The Lies of the Land
Page 27
24. Philby, p176
25. Macintyre, p161
26. Ibid., p158
27. Ibid., p20
28. Quoted in ibid., p100
29. Quoted in ibid., p138
30. Ibid., p164
31. Quoted in ibid., p183
32. Hansard, HC (series 5) vol 545, col 29, 25 October 1955,
33. Hennessy, Peter, Having It So Good: Britain in the Fifties, London, Allen Lane, 2006, p315
34. Quoted in Macintyre, p188
35. Hansard, HC (series 5) vol 545, col 1497, 7 November 1955
36. Hansard, HC (series 5) vol 545, col 1549, 7 November 1955
37. ‘Colonel Lipton Withdraws’, The Times, 11 November 1955, quoted in Macintyre, p192
38. Macintyre, p191
39. Lownie, Andrew, Stalin’s Englishman: The Lives of Guy Burgess, London, Hodder & Stoughton, 2016, p274
40. Macintyre, p255
41. Page, Bruce, David Leitch and Phillip Knightley, The Philby Conspiracy, London, Doubleday, 1968, p49
42. Eden, Anthony, Broadcast to the Nation, BBC, 8 August 1956; Gorst, Anthony, and Lewis Johnman, The Suez Crisis, Abingdon, Routledge, 2013, p69
43. Hennessy, p426
44. Hall, Simon, 1956: The World in Revolt, New York, Pegasus, 2016, p263
45. Voice of the Arabs, Cairo Radio, 16 May 1967, quoted in Laqueur, Walter, The Road to War, London, Pelican, 1969, p82
46. Text as reproduced in Avi Shlaim, ‘The Protocol of Sèvres, 1956: Anatomy of a War Plot’, International Affairs, vol 73 no 3, July 1997, pp509–30
47. Hansard, HC (series 5) vol 558, col 1631, 1 November 1956,
48. Hansard, HC (series 5) vol 558, col 1648, 1 November 1956
49. Beckett, Francis, and Tony Russell, 1956: The Year That Changed Britain, London, Biteback, 2015, e3242
50. Boyle, Peter G., (ed), The Eden– Eisenhower Correspondence, 1955–1957, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, p157
51. Beckett and Russell, e22676
52. Kyle, Keith, Suez: Britain’s End of Empire in the Middle East, London, I. B. Tauris, 2011, p457
53. Thorpe, D. R., Supermac: The Life of Harold Macmillan, London, Pimlico, 2011, p364
54. The quote at the start of the chapter in Hansard, HC (series 5) vol 562, col 1518, 20 December 1956,
2. Sex Lies
1. ‘“It’s Such a Shock… But Men Think They Can Get Away with It These Days” – Mother-in-Law Georgina’, Mirror, 26 October 2006,
2. Thurlbeck, Neville, ‘Lib-Dem Oaten’s 3-in-Bed Rent Boy Shame’, News of the World, 22 January 2006
3. Hansard, HC (series 5), vol 674, col 809–10, 22 March 1963,
4. Keeler, Christine, with Sandy Fawkes, Nothing But…, London, New English Library, 1983, p15
5. Ibid., pp62–4
6. Ibid., pp65–6
7. Ibid., p68
8. Ibid.
9. Ibid., p71
10. Ibid., pp73–4
11. Davenport-Hines, Richard, An English Affair: Sex, Class and Power in the Age of Profumo, London, HarperPress, 2013, p275
12. Ibid., p277
13. Parris, Matthew, and Kevin Maguire, Great Parliamentary Scandals: Five Centuries of Calumny, Smear and Innuendo, London, Chrysalis, 2004, p152
14. Davenport-Hines, p291
15. Leader, ‘It Is a Moral Issue’, The Times, 11 June 1963, quoted in ibid., p296
16. Muggeridge, Malcolm, ‘The Slow, Sure Death of the Upper Classes’, Sunday Mirror, 23 June 1963, quoted in ibid., p308
17. Hansard, HC (series 5) vol 679, col 35, 17 June 1963,
18. Macqueen, Adam, The Prime Minister’s Ironing Board and Other State Secrets: True Stories from the Government Archives, London, Little, Brown, 2013, p172
19. Keeler and Fawkes, p153
20. Keays, Sara, A Question of Judgement, London, Quintessential Press, 1985, p33
21. ‘Lord Parkinson: Obituary’, Telegraph, 25 January 2016,
22. Keays, p14
23. Ibid., p17
24. Ibid., p20
25. Ibid., p19
26. Ibid., p22
27. Ibid., p41
28. Ibid., p43
29. Ibid.
30. Ibid., p44
31. Ibid., p47
32. Moore, Charles, Margaret Thatcher: The Authorized Biography, Volume 2: Everything She Wants, London, Penguin, 2016, p62
33. Quoted in Parris and Maguire, p252
34. Keays, p55
35. Ibid., p51
36. Ibid., p57
37. Ibid., p70
38. ‘Parkinson Admits Love Affair’, The Times, 6 October 1983
39. Ibid.
40. Keays, p156
41. Moore, p89
42. Craig, Olga, ‘The Only Promise Cecil Parkinson Ever Kept – Never to See His Daughter’, Telegraph, 6 January 2002,
43. ‘Lord Parkinson: Obituary’, Telegraph
44. Sanderson, Daniel, ‘ “Shut up! You Stupid, Smelly Little Git!”: Listen to Tory Bigwig David Mellor’s F-Word Rant at Black Cab Driver’, The Sun, 25 November 2014,
45. Durham, Michael, ‘Mellor’s Wife Pleads for Truce in Public Row’, Independent, 22 July 1992,
46. Merrin, Tom, ‘Well We All Get Our Just Deserts’, Daily Mirror, 25 September 1992
47. Vallely, Paul, ‘Politics Is Not for Children’, Independent, 7 February 1999,
48. Timmins, Nicholas, ‘Mellor Visits Wife’s Parents as Major Repeats Support’, Independent, 24 July 1992,
49. Boggan, Steve, ‘Mellor Rides Out Storm as Press Bickers’, Independent, 26 July 1992,
50. Reid, Sue, ‘Absolutely Nothing Attracted Me to Him Physically, but I Did Love Him: Antonia de Sancha Insists She Has No Regrets About the Affair That Ruined David Mellor’s Marriage and Career’, Mail on Sunday, 1 February 2013,
51. Clifford, Max, and Angela Levin, Max Clifford: Read All About It, London, Virgin Books, 2005, p117
52. Langdon, Julia, ‘Antonia Goes Back to Basics’, Guardian, 19 February 1994
53. Reid, ‘Absolutely Nothing Attracted Me to Him Physically’
54. Langdon, ‘Antonia Goes Back to Basics’
55. Chittenden, Maurice, ‘Revealed: Chinks in Stories that Pillory Mellor’, Sunday Times, 13 September 1992
56. Evans, Richard, ‘Mellor Lambasts Popular Press for Morbid Intrusion’, The Times, 22 December 1989; Greenslade, Roy, ‘A Decade of Diplomacy’, Guardian, 5 February 2001,
57. Fallon, Ivan, ‘Scandal: The Mellor Affair’, Sunday Times, 26 July 1992
58. Evans, Richard, ‘Watchdog Gives Tacit Support to Press Coverage of Mellor’, Financial Times, 23 July 1992
59. Fallon, ‘Scandal: The Mellor Affair’
60. Dawnay, Ivo, ‘Mellor Weathers Deluge of Media Criticism’, Financial Times, 24 July 1992
61. Mellor, David, interview, Newsnight, BBC 2, 23 September 1992
62. Dawnay, ‘Mellor Weathers Deluge
63. Clinton, Bill, Address to the Nation on Monica Lewinsky, 17 August 1998, transcript available at
64. Noah, Timothy, ‘Bill Clinton and the Meaning of “Is”’, Slate, 13 September 1998,
65. Starr, Kenneth, Referral from Independent Counsel Kenneth W. Starr in Conformity with the Requirements of Title 28, United States Code, Section 595(c), Washington, Government Printing Office, 1998, p16
66. Kuntz, Phil (ed), The Evidence: The Starr Report, New York, Simon & Schuster, 2010, p390
67. ‘Hillary Clinton Defends Her Husband’, BBC News, 27 January 1998,
68. ‘Clinton Confesses’, BBC News, 18 August 1998,
69. Berlusconi, Silvio, interview with La Stampa quoted in Hooper, John, ‘Silvio Berlusconi’s Office Intervened on Behalf of Teenage Girl Suspected of Theft’, Guardian, 29 October 2010,
70. Hooper, John, ‘Silvio Berlusconi Denounces Furore over Links with 17-Year-Old Girl’, Guardian, 28 October 2010,
71. Hooper, ‘Silvio Berlusconi’s Office Intervened’
72. Squires, Nick, ‘Silvio Berlusconi Convinced That Ruby the Heart Stealer Was Mubarak’s Granddaughter’, Telegraph, 6 October 2012,
73. Squires, Nick, ‘Silvio Berlusconi in Prostitution Investigation’, Telegraph, 14 January 2011,
74. Squires, Nick, ‘Nicole Minetti: I Was in Love with Silvio Berlusconi’, Telegraph, 7 June 2013,
75. Dinmore, Guy, ‘Berlusconi Resists Calls to Quit over Sex Scandal’, Financial Times, 2 November 2010,
76. Ibid.
77. ‘Berlusconi “Most Persecuted Man” ’, BBC News, 9 October 2009,
78. ‘A Step Too Far’,The Economist, 4 November 2010,
79. Mackenzie, James, ‘Berlusconi Says Liking Girls “Better than Being Gay” ’, Reuters, 3 November 2010,
80. ‘Berlusconi’s Wife to Divorce Him’, BBC News, 3 May 2009,
81. ‘Profile: Karima El Mahroug’, BBC News, 24 June 2013,
3. Financial Fibbing
1. Madonnell, Hamish, and Michael Savage, ‘I’m Not Wealthy Says Corbyn, Despite £138,000 Salary’, The Times, 27 August 2016,
2. ‘Pay and Expenses for MPs’, UK Parliament,; ‘Earnings and Working Hours’, Office for National Statistics,
3. ‘Mayor’s £250,000 Chicken Feed’, BBC News, 14 July 2009,
4. Gillard, Michael, A Little Pot of Money: The Story of Reginald Maudling and the Real Estate Fund of America, London, Private Eye, 1974, p31
5. Cameron, Sue, ‘Sorry, Old Cock’, Financial Times, 9 June 2010,
6. ‘Members’ Pay and Allowances: A Brief History’, UK Parliament,
7. Parris, Matthew, and Kevin Maguire, Great Parliamentary Scandals: Five Centuries of Calumny, Smear and Innuendo, London, Chrysalis, 2004, p183
8. Parris and Maguire, p184
9. Ibid.
10. Sandbrook, Dominic, State of Emergency: The Way We Were: Britain 1970–74, London, Penguin, 2011, e9833
11. ‘Mortgages, Offshore Funds, the Yankees and Prison’, Connersville News Examiner, 13 January 2016,
12. Parris and Maguire, p185
13. Ibid., p181
14. ‘The Tragedy of Maudling’, The Sun, 19 July 1972, reproduced in Parris and Maguire, p182
15. Sandbrook, e9818
16. Ibid.
17. ‘Resolutions of the House Relating to the Conduct of Members’, UK Parliament,
18. Parris and Maguire, p186
19. Wood, Nicholas, and Andrew Pierce, ‘Suspension for Two MPs in Cash Row’, The Times, 11 July 1994
20. Bower, Tom, Fayed: The Unauthorized Biography, London, Macmillan, 1998, p40
21. ‘In the Courts: Fayed v. Sanity’, Private Eye, 16 March 2007
22. Leigh, David, and Ed Vulliamy, Sleaze: The Corruption of Parliament, London, Fourth Estate, 1998, p102
23. Ibid., p64
24. ‘Al Fayed: A Unique Story of Rags to Riches’, BBC News, 12 February 1998,
25. Bower, p120
26. Leigh and Vulliamy, p18
27. Ibid., p31
28. ‘Ian Greer, Lobbyist: Obituary’, Telegraph, 17 November 2015,
29. Leigh and Vulliamy, p64
30. Ibid., p47
31. Ibid., p136
32. Ibid., p82
33. Ibid., p83
34. Al-Fayed, Mohamed, witness statement, 23 June 1995, as reproduced in House of Commons, First Report of Committee on Standards and Privileges, appendix 3, UK Parliament,
35. Parris and Maguire, p359
36. Leigh and Vulliamy, p87
37. Ibid., p89
38. Ibid., p88
39. Cusick, James, ‘Mystery Origins of Brothers’ Paper Fortunes’, Independent, 26 October 1994
40. Hansard, HC (series 6), vol 207, col 144W, 13 May 1992,
41. Leigh and Vulliamy, p154
42. Ibid., p155–6
43. Hencke, David, ‘Tory MPs Were Paid to Plant Questions Says Harrods Chief’, Guardian, 20 October 1994,
44. Heseltine, Michael, letter to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, 27 February 1997, reproduced in House of Commons, First Report of Select Committee on Standards and Privileges, appendix 92,
45. ‘Hamilton Loses Libel Case’, BBC News, 21 December 1999,
46. Guardian, letter from the Editor to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, 8 October 1996, reproduced as in First Report of Select Committee on Standards and Privileges, appendix 15,
47. ‘Committee on Standards in Public Life: Terms of Reference’, UK Government,
48. Leigh and Vulliamy, p44
49. Ibid., p188
50. Ibid., p248
51. Ibid., p215
52. Ibid., p231
53. Hencke, David, David Leigh and David Pallister, ‘A Liar and a Cheat’, Guardian, 1 October 1996,
54. Leigh, David, and David Pallister, ‘Hamilton Admits: I Took Money’, Guardian, 2 October 1996,
55. House of Commons, ‘Minutes of Oral Hearings, 20 February 1997’, First Report of Select Committee on Standards and Privileges,
56. ‘Conclusions’, First Report of Select Committee on Standards and Privileges,
57. ‘Judge’s Warning over Fayed Evidence’, BBC News, 17 December 1999,; ‘Hamilton Loses Libel Case’, BBC News, 21 December 1999,
58. Nine O’Clock News, BBC 1, 8 April 1997
59. Glaze, Ben, ‘Nigel Farage Launches Bid to Block UKIP Rival Neil Hamilton’, Mirror, 8 February 2016,
60. Hansard, HC (series 6) vol 278, col 95, 21 May 1996,
61. Blair, Tony, Speech to Labour Party Conference, Brighton, 30 September 1997, transcript available at British Political Speech Archive,
62. Rawnsley, Andrew, Servants of the People: The Inside Story of New Labour, London, Hamish Hamilton, 2000, p94
63. Ibid.
64. Hooper, John, ‘David Mills: A Career Punctuated by Several Lapses of Judgement’, Guardian, 17 February 2009,
65. Rentoul, John, Tony Blair: Prime Minister, London, Little, Brown, 2001, p366
66. Ibid., p364
67. Quoted in Rawnsley, p92
68. Rentoul, p364
69. Campbell, Alastair, Power and the People: 1997–1999 – The Alastair Campbell Diaries Volume 2, London, Hutchinson, 2011, p202
70. Rawnsley, p97
71. Ibid., p91
72. Ibid., p98
73. Ibid., p97
74. Ibid.
75. Campbell, p206
76. Ibid., p205
77. Rawnsley, p101
78. Ibid., p99
79. Ibid., p102
80. On the Record, BBC 1, 16 November 1997, transcript available at