The Lies of the Land
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20. ‘Transcript of Address by Reagan on Libya’, New York Times, 15 April 1986,
21. ‘Twelve Minutes over Tripoli’, Panorama
22. Gerstenzang, James, ‘The Raid on Libya: 3,200-Mile Mission Showed Long Reach and Precision of US Forces’, Los Angeles Times, 15 April 1986
23. Malinarich, Nathalie, ‘Flashback: The Berlin Disco Bombing’, BBC News, 13 November 2001,
24. Erlanger, Steven, ‘4 Guilty in Fatal 1986 Berlin Disco Bombing Linked to Libya’, New York Times, 14 November 2001,
25. ‘Lockerbie Bomber Freed from Jail’, BBC News, 20 August 2009,
26. ‘Libya to Give Up WMD’, BBC News, 20 November 2003,
27. ‘Blair Hails Positive Libya Talks’, BBC News, 29 May 2007,
28. Quinn, Andrew, ‘Clinton Says Gaddafi Must Go’, Reuters, 28 February 2011,
29. ‘Libya Unrest: Cameron Warns Gaddafi over Repression’, BBC News, 24 February 2011,
30. ‘President Obama: Libya Aftermath “Worst Mistake” of Presidency’, BBC News, 11 April 2016,
31. Brown, Gordon, Speech on the Comprehensive Spending Review, House of Commons, 14 July 1998, transcript available at UK Pol Political Speech Archive,
32. ‘Brown Pumps £21bn into the NHS’, BBC News, 15 July 1998,
33. All headlines from 15 July 1998
34. House of Commons Select Committee on Treasury, ‘The New Fiscal Framework and the Comprehensive Spending Review: The Comprehensive Spending Review’, Treasury – Eighth Report, 27 July 1998,
35. House of Commons Select Committee on Treasury, ‘Private Finance Initiative: Accounting and Budgetary Incentives’, Treasury – Seventeenth Report: Private Finance Initiative, 18 July 2011,
36. ‘Full Text: Gordon Brown’s Budget Statement’, Guardian, 17 March 2004,
37. Chote, Robert, Carl Emmerson and Gemma Tetlow, ‘The Fiscal Rules and Policy Framework’ in The IFS Green Budget 2009, 28 January 2009, Institute of Fiscal Studies,
38. Frith, Maxine, ‘Abandoned in Casualty’, Evening Standard, 21 January 2002,
39. ‘The Hospital’s Statement’, Evening Standard, 22 January 2002,
40. Hansard, HC (series 6) vol 378, col 882, 23 January 2002,
41. Campbell, Alastair, The Burden of Power: Countdown to Iraq – The Alastair Campbell Diaries: Volume 4, London, Arrow, 2013, p147
42. Russell, Ben, ‘Care Debate Turns into Row over Race and Spin Dispute’, Independent, 23 June 2002,
43. Ibid.
44. Frith, Maxine, ‘ “My Granny Is Not Racist” ’, Evening Standard, 24 January 2002,
45. Martin, Nicole, and Sean O’Neill, ‘Hospital Sorry for Race Slur on Rose’, Telegraph, 25 January 2002,
46. Craven, Nick, and Michael Seamark, ‘My Links with Labour, by Hospital Chief’, Daily Mail, 25 January 2002
47. Campbell, p147
48. ‘ “Smear” Row Adviser Apologises’, BBC News, 7 June 2002,
49. ‘Spin Memo Row Duo Quit’, BBC News, 15 February 2002,
50. Hines, Nico, ‘Alastair Campbell: I Planned My Suicide’, Daily Beast, 27 March 2014,
51. ‘Theresa May Speech in Full’, Politics., 4 October 2011,
52. Casciani, Dominic, ‘The Case of the Cat Deportation Tale’, BBC News, 6 October 2011,
53. Asylum and Immigration Tribunal Appeal IA/14578/2008, 10 December 2008
54. Travis, Alan, ‘Catflap: What the Original Ruling Said’, Guardian, 6 October 2011,
55. Asylum and Immigration Tribunal Appeal IA/14578/2008, 10 December 2008; Casciani, ‘The Case of the Cat Deportation Tale’
56. ‘Theresa May Under Fire over Deportation Cat Claim’, BBC News, 4 October 2011,
57. Sharman, Jon, ‘Brexit: Iain Duncan Smith Makes Series of “Inaccurate” Statements to Attack Supreme Court Ruling’, Independent, 24 January 2017,
58. BBC News, ‘Newsnight Reveals Inaccuracies in Iain Duncan Smith’s CV’, press release, 19 December 2002,
59. ‘The Cap Fits for 16,000 Families: Welfare Losers Find Jobs or Cheaper Homes’, The Sun, 13 April 2013
60. ‘Iain Duncan Smith Criticised over Benefit Cap Figures’, BBC News, 9 May 2013,
61. Chair of UK Statistics Authority (Andrew Dilnot), letter to Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (Iain Duncan Smith), 9 May 2013,
62. Chair of UK Statistics Authority (Andrew Dilnot), letter to Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (Iain Duncan Smith), 3 May 2013,
63. Chair of UK Statistics Authority (Sir Michael Scholar), letter to Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (Iain Duncan Smith), 25 January 2012,
64. Chair of UK Statistics Authority (Sir Michael Scholar), letter to Patrick Casey, 26 November 2010,
65. ‘Duncan Smith “Clarifies” Commons Slip over Benefit Data’, BBC News, 18 November 2010,
66. ‘DWP Admits Using “Fake” Claimants in Benefit Sanctions Leaflet’, BBC News, 18 August 2015,
67. Duncan Smith, Iain, interview, Today, BBC Radio 4, 15 July 2013; Wintour, Patrick, and Patrick Butler, ‘Iain Duncan Smith Defends Use of Statistics over Benefit Cap’, Guardian, 15 July 2013,
6. Continental Drift
1. ‘A Referendum Stitch-Up: How the EU and British Elites Are Plotting to Fix the Result’, leaflet, UKIP and Europe of Freedom and Democracy, 2012,
2. Cash, Bill, interview, Paxman in Brussels: Who Really Rules Us?, BBC 1, 19 May 2016
3. Johnson, Boris, ‘Boris Johnson Exclusive: There Is Only One Way to Get the Change We Want: Vote To Leave the EU’, Telegraph, 16 May 2016,
4. Cabinet Minutes, 2 June 1950, quoted in Christopher Booker and Richard North, The Great Deception: Can The European Union Survive?, Continuum, 2005, p66
5. Gaitskell, Hugh, speech, Labour Party Conference, 1961, quoted in Booker and North, p144
6. Booker and North, p145
7. Rey, Jean, speech, Hague Summit, 11 December 1969, available from Archive of European Integration, University of Pittsburgh,
8. Commission on the European Communities, ‘Report to the Council and the Commission on the Realisation by Stages of Economic and Monetary Union’, document 16.956/II/70-F, 8 October 1970, available from Archive of European Integration, University of Pittsburgh,
9. Bowcott, Owen, ‘Treasury Warned Heath that EMU Plan Could Herald European Superstate’, Guardian, 1 January 2002,
10. Booker and North, p176
11. Ibid., p179
12. Foreign Office, ‘Legal and Constitutional Implications of UK Entry into EEC’, briefing paper FCO 30/1048, 1971, available via National Archives,
13. HM Government, ‘Britain’s New Deal in Europe’, leaflet, 1975, reproduced by Peter Hitchens, ‘The 1975 Common Market Referendum Documents’, Mail on Sunday, 27 August 2015,
14. Waldegrave, William, A Different Kind of Weather: A Memoir, London, Constable, 2015, p117
15. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1333/2011, ‘Laying Down Marketing Standards for Bananas, Rules on the Verification of Compliance with those Marketing Standards and Requirements for Notifications in the Banana Sector (Codification)’, Official Journal of the European Union, 19 December 2011, 32011R1333
16. Lambert, Sarah, ‘Putting the Banana Story Straight’, Independent, 21 September 1994,
17. Oliver, Craig, Unleashing Demons: The Inside Story of Brexit, London, Hodder and Stoughton, 2016, p234
18. Johnson, ‘Boris Johnson Exclusive’
19. Purnell, Sonia, Just Boris: The Irresistible Rise of a Political Celebrity, London, Aurum, 2011, p121
20. Desert Island Discs, BBC Radio 4, 4 November 2005,
21. Independent Press Standards Organisation, ‘IPSO Resolution Statement 03284-16: Dyke v Express.’, 2 August 2016,
22. Chapman, James, ‘Eurozone Crisis: David Cameron Vetoes EU Treaty to Save Euro’, Daily Mail, 10 December 2011,
23. Kirkup, James, ‘EU Treaty: Cameron’s Veto Creates New Era for Europe and Coalition’, Telegraph, 9 December 2011,
24. Wilson, Graeme, and Kevin Schofield, ‘Up Eurs’, The Sun, 10 December 2011,
25. Robinson, Nick, ‘Britain Uses Its Veto’, BBC News, 9 December 2011,
26. Shipman, Tim, All Out War: The Full Story of How Brexit Sank Britain’s Political Class, London, William Collins, 2016, p8
27. Cameron’s statement to the Commons, quoted at the top of this section, triggered Miliband’s response. Hansard, HC (series 6) vol 537, col 519, 12 December 2011,
28. Hansard, HC (series 6) vol 537, col 524, 12 December 2011
29. Miller, Vaughne, ‘How Much Legislation Comes from Europe?’, briefing paper RP10/62, House of Commons, 13 October 2010,; The Bow Group, ‘Who Really Governs Britain’, 14 July 2001,; Brown, Martyn, ‘Two Out of Three British Laws Were Made in Brussels’, Daily Express, 2 March 2015,; Edmunds, Donna Rachel, ‘65 Percent of British Laws Come from Brussels Says Definitive New Study’, Breitbart, 2 March 2015,
30. Miller, ‘How Much Legislation Comes from Europe?’
31. ‘Brexit: UK Sets Out Plan to Replace All EU Laws’, BBC News, 30 March 2017,
32. May, Theresa, ‘Theresa May’s Brexit Speech in Full’, Telegraph, 17 January 2017,
33. Cameron, David, speech, Conservative Party Conference, 1 October 2014, transcript available at Conservative Party website,
34. Pancevski, Bojan, and Tim Shipman, ‘Merkel: I Will Block PM on Immigrants’, Sunday Times, 26 October 2014,
35. Shipman, p195
36. Ibid., p242
37. Coates, Sam, ‘Osborne: Brexit Will Cost Us £4,300 Per Household’, The Times, 18 April 2016,
38. Reuben, Anthony, ‘Reality Check: Would Brexit Cost Your Family £4,300?’, BBC News, 18 April 2016,
39. Ibid.
40. Shipman, p244
41. Oliver, p189
42. ‘Osborne Warns of Brexit Budget Cuts’, BBC News, 15 June 2016,
43. Shipman, p252
44. ‘Osborne Warns of Brexit Budget Cuts’, BBC News
45. Hansard, HC (series 6), vol 611, col 1752, 15 June 2016,
46. HM Treasury, ‘Statement by the Chancellor Following the EU Referendum’, 27 June 2016,
47. Glaze, Ben, ‘Jeremy Hunt Dashes Vote Leave Claims of £350million Brexit Boost for NHS’, Mirror, 2 October 2016,
48. Office for National Statistics, ‘UK Perspectives 2016: The UK Contribution to the EU Budget’, 25 May 2016,
49. Full Fact, ‘The UK’s EU Membership Fee’, 25 February 2016,
50. UK Statistics Authority, ‘UK Statistics Authority Statement on the Use of Official Statistics on Contributions to the European Union’, 27 May 2016,
51. Shipman, p255
52. House of Commons Treasury Committee, ‘Oral Evidence: The Economic and Financial Costs and Benefits of UK Membership of the EU’, Parliament, 6 April 2016,
53. Mason, Rowena, ‘PM Backs Michael Gove
but Suggests Former Aide Was a “Career Psychopath” ’, Guardian, 18 June 2014,
54. Shipman, p113
55. Ibid., p94
56. Oliver, p130
57. Ibid., p254
58. ‘Broken Promises: Who Will Sign the £350m Brexit NHS Cheque’, video, Sky News, 15 January 2017,
59. House of Commons Treasury Committee, ‘Oral Evidence’
60. Islam, Faisal, ‘Post-Brexit Sunderland: “If This Money Doesn’t Go to the NHS, I Will Go Mad” ’, Guardian, 9 August 2016,
61. Cowburn, Ashley, ‘Brexiteers Condemned for Not Backing £350m NHS Amendment to EU Withdrawal Bill’, Independent, 8 February 2017,
62. Holehouse, Matthew, ‘Clegg v Farage: Crunching the Numbers’, Telegraph, 27 March 2014,
63. Booth, Robert, Alan Travis and Amelia Gentleman, ‘Leave Donor Plans New Party to Replace UKIP – Possibly Without Farage in Charge’, Guardian, 29 June 2016,
64. Duncan Smith, Iain, interview, The Andrew Marr Show, BBC 1, 26 June 2016
65. Boffey, Daniel, and Toby Helm, ‘Vote Leave Embroiled in Race Row over Turkey Security Threat Claims’, Guardian, 22 May 2016,
66. Ibid.
67. European Commission, ‘Key Findings of the 2015 Report on Turkey’, fact sheet, 10 November 2015,
68. European Commission, ‘Six Principles for Further Developing EU–Turkey Cooperation in Tackling the Migration Crisis’, press release, 16 March 2016,; Wright, Ben, ‘Reality Check: How Soon Can Turkey Join the EU?’, BBC News, 17 March 2016,