The Lies of the Land
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Gilbert, Martin 16
Gilligan, Andrew 228
Gleeson, Judith 161
Gold, Jason 158
Gold, Zena 156
Goldsmith, Zac 94, 270
Goodman, Clive 244–6
Goodwin, Sir Fred 239–43
Gould, Diana 201–3
Gove, Michael 100, 101, 186, 193–4, 263
Graham, Billy 111
Granada 135
Green, Sir Philip 243
Greer, Ian 72, 73–9
Grylls, Michael 73
Guardian 76–9, 90, 134–8, 189, 245, 249
Gulf War (1990–91) 216
Gummer, John 208
Guzmán, Pablo 278
Hague summit, 1969 169
Hague, William 92–3, 95–6, 100, 127
Haldeman, H. R. ‘Bob’ 108, 109
Hall, Edward and Joan 51
Hall, Stuart 267
Hamilton, Christine 74–5, 78, 80
Hamilton, Neil 5, 71–80
Hanningfield, Paul White, Baron 103
Harman, Harriet 241
Harris, Rolf 267
Harrods 71, 72, 76
Havers, Sir Michael 197
HBOS (Bank of Scotland) 238–9
Health and Safety Executive 208
Heath, Edward ‘Ted’ 69, 142, 170
and sex abuse allegations 268–9
Heffer, Simon 144
Henderson, Paul 216–19
Henriques, Sir Richard 269–70
Heseltine, Michael 77, 79
Hester, Stephen 242
Higson, Mark 221
Hill, David 83
Hillsborough disaster 210–15
Hitler, Adolf 27
Hobson, Valerie 39, 40–41
Hoffman, Jerome 68
Hogg, Douglas 101
Holmes, David 117–20
‘Homer’ 17–18
Hoon, Geoff 100
Hoover, J. Edgar 23
Hornby, Andy 239
House of Fraser 72, 73, 74
House of Lords 92–3, 95–6, 289
Howe, Sir Geoffrey 220
Hudson, Stephanie 7
Hughes, Robert 34
Huhne, Chris 273
Human Rights Act 160–62
Humphrys, John 85–6
Hunt, E. Howard 109
Hurd, Douglas 211, 213
Hussein, Saddam 3, 147, 151, 217–18, 222, 223–32, 236
Hutton, Brian, Baron Hutton 227
Illsley, Eric 103
immigration 143, 180–81
Independent 173
Indolfi, Vincenzo 60
Infowars Website 2855
Ingham, Bernard 211
Institute for Fiscal Studies 188, 256
Iran 31, 136, 148, 193, 216–22
Iraq 3, 126, 151, 152, 193, 216–22, 248
Gulf War (1990–91) 216
invasion of 223–32, 291
‘Mission Accomplished’ speech 235–7
WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction) 3, 151, 223–32
ISIS 152
Israel 28–32
Italy 147–8
Silvio Berlusconi sex scandal 59–64
ITV (Independent Television) 135
Ivanov, Yevgeny 37, 40
Izvestia 25
James, Angus 129
Jenkins, Roy 16
Johnson, Boris 66, 140, 290
and Brexit campaign 166, 168, 173–4, 186, 188, 193
Jones, Alex 285–7
Jones, Clem and Marjorie 142, 144
Jones, Paula 55, 56, 57
Journey, A (Bush) 224
Jowell, Tessa 82
Kaufman, Sir Gerald 101
Keays, Flora 43, 48–9
Keays, Sara 43–8
Keeler, Christine 36–42
Kelly, Dr David 159, 227–8
Kelly, Tom 158, 226
Kendall, Liz 281
Kennedy, Charles 250
KGB 21, 23, 25
Khan, Sadiq 193
Khashoggi, Adnan 73
King, Olivia (‘Mistress Kate’) 6
Kirkbride, Julie 100
Kohlmann, Litzi 22
Kovaleski, Serge F. 277–9
Kunkle, Fredrick 277–8
Labour Party 81–6, 87, 251, 254, 261, 281
‘New Labour’ 66, 81, 90, 140, 153–5, 156–9, 250
Lambton, Anthony, Viscount Lambton 34
Lario, Veronica 63
Lascelles, Marion 113, 118
Latimer, Clare 130, 133
Lawley, Sue 201
Leadsom, Andrea 186
Letwin, Oliver 101
Leveson inquiry 6, 247–8
Levy, Michael 92
Lewinsky, Monica 55–8
Liberal Democrats 249–53
Liberal Party 119–20
Libya 147–52
Lidell, Guy 19
Lipton, Marcus 23
Littlejohn, Richard 160
Liverpool FC 210, 211
Lloyd, Selwyn 28
Lockerbie bombing 148, 150
Lussier, John ‘Skip’ 236
MacGregor, John 206, 208
Machine Tool Technologies Association 217
Macintyre, Ben 20
MacKay, Andrew 100
Mackenzie, Kelvin 53
Maclean, Donald 17–26
Macleod, Iain 39
Macmillan, Harold 15, 17, 23–4, 31–2, 67, 168–9
MacShane, Denis 102
Major, John 34, 85, 126, 258
and arms trading 218, 220
and banking crisis 2008 238
and David Mellor scandal 53
and Edwina Currie 129–33
and Neil Hamilton scandal 77–8, 80
Malone-Lee, James 157, 158
Mandela, Nelson 73
Mandelson, Peter 86, 87–91
Mann, Paul 38–9
Margaret Rose, Princess 114
Marhofer, Peter 150
Martin, Michael 103
Matrix Churchill 216–19, 221
Maudling, Beryl 67–70
Maudling, Martin 68, 70
Maudling, Reginald 67–70
Maxwell, Robert 88, 244
May, Theresa 66, 178, 248, 256
and Brexit 2, 189
and General Election 2017 258–61
and Human Rights Act 160–62
McAlpine, Alistair, Baron McAlpine of West Green 267, 270
McAlpine, Joan 265
McCain, John 275
McDonald, Ian 221
McDonald, Kenny 269
media 281–2
Cameron ‘pig’ story 271–4
Churchill cover-up 14–15, 16
mainstream media (MSM) 281–2
phone-hacking scandal 244–8
‘pizzagate’ conspiracy theory 283–7
social media 281–2, 283–7
see also names of individual newspapers
Mellor, David 50–54
Mellor, Judith 51
Menzies, Sir Stewart 22
Merkel, Angela 180–81
MI5 18–20, 22–3, 38, 40
MI6 18, 20–23, 217, 228
Middup, Paul 211
Milburn, Alan 158
Miliband, Ed 176
Miller, Sir Eric 68, 70
Mills, David 82
Minetti, Nicole 60–62
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) 204–8
Mirror 90, 136
‘Mission Accomplished’ speech (George W. Bush) 235–7
Mitchell, John 108, 111
Mitchell, Leslie 8
MMR vaccine 209
Mobil Oil 77
Modin, Yuri 19
Mollet, Guy 28
Montagu, Edward, Baron Montagu of Beaulieu, 206
Moore, Jo 159
Moran, Lord Charles 10, 11–12, 14
Moran, Margaret 102
Mordaunt, Penny
Morley, Elliot 102
Mosaddeq, Mohammad 31
Mosley, Max 82–3
MPs’ expenses scandal 97–104
MPs’ salaries 65–6, 67
Mubarak, Hosni 60
Murdoch, Elisabeth 245
Murdoch, James 246
Murdoch, Rupert 124, 247
Myners, Paul 239–41
national service 9
National Union of Students (NUS) 250
Nationwide 201
Neill, Sir Patrick 83–4, 86
New Statesman 130
News International 245–7
News of the World 53, 104, 118, 123, 124, 127, 244–7
Newsnight 54, 85, 157, 201
Newton, Andrew 118–21
NHS (National Health Service) 153–5, 156–8, 186–90, 252–3
9/11 attacks 147, 159, 224, 276, 285
Nixon, Richard Milhous 3, 107–12, 134
Nolan Committee 81–2
Nolan, Michael, Baron Nolan 77, 81, 83
‘non-dom’ status 94–5
Norris, Steven 35
Nothing But… (Keeler and Fawkes) 36
Nott, John 199
O’Brien, Larry 109
Oakeshott, Isabel 273
Oakley, Robert 148
Oaten, Mark 35
Obama, Barack 60, 152, 237, 276, 278, 280
Observer 72, 74, 131, 217
Office for National Statistics 165, 186–7
Oliver, Craig 183, 188
Operation Midland 269–70
Osborne, George 182–5, 239, 254–7
and 2010 Budget 254–5
and ‘austerity’ 255–6
and deficit reduction 255–7
Paddington rail crash 159
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) 54
Pallister, David 134
Paris by Night 131
Parkinson, Ann 46
Parkinson, Cecil 43–9
Parris, Matthew 87
Patel, Priti 186
Patnick, Sir Irvine 211, 214–15
Paxman, Jeremy 85
Peachey Property Corporation 68
Peppiatt, Angie 126
Peru 200
Peter Carter-Ruck and Partners 77
Philby Conspiracy, The 25
Philby, Harold ‘Kim’ 18–26
Phillips, Nicholas, Baron of Phillips Worth Matravers, 205, 208–9
Philp, Nick 50
phone-hacking scandal 244–8
‘pizzagate’ conspiracy theory 283–7
Platt, Steve 130
Podesta, John 283–4
Political Honours Scrutiny Committee 92–5
Pompidou, Georges 170
Popplewell, Oliver 138
‘post-truth’ era 4
Poulson, John 68, 69, 70
Powell, Enoch 142–6
Powell, Jonathan 226–7, 230
Powell, Pam 146
Prescott, John 290
Press Complaints Commission 53, 54
Preston, Peter 76
Pride and Perjury (Aitken) 139
Private Eye 103, 270
private finance initiative (PFI) 155
Proctor, Harvey 268–9
Profumo, John 3, 36–42
proportional representation 289
Putin, Vladimir 63
Pym, Francis 200
Question Time 103
Race Relations Bill 144
Rampling, Charlotte 131
Rawnsley, Andrew 84, 251
RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland) 238–43
Reagan, Ronald 148–9, 151, 280
Real Estate Fund of America 68–9
Reece, Gordon 140
refugees 192
Regan, Simon 129, 130
Register of Members’ Financial Interests 70, 73, 88, 135, 290
Rentoul, John 86
Repubblica, La 64
Rice, Condoleezza 237
Richards, Rod 34
Richardson, Elliot 111
‘Rivers of Blood’ speech 142–4
Robertson QC, Geoffrey 216, 219
Robinson, Geoffrey 88–91
Robinson, Nick 175
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 13
Rothermere, Jonathan Harmsworth, Viscount 94
Routledge, Paul 90
Rowland, Roland ‘Tiny’ 72–4
Russia 2, 32, 37–8, 40, 63, 148, 263, 283, 291
Cambridge spy ring 17–26
Salisbury, Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, Marquess of 13–14
Sandy Hook, Connecticut 285
Sandys, Duncan 9
Saudi Arabia 20, 135–7
Saunders, Sir John 248
Savile, Jimmy 233, 243, 267
Scallywag 129, 130, 270
Scarlett, John 225–7, 229–30
Scott, Norman 113, 114–21
Scott, Richard, Baron Scott of Foscote 221–2
Scottish independence referendum 179, 264–6
Scottish National Party 179
Senior Salaries Review Body 97
Sèvres protocol 29, 32
sexual abuse allegations 267–70
Sheffield Wednesday 210
Shetland 264–6
Shipman, Tim 176, 182, 188
Sinclair, Sir John 23
Sky News 188, 282
Smith, Cyril 119–20, 233, 267
Smith, Godric 226
Smith, Tim 76
‘smoking gun’ tape 110
Snow, Peter 201
Snowdon, Lord see Armstrong-Jones, Antony
Soames, Christopher 11–12, 16
social media 281–2
Soskice, Frank 116
South Yorkshire Police 211–14
Southall Jr, Mercutio 275
Southwood, Sir Richard 207
Soviet Union see Russia
Spain 21
Spicer, Sir Michael 101
spin 140–41, 156–9
Spitting Image 129
Spring, Richard 34
Spy Among Friends, A (Macintyre) 20
Stacpoole, Michael 123, 126, 128
Stalin, Joseph 12
Standard 230
Star-Ledger 277
Starr, Kenneth 55–8, 284
Steel, David 117–18
Steen, Anthony 101
Stephanopoulos, George 276
Straw, Jack 213
Straw, Will 182
Streisand, Barbra 108
Stuart, Gisela 186
Sturgeon, Nicola 265
Suez Crisis 27–33
Sun 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 69, 90, 175, 198–9, 211, 230, 244–5, 247
Sunday Mirror 41, 290 Sunday News 23
Sunday People 15
Sunday Sport 130
Sunday Telegraph 83
Sunday Times 25, 68, 71, 120
Supreme Court 163
Syria 148, 150, 192, 193, 282
Talbot, Fred 267
Taylor, John, Baron Taylor of Warwick 103
Taylor, Peter, Baron Taylor of Gosforth 212–14
Telegraph 242, 248, 259
terrorism 147–52
Thatcher, Margaret 5, 7, 25, 140, 186, 217, 221, 223, 258
and Cecil Parkinson 43, 44, 46–8
and Falklands War 197–203
and Hillsborough 211–13
and Jeffrey Archer 123
and MPs’ salaries 97
and Neil Hamilton 78
Thatcher, Mark 74
This Week 276
Thorpe, Jeremy 5, 113–21
Time magazine 280
Times, The 21, 41, 48, 132, 144, 173, 272
Today 84, 185, 244
Tomney, Frank 24
Toynbee Hall 41
Treaty of Rome 169, 170
Tredinnick, David 71
Tripoli, Libya 149
Trump, Donald 2, 286, 290
and elec
tion campaign 190, 275–80, 292
tuition fees 249–53
Turkey 191–4
Tusk, Donald 2
Twitter 281, 285, 287
UK Financial Investments 241
UK Statistics Authority 164–5, 187
UKIP 80, 167, 168, 174, 180, 289
Umunna, Chuka 189
UN Security Council Resolution 1441 3
United States of America 12–13
Cambridge spy ring 20, 23
Clinton sex scandal 55–8
Colonel Gaddafi 148–9, 151, 152
Iraq War 224, 231–2, 235–7
Trump campaign 275–80
Suez crisis 31
US election 2016 275–80, 283–7
Watergate scandal 107–12
Usborne, David 173
USSR see Russia
Vassall, John 40
Veinticinco de Mayo 197, 198
Verhofstadt, Guy 2
Viggers, Sir Peter 101
Villa Certosa, Sardinia 61
Vine, Jeremy 281
Vine, Sarah 101
Vivian, Valentine 21
Volkov, Konstantin 21–2
Wakefield, Andrew 209
Waldegrave, William 171, 220–21
Ward, David 82
Ward, Stephen 36–42
Warhol, Andy 108
Washington Post 111, 277–8, 280, 291
Watergate scandal 3, 107–12
Watson, Tom 270
Welch, Edgar 286
Werner, Pierre 169
West Midlands Police 214
White, Sir Dick 22
White’s News 210–11
Whittingdale, John 6–7
Whittington Hospital, London 156–8
Who’s Who 163
WikiLeaks 283
Willetts, David 78
Wilson, Harold 40, 41, 70, 111, 140, 170, 223, 247
Winterton, Sir Nicholas and Ann 102
WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction) 3, 151, 223–32
Wolverhampton Express & Star 144
Woodward, Bob 111
Woodward, John 198–9
World in Action 135, 139
Wright, Peter 211, 213
Yeo, Tim 34
Young, David, Baron Young of Graffam 74, 75
Adam Macqueen has been reporting for Private Eye since the early days of Tony Blair’s government. He covered the epic phone-hacking trial of Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson for the magazine, and writes the regular ‘Number Crunching’ and ‘Focus on Fact’ features.
His books include The Prime Minister’s Ironing Board and Other State Secrets (2013) and the Sunday Times top ten bestseller Private Eye: The First 50 Years, an A–Z (2011).
He lives in Hastings with his husband, the painter Michael Tierney.