Dalakis Passion 2 - Lucian's Delight

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Dalakis Passion 2 - Lucian's Delight Page 3

by N. J. Walters

  needed any. Even though she'd been pale with fear, her skin was smooth and soft. Her

  short, light brown hair framed her face to perfection. But her body was a surprise. She

  was average in height, and slender with subtle curves. But her breasts were lush and

  full, more than capable of filling his large hands. His fingers itched to stroke and caress

  the soft mounds of flesh and pluck at her nipples.

  Just thinking of her made him hard. His cock was long and thick and throbbing. If

  she were here next to him, he'd already be buried to the hilt in her moist, welcoming

  heat. She'd be so damned sweet. He'd try to take his time, to draw out the pleasure, but

  he was doubtful that he'd last long the first time he fucked her. It would probably be

  hard, fast and over much sooner than he wanted.

  But the next time he would take his time and savor every delectable inch of her

  supple body. She'd been eager in the dream, reaching for him, pulling him closer.

  Closing his eyes, he pictured her naked, spread out before him on his bed like a

  sumptuous banquet just waiting to be sampled. She would arch her back, pushing her

  breasts towards him while she opened her luscious thighs, offering herself to him.

  Her pussy would be hot, moist, and pink as blood flowed to the area, as she grew

  more aroused. He could imagine his tongue tasting the soft, slick folds. Her skin would

  taste salty and divine. For an appetizer, he would nibble on her breasts, enjoying their

  texture and shape while teasing her rosy nipples into even tighter buds of desire.

  While his mouth was pleasuring her breasts, he would touch her entire body,

  stroking and examining every inch, until there wasn't one part of her that he didn't

  know intimately. Only when she was a mass of burning desire would he touch her clit.

  Softly at first until she cried out and begged him for more. She'd spread her legs wide

  and arch her back frantically off the bed, pleading for him to take her. Begging for him

  to fuck her.

  He'd tell her to roll over and offer herself to him. That was the way he wanted to

  take her. From behind, he could mount her and fuck her until they both found the

  release they needed. Delight was a feast for the senses, just waiting for him to take the

  first bite. And he would. Because as much as he wanted to fuck her, he wanted to taste

  her even worse.

  When he was fucking her from behind, he would lean over her, trapping her body

  beneath him. Her neck would be exposed and vulnerable to him. As he pounded into

  her from behind, she would arch back to meet him, offering him everything. Then he

  would graze his teeth over the back of her neck before sinking his teeth deep and

  drinking from her.

  Sweat rolled off his body as his cock jerked. Beads of liquid seeped from the tip as

  he imagined how tight she would be. Her pussy would clamp down hard on his cock

  even as he rode her hard. Wrapping his fingers around his cock, he pumped his hand

  up and down all the while imagining himself buried inside Delight's welcoming body.

  Her heat would be incredible as it surrounded him.

  Lucian could almost hear her moans of pleasure as he imagined clasping her breasts

  in his hands and rolling their tight buds between his thumbs and forefingers. She was

  his to take however he chose, whenever he chose. Tipping his head back, he groaned

  with pleasure as his fist continued to slide up and down his hard length.

  His testicles drew up tight to his body and he could feel the blood pounding

  through his veins. Lucian craved her taste like a dying man in a desert yearns for water.

  His fangs ached for just a sip of her sweet blood.

  Alive. She made him feel so damned alive. His hand continued its frantic pace and

  his breath caught as he came. Liquid gushed over his belly and chest. Groaning, he

  milked his cock, drawing out every ounce of pleasure. When he was finally spent, he

  sank back against the pillows. Replete, but not satisfied or relaxed. If anything, he was

  even more tense than when he'd awoke.

  He could still smell her blood. Her attackers had hurt her in the dream, drawing her

  precious blood from her body. Lucian growled low in his throat and his eyes snapped

  open, blazing like green fire.

  Delight was his and he would kill anyone who hurt her.

  Throwing back the covers, he rose from his bed. Unconcerned by his nakedness, he

  stood on the platform that the bed sat on and wiped the cum off his stomach with the

  corner of the sheet.

  Stretching his arms over his head, he stepped down to the floor and padded

  towards the thickly shuttered window, his muscles rippling with every movement he


  Pressing a button that was hidden under the windowsill, he waited as the heavy

  metal shutter rose silently, exposing the night to his view. She was out there.

  Somewhere. This was his city and he would find her.

  If she wasn't a dream, then she was the one. The one he'd been waiting for his

  entire life, but had given up hope of ever finding. If she was real, then she was his curse

  and his salvation. His destiny. His only chance to love. For over five hundred years he

  had waited for her, all but giving up hope.

  But now, for better or worse, his life was changed. It was no longer his own, as his

  very life-force was now linked to hers. It was the curse of his family. The Dalakis curse.

  Passed from father to son throughout the eons of time. Dalakis children were always

  male and the curse was theirs from birth. To love only once in their lifetime. They did

  not choose who to love, but rather it was chosen for them by nature or by God--which,

  he wasn't sure.

  Many of his family had given up in despair and faced the killing midday sunlight

  rather than live through the long years without finding their one true love. Others had

  done the same after being rejected by their chosen love. Still some had joined their

  chosen mates in death after living a human lifetime.

  It took a strong woman, and a rare one, to take the chance of the conversion. To risk

  dying so that she could be reborn as a true Dalakis bride. A vampire bride. To then live

  in the night as he must, to survive on blood and be feared and misunderstood. It was

  not a life most women chose. And there was no forcing her. A Dalakis male had to

  accept his mate's choice. It was hers to make. But that didn't mean that a Dalakis male

  wouldn't do everything in his power to convince her to accept him. And he had many

  powers. Seduction but one of them.

  What had seemed like an impossible dream was now a possibility. His older

  brother Cristofor had claimed his own woman recently. His new sister-in-law, Johanna,

  was indeed a prize and a credit to the Dalakis family.

  A rare smile crossed his harsh features as he pictured his brother's bossy little wife

  trying to manage all of them. She was taking her role of family matriarch very seriously

  and if she caught wind of the fact that Lucian was on the trail of his own woman, she

  and Cris would be here in New Orleans within twenty-four hours.

  That, he didn't want. For one thing, Cris and Johanna were still on their

  honeymoon. And for another, he much preferred to pursue Delight himself without

  family interference. He had no way of knowing what her life was like or w
hat obstacles

  they both might face.

  His head jerked up as he sensed an intruder. Sensing who it was, he relaxed and

  gave a chuckle of self-deprecation. He wouldn't be able to escape all of his family

  interference. Sending out a mental command, the door unlocked and swung open as his

  visitor approached.

  "Are you all right?"

  Lucian turned and faced his younger brother Stefan, who lounged in the doorway.

  It was almost like looking in a mirror. They were much alike in looks except that Stefan

  was a little bit taller than he was. They both had the same harsh, Dalakis features and

  brilliant emerald green Dalakis eyes, but they were as different as day and night.

  He was more controlled, urbane and old-fashioned than Stefan. Lucian's home in

  the French Quarter reflected his taste. Decorated tastefully with antiques and items of

  quality, it had a refined air about it. He liked classical and jazz music, and drove a

  luxury sedan.

  Stefan owned the house next door to his and it reflected his unique personality.

  Filled with every electronic gadget known to mankind, it was furnished with sturdy,

  comfortable wood furniture. His brother listened to rock and country music, and drove

  a big black pickup truck.

  "I'm fine." He answered because he knew that his brother had the patience of a

  saint and would stand there all night waiting for him to answer.

  "You dreamed." Stefan moved further into the room, coming closer but still giving

  Lucian his space.

  "How did you know?"

  Stefan shrugged his large shoulders that were covered in a plain white, cotton T-

  shirt. He propped his hands on his jeans-covered hips and cocked his head to one side

  as he stared at his brother. "I can't explain it. I just knew that you dreamed and that it

  was important."

  Lucian ran his fingers through his long hair, pushing it out of his face. "She's out

  there." Turning, he looked out over the twinkling lights of the city. He could feel the

  tension rolling off Stefan in waves as he waited for him to continue.

  "What is her name?" Stefan's words were almost a reverent whisper.

  "Delight Deveraux." Her name rolled off his tongue easily. He could hear Stefan

  repeating the name under his breath. "Now I just have to find her."

  "What do you want me to do?"

  Lucian closed his eyes and gave silent thanks to his brother. All three brothers were

  close and there was never any hesitation or doubt that one would come to the aid of the

  other. "Nothing for now."

  He held up his hand to stop his brother before he could speak. "First, I must find

  her. I may need your help later, but for now there is nothing anyone can do."

  Stefan gave a little laugh. "You might want to get dressed before you go looking for


  Lucian looked down at his naked body, not surprised to find himself semi-aroused

  yet again at the thought of Delight. "Hmm. You're probably right."

  "I'll wait for you downstairs and we'll go hunting together."

  Before he could speak, Stefan was gone. His younger brother had a surprising

  stubborn streak and Lucian knew that he would have to let him help with the search for

  a few hours before he'd be able to go off on his own. As he padded to the bathroom to

  take a shower, he reflected that it was good to have family.

  Chapter Four

  "Why did I agree to stay late?" Delight didn't expect an answer, as she was one of

  only two people left in the restaurant. It was just after two in the morning and most of

  the staff had left a half-hour ago.

  Tossing her pen and clipboard on her boss's desk, she rolled her tired shoulders.

  She really didn't have any choice in staying late. She needed the money that working at

  a fancy restaurant like Etienne's gave her. Being a bartender in such a swanky place

  meant decent pay and tips if you were good at your job.

  And she was very good.

  Because she was unassuming, people relaxed around her. That fact, coupled with

  her ability to read people, made her a natural at her job. She instinctively knew when

  people needed to chat and when they just wanted to be left alone. She mixed, poured

  and served drinks quickly and efficiently, all the while keeping track of who was

  drinking what.

  What she didn't like was the fact that the manager, James Brenner, had a tendency

  to ogle the female staff and abuse his position of authority. Like tonight. She'd been

  almost out the door when James had decided that they needed a full inventory of the

  liquor and wine stocks.

  Swallowing her anger, she had gone off to the wine cellar to count bottles, taking

  care to lock the door behind her. She wasn't stupid and wasn't about to chance being

  caught unaware by her groping boss.

  But now she was finished her last shift for the week and more than ready to go

  home. Rolling her shoulders to release the tension, she strolled back to the employee's

  locker room and gathered up her belongings. Tugging her light cotton sweater over her

  crisp white blouse, she looped her small purse over her head and shoulder and went in

  search of her boss. She wasn't even sure if he was still here, but she'd check with Chuck,

  the night janitor, before she called a cab to take her home.

  It had been a good night at work and she had fifty dollars in tips tucked in her

  pants pockets. She hurried down the corridor, relieved to hear voices in the distance.

  Etienne's was usually a bustling establishment filled with music, chatter and laughter.

  But this late at night, it was quiet, kind of creepy and covered in shadows.

  Delight slowed as she approached the main dining area. From the sound of the

  voices, it was obvious that someone was having a fight and the last thing she wanted

  was to get caught in the middle of some dispute. Creeping down to the end of the

  hallway, she peeked around the corner.

  Two big men flanked her boss while another stood in front of him. At first glance it

  looked to be no more than four men having a heated conversation. Then one of the men

  shifted and Delight noticed the gun.

  "I can pay. I just need more time." Sweat rolled down James Brenner's face as he

  pleaded for his life.

  "You've had time." The man with the gun shook his head regretfully.

  James tried to pull away, but the two goons on either side of him held him in place.

  "I'll pay more."

  Delight was frozen in place, not knowing what to do. She was afraid to move, not

  wanting their attention turned on her, but she had to do something to help. She glanced

  towards the bar and almost cried out. A pair of legs stuck out from behind a table with

  a mop lying next to them. Chuck. It had to be Chuck, and she couldn't tell if he was

  dead or alive. Her head snapped back to the scene in front of her. The fear in James'

  voice grew as he pleaded with the man who seemed to be in charge.

  "If only it was just the money, James." The man with the gun was speaking. With

  his stylish hair and fashionable clothing he looked more like a banker than a killer, but

  there was a cruel look on his face that said he was enjoying James' fear.

  Shivering, Delight pulled back deeper into the shadows. She would sneak back to

  the office and call the police. "You should have kept your mouth s
hut about Mr.

  Prince's business."

  "I didn't say anything." James fell to his knees in front of the man. "I didn't talk."

  He was crying now. She could see the tears falling freely down his face. Her knees were

  shaking as she moved a step back towards the office, her eyes never leaving the scene in

  front of her.

  "That's not what Mr. Prince heard." The man raised the gun and fired it once. James

  swayed for a moment before falling facedown on the floor with a heavy thud.

  Delight gasped, slapping a hand over her mouth to stop the sound. But it was too

  late. Three pairs of hostile eyes snapped in her direction and then the man with the gun

  smiled. It was a truly dreadful smile. One that said he had enjoyed what he had just

  done and was looking forward to dealing with her.

  "What have we here?"

  The sound of his voice snapped her out of her trance. Turning, she raced down the

  hallway and into the kitchen. Reaching out her hand, she slapped off light switches as

  she went. She could hear the men swearing and banging into things as they chased her,

  but she didn't dare look back. She ran straight through the kitchen and out the back


  The alarm sounded the moment she opened the door, and she could only pray that

  help would come and that it wouldn't be too late for her and Chuck. There was no hope

  for James Brenner. He was dead.

  She turned the corner of the alleyway just as she heard the restaurant door slam

  open behind her. "Come back here, you little bitch!"

  Delight continued running. She wasn't long-legged, but she was fast. And she was

  running for her life. Ignoring the pain in her side and chest, she gasped for air. Her

  lungs were burning, her body starved for oxygen, but she never faltered.

  Usually there were people on the streets all hours of the day and night, but for some

  reason they seemed almost bare. She raced past a drunk passed out against a building.

  Common sense told her to run into the first open business and get help, but a small

  voice inside her head told her that the men chasing her would kill whoever helped her.

  It was just like her dream except for one major difference. This was real. Her boss

  had just been murdered in front of her, three men were chasing her, and when they

  caught her, they were going to kill her. Instinct had her racing towards St. Louis No. 1


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