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Hard and Fast

Page 2

by Raven Scott

  “How are your feet doing?”

  She smiled.

  “I’ll survive for a little longer, I think.”

  “Good. But I’m happy to help you out again if needed.” His grin was meant to be charming and flirty, but her raised brows made him doubt its effectiveness.

  “Really? And how exactly would you do that?”

  Suggestive words sprang into his mind, like the offer of a soft bed to rest on and a long foot rub to ease any discomfort. The direction of his thoughts must have been clearly written on his face because she finally looked away. Lucas leaned forward so he could whisper near her ear.

  “I’m a gentleman, so I’d do whatever you need me to do.”

  “I bet you’re good at that,” she shot back, playing with the frosty condensation at the side of her glass.

  “At what?” he probed, now facing her with his elbow resting on the bar. His fresh mug of Belgium draft beer remained untouched.

  She rolled her eyes, suggesting he knew exactly what she was referring to. “At doing whatever a woman needs.”

  “I can only try my best.”

  Lex looked at him again.

  “So, Lex, is it? Are you from Toronto?” he finally asked.

  “Born and raised. But I can tell from your accent that you’re American. Visiting for work, I take it?”

  “That’s a pretty accurate guess,” he conceded.

  “A man like you, alone in a downtown hotel bar on a Sunday night, and looking for company? Not hard to figure out.”

  “Ouch,” Lucas stated with a grimace. “I’m pretty, and a cliché.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean it as an insult, just an observation,” she added. Her eyes twinkled with amusement, taking the sting out of her words. “Unless of course, you have a wife and kids back in . . . where, New York?”

  She took a sip from her drink.

  “Alexandria, actually. Born and raised in New Jersey, but I live in Virginia now,” explained Lucas, lifting up his left hand as evidence. “No wife, no kids. Not even a girlfriend.”

  There was a silent pause as they both continued to assess each other.

  “Lex. Is that short for something?”

  She smiled wide again, her eyes sparkling.

  “Alexandria, actually.”

  Lucas laughed.

  “Now, that can’t be a coincidence,” he replied, leaning a little closer so that her intoxicating scent teased him.

  “Hey, Lex, this dude bothering you?”

  Lucas didn’t take his eyes off her, but from his peripheral vision, saw that the guy asking was a couple back in the crowd, standing over six feet and big, almost as big as his friend Evan. But he looked slow and well into multiple cups of alcohol.

  “Are you bothering me?” she asked with a big smile. She was enjoying the conversation. Lucas felt encouraged for the first time.

  “I hope so, if you don’t mind,” he replied with a grin of his own.

  “I’m good, Adrian, thanks,” she told the other man before facing Lucas again. “I’m leaving now anyway. Thanks again for the drink.”

  “So early? We were just starting to get to know each other,” Lucas protested.

  “Sorry, I have to be at work early tomorrow.”

  Lucas followed her as they made their way through the crush of people pressing close to order drinks.

  “All right, I’ll walk you to your car.”

  Lex gave him a funny look.

  “Okay, if you insist,” she conceded.

  “I do. I’m a gentleman, remember?”

  They were silent as she handed in a coat-check ticket and got back a long red raincoat that tied at the waist. He escorted her out of the restaurant.

  “My car is in valet parking, so I’m just going to the front entrance. There’s really no need to accompany me,” she added.

  Lucas looked down the long expanse of the hotel lobby, with the main doors at the opposite side. There was plenty of real estate for more conversation.

  “No biggie. It’s on my way to the elevators anyway,” he dismissed with a shrug.

  “Giving up on the night already?” she teased with raised eyebrows. “You’re walking away from a lot of potential.”

  “Who says I’m giving up?” Lucas shot back. His gaze said very clearly that she had all his attention.

  Lex let out a short bark of laughter, her lips spread wide in a big smile. He was now certain she was enjoying their banter as much as he was.

  “Exactly what is it that you think you’ll accomplish on this short walk?”

  “Nothing. I’m just enjoying your company, that’s all,” he lied smoothly while he plotted the right words to say that would convince her to stay with him for more of the evening. Maybe even all night.

  “Liar. You think you can talk me into sleeping with you tonight,” Lex shot back, her voice still soft with humor. “And I bet you’re successful with almost all the women you meet. But, unfortunately, I really have to be up early in the morning.”

  Her blunt assessment caused Lucas to stop his slow stroll. His expression showed a mix of surprise and intrigue. Lex stopped two paces ahead and faced him.

  “And as tempting as whatever your offer is, I’m not what you’re looking for. I’m the exact opposite of what you want, Lucas.”

  He heard two things in her statement: she remembered his name and she was tempted. Lucas smiled, slow and sexy.

  “I haven’t made you an offer, Lex,” he clarified.

  “Not yet, but you will.”

  “Touché,” Lucas conceded. He continued their walk, slightly slower than before, and she fell in beside him.

  “What do you think I’m looking for, and why is it not you?” he finally asked, genuinely curious.

  “The answer to the first question would damage your fragile ego, pretty boy. And the second is way too complicated.”

  Lucas snorted, not the least bit insulted.

  “Try me. I’m tougher than I look, and I’ve got time.”

  She looked him up and down, her eyes lingering in some interesting places. Lucas felt like straightening his back and flexing his chest. But he resisted the juvenile urge. Nothing he did would demonstrate just how strong or lethal he really was.

  “Okay. But I don’t think I can handle it if you start crying,” she shot back, her lips twitching with the effort to hold back a grin. “You’re looking for someone fun, easygoing, comfortable with a casual hookup. A girl that’s not going to have expectations beyond a night or two. A week, tops. And all on your schedule.”

  She wasn’t asking for him to agree, and he wasn’t offended. The summary was pretty accurate. Casual sexual encounters required honesty and clarity at the onset or they were bound to go disastrously and uncomfortably wrong. A complication that he never had time for.

  “And that’s not something you’re into,” guessed Lucas. “I can respect that.”

  “No, I prefer casual, actually,” she clarified, surprising him with the transparency. “And I’m partial to pretty men without expectations. But I need it on my terms, too. My available time is limited and I don’t like to waste it. And that’s where it gets complicated.”

  They had both stopped walking, and now stood side by side in the middle of the marble-tiled hotel corridor. A small number of people walked about around them, but neither noticed.

  “I’m pretty sure that’s not going to work for you, pretty boy,” she continued.

  “Let me be the judge of that. I can compromise,” he replied softly, completely captivated by her frank statements and overall energy.

  She looked back at him speculatively, her bold, golden eyes piercing into his. Lucas found himself holding his breath, willing her to see what she needed in order to make a connection between them worthwhile.

  “Was that an offer?” Her expression was deadpan, but her tone was teasing.

  Lucas laughed. He liked her. “I believe it was.”

  “Thanks, but I have to pass,” she finally repl
ied. “I don’t compromise very well. One of my character flaws, I’ve been told.”

  She started walking again, much faster and more determined than before, and Lucas could only fall in step. He felt much more disappointed than he cared to admit. And it was more about the end of their conversation than a spontaneous roll in bed.

  “Well, there’s no need to decide so quickly,” he added when they reached the large revolving door at the hotel entrance. “I might be here all week.”

  Lex turned to face him, then backed into the open section of the turning door and pushed herself out of the building, her eyes fixed on his. Lucas shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans, experiencing a rare moment of indecision. She’d already turned down his invitation and was walking away. It was just unmanly to chase after her further. Yet, a minute later, he was following her outside, ignoring the damp, windy night air that easily blew through the fine wool of his sweater.

  The valet attendant had already taken her ticket and they stood waiting silently for her car to be brought up. He looked at her profile, then felt her look at his. Their eyes finally locked before the deep, low rumble of a powerful turbo engine vibrated around them. Lucas turned to watch the slow arrival of a late-model Porsche 911 Carrera, tricked out with sexy skirts, matte black sport rims, bright red brake calipers, and a slick storm-gray paint job. It was a beauty.

  “This is me,” Lex said at his side, and he turned to find her watching the car as it rolled to a stop. Pride of ownership was written all over her face.

  “Wow,” was all he could say.

  She laughed, throwing back her head. Lucas couldn’t help laughing also.

  “I was serious about my offer,” he added seconds later, feeling helpless to stop her from walking away.

  Her lips quirked again, and she stepped to his side, close enough to brush against his arm, but still a breath away. Lucas looked down at her face, locked on those incredible eyes, and did what he wanted. He leaned down until his face was close to hers, then paused to gauge her reaction. Lex lowered her lashes and tilted her chin up an inch. His mouth covered hers without a plan of attack, only the irresistible need to touch her, explore the powerful attraction, taste her flesh before she disappeared into the night.

  The kiss was open-mouthed and instantly hot, giving her a glimpse of what he had to offer and taking more than he was entitled to. Lucas was rewarded with her quick response. Lex leaned in until her soft curves pressed into his side. Her tongue met his, swirling around with arousing strokes. Lucas Johnson, elite security specialist and practiced bachelor, felt his knees go weak.

  His lids were still closed when she pulled back, stepping out of his reach. His breath was caught somewhere between his stomach and throat, dreading what came next.

  “Nice to meet you, Lucas,” she said softly.

  He opened his eyes to watch her walk around her car and slide into the low driver’s seat. He was still standing in the cool night air, hands buried in his front pockets, as the sports car disappeared down the street.


  Alexandria Cotts entered her town house about twenty minutes later and tossed her car keys on the console table near the front door. She leaned against the wall and slowly unzipped her boots, her mind lingering on the night’s encounter.

  Lucas. She should have taken him up on his offer. She could have gone up to his room, sweated out her frustrations in his bed, and still be home before eleven o’clock. What was the worst that could have happened?

  Alex sighed while placing the boots and her jacket in the front closet, then walked farther into the house carrying her purse. In the kitchen, she turned on the gas stove to heat up the kettle. Her cell phone beeped with a text message and she took it out of her purse, and then tossed the purse on one of the kitchen chairs.

  It was from her brother, Adrian, who was checking to see if she was home yet. Her twin was only a few minutes older than her, but still acted like he needed to take care of her. It was both sweet and exasperating.

  Alex replied with a message to let him know she was safe and sound.

  “Hey, Lex. You’re home early.”

  The statement came from her cousin and roommate, Noelle Cotts, as she came down the stairs from the upper floor of the house.

  “Yeah. I need to be in the office early tomorrow,” Alex explained. “Want some tea?”

  “Sure. How was it?” asked Noelle, joining her in the kitchen.

  Alex shrugged. The evening had been a bachelor party for her best friend, Shawn Hampton.

  “It was okay. Typical stuff. They’re on their way to the strip club nearby, so I’m pretty sure Adrian’s happy I couldn’t stay,” she told Noelle with a wicked smile. “The last time I went along with them, I completely ruined his fun.”

  “Yeah, well, you’re the only straight girl I know that can enjoy watching female strippers with a bunch of guys. It’s weird.”

  Alex shrugged. It wasn’t the first time she’d heard similar comments, and it wouldn’t be the last. Other than Noelle, all her friends were male. It’s the way it’d always been since preschool. And having three older brothers certainly didn’t help.

  “Don’t worry, Nick was a good boy. He left the party before I did,” added Alex. Nicholas Carter was Noelle’s boyfriend and a member of Alex’s group of friends.

  “I wasn’t worried,” Noelle insisted, but it was clear she had been.

  “Yeah, you were. I’m sure he’ll call soon to check in.”

  Noelle ignored Alex’s ribbing. As cousins, the two women looked a lot alike in the face, with similar caramel skin, expressive brown eyes, and shapely lips. But that’s where the physical similarities ended. Noelle was five feet six inches tall and slim, but Alex barely hit five feet four, with lean limbs and curves that were more than a handful.

  They also had vastly different views. While Alex was very liberal about lifestyles and relationships, Noelle lived with tightly held boundaries of right and wrong. And her boyfriend had to fit in or move on. It was the source of many hot debates over the years.

  “So who was the guy you left the restaurant with?” her cousin asked above the whistle of the steaming kettle.

  Alex waited until she had poured hot water into two mugs.

  “Am I under surveillance now, or something?” she mumbled, adding bags of green tea and honey to each cup.

  “Adrian had sent a note to Nick while I was talking to him before you got home,” explained Noelle as Alex sat beside her at the kitchen table and slid over her drink.

  “Wow, Nick really is well trained. He checked in right on schedule,” retorted Alex, but Noelle ignored the jab.

  “They asked if I knew who you were meeting up with,” she told Alex. “Which of course I don’t. I haven’t met anyone you’ve dated for at least three years. Maybe four.”

  Alex shrugged. It was true, and on purpose. Her life and relationships were complicated enough without adding the opinions of her six closest friends; five of which were dominating males with the emotional maturity of a thirteen-year-old. And that’s not including her two oldest brothers.

  “So,” persisted Noelle. “Who was he?”

  “No one. Just some random guy that I met in the restaurant. We chatted a bit and he walked me to my car.”

  “Hmm. That’s it?”

  “What else could it be?” Alex shot back with a sardonic smile. “There was hardly time for a quickie—I’m good, but not that good.” There was no point in mentioning that toe-curling kiss.

  Noelle rolled her eyes, pretending to be offended by the suggestion, but was unable to stop her lips from quivering with amusement.

  “Did you get a number or anything? Are you going to see him again?”

  “No, and probably not.”

  “Why? You’re not seeing anyone else right now. You said things were finished with that French driver, right?”

  “What’s with all the questions about my love life, Noelle? Are you reporting back to Aunt Nadine? ’Ca
use I’ll just tell you what I told her last weekend: boyfriends are not my thing. They are more work than what they’re worth.”

  Noelle sat back and raised her hands in a defensive gesture.

  “I was just asking, Alex. That’s what girlfriends do. They talk about boys and their relationships. There’s no conspiracy,” the younger cousin insisted, more than a little annoyed. “Geez, I thought we covered this lesson on being a girl back in high school.”

  Alex shrugged. Maybe she had overreacted a little. But Alex wasn’t convinced that all the questions weren’t somehow instigated by her very loving, but very insistent aunt. The woman made it her business to monitor all the feminine aspects of Alex’s life since public school.

  Most would agree that it was attention that was much needed, since Alexandria was the only girl in a house full of uncouth males while growing up. Her mother, Arleen Cotts, had died from complications within days of giving birth to the twins, and Hubert Cotts was not at all equipped to be a single parent of four kids. It had never occurred to him that his only daughter would need anything different from her three brothers. In fact, she had been known as Alex for most of her childhood. And, according to Nadine, who was married to Hubert’s brother Clifford, no one in the neighborhood even knew there was a girl in the house until her aunt had taken control of the situation.

  Then, every other Saturday, Aunt Nadine took her for the afternoon to do “lady” stuff with her cousin Noelle. Most of it didn’t make any sense to Alex. She would much rather have played football or soccer with her brothers, or helped her dad do stuff in the garage. But it seemed so important to her aunt, and her dad couldn’t discuss it without blushing, so Alex went along with it.

  By the time she was headed to college, Alex looked like every other girl. She wore the right clothes, dabbled with makeup, and could have a conversation about the typical female interests. But most of the time, it was just a public facade. At heart, she’d rather talk about cars or sports while wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. By the time she’d entered the working world, Alex was pretty good at balancing the two personas to suit the circumstances.


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