscious cheeks.

  For a moment all he did was stare at her, at the pussy that was his and no one else’s. For some reason she loved him back, and he knew he was a lucky bastard. “I love you,” he said, and the smile she gave him could have lit up the room.

  “And I love you.”

  Slowly he slid his eyes from her pussy to her face, and held her gaze with his own. There would be no other for him, and Rebel knew it was the same for her.

  They were meant to be together … the good girl with the bad boy.


  This being the second time she’d ever had sex had this high settling into Rosie. She was on her back, her entire body on display, her legs spread and Rebel looking at her like he wanted it eat her alive. All she could think about was pushing him further, to see how much he could handle before he snapped. Why she was playing with fire she didn’t know, but it was tempting.

  Taking in every inch of his hard, muscular body had lust slamming so hard into Rosie if she hadn’t been lying on the bed she would have fallen right over. Every hard ridge, dip, and bulge of his form was shown in startling clarity, and she bit her lip to hold off her moan. He was just so very big, so tall, and perfection in all the ways that counted.

  Rosie stared at his tattoos, traced them with her gaze, and wanted to just beg him to be with her already. Even coming earlier didn’t tame her lust.

  “You want dirty?” he asked, and she nodded.

  Yeah, she did. She wanted all of Rebel’s bad boy charm.

  “I want you on your hands and knees.” He took a step closer to her. “Let me see that ass.” He grabbed himself and started stroking his huge dick back and forth as he clearly waited for her to comply. Rosie didn’t think watching a guy masturbate could have been as hot as it was, but damn was it a turn-on.

  She was so wet, embarrassingly so, and the feel of her cream sliding down to the crack of her ass had her shifting on the bed, needing him to be inside of her already.

  He stood before her just as naked as she was, his cock hard and pointing right at her.

  “Get on your knees and turn around, Rosie.” Rebel took another step toward her, his voice dropping an octave. Once she was on her hands and knees, she looked over her shoulder at him.

  He walked the rest of the way toward her, his cock still in his hand, his gaze on her ass.

  “God damn, you have a fucking incredible ass.” He palmed one of her ass cheeks, squeezing the mound hard enough a sound left her, but also had pleasure filling her.

  When he was on the bed and positioned behind her, the heat that came from his body could have scorched her skin clean off. He felt good, so good she didn’t hold in the moan that left her.

  “That’s right, Rosie. Let me hear your pleasure.”

  And then he brought his open palm down on her ass with enough force that the sting had a yelp leaving her, and she tightened the sheets in her hands. “God, Rebel,” she squeaked out, the pain and pleasure, burn and intensity claiming every inch of her.

; “You like that?”

  All she could do was nod.

  He spanked her again and again, causing her ass to jiggle with each slap.

  “I love seeing this ass shake. I love that it’s all mine.” And when he spread the cheeks and cool air moved between them, she stilled. “Don’t worry, baby, not tonight.” He smoothed his hands over the mounds. “But one of these days I’m going to shove my dick deep into your ass, stretch you nice and good and have you coming for me.”

  He rubbed her ass cheeks, soothing the pain he’d caused. When he pressed his hips forward so she felt the hard length of his dick settle between her legs, all Rosie could do was close her eyes and moan. Rebel was just so big, and his cock felt so hot.

  Her heart beat hard and fast, and her pussy was so wet that cream kept slipping out of her, preparing itself for his penetration.

  He moved his hand between their bodies, and his knuckles brushed along her sensitive, soaked flesh. A gasp of pleasure and surprise left her. She was so sensitive that the small touch ignited her even further, making her feel like she’d burn alive.

  “Ready for me?”

  She could only nod.

  He positioned the thick, bulbous head of his erection at the entrance of her body, and she froze, waiting for that stretch and burn, that feeling of being filled to consume her. But Rebel didn’t thrust into her right away. Instead he held very still, his hands on her hips, his fingers pressing into her flesh. He was breathing so harshly behind her.

  “If you want it so badly, ask me for it.”

  Looking over her shoulder at him again, she bit her lip at the dark, delicious expression on his face as he stared at her.

  “You want me to beg?”

  He didn’t respond aloud, but the look on his face spoke volumes.

  “Just fuck me already.”

  This deep sound left him right before he pushed his length into her. It wasn’t slow, but one that claimed her fully. The discomfort of being stretched by his size was there for only a second before the ecstasy washed through her. The clench of her inner muscles around his dick had a gasp leaving her each and every time he pulled almost all the way out before pushing right back in. He thrust into her once more and stilled. His balls were pressed right up against her slick flesh, and she closed her eyes, needing some friction. Every time he groaned she swore the vibrations went right to her clit, making the little nub swell further.


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