The Capture

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by Alexx Andria

  The Capture

  The Capture



  (The Breeding Prophecy 2)

  By Alexx Andria

  Copyright 2012 by Alexx Andria

  Smashwords Edition

  *This naughty bit of a story is intended for mature readers only. If you’re not 18 years or older, find something else to read.

  The following short story of approx. 4,000 words is an original work of fiction.

  Cassandra struggled to be free, but the grip holding her felt like iron bands clamped around her thighs. “Let me go!” she screamed like a banshee, rising up to claw at his face with her nails but her efforts were met with steely silence as they ran through the night.

  The cold air burned her face and she began to shiver.

  They entered what looked like a cave and were immediately enveloped in inky darkness but her captor navigated the tricky twists and turns as if they were traveling a lighted path.

  They emerged in a large cavern where he finally set her down with little finesse or grace. She landed on her rear with a squeak of pain but he paid her little heed as he was too busy building a small fire to warm the ice-box interior. In truth, she was too cold to flee even if, by chance she could find her way out. Her legs felt like frozen stalks of flesh that might shatter if she tried to run.

  Within minutes a blaze filled the cavern with dancing light and she reluctantly sought the heat when he gestured impatiently. It was then she looked at the man who had captured her as she warmed her hands. He was big, much like Jandin and Koris, but there was something gracefully dangerous about the lines in his body that suggested sinewy strength and raw masculinity. His blond hair was cropped short to his skull with military precision, possibly to soften the fact that he was almost too pretty for a man. In short, he took her breath away.

  She also knew he was different from the others. As a test, she lifted her nose and surreptitiously sniffed the air.

  “I am not a werewolf,” he said, saving her the trouble. She gasped and recoiled, not quite sure what to think, only fairly certain she wasn’t safe with him.

  “What are you?” she asked. “You don’t smell…human.”

  His mouth thinned in a parody of a smile. “That’s because I am not human.” His smile faded. “And neither are you. Otherwise, two rival werewolf clans wouldn’t be tearing each other to shreds to breed with you.”

  Her cheeks flamed at the crass way he framed his statement but she lifted her chin and met his stare with open challenge. “I didn’t ask for any of this. Yesterday my biggest worry was my mid-term final. Today, I’m some kind of beast with a magical womb! And for the record, I took a vow of purity!”

  “How’d that work out for you?” he asked sardonically.

  She glared. “Great. Up until I went into my Breeding Time as Jandin called it. So, if you’re not a werewolf, what are you? And why do you care what happens between two rival clans?”

  “Because there’s a reason there’s not been a Breeding female in sixty years,” he said.

  “Which is?” He met her stare with a hard one of his own. She shivered at what she read in his eyes. “You killed them?”

  “Some,” he allowed without apology. “Others, we simply let nature take its course.”

  “By capturing them and letting them phase out,” she guessed with a frown. “From what Jandin said, it sounds like a horrible death.”

  “So I’ve heard,” he said with a shrug.

  “You’re a monster,” Cassandra said with growing horror at what he evidently planned for her. She didn’t want to be consumed by her own heat to die writhing in pain at his asshole’s feet. “They’ll find me,” she said, hoping it was true. “They can smell my scent. There is nowhere that you could hide me that they wouldn’t sniff me out.”

  “Your confidence is amusing. It’s true the Lycan sense of smell is enhanced, but there is one tried and true method to cloak your natural scent from their inquisitive noses.”

  “Which is?” she asked fearfully.

  Again that damnable smile curved his lips and she felt a chill at its appearance. “First, you will strip and wash their foul seed from your body. I can smell it drying upon your skin as we speak.”

  Indeed, the seed from her two wolves had dried to a thin crust along her skin. But she didn’t want to wash it away. Her reluctance was rewarded with a sharp slap across her face. She gasped and stumbled away, holding her cheek with her palm.

  “I do not ask. I am telling you.”

  “Fuck you,” she said, blinking back tears.

  “Do not tempt me,” he said, looking away. “I will give you ten minutes to clean yourself. You will find a natural spring pool about twenty feet away. It is warm but not overly so. Wash yourself. I expect to see you scrubbed clean and ready for me when I return.” He turned to leave, but then added for good measure, “Do not be so foolish as to try and leave. The cavern is filled with wrong turns and deadly drop offs. If you would like any chance of leaving this cavern alive…do as you’re told.”

  Cassandra watched with open hatred as he disappeared, moving far too quickly for a human being, but differently than her wolves, and she wondered what world she’d woken up in today.

  She walked cautiously away from the fire and found the bubbling pool just as her captor described. Her body ached from the pounding given to her by the twin wolf brothers and the water was a welcome relief. She sank in and submerged herself, and then found a bar of organic soap waiting for her on a ledge. After soaping herself and rinsing, she drifted over to a submerged ledge and settled herself upon it. The water swirled around her like a hot tub and her protesting muscles began to relax under the soothing jets of natural jets bubbling from the depths of the earth. She lost track of time and must’ve fallen asleep for when she opened her eyes again, her captor was standing there watching her.

  She sank lower in the water to shield her breasts from his gaze but he laughed at her efforts.

  “Come, I have clothes for you to change into.”

  She scowled and motioned for him to turn around. “I’m not putting on a peep show for your entertainment.”

  “My dear foolish child…it doesn’t matter whether I see your naked body now or later. But suit yourself. I will indulge your request because it amuses me.” He turned to give her privacy and she rushed to cover herself. But as she lifted the clothing he’d brought her, she realized with dismay she may as well have remained naked. The cloth was a sheer sheath that was certainly inappropriate for the chilly cavern and definitely inappropriate given the situation. She looked for her old clothes but found they were gone. As if sensing her confusion, he said, “I burned them. The seed of those beasts was all over them. I thought I might be ill.”

  “So you brought me this?” She lifted the thin sheath. “This is ridiculous. I’ll freeze.”

  He turned and she gasped as she struggled to cover herself. “Do you know nothing of your nature?” he asked. When she failed to answer, he explained in irritation, “In a few short hours you will phase again. The heat in your body will ramp up until you are burning with fever. The sheath is simply a nod to your modesty, however thin. You will rip it from your body when you are in full phase.”

  She swallowed, remembering the scant details Jandin and Koris had shared before she’d slipped into her second phase. She remembered the heat inside her body, liquefying her bones and she shuddered in fear it at happening again. “You must take me back to my clan. I’ll die if I phase without them.”

  “Without a Breeding female, the two clans settle into an uneasy truce, which bears well for the humans they choose to live beside. But a Breeding female creates a lust for dominance that is impossible to quell under the best of circumstances; ad
d in a Breeding female of your particular blood line and it’s doomed to chaos and bloodshed.”

  “What do you mean?” Cassandra asked, intrigued in spite of herself. “I don’t know any of this. I was adopted. I have no idea who my biological parents were.”

  “Your father came from Clan Barrichius; your mother, Clan Janus. As such you are a direct descendent of the Lycan line. Your blood is powerful. Your womb is dangerous.”

  Her hand drifted to her belly. “How?”

  “There is a legend…one that has kept the two clans warring since the beginning of time. A child would be born of the two clans union that would bear fruit to rule the world. You, Cassandra, are that child. And anyone in either clan would do anything to claim you and all that goes with it.”

  She gasped and shook her head. “You’ve got to be joking. This is ludicrous.”

  “Really? Were you not just fucked by two werewolves? Were you not compelled to fuck when your phasing began?”

  Her cheeks burned at the memory. “Yes,” she admitted with shame. “I couldn’t help myself.”

  “It’s in your nature. Which is why you cannot bear fruit in that womb of yours.”

  “But they will come for me,” she said, not sure what to think anymore. “They will find me.”

  “The minerals in the spring water act as a natural neutralizer. Their seed has been washed away for the time being. But your final phasing will create a scent that they can follow. We will leave before that happens.”

  His gaze drifted down her naked body, barely covered by the sheath in her hands, and she hurriedly pulled it over her head. She shivered as the fabric whispered over her curves and danced around her knees. He looked away as if scalded. “I brought you food. I suggest you eat. Your body’s metabolism is moving at a much faster rate and you will find yourself nearing starvation within hours if you don’t eat every two hours.”

  Cassandra hesitated to ask him what he’d brought her to eat seeing as she’d gobbled raw meat a few hours earlier but she found his choice acceptable and started eating.

  “How do you know so much about werewolves if you’re not one?” she asked around the bite of raw steak. “And you still haven’t told me your name,” she reminded him.

  “I’m surprised your senses have not figured it out yet,” he said.

  Sudden clarity came to her and she swallowed with difficulty. “You’re a vampire?”

  “Yes,” he said. “And my name is Cristophe. It is my duty to keep watch for the Breeding females of the clans. Thus far, I’ve been successful in preventing the prophesy.”

  “Oh.” The meat stuck in her throat and she swallowed again. “So…why do you care so much about the politics of werewolves?”

  “Wolves are like squabbling children, always crying over who has what toy. Vampires have been keeping the werewolves under control for eons. Possibly since the beginning.”

  She scowled, not liking his condescension. “Maybe they don’t need to be babysat. Did you ever think of that?”

  “Without control, they become rabid, quarreling beasts who tear apart everything in their path.”

  She thought of Jandin and Koris and how tender they’d been with her and she immediately rushed to their defense. “I don’t think that’s true. You have a bias against werewolves apparently.”

  His stare narrowed. “Yes. A werewolf ripped apart my human family after I’d turned.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry,” Cassandra offered, not quite sure how to offer condolences on something so awful. “But Jandin and Koris aren’t like that.”

  “Don’t mislead yourself. They were consumed with lust for you because of the power you possess. Why else would they go out of their way to put their mark on you before they could get you to safety?”

  “I was phasing. There wasn’t time,” she said.

  “Be that as it may, they’d been watching you for some time. As have I. They lost control because of who you are and who they are.”

  A part of her wondered if this was true. She nibbled her steak, completely over the fact that she was munching on raw meat, and focused on the here and now. “Where will you take me?” she asked.

  “I have an underground compound that will suffice for the time being. I will try to see to your comfort as much as possible. Should the phase end your life…I will see to it that your effects are put into order.”

  “Not a castle?” she asked derisively. “I thought all vampires had castles. And what do you mean, my effects?”

  “I have several but there’s nothing close enough to reach. Besides, going underground is the best way to muffle your scent from their damned canine sense of smell. And to answer your question, it wouldn’t do to leave loose ends. The authorities will assume you died of natural causes.”

  She finished her dinner in silence, the crackling of the fire the only sound between them. She looked up to find Cristophe staring at her with a heat in his eyes that he couldn’t immediately squelch when their gazes met. “Are you going to kill me?” she asked.

  “I’m supposed to handle the situation,” he said by way of answer but he shifted in seeming discomfort.

  “I don’t want to die,” she murmured.

  “Most people don’t.”

  “Why can’t you just relocate me, like a werewolf witness protection program?”

  He shook his head. “There is nowhere you could go that they wouldn’t eventually find you. They are…tenacious.”

  “I’m a good person,” she said, wiping away a tear. “I was studying to be an engineer. I like finding out how things work.” She was making mindless conversation if only to mask the trembling fear inside. “I never imagined…”

  “Your heritage is your only crime,” he admitted. “I would that things were different.” The quiet admission shocked her and she glanced up and to catch him frowning. “You are the first Breeding female who wasn’t aware of her lineage. Most are protected and hidden away to prevent the feuding. Of course, none have had your bloodline before. Your parents were foolish to mate, having known the consequence.”

  “They must’ve really loved each other,” Cassandra supposed and Cristophe shrugged away her romantic sentiment as if it were of no matter.

  “A useless and dangerous emotion. Look where it has put you…and them.”

  She perked up, curious. “Are my parents still alive?”


  He dashed her sudden hope with his flat admission. “What happened?”

  “I’ve only seen part of the file. They died shortly after you were born and given to the adoption agency. The records were mysteriously destroyed, which made finding the infant impossible.” He looked uncomfortable. “You have to realize, any offspring from their union would’ve been dangerous. They’d known the risk and chose their path anyway.”

  Someone had killed her parents? She shuddered, saddened for two people she’d never known but had passed on this deadly legacy. “It’s not right that their only crime was falling in love.”

  “Life is cruel,” he said simply. “Blame the gods for drafting such a prophecy to rule our lives.”

  Suddenly, she became aware of a prickling heat dancing along her skin and she wiped away the beads of sweat that gathered at her hairline. Sweat dripped along her ribcage as her internal temperature began to steadily rise. Oh no, she thought with rising panic. Not now! She looked up at Cristophe and he started when her eyes dilated and everything became hazed in red in her vision. “Cristophe…” she gasped, bending over as a fresh stab of arousal spiraled through her.

  “You are phasing again, too soon,” he muttered, catching her as she fell to the ground. “You’re on fire, damn it. You’re not supposed to phase so quickly! You should’ve had at least a few days to recover.”

  “Don’t let me die,” she pleaded, gripping his shirt. “Please! I never asked for any of this.”

  The arousal turned to pain as her channel slicked with moist heat, needing to be filled. The emptiness of her core created wav
es of pain and need that caused her to cry out with agony. “Oh God! I can’t handle this! Please help me, Cristophe!”

  She began ripping at the thin material covering her. Even the slightest touch of the fabric was an irritant to her skin. With a growl, she pressed herself against Cristophe, mindless that he was her enemy and captor. She needed to feel skin on skin or face dying a terrible death.

  “Touch me, Cristophe,” she begged, almost sobbing. The tips of her nipples were reddened and throbbing, while her breasts swelled to twice their normal size. Her skin stretched from the swelling and her pussy quivered as juices dribbled from her passage, slicking the way.

  She could sense Cristophe fighting an internal struggle, but within seconds had her on her back in the dirt. “I can’t seem to help myself,” he admitted, shocked at his own actions as he fumbled with his belt and pants. “Oh good God, this is unnatural but I want it so badly!”

  He groaned as she grabbed at him, wrapping her hot hands around his long, curved length. He was so different from her wolf lovers but she felt insatiable. This was far worse than the first two phases. This was the grand dame of phases and she was helpless to stop it. She slipped his cock into her mouth, sucking eagerly and wantonly on his straining erection, as his balls slapped against her chin. His fingers threaded through her tresses and held her mouth in place as he fucked her wet and willing mouth. She felt drugged, beyond control. She needed cock after cock. One would never be enough.

  She groaned, lost to the sensations racing through her body, making mincemeat of rational thought. Cristophe pushed her away before he could cum in her mouth and she fell back only to sink onto her hands and knees, her ass lifted in offering. “Take me, Cristophe!” she begged. “I need to feel a cock inside me before I go insane!”

  He slammed his cock inside her, rough and hard, just the way she liked it. Just like her wolves. He gripped her hips for better leverage and pumped his cock into her like a piston, ramming into her juicy hole without stop. She groaned as his cock rubbed against a secret sweet spot deep inside her, making her squirt and dribble down her thighs into the fine dirt. The sounds of their animalistic fucking echoed off the cavern walls and filled the air between them. He grunted as he buried his cock deep inside her, touching her womb with the bulbous head, pounding her pussy until she moaned with pure pleasure.


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