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Highlander's Rebellious Love

Page 4

by Donna Fletcher

  “I do not understand,” McFarden said. “You think the McLauds encroaching on our land was a ruse to lure you here?”

  “I do,” Patience admitted, “though I believe Hunter foiled the plan by announcing that he and I would wed.”

  “Will you wed him?” McFarden asked as if worried over her reply.

  “Do you truly believe me a fool?” she snapped and did not give him a chance to respond. “I need to talk with Hunter and see what he knows, for there is surely more to this whole matter than we are seeing.”

  “What can I do to help?” McFarden asked.

  “Be ready to ride to your village and be ready to send some of your men to my father’s allies in the area if the need should arise.”

  Both men gave her a nod and walked off while she turned and rejoined Hunter and his mother. She was not surprised when Hunter led them to the only well-tended cottage in the village. One look and Patience knew she could not stay here. It was small, the single bed barely big enough to hold one person. Fresh rushes dotted with sprigs of heather covered the dirt floor, providing a pleasant scent that permeated the room.

  Hunter’s mother smiled as Patience turned to her. “I would be pleased if you would call me Una, Lady Patience.”

  Patience cringed. “Only if you call me Patience, since I cannot abide being referred to as Lady Patience.”

  “Welcome to my home, Patience,” Una said. “I am honored to have you stay here.”

  Patience looked from her to the bed.

  Una spoke up before Patience could protest. “I will sleep by the hearth. My old bones could use the warmth.”

  Patience shook her head. “I will not permit that. I will sleep on the floor or I will not sleep here at all.”

  “Patience gives orders, Mum, she does not take them,” Hunter said and turned with a grin to Patience, “which is why I will make you a good husband. I will not dictate to you.”

  “We need to talk,” Patience said irritated by his assumption that they were actually going to wed.

  Una hurried to snatch up a basket filled with heather by the door. “I will leave you two to talk. I promised Morag I would bring her some heather.” Tears filled her eyes, though she fought valiantly to keep them from falling. “I also want to let her know that I will be leaving here.” A tear slipped out and down her cheek.

  Hunter was at her side in an instant, slipping his arm around her. “I know this is not easy for you, Mum, but I will not leave you behind to be abused. You will be safe and have a good life with the Macinnes clan.” He turned to Patience. “Will she not?”

  Damn him for asking her to confirm it. It was as if he was asking her to reaffirm that they would wed. And the more she confirmed it, the more it took root, until she feared she would have no choice but to honor her words. Had that been his plan all along? At the moment, it did not matter since Una’s tears were breaking her heart, though Hunter’s kindness and concern for his mum touched her heart differently.

  What choice did she have but to answer, “You will be most welcomed at my home and find it quite a pleasing place. Food is plentiful and delicious, the keep is as clean as your cottage, the people are friendly, and heather covers the hills, so you can gather as much as you want.”

  “You are most gracious, Patience,” Una said with a gentle nod. “And my son is lucky to have you as his wife. Now I will leave you two to talk.”

  Hunter turned to Patience after the door closed behind his mother.

  “Explain yourself,” Patience ordered curtly.

  Hunter threw his arms wide. “What? No loving embrace for your future husband.”

  Irritated, Patience snapped at him. “Just because you keep saying it, does not make it so.”

  Hunter dropped his arms and walked over to her.

  Patience stood her ground, though she had thought to back away from him as he approached. He held his shoulders wide and walked with a confident gate. Then there were those blue eyes of his that seemed to always be filled with heated passion. And his slim lips that looked ever hungry to kiss a woman. Even his long, slim fingers were appealing, especially since she had seen how tender he had been with his mother. And yet the strength she had felt when he had gripped her wrist showed another side of him.

  “I believe in the power of words,” he said as if he challenged her.

  He was about to take a step much too close to her and she raised her arm to stop him. The sleeve of her shirt slipped down, and she was startled by the sudden anger that raged in his eyes, turning them a startling blue.

  His hand reached out and took tender hold of her arm, his finger running lightly along her flesh, and she flinched. She realized then what had angered him.

  “You got this bruise protecting my mother.” He bent her arm so that her hand brushed her face and ran his fingers ever so lightly over the purplish spot. “Does it pain you?”

  Not any longer. Not with the way he was stroking her arm and sending tingles rushing all over her. The exquisite sensation almost had her body shuddering, but she caught herself and snatched her arm away from him.

  “It is a bruise, nothing more. It will heal,” she said annoyed that she sounded a bit breathless.

  “What did he throw at her?” Hunter asked anger still evident in his eyes.

  “Two tankards.”

  “Twice you defended her?”

  “I was not going to stand there and do nothing,” she said as if he should know that.

  His brow scrunched and he spoke as if he was just realizing something. “You are an honorable woman.”

  “I am, and now it is time for you to tell me what is going on, for I have been brought here falsely.”

  “Honorable and intelligent,” Hunter said with a smile. “My mum is right, I am lucky to have you as a wife.”

  “We are not going to wed,” Patience said with a firmness that could not be ignored.

  “After you hear what I have to say, I believe you will be eager to wed me.”

  Chapter Five

  “Never would I be eager to wed you,” Patience informed him in a tone that left no doubt that she meant it.

  “How about bed me?” he asked and left her no room to respond. His hand shot out, gripping her neck and yanking her toward him. He settled his lips on hers and kissed her.

  Patience was too stunned to react. And, of course, his kiss had to turn her senseless... damn him. She had been kissed before, at least she had thought she had, but Hunter’s kiss made her realize that she had never known a true kiss. His lips were in full control and his tongue, good lord, but his tongue worked magic. He had brought her whole body alive with a kiss, and it was responding like never before. Her nipples perked up, her stomach fluttered, and a tingle settled between her legs, turning her wet.

  As fast as he had captured her lips in a kiss was how fast he ended it, leaving her wanting so much more.

  He grabbed her face in his hands. “I have been aching to do that since I first laid eyes on you. I knew you would taste exquisite. You are a warrior woman whose passion runs deep in everything that she does, and there are not many men who could satisfy you. But I will.” He brushed his lips over hers. “I will always satisfy you, always be there for you, and always protect you when you cannot protect yourself.”

  Patience’s breath caught and she feared for a moment she would not be able to breathe. He had released something in her that she worried she would never be able to tame, or did she worry that only he would be able to tame it?

  She stepped away from him and that he let her was not lost on her. She had felt his strength and knew if he had wanted to stop her he could, though her blade would have objected. And she supposed that was what made her curious. Here was a man who possibly had the strength to best her and yet he made no effort to do so.

  She shook her head, trying to regain her senses and asked, “Tell me what goes on here.”

  The heated passion in his eyes faded, though lingered, but then Patience did not think there was a
time passion did not shine bright in Hunter’s eyes.

  Hunter responded to her demand without hesitation. “The Clan McDolan, Saundra’s father, has encouraged Greer to challenge the Clan Macinnes and its claim on the land around here. Hew McDolan has also encouraged him to engage other clans who are less than favorable to your father. He has amassed quite an army and while it is doubtful he could win completely, he could cost you loss of life and land. And believe me when I tell you that Greer will sacrifice endless men, women, and children to get what he wants.”

  “My father has allies in the area that could stop him,” Patience said but not with as much confidence as she would have liked.

  “You are too beautiful to die,” Hunter said.

  For a moment Patience thought him sincere, then she shook her head at the insane thought and said, “Do not bother to spew your nonsense on me.”

  “I speak the truth,” Hunter insisted. “You and your men would be slaughtered before help could reach you. Greer has warriors waiting to attack you and he is growing ever more impatient to give the signal.”

  Patience turned away from him, taking a moment to think. Her father had at least one strong ally nearby who she could count on to help. He could be here before Greer was aware she had summoned him. And while Greer was a mean-tempered man, he did not strike her as foolish when it came to battle. He fought to win and he would not be so eager to enter a melee that could prove disastrous for him.

  She turned quickly. “What are you not telling me?”

  “You are perceptive,” Hunter said with a hint of admiration.

  “I am also impatient.”

  “So you do not live up to your lovely name?”

  “No, but I do live up to my reputation with a dagger, which you will find out shortly if you do not answer me,” she warned.

  “Mo chridhe, you not only threaten me, but your own pleasure if you think to cut off my—”

  “Enough of you prattling that serves only to distract from my question,” she said, shoving a shaking finger in his face. “Now answer me.”

  “Damn if your anger does not turn me hard,” he said his eyes lighting with a sensuous fire. “I cannot wait to bed you.”

  “You have a long wait in front of you.” Her dagger was out of her sheath so fast and at his throat that Hunter actually startled, taking a few stumbling steps back away from her. “I will have my answer.”

  Hunter answered without delay. “Greer believes he has an ally in the Dark Dragon.”

  Patience was unable to do anything but stare at him for a moment, so shocked was she by his words. The implications and possibilities startled her and had her mind stirring and questions mounting.

  She started with one. “Why would your brother think that?”

  “Greer knows the Dark Dragon’s uncle.”

  “The Dark Dragon’s uncle resides in this area?”

  “He once did,” Hunter confirmed.

  “And Greer and he were friends?”

  “He was more friends with my father, but where you found my father, you also found Greer. My father wanted him prepared to take the reins of the clan when the time came. So, he had Greer trail him like a faithful hound.”

  “Then he is counting on the uncle to persuade the Dark Dragon to help him?”

  Hunter nodded. “That is his plan and hope. Of course Hew McDolan encouraged him to do so.”

  Patience did not want to show her excitement to Hunter, but it was difficult to keep it contained. This news was an unexpected gift. She asked with as much calm as she could muster, “Greer is in touch with the uncle and knows where he lives?”

  “Ewan, the uncle, has a family croft about a day’s ride south from here. Most of the clans and folks in the area know his relationship to the Dark Dragon and leave the family alone. Ewan can be found there now and again, visiting.”

  That news changed her plans. As soon as she finished here, she knew where she would be going. So, the sooner she settled this mess, the sooner she could take a step closer to finding her sister.

  “If Greer has clans already willing to help him take McFarden land, why does he want help from the Dark Dragon?” It struck her then and she turned glaring eyes on Hunter. “He is power hungry and wants to lay claim to all Macinnes land, and he would need a powerful army of warriors to accomplish that.”

  “You have a warrior’s mind,” Hunter complimented. “And perhaps now you see why a marriage between us would foil all his plans.”

  “Yet your brother Rab encourages our immediate departure after we are wed.” Patience thought a moment, and then shook her head. “Please tell me that your brothers would not attempt to take our lives.” She shoved her dagger back in its sheath.

  “Not yours, mine and my mother’s.”

  “Of course,” she said annoyed at not having thought of it. “Greer will claim that I never wanted a union with the Clan McLaud and that I rid myself of the problem.”

  “And end his worry that he could also lose his claim on McLaud land once you get with child.”

  “That is one concern of his that will never happen,” she assured him or was she assuring herself? It was difficult to ignore his fine features and sensual blue eyes. The more she was around him the more she realized that he simply oozed lust. She doubted that one woman would be able to please him. He would probably wear her out, and then be off chasing after other women. That was not what she wanted in a husband. She would never be able to trust him. And she wanted a husband—no— she wanted a partner who she could always rely on no matter what.

  “Do you not want children?” he asked.

  His concern surprised her, and she said, “Do you?”

  “Aye, a keep full,” he said with a smile and a nod.

  She would not have thought that of him and she shook her head. “That is a large brood to tend to and a lot to ask of a woman. Or do you believe that is what a wife is for... to bear child after child and be a slave to her husband’s whims and desires.”

  Hunter laughed. “A slave you would never be, though...” His eyes filled with such lust that they turned a deeper blue. “I could show you how enjoyable playing at being a love slave could be.”

  Between the lust in his eyes and his sensually suggestive tone, she felt herself growing wet yet again. She was quick to grab her dagger and point it at him, though she did not take a step near him.“I will never be a slave to you or any man and especially no love slave.”

  “Never say never, mo chridhe, you do not know what the future may hold.”

  “My future will not be me being enslaved by my husband, and do not call me my love. I am not your love.”

  “You will be my wife, so you are mo chridhe.”

  “I am not going to be your wife,” she insisted while slipping her dagger back, once again, into the sheath at her waist, fearing if she did not she just might use it on him.

  “How else do you propose this matter be settled?” he asked, folding his arms across his chest.

  Of course, her eyes could not help being drawn to the way his shirt suddenly hugged the muscles in his arms or grew taut against his defined chest. The man was all lean, hard muscle and it only added to his appeal.

  “Greer is intent on claiming Macinnes land one way or another. Our marriage can, at least for a time, delay his plans until we can finally put an end to his power-thirsty intentions. This marriage could save thousands of lives from being lost in a senseless battle. It could unite clans and give some people who have felt down-trodden some hope. It would gain other clans’ respect by seeing that an unnecessary battle was prevented. And it would strengthen the north against invaders.”

  Damn, why did he have to make sense? Patience was all for preventing unnecessary battle. Raising swords against other clans only served to create more animosity. In the last few years, she had been able to settle disputes without drawing her sword. Well, at least without drawing it in battle. There were times a well-placed sword served a good purpose and prevented major

  The problem was being shackled to this man for the rest of her life. He would not even have made it on her list of possible men to wed.

  “What is it that you object about me being your husband?” he asked.

  Patience was about to tell him how selfish she thought he was, but stopped herself. A selfish man would not care about his mother and take her with him when he wed. He would also not care about lives lost in battle or that it was a senseless battle to begin with. No, in certain respects, Hunter McLaud was not selfish.

  So, what then did she object to about him?

  She stared at his fine features and his blue eyes so boldly lustful and knew. “You will not be a faithful husband.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  “You admitted it yourself when you laughed at your brother and told him that you did not go a day without poking a woman. What if your wife does not favor coupling every day? Will you find your pleasure elsewhere?”

  He rubbed at his smooth chin. “That is a reasonable question and one that troubles me. I would more than please my wife when we make love, so I do not know why she would not want to couple with me every day. And I certainly would not want her making love with me out of sheer duty.”

  “Then what would you do if she denied you? Find another woman to satisfy your insatiable appetite?”

  Hunter dropped his arms away from his chest as he laughed. “My wife would enjoy coupling far too much to ever deny me.”

  “You are—”

  “Confident and extremely skilled at making love.”

  “Making Love? You cannot love every woman you poke,” she insisted frustrated with his arrogant demeanor.

  He scrunched his brow. “But of course I have loved every woman I have poked. Only when a man loves the woman he couples with can either of them find true pleasure.”

  “So then love means nothing to you, since you can love every woman you have rutted with.”


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