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Blood Will Tell

Page 14

by Colleen S. Myers

  He smiled wider. “You will regret those words.”

  “I already regret them.”

  Theon slapped the blade sideways and tossed her down the hall. A second later, he stood over her. His intent was clear when he unbuckled his belt.

  “You know,” Isabelle drawled, “a little bit of a mystery is good. A little bit in reality,” she pointed to his manhood, “is just sad.”

  Theon laughed. “I’m not going to rape you. I wanted to show you a tattoo.”

  Like she would believe that. She backed down the hall. Theon stalked toward her and pulled a whip from behind his back. Who the fuck did he think he was, Indiana Jones? But that explained the clothing.

  He flicked his wrist and proved it wasn't a prop. The whip hit the light over her shoulder, shattering the bulb and dimming the hallway.

  Isabelle's stomach churned, but she refused to run. That was the worst thing she could do. Then he would chase her and it put her back to her enemy. Plus, well, the enemy got off on her fear. She took a deep breath and steadied her hands, keeping the tip of her knife up. The dagger would not do jack for her against his weapon. Nothing Alex taught her covered defense against a whip-bearing maniac. Another breath. Focus. How long would the sedative last? Why didn't she find out more about her mom's cocktails before she headed out, damn it?

  His head tipped to the side and he appeared to contemplate something. “Why aren't you afraid, little Isa? You were so much more afraid before. So tasty. This is not as much fun.”

  “Some scary shit has happened and it takes more to get me going these days. Sorry. If you are going to come at me, come at me, but the monologue, gah. So old school.”

  Theon growled and his eyes flashed. He was the only vampire she had seen that had flashing eyes.

  “Don't you want to talk, Isa? Find out what we have in common?” Great, chatty vampire.

  “We have nothing in common. You’re a thug and a sadist.”

  “But I came out of the same lab as you. We were neighbors in the hospital more times than I can count.” His jaw clenched and a muscle ticked at the corner of his mouth. “I remember you, Isa, how aggravating you would forget me so quickly. Your friend. You were my only friend.”

  Shock spread through her. That was why he looked familiar. “At the hospital?”


  “You mean when we were kids? I don’t remember any of that time. I was three or four.”

  He flicked his whip and it stroked along her cheek. Pain spread in its wake. Isa screamed and put her hand to her face. Blood trickled between her fingers. Death flickered in his eyes. “You were just like me. We were all there every year, over and over, but your dad stopped bringing you after you turned six.” He flicked the whip again and it hit her shoulder this time surprising a shriek out of her.

  “You said you would help me. You said you would keep them from hurting me. You said your daddy would get us out of there. Well, he got you out, but you left me. You left me, Isa.”

  Isa had backed up until her back hit the wall. No more hallway. “I don't remember any of that. I was six. I am so sorry. If I had remembered, I wouldn’t have left you. I swear.”

  He wound up his whip and moved closer. “You were two the first time we met. You just started walking. I’m four years older than you. You had such soft skin, you would hold my hand, and I knew everything would be better. But it wasn't, not after you left.” He pulled out a stiletto from behind his back, the edge sharp. The light flashed across the blade mesmerizing her for a second. Was that what would kill her? She looked at him.

  “Not after you promised!” His face screwed up and he shouted the last in her face, spittle raining along her cheek.

  “I’m sorry.” She felt along the wall trying to find a door without looking. “I didn’t know about any of this. I didn’t remember. I didn’t even realize anything was done to us.”

  “You should be sorry. You're not a very good friend, are you, Isa? But I, I’m a good friend. Such a good friend, I have a gift for you. A present for the all birthdays I have missed.”

  Her stomach fell. Taking toys from crazy vampires did not seem wise. “What gift?”

  “Immortality. We can be friends forever, just like you said. You will fix this.” He pointed to his head. “You said there had to be a way. Prove it. Prove you are my friend.”

  Immortality. He was going to turn her. But to turn her, he needed to bleed her. She cringed back in the corner. Tears leaked down her face, but she would not go down without a fight. She screamed and launched herself at him. Her dagger slashed left and right, but he quickly caught her hands with only a small cut to his chin. She giggled, almost hysterical. That just made him seem even more like Indiana Jones. She hoped it didn't scar. Screw him. She waited for her punishment, or present, rather.

  Theon snarled and slapped her. Isa figured that attacking him hadn't been the smartest thing to do. Still felt good. The vampire rained blow after blow to her face. Desperation forced her into a ball to protect her face, and then he started kicking. One kick got her in the kidneys. It took her breath away and she held onto consciousness for dear life.

  The vampire flipped her. She ended up on her back, staring up at the ceiling. Huh. One, two, three, four, five tiles. The counting steadied her mind and she snapped back to reality. Theon pressed his knife to her neck. It nicked her, a tiny scrape. His head lowered as she whimpered. Not like this. Please. It would have been better if Roke did it. He would have been gentle and she was pretty sure Theon wouldn’t be. His tongue swiped along the cut and he hummed. His lips closed around the wound and then he bit.

  Pain arced her up off the floor. Nausea rolled through her. Her hands came up and shoved at his shoulders, but the beating had left her weak She batted at him as he fed. Six, seven, eight, more tiles. Pretty sparkles filled her vision and she let her head drop back, arms splayed out. Her vision blurred. Darkness. More pain.

  Theon licked her neck then tilted her head, so she looked at him. “Remember, Isa. I did this for you. For my friend.” She tasted copper and tears. Chocking.

  Theon slapped her cheek, pulling her back. “I will see you soon. Take the north exit.”

  She didn't even have enough energy to tell him to fuck off. Her world went dark.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Given she hadn't expected to live, she was quite pissed off to wake up to Roke rocking her, cradling her in his lap. His concerned face weaved in front of her. She opened her mouth to reassure him, but her jaw hurt too much. Her eyes closed and tears leaked from her eyes. The world beat in tune to her heart. Blood pumped down her neck. Roke's words filtered through her haze.

  “Isa, baby, please. I was scared to be with you before but if I lose you now, it would kill me. Please stay with me. Please.” His fingers gentled and caressed her face. “Please.”

  She shook, wait no, that was Roke. Silly vampire. Not his fault.

  He rocked her gently. She couldn't feel her legs but the rest of her hurt, a lot. Tears streaked down her cheeks.

  “Sorry,” she whispered.

  Roke stroked the side of her face and wiped away her tears. “Isa, you have a choice to make or, dear god, I will make it for you. I can change you. I can make you like me and your mother. We haven't talked about it, but it is your only chance. Do you want me to?”

  Isa's eyes widened. To be a vampire. Could she do that? Live like that? Her mother didn't want her to. Her father wouldn't have wanted that for her. That was why he made the changes. To keep her safe. But... She wanted to live, she wanted a chance at happiness and adventure. She didn't want to die having done nothing. Roke’s cocky grin appeared in front of her and she smiled then grimaced as a wave of pain slid through her, bowing her back.

  Roke leaned down and brushed his lips along hers. He pulled back immediately “Someone already fed you and gave you the virus. Who?”

  “Theon. See him?”

  “Theon? My neighbor Theon? No, I didn't see him. When we woke up
, you were curled in the corner. The other two were dead, stabbed.”



  Her jaw hurt even worse the longer she talked. She lifted her heard slightly and glanced around. “Oh god. Is it supposed to hurt like this?”

  “Sorry, Isa, it will hurt. My bite can make it more pleasant and accelerate it. Do you want me to do that?”

  “Do it.” She just barely got it out then closed her eyes.

  Roke shifted her in his arms. His breath blew across her neck. Instinctively, she pulled her shoulders up and tensed. “Relax, Isa,” he said.

  Sharp spikes of pain randomly throbbed up her spine, making her gasp. Stinging started in her neck. She hadn't even felt his fangs. Unlike the vamp earlier, Roke's bite felt different. A wet lick and then a pull. Her groin tensed and then relaxed.

  Oh, she liked this much better. With each suck, there was an answering tug deep in her groin. Her nipples peaked. Roaring filled her head and her vision went dark, but he still worked at her neck. The next pull caused her to groan and her hand reached up. She grabbed the back of his hair and tugged him closer. Her fingers were broken, but she didn’t care.

  Tender hands stroked her side, avoiding her wounds. He whispered words of love in her ear between sips from her jugular.

  Wait? What?

  Isa woke from one breath to another. Her eyes popped open and the world was brighter. Tingles coursed down her fingers and spread to her shoulders to her chest. Exaltation filled her. Her jaw moved into alignment. The swelling in her face receded. Better.

  Roke's mouth remained on her neck. Not feeding. Breathing. He held her close.

  A spasm shot down her arms and her fingers clenched. Then all her muscles tensed and relaxed in rhythm with the pump of her heart. Blood rushed under her skin and she moaned. So much feeling. Every hair on her skin, whisper of wind in the air, and the smell of blood overwhelmed her.

  Roke's head lifted with her moan. His mouth was open, but she couldn't hear him over the crack of her own joints. Muscles and bones strengthened. Her visions sharpened into fine focus. Roke's eyes. So green. Like fresh grass in a sunlit field. Such fear in them. She practically tasted his fear. Her mouth curved and her jaw started to ache as the fear woke her hunger.

  His pupils dilated, nearly black, and she saw her pale face reflected in them. There didn't seem to be a wound on her and she realized she felt amazing. A drip of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth. She wanted that blood. With avid interest, she followed that drop as his tongue licked it up. She ached to taste him. Blood or not. Vampire or not. Alex or not. Right now, the most important thing to Isabelle was tasting that drop of blood in Roke's mouth.

  He pulled her up, so she sat facing him on his lap.

  Through her jeans, his hardness rubbed in just the right places. Again, she felt that clench down low. No one told her about this part. Was this normal? Her thoughts scattered in the rising blood lust. When she looked at her hands, her pinkie was normally aligned, no longer broken. She lifted her shirt, not a mark on her. No bruises. Nothing. All her wounds had healed. Didn't Roke say vampires didn't have accelerated healing? Maybe just during the change.

  Roke sat back with his hands wrapped firmly around her waist.

  She arched and undulated against him as he watched her with wide eyes.

  This new world was sharper, smelled sweeter, more vibrant. The tang of iron was rich and decadent and her mouth watered.

  “Is this normal?” she slurred.

  Roke gave a broken nod. “Yes. The change makes you wild. All of your senses are enhanced and aching for blood.” He swallowed. “We don't have to do anything you don't want.” The lab was deserted. But still, not the best place to be found.

  She placed her hand on his jaw. “I don’t want slow.”

  From one breath to another. She found herself on her back. One kiss and then another. The taste. The ache, the power. She felt a tug down low.


  He leaned his forehead against hers, breathing hard. “I will, but not here. We need to get to somewhere safe.”

  Roke helped her up, cupping her elbow.

  Everywhere he touched her, her skin burned, itched. She wanted to push him down, get skin on skin, and take him. A breath whooshed out.

  Roke's breath answered hers. “I can see what you want. A few minutes and you can have everything you need. I promise.”

  Roke led the way into the staircase. A few bodies were piled around the corner, some equipment lined the floor. A faint antiseptic smell lingered in the air. Isabelle stumbled on the steps and before she knew it, she was cradled in his arms. An exit sign glowed over her head. Wait.

  “We need to take the north exit.”

  Roke hesitated and stopped. “What?”

  “Theon said to take the north exit. It was the only one he didn't trap.”

  “Theon said that, did he? Do we trust him?”

  Oddly enough. Isabelle thought she did. “Yes.”

  “Okay, north it is.”

  The building rocked with an explosion and Roke slammed into the wall. He turned to protect her from the blow.

  Isa stared behind them. “That must be his work.”

  “I guess.”

  Once outside, they ran for miles. It had taken the morning before to get from the building to the wall, but Roke ran it in an hour tops. Half the time Isa dozed as he carried her the distance.

  When they reached the gates. Roke swore. “The alarms are up. We’ll have to stay here tonight. Get out in the morning when they open the gates for travel.”

  Roke eased her to the ground.

  “Okay.” Isa's head lolled back and she passed out.

  When next she opened her eyes, she found herself in a darkened room. The lack of lighting didn't affect her vision. She could see in the dark as if it were daylight. Everything clear as a bell. Her hearing was more acute. She heard clothing rustle next to her. She looked over and saw Roke lying on his side. His legs were crossed and his head rested on his hand as he watched her sleep.

  He smiled and winked. His hair frizzed around his head. “There you are.”

  “This is weird.”

  “What part?”

  “All of it.” But it was the feelings, she couldn’t stop taking him in. His eyes, his sent, his taste. Her jaw started to hurt. Saliva flooded her mouth.

  My Isa. She heard it and knew it was Roke's voice, but his lips hadn't moved. Her eyes narrowed. Why is she staring at me like that?

  Huh? Isabelle closed her eyes and then opened them again. Roke's own eyes narrowed and his hand brushed her face. “You okay?”

  “Are all the changes from human to vamp physical?”

  “Yes. As far as I know. Mine were. You're handling it better than most. In fact, I can’t remember anyone handling it so well. Normally, people are a more out of...control. Hungry?” Those last words were accompanied by Roke running his hand down his neck.

  Shocked, she jerked back. “We feed from each other?”

  “Of course, there is no other blood here. You will have to feed off me. You should be ravenous by now.” Why isn't she hungry, is it me? Is that why she was staring?

  Isabelle’s gaze trailed down Roke's body. Well, she wouldn't say she wasn't hungry, but blood wasn't what she wanted.

  Roke's gaze followed her perusal, eyebrows winging up. A smile broke across his face. He moved closer and his hand ran down her face, slow, tracing her features. “I can help you with all your hungers, Isa.”

  “You couldn't before.” She kept her eyes down, refusing to meet his gaze.

  He stiffened. “I was a fool before. Your mother warned me to never turn you.”

  Shock spread through Isa. She couldn’t resist glancing up. “Why?”

  “I'm not sure and it's a moot point now.”

  “Not to me.”

  “It is for me. I couldn't control myself around you. I spent years watching you, dreaming about you. To finally be near yo
u, to have the chance to touch and taste. It was too much. I couldn't take you and not take you. I wanted your blood in me and you to share mine. I wanted all of it and I couldn't. But now you’re like me. There is no reason not to.” His hand ran down her face.

  She studied face. “So, now I’m acceptable, but I wasn't before.”

  “Now, I can’t hurt you. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you.” I love you.

  Her heart skipped a beat. He loved her? Wait. Did he say that? His lips brushed hers and heat trailed in his lips’ wake, setting her nether regions on fire.

  Damn it. This would be uncomfortable. She hadn't realized she had been slowly grinding Roke's cock while they talked. Her hands ran across his belly as if of their own volition.

  Roke ran his hand along her outer thigh. “For the next few years, it will be hard for you to feed without other appetites rising. It would be unsafe for you to be with anyone other than other vampires, at least when hungry. As you get closer to my age then it doesn’t matter. Bagged blood will help with cravings but live prey is different. Like comparing ground meet to Kobe beef.”

  “So, I couldn’t be with Alex even if I wanted to now?”

  His body stiffened under her hands.

  “Not right now,” Roke said tightly. Not ever.

  “But I can be with you.”

  “You are with me. You’re mine.” The possessiveness in his tone was hard to ignore. His jaw clenched but his gaze remained downcast. Mine.

  “I am.”

  He smiled and brushed her lips with his. “Sometimes I feel like you are deliberately trying to provoke me.”

  Her cheeks hurt from her smile. “What if I am?”

  “Well then I would just have to take you on that wall over there.”

  “That is not much of a threat right now,” she said breathlessly then blushed as he laughed.

  “It's heady, those hormones, isn't it?”

  He flipped her around so her back hit his front and he ground into her. She found herself panting, waiting, wanting. A red haze covered her vision and her heartbeat accelerated. Roke's own heartbeat sped up until they beat together.


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