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Her Willing Submission - A Bride Blossoms With BDSM and Male Domination

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by Kim Acton


  Title Page

  Chapter One - What You Need is Some Discipline

  Chapter Two - Where Your Mouth Goes, Your Mind Will Follow

  Chapter Three - Basic Anal Training

  Chapter Four - Ready for Display

  Chapter Five - Trip to Cancun

  Chapter Six - A Day at the Beach

  Chapter Seven - Pushing Her Limits

  Chapter Eight - I'll Do Anything He Says

  Her Willing Submission

  A Bride Blossoms With BDSM and Male Domination

  Kim Acton

  Copyright © 2012 Kim Acton. All rights reserved.

  The moral right of the author has been asserted.

  This story is based upon real events. The names and other details have been changed. Any similarities to persons living or deceased is accidental and coincidental.

  This ebook in intended for audiences 18 years of age and older. It contains scenes and descriptions of an overtly sexual and explicit nature.

  Kindle Edition

  Visit Kim Acton's Blog


  What You Need is Some Discipline

  In a way, Eva’s problem was that she was blessed with incredibly good looks. She had the small body of a lingerie model with full breasts, fine blonde hair and sparkling green eyes. People often made the assumption that she was a very sexual person. To add insult, her blonde hair and big boobs also made some people assume she was dumb.

  The truth was quite different. She was very bright. She graduated high school early and had a degree in mathematics before she was twenty-one. She grew up with sexually repressed parents who raised her to avoid boyfriends and to concern herself about what other people thought of her. Eva grew up hearing her mother say, “What will people think?” nearly every day. In the eight months she had been married to Andre she struggled to please him sexually. She also had maturity issues. Her strict upbringing meant she rarely made her own decisions and it left her unpracticed at self discipline.

  She was sitting on her living room sofa crying when Andre came home from work. Andre was ten years older than Eva and already a partner in an international law firm. His substantial income allowed Eva to stay home while she thought about whether she wanted to return to college or do something else with her time. It should have been a happy situation for her as a new bride with a great husband that loved her dearly but instead she was often unhappy because she doubted her ability to run a household and to please him in the bedroom.

  Andre saw her crying and sat beside her. He gently put his hand on her shoulder. “What’s the matter, Honey. Did something happen?”

  Eva wiped her eyes. “Oh, it’s just everything. I should have made your dinner by now and I haven’t. I didn’t even clean up the mess from our breakfast yet.” She started crying harder.

  “It’s OK, we can order something to be delivered or, if you feel like it, we can go out and eat somewhere,” said Andre.

  “It’s not just that,” she continued. “I agreed not to buy any more shoes and today I ordered an expensive pair online. I’m sorry. I just don’t have any control sometimes. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I want to be a good wife. I want to please you in every way but I seem to always fail. And…there is…another thing too.”

  “What is it?” asked Andre, expecting to hear about another purchase.

  “It’s, well. It’s in the bedroom. I don’t think I… I think you aren’t getting what you need. I think I’m not giving you everything you want. I’m not good at it. I want to be. I just…” she began to cry harder.

  Andre gave her a hug. He knew what she was getting at and she was right. Andre had plenty of girlfriends before he found Eva and he enjoyed many flavors of kink that were far beyond the vanilla sex that Eva was struggling to provide. Her idea of risky, wild sex was to leave the bedroom light on for an instant after she was naked.

  “Are you sure you’re ready to talk about this?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she answered. “We need to talk about it.” Eva reached the point where she wanted to confront her fears about sex and being a wife. She wasn’t happy and she needed change. Change was scary to her but she knew she wanted it. She needed to leave the grip of her prudish upbringing and enter the life of a seductive, sexy wife who gave her man everything he deserved. She felt that Andre was already providing all of that and more for her and she wanted, in the parlance of a mathematician, to balance the equation.

  Andre let out a sigh. “OK, you’re right. I’m not really getting what I’d like in the bedroom. We’ve talked about this a bit before. You are reserved. It’s like you feel guilty for having pleasure. Or for being sexual in any way, really.”

  “I know,” Eva agreed. “That’s what I do, I feel like I’m doing something bad like shoplifting or something. I feel like it would be wrong for me to enjoy doing that. I don’t want to be that way. I read a proverb the other day about how a wife should be a chef in the kitchen, a lady in the parlor and a whore in the bedroom. I thought; that’s me! I want to be a whore in the bedroom! But I don’t know how to do it and I feel embarrassed to even say I want to be a whore. It seems dirty. It seems like no woman should ever say that, or even admit it to herself. I was raised to believe it was the worst thing a woman could be and I should never look or act or even think like a whore. But deep down I want it. I want to forget all of that and be a … a slut. I want if for both of us.” She blushed and pressed her face against Andre’s chest.

  Andre held her and said, “Eva, I think I know what you need. In many ways you don’t have much self discipline. I think you need a firm hand. You need to let go and let me direct you toward what you want. It’s what I want too. I’d love it if you were more sexual and more liberated in your thinking. I know how to get you there but it will be a huge change for you.”

  Eva became exited, “Do you? Do you really know how to make me into what you want in the bedroom? Because if you do I want to start right now.”

  Andre wanted to be explicit so that Eva knew what she was getting into. “Listen, I’ll tell you what it will take and then you tell me whether it’s something you can do. OK?” asked Andre.

  “OK, sure,” agreed Eva.

  “First of all, you are a person who does well when you are told exactly what to do. That doesn’t mean you’re dumb. We both know that. But school was a perfect example. Every day you were told exactly what to do and how to do it and if you followed to the letter you got high marks. You do very well in that environment. But, left at home all day on your own you don’t get any housework done and you buy things online that you shouldn’t buy. Am I right?”

  Eva sighed with resignation, “Yes. You’re right.”

  Andre continued, “So that’s one issue. The other issue is that you have so much trouble letting go sexually. You’re very quiet when we have sex. It’s like you’re embarrassed to even admit you’re enjoying it.”

  Eva nodded her head, “I know. It was the way I was brought up. When I was in middle school I heard a word in the playground that I didn’t know. When I asked my mom what the word meant she freaked out. When my dad got home I got spanked with a belt for the first time ever.”

  “What was the word?” Andre asked.

  “I can’t say it. It’s a really bad one,” she answered.

  “Say it,” Andre told her.

  Eva blushed, “It’s was c… I can’t say it. It was c-u-n-t,” she spelled.

  Andre smiled. “I’d sooner hear you say it. If you really want to b
e a whore in the bedroom you’re going to need some very focussed and intense training. Have you ever said that word out loud since you asked your mom?”

  “No! And I hated that spanking too,” Eva said.

  Andre sat back in his seat and crossed his legs. “That’s good to know. Because you’re going to start getting them again.”

  “What?” asked Eva in disbelief.

  “Eva, you need to overcome the way you were conditioned. Your parents were obviously terrified that you would enjoy sex and become some kind of slut. So they pushed you away from that. Now you have a husband and a loving relationship and you need to go in the opposite direction. You don’t seem to be able to do that on your own. What you need is a person to make you start acting like the whore you want to be and if you don’t do it properly you need to be disciplined. Isn’t that right?” he asked.

  “I suppose so,” Eva answered with reservation.

  “It’s not a ‘suppose so.’ We’ve been married almost a year and you haven’t been able to do this on your own. I know you were a virgin, but after all this time you are still a very nervous lover. I don’t want to hurt your feelings. But you know it’s true. And you know you haven’t been able to make real progress. So don’t say, ‘I suppose so’ when I say you need a firm hand.”

  Eva’s eyes filled with tears, “I know. You’re one hundred percent right. I need you to do it. Can you tell me how we will start?” she asked, nervously.

  “The only way to do it is the cold turkey method,” Andre said with a big smile. “Today you’re going to start using the most vulgar language you’ve ever used. All your pleasure and punishment will be of a sexual nature. And most of all, you will be submissive to me and obey me without hesitation. When I deem it necessary, at my sole discretion, you will be spanked or strapped or even worse. I will be in control of every aspect of your daily life and I will make your decisions for you. Is that clear, and do you give your voluntary consent without reservation?” asked Andre, sounding like the lawyer he was.

  “I do,” said Eva, and smiled that she sounded like a bride.

  Andre gave her a serious look. “You better be sure, Eva. This is a serious commitment for both of us and I don’t want you saying you misunderstood. This will be difficult for you and you’re going to make mistakes. When you do you’ll be punished and it won’t be playing around. I’ll spank you hard and I’ll use a worse belt than your father ever did. There are things a husband can do to a consenting wife that a parent never can. You’re not going to just act like a whore, Eva, you’re going to be treated like one and you’re going to feel like you are my submissive little sex toy who must do embarrassing and even depraved things to give me pleasure and to prove what a slut you are. Are you prepared for that and do you want it with all of your heart?” asked Andre as if he was taking her oath.

  Eva collected herself. “I haven’t been happy. I know you deserve better from me. When you just said I’d be treated like a whore and that I will have to do depraved things I’m embarrassed to say I could feel it excite me like nothing else you’ve ever said. I know I want that but I can’t seem to let go and give it to you. If using corporal punishment will get me into the right frame of mind then that’s what I want to do. I’m making this commitment and I want to see it through. I give my full consent to take whatever you give me. I want you to do it.”

  “Very well,” said Andre. “Take off all your clothes right now.”

  “…Here?” said Eva with surprise. She was used to being naked only in the dark when they were going to make love. Otherwise she would always wear pajamas or a robe.

  “You hesitated, “ Andre pointed out. “That’s your first spanking. When I tell you to do something I want you to say, “Yes, Sir” and do it immediately. Is that clear?”

  “Yes,” she replied, then added, “Sir.”

  “Then do it,” he ordered.

  Eva pulled her blouse over her head, unfastened her pants and slid them down her legs. She hesitated and blushed. She closed her eyes and removed her bra and her magnificent, heavy breasts spilled forward. She slipped off her panties and stood straight. She felt her breath leave her. She panted. Expectation and dread flooded her at the same time. The emotion was frightening but also magnetically powerful and she felt herself wanting more.

  Andre took her hand. “Now I want you bent over my knees with your behind in position for a spanking. Do it now,” he said.

  As Eva moved into the position Andre slapped her hard on the ass cheek. Eva startled, stood up straight and looked at him with questioning eyes. “What do you say when I tell you to get in position?” asked Andre.

  “I’m sorry,” she answered. “Yes, Sir.”

  Eva quickly placed herself on his lap. She felt the soft wool of his suit against her naked flesh. She put the palms of her hands flat on the floor and felt her buttocks tremble in anticipation. To simply say Eva had a nice ass was an understatement. She had the most magnificent bubble butt a woman could possess. In the right pair of jeans she could literally stop traffic. Yet she was almost totally unaware of the effect her body had on people. Early teasing from kids at school had conditioned her to turn a deaf ear to sexual or flattering remarks.

  Andre ran his hand over her bottom. “I’m going to give you only ten. You may yell or cry but you may not say anything that shows disrespect or unwillingness to accept your spanking. When I’m done I want you to thank me. I want you to say what you got and what it was for and I want you to thank me for it. Do you understand, Eva?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Andre brought his hand down hard. Eva’s head snapped upward and she sucked in a gulp of air. By the time she could shriek the second and third blows had landed. She bit her lip and screamed into her closed mouth as the remainder of her punishment landed hard on alternating cheeks. Her behind was instantly pink and she stood up immediately with eyes full of tears.

  “Thank you, Sir. Thank you for spanking me hard because I hesitated to get undressed when you told me to,” she said. Then after a moment she added, “I love you so much for doing this. Thank you, Sir.”

  Andre stood up and placed his hand on her chin. “Look at me,” he said. “Now you’re going to start your vocabulary training. You’re going to learn how to talk like a slut wife who can’t stop thinking about how much she wants to get fucked by her husband.”

  Eva’s eyes widened. Neither of them ever spoke to each other like that. Andre cupped her breast in his hand and squeezed it. “Tell me what are you going to learn now, Eva?” he said with a glint in his eye.

  Eva took a breath and steeled herself, “I’m going to learn how to talk like a slut wife who can’t stop thinking about how much she wants to get fucked by her husband,” she said quietly.

  “Yell it!” said Andre. “Yell it so the neighbors hear you.”

  “I’m going to learn how to talk like a slut wife who can’t stop thinking about how much she wants to get fucked by her husband!!” she said as loudly as she could make herself. She felt a shudder go through her body. She had just crossed a threshold for the first time.

  “Very good,” said Andre approvingly, “Now go into the bedroom and wait for me on the bed. You’re going to get your first lesson.

  “Yes, Sir,” she answered immediately.


  Where Your Mouth Goes, Your Mind Will Follow

  Eva trembled as she waited on the bed. Even the act of being stark naked on top of the bed instead of under the covers was foreign to her. She always wanted the lights to be very dim or off completely in order to feel comfortable. She waited with her eyes closed and tried to pretend the room was dark. With her mind thusly focused she could feel sexual tension and anticipation building and she felt the wetness of her pussy and the flush of desire washing over her.

  After a few minutes Andre entered the bedroom. He walked into his closet and found his black leather belt. It was wide, with a rough, rustic look and he normally wore it only with his blue jeans.
He wanted Eva to know what was in her future.

  “Stand up,” he said.

  Eva opened her eyes and stood up beside the bed. Andre gave her a stern look then said, “Bend over!”

  Eva complied by placing her hands on the bed. Andre corrected her, “No, press your face into the comforter, stretch your arms across the bed and raise your ass into the air.” Again, Eva complied and when she did Andre gave her a hard lash with the belt across the middle of her ass. She was unprepared for how much it stung and let out a yelp.

  “You seem to have forgotten your instructions already. I told you to stand up and you did not answer me. I told you to bend over and you did not answer. And I told you to adjust your position and you did not answer. That’s two licks with the belt for each mistake. You’ve had one and now you’ll get five more.”

  Eva was quick to respond, “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir.”

  She was shocked at how much the belt hurt. It landed with a heavy thud, again she yelped and one foot came off the floor. She hurried to return to her position and took the rest of the licks with better comportment. She had a brief flashback to the one time she got the belt as a girl. This was much better. Although Andre was applying the leather much harder she felt the sexual thrill of the scene and the rush of lust.

  Her behind was on fire when Andre laid the belt on the bed. He pulled her into a standing position and looked at her from head to toe. She was stunning and the new theatrics were making him so hard he wondered if he could get through the session with a clear head. He knew she was going to experience things she had never dreamed of.

  “What do you say?” he warned.

  “Thank you for using the belt on me, Sir. I’m sorry I forgot to answer you when you spoke and I appreciate you disciplining me right away with your belt, Sir.”


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