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Blood Will Tell

Page 8

by Colleen S. Myers

  Isabelle peered over her shoulder at Alex. He stood glaring at a guard, a trickle of blood trailing near his temple. His hands were up, fingers waving in a taunting manner at the guard. As if sensing her gaze his head turned, expression hard. His mouth softened.

  “You okay?” he mouthed. She nodded then wiped her nose on her sleeve and resumed her prior position. He could do nothing to help. He wouldn't understand why hearing of Rosa’s heroics only pissed her off more. Rosa Mendes, hero, freedom fighter, failed mother.

  Harsh words cut into her musings. “Someone’s not paying attention.”

  Her focus shifted back to the Southerner. “Sorry, thinking. All these nice things you said don't fit with what I knew. My mother, if she is living now, left me behind to fend for myself in the city.”

  His lips curved up. “Yes, she did, didn't she? No longer Saint Rosa.” Laugh lines fanned out from his eyes. “That is fabulous news. Makes us wretches not feel so bad. Anyway, Isa. Time for bed now.”

  “How did you know who I was?”

  “Anyone who is anyone has heard of you. Rosa let it be known throughout she will pay anything for information on you. She used to hand out pictures.” He inclined his head toward her. “Everyone knows you, little Isa.”

  “That doesn't make sense, why leave me?”

  “Because she didn't have a choice.” Alex faced the guard who attempted to hit him with a baton through the bars for speaking out.

  The leader waved him off. “Maybe that is true. You will soon find out. She’s paying a high price for you.” He reached through the cage and she cringed, unable to avoid his touch. His fingers sifted through her hair, and her jaw clenched as he grabbed a handful and lifted it to smell. That look in his eyes... It wasn't good to attract the attention of this man. If he wanted her bad enough, well then, to hell with the deal. Meet violence with violence. Refuse any touch. Isa turned her head and bit him. The Southerner pulled his hand back with a curse.

  His eyes flaring, he pointed at her through the bards. “You bit me, you little bitch. Be glad I don't have time to come in there and teach you your place.”

  Isabelle dropped her gaze and stared at the ground, stealing a quick glance at Alex who, gripped the metal bars, looking ready to murder.

  The Southerner walked out and ushered everyone out of the room.

  When the lights went out, faint light from the store filtered into the dark space. Occasionally, someone shifted or moved in the darkness, but silence reigned. The guards punished any noise harshly. Didn’t want the slaves plotting an escape, did they?

  Something felt off. She air stirred. Without moving, she scanned the environment. The light wasn't enough to show her much. Isabelle heard a faint click. More air stirring then a hand covered her mouth. She froze. The hand was warm, pulse beating, but that told her nothing.

  Someone pulled her up and against them. She froze until Alex's voice breathed in her ear. “Time to go, patty cake.”

  Nodding, she followed him out.

  Alex held her tight to his side. She moved with him across the space. How did he plan to get them out without alerting the guards at the door? He guided her to the wall. His hand covering hers, he pulled her toward a barely visible door.

  Raising an eyebrow, she looked back. His lips grazed her ear. “I have been exploring at night for a way out. I doubt he is selling you to Rosa. Too gleeful. He hates her for her condemnation. And I’m pretty sure at some point she shot down his advances.”

  At least her mother still had some taste, and, eww, the guy hit on her and her mother.

  Alex grabbed hold of the door and barely nudged it open. Good thing both of them were skinny, it was a tight squeeze into the corridor. They barely fit inside, facing each other while sliding. Alex smirked when she rubbed against him. She poked him hard.

  They shimmied down the hallway barefoot. She placed her hand on the small of his back as they walked.

  A light shone briefly at the end of the hallway.

  They stopped and held their breaths.

  She closed her eyes and leaned her head on his shoulder. Seconds passed.

  Alex’s hand covered hers on his waist. She glanced at him. He smiled encouragingly. They continued forward. At the end of the path was another door. He tested it, then slipped a piece of metal from his pocket. Seconds later, the door sprang open. Isabelle could barely make out his proud face. No guards waited outside the door. They had moved shelves to block this corridor and apparently, didn't feel it necessary to patrol it.

  The parking lot remained between them and freedom. Even though it was night, a few dim solar lights glimmered along the ground in a clear path.

  Guards wandered along at specific intervals, weapons at the ready. Occasionally, one stopped and called out to someone in the trees. A lookout of some sort. Alex had to point him out to her. His finger covered her mouth, and they crept along the building, sticking to the shadows. No matter what direction they travelled, they would have to cross open space. The lighting was poor, but their success depended less on that and more on the astuteness of the guards. Most didn't look alert. The lookout was worrisome. In his position, he could pick them off easily as they were highlighted against the empty lot behind them.

  Alex motioned Isa to stay still then he poked through litter beside a dumpster. With a few sweeps, he unearthed an old soda can and hefted it. Darting to the edge of the building, he tossed the can as far as he could, and it landed with a harsh clatter. People streamed to investigate, and Alex trotted back toward Isa. They took off for the forest, staying low to the ground.

  Isa's shoulders were tight, and she expected a bullet any minute, but no shot rang out. When they reached the boundary, she fell into a tree. He tugged her behind it as guards swarmed close to where they hid.

  Luck was on their side. One guard cursed another for being clumsy and kicking the can. Together, Isa and Alex faded back into the trees.

  Chapter Thirteen

  When they got off the boat and ran in the forest in the daylight, it didn't seem so bad. At night, this place was creepy. Every crack of a branch, every flap of a wing made Isabelle jump. Alex managed to travel silently, but she felt like a bull in the china shop, each step accompanied by a snap, crackle or pop. It sucked. Her hand gripped his so tight, her knuckles turned white. He had to be losing feeling in his fingers. Point for him that he never complained.

  They ran for hours. Not toward her childhood house, though that was her preferred destination. He said that would be too obvious. He planned to take her to a known safe house nearby, and he proceeded much more cautiously than before. He stopped once or twice at noises, then tugged her forward.

  Once, she started to speak, but he covered her mouth. They ran ’til sunlight lit the horizon. When the path became clearly visible, he directed her to an old cobblestone road, weeds nearly reclaiming its surface. They followed it to a row of condos. The houses had seen better days. Again, signs of looting and decay were evident. One house’s door hung askew on its hinges and creaked in the faint morning breeze. Alex led her to the last residence.

  He put his pocket knife to good use and picked the lock and then relocked it behind them. The front hallway led to steps upstairs, a dining room off to the right and kitchen to the left. Alex led them upstairs to the bathroom. Waving at the tub, he said quietly. “You can rest here.”

  “The tub?”


  “Why the tub?”

  “No one looks for people hiding in the tub.”

  “Did you ever play and hide and seek as a child?”

  “Of course, I did.”

  “Did you ever win?” He growled at that, a clear admission of failure. “I didn't think so, they always check the tub.” Isabelle moved around him. “I’m going to hide under a bed or something.” Though the last time she did that didn’t work out so well.

  “How is under the bed better?”

  She pointed to a nearby Lego. “Kids room, perfect. Kids leave toys al
l over the place. Cover yourself up and pile the toys in front of you. People rarely check along the wall. Perfect spot. Trust me. I always won.”

  “You can rest there? That is what I was going for. We need sleep. They will be looking for us soon. If we rest now and travel through the night, I know how to get back to the ship.”

  “Yeah, I can rest there. I don't snore and if I could slip under a dripping corpse, I can fit under a kid’s bed and sleep. What about you?”

  “Can we both fit under the bed?” He studied the queen bed.

  “Well yeah, but they would definitely notice that.”

  She ducked into the last room in the hallways upstairs. “Problem solved. Twin beds.”

  “I just want to be close if there is trouble. Get under.” He spent a few minutes tucking toys around her. “Cozy?”

  “Oh yeah. This is great.” She batted a teddy bear away. It was looking at her funny.

  “Good, stay here, I’ll be right back.”

  Alex steps faded then meandered back. He dropped a knife under the bed and slid it to her. He grunted as he shoved himself under the other bed. “This is ridiculous. The bathtub would have been more comfortable.”

  “I got a blanket here. And there is carpet, much better than marble.”

  “Whatever, fruitcake.”

  “Your nicknames always make me hungry.”

  Alex sighed. “Now I'm hungry, too.”

  “Think there is salvageable food?”

  “Probably but that would entail getting up.”

  “Don't be lazy.” She smiled in her spot and waited. He was a good guy. He would do it.

  He grunted and she heard him moving. “Fine. Again, I’ll be right back.”

  Alex returned and bounced on her bed. “Upsy-daisy, I found some peanut butter crackers and there is a well. We’re in luck. “

  “A feast!”


  She grinned. “So, I should get out from under the bed?”


  “I’m quite cozy here,” she teased.

  Alex rolled his eyes. “Just get out, woman.”

  Isabelle wiggled out from under the bed. This seemed so normal to her. Hiding under a bed. Scrounging for food. So much of her time in the city was spent looking at life, but not living it. Here she could be free. No matter how uncomfortable. Plus, Alex reminded her of home. His attitude. Her daddy didn't take any flak from her, either. They had a similar devil-may-care attitude. She missed her father, and her mother, and Roke. He would come find her. If they didn’t make it back to the boat, Roke would track them down. She was sure of it.

  Alex waved some crackers in from of Isa’s face. “Earth to Isa.”

  She wrinkled her nose at his and grabbed the crackers.

  They sat there in the kid’s room. Obviously, a boy. Dinosaurs and action figures lined every surface. Matchbox cars littered the floor. There was enough dust to be years. She wondered if this boy was dead or not? Hopefully he made it out. Hopefully he wasn’t found by the Southerner or vampires. She feared he was dead.

  Alex staged an epic battle of tyrannosauruses versus velociraptors. The velociraptor pack got their ass handed to them. Isa munched on peanut butter and crackers and sipped water. She felt twelve again and safe for the first time in a long time. Roke made her feel safe as well from everyone else, but he brought out his own fear in her.

  One of Alex’s T rex got frisky and attacked her drinking water.

  Out of spite, she knocked the T-rex over giving the velociraptor a chance to rally. Alex responded with a glare “Really? I had a plan.”

  She giggled. “Sorry”

  “Get some sleep.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain.”


  Rustling woke her and she jerked awake. Alex's face popped into view before her. “Hey, sweet cakes.”

  “Isn't it, sweet cheeks?” she drawled sleepily.

  “I’m sticking with the dessert theme. Want to lick you up, you know.”

  She snorted and rolled her eyes. As she shimmied out from under the bed, she ended up slamming her head on the slats. Damn it. Her ears rung.

  “Careful.” He laughed and crawled out of the way while she struggled out from under the bed. Hmm. She took inventory. Stiff all over but well rested. She glanced at Alex who winked. “Ready?”

  “Yeah. How far and do we have time for food?”

  “Whole day of running and definitely time for food. I made us packs. We’ll eat on the run and bury our cans. Leaving no obvious signs of travels.”

  “Okey-dokey. Permission to pee.”

  He waved to the hallway.

  Then they were off. The cool morning was welcome. Days of being stuck in a cage, hot and sweaty made her appreciate the outdoors even more.

  Alex set a brisk pace. On edge, he was constantly scanning for followers or ambushes. Not a bad trait in a bodyguard, but he was a toucher. Every chance he got, he stopped and grabbed her hand, her hip, her side. At the slightest hint of danger, he dragged her behind him. Sweet, and most of the time he didn’t cop a feel. Most of the time.

  She was proud she kept up so well. Running in the gym was a lot different than outside. For one, road hazards got in the way, but no way would she slow down this parade. Time for a reckoning. How would her mother explain leaving her? Alex was right, she probably didn't have a choice, but how they spoke of her, that she had all this power, how come she couldn't get to her sooner?

  Nothing about this situation made any sense. It was so weird to have everyone recognizing her. In the city, she was invisible. She wasn't here, and, to be honest, she would have felt safer being invisible outside.

  Every road they crossed with suspicion. They saw no signs of pursuit, but it never hurt to be cautious. Alex was certain the Southerner—El Capo—didn't know his route or his timetable. But he could guess at a few prime ambush spots.

  Well past noon, they stopped for lunch. Alex pulled cans out of his backpack. They popped the tabs and munched on cold rigatoni with peaches for dessert. Yummy.

  Isabelle took off her boots as they rested and massaged her feet. When she looked up, Alex watched her, eyes following every movement. “What?”

  “You are so beautiful.”

  Isabelle's stomach flipped, heat stained her cheeks. “Um.” Her gaze hit the ground and she put her boots back on.

  He leaned toward her. His arm slipping behind her back, fingers brushing her neck.

  She shivered and sat straight, looking over his shoulder. His breath disturbed the hair on her neck. “Shy? You were married right?”

  “He never showed much interest in me. He was addicted to the bite.”

  “Ah, that explains it.”

  She turned to him. “Explains what?”

  “The air of utter innocence and distance. It challenges me.”

  “Challenges you?”

  “Yeah, I want a reaction, see you melt.”

  She flushed and looked away.

  He remained close, breath wafting across her neck, one infinitesimal minute followed. His breath moved to her ear and a shudder racked her. She wet her lips and heard a groan in return. “Now you’re just teasing me.”

  Lips twitching, she replied. “I'm not. I just, I don't know. I don't want to be a challenge. I want to be needed, loved, and courted. Not just a notch.”

  Alex didn't move. “Not a notch, a prize to treasure and cherish. For as long as someone is lucky enough to have you.”

  Her breath flew out and she turned. Their breath mixed. Even with the stale smell of rigatoni, something stirred inside her. Her gaze trailed to his lips. He angled his head up so his bottom lip barely grazed hers, then drifted down again. His eyelashes fell.

  “I don't know if I trust you.”

  “Now I’m just plain hurt, darling. You're the one all cozy with Roke.”


  Isabelle's face fell. She moved back. He was right. What was she doing? Guilt stabbed through her. There was attraction
there, no doubt, but she wasn't the type to kiss one boy and flirt with the other. “Roke saved me in the city.”

  “Good.” Alex’s face was intent.

  She grinned at him. “I never met him before that day.”

  “You never met him? He seems quite attached.”

  “He said he knows my mother and she told him about me.”

  “Hmm, everyone knows how Rosa feels about you. So, it wouldn't be surprising to find her boasting about you. You never knew him, though? He’s high up on the clan food chain. I’m surprised you didn't know who he was.”

  That was interesting and explained Roke’s pad at PPG place. “I never kept track.”

  He regarded her, a question in his eyes. “Why not?”

  “I had no power. I was afraid to attract attention. From the day I got to the tenements, I was afraid. It only got worse the longer I was there. I had to pretend. It was all a show. I feared drawing interest.”

  “You knew they watched.”

  “I felt hunted.”

  “Hmm. Well, how do you feel now that you are hunted?”


  A branch snapped nearby. Maybe not free for long. She stood as Alex flung himself up and twirled to look for danger. He held a finger to his lips as he faded into the trees. The silence pressed in on her. Who was out there? Was it the Southerner? Or maybe Roke? He wouldn’t hide from them or sneak up. She backed up against a tree and fumbled for her knives. The trees gained a sinister edge as she glanced around. Every twitch of leaves in the breeze became an enemy.

  Minutes ticked by. A bird cawed nearby and she jumped at the sound. Damn it. Where was Alex? A hand covered her mouth and she instinctively stabbed back. Alex cursed into her ear. “Damn it, cupcake. Watch what you’re sticking.”

  Her breath whooshed out. “You scared me, asshole. “

  He chuckled and curled against her, his voice in her ear. “Gather your stuff. There was a patrol nearby, but I took care of them.”

  She pivoted to look at him. “Do I want to know?”


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