Dalakis Passion 2 - Lucian's Delight

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Dalakis Passion 2 - Lucian's Delight Page 4

by N. J. Walters

  Cemetery. It was close to home and fairly familiar to her. If she could lose them there,

  among the maze of tombstones and mausoleums, she could slip back out, run home and

  call the police.

  She only wished that the stranger from her dream were here. She could use a knight

  in shining armor about now. Mentally, Delight sent out a plea for help and was shocked

  when a voice in her head replied. "Where are you?"

  The lack of oxygen and fear must be causing her to hallucinate. It was the only

  explanation she could come up with. Sucking air into her lungs, she continued to run.

  Her shoes pounded the pavement, and her breathing was ragged. It was hard to

  hear over the pounding of her heart, but she knew that the men were right behind her.

  She could feel their evil stalking her.

  "Where are you?" The voice was more demanding now. Male, annoyed, and


  Before Delight could even think to reply, she heard a shout behind her.

  "There she is."

  Glancing over her shoulder, she could see them getting closer to her. Her legs were

  shaking and threatening to collapse, but she forged onward. The cemetery was still too

  far away, so she ducked behind a building, clinging to the shadows.

  She stumbled over something in the darkness and fell to her hands and knees.

  Biting her lip, she swallowed back her cry of pain and pushed herself to her feet.

  Ignoring the stinging in her palms and knees, she limped further down the alley.

  The hand came out of nowhere, spinning her around and flinging her to the

  ground. Pain shot through her entire body as she landed hard, skidding across the rocks

  and dirt. She struggled to breathe as she rolled to her side. A large male shoe planted

  itself in the middle of her chest and pushed her flat on her back.

  "I've got her."

  Delight could just make out one of the two large goons who'd held James captive at

  the restaurant. Gripping his ankle, she tried to push his foot off her chest, but he just

  laughed and ground his heel deeper, making her cry out in pain.

  More cruel laughter echoed in the dark as the other two men joined them. "Well,

  well. What do we have here?" The man with the cruel face and the banker's clothing

  moved closer to her, circling her supine body as he taunted her. "Not very pretty, but

  still, not bad I suppose."

  He glanced at his watch and sighed. "I don't have time for you. Pity." Leaning

  down, he gripped her cheeks between his fingers, squeezing tight. "The boys won't be

  too rough with you. And if you don't fight, it will all be over soon." Turning, he walked

  away. "Finish her and meet me back at the Club. I've got a meeting with the boss." He

  never looked back as he tossed her death sentence casually over his shoulder.

  The man with his huge shoe buried in her chest just smiled. Tipping her head back,

  she tried to scream, but nothing came out of her mouth except a low moan. Between the

  pressure on her chest and fear, she could barely breathe.

  Then the weight was gone. She gasped, desperately trying to drag air into her

  starving lungs. The strap of her purse was pulled tight across her neck making it harder

  to breathe. Large, hurtful hands grabbed her shirt, ripping it open. The buttons pinged

  off the wall next to her as her attacker tore the cloth easily. His fingers dug into her

  breasts as he grunted. "Not much to her, but her tits are nice and big."

  "Just fuck the little cunt so I can have my turn." The other man spoke from the

  shadows, sounding both impatient and excited.

  Delight closed her eyes and gathered her remaining strength. She would fight until

  there was no breath left in her body. She sent her love to Chase and Miss Nadine,

  knowing that she would never see them again. Tears seeped from the corners of her

  eyes as she sprawled in the dirt and waited for an opportunity to fight.

  He leaned closer and licked the side of her face. "Fight me." He squeezed her

  breasts hard. "I like it when they fight."

  The air became like a vacuum with all noise absorbed. Menace filled the alley and

  the man on top of her raised his head to listen. Then he was gone. Plucked from on top

  of her by an unseen force. Delight heard the cracking of bones and a scream of absolute

  terror. Then silence.

  Just like my dream, she thought, as she drifted in a haze of pain. Then warm, strong

  arms wrapped themselves around her, lifted her off the hard, dirty ground. Comforting

  her. Protecting her. "I've got you, little one." His voice enveloped her in its warmth,

  cocooning her from the pain.

  But there was something important she had to tell him. Her forehead wrinkled as

  she tried to remember. As he carried her away, she glimpsed the bodies of her two

  tormentors. There was no doubt that they were both dead. After all, no one could live

  with a broken neck.

  Funny how she wasn't afraid with this man. She recognized him from her dreams.

  Trusted him to keep her safe. There was something she had to tell him. Something

  important, but the pain kept distracting her.

  An image popped in her mind and she closed her eyes and swallowed hard to keep

  the bile from rising from her stomach. "They killed him." Her voice shook and her teeth

  began to chatter. She was so cold.

  "Don't try and talk." His lips grazed her forehead, soothing her slightly. "Give me

  your memories."

  Delight wasn't quite sure what he meant by that. But she felt a slight push in her

  mind as if someone were trying to come into her brain. Mentally, she opened the door

  and felt him drift into her senses. Memories of the evening played in her mind like a

  motion picture and then it was over.

  "Sleep now." His voice washed over her as he cradled her carefully in his arms. "I

  will take care of everything. You belong to me now."

  "But who are you?" It was becoming almost impossible to stay awake. The

  darkness of unconsciousness loomed in front of her, luring her to its forgetfulness.

  She felt the deep rumble in his chest and cuddled closer to his warmth. "I am

  Lucian Dalakis. And I am your destiny."

  Delight was too tired to debate the issue. Her eyes closed, but she fought sleep.

  "Chase..." She tried to convey her worry about her brother, but talking was becoming

  way too difficult.

  "Trust me, Delight. All will be taken care of." His arms tightened around her even

  as his voice lulled her.

  It was foolish to put all her trust in a man that she didn't even know, but it was as

  natural to her as breathing. She didn't even question how he knew her name. As if his

  word was all she needed, she gave herself over to his healing power and slept.

  Chapter Five

  Lucian strode away from the alley without a backwards glance. Delight shivered in

  his arms and he clutched her tighter. Anger rolled through him. It was like a growing

  tidal wave that grew with every step he took. He almost wished that the men lying

  dead in the dirt were alive again, just so he could kill them again. That they would lay

  their filthy hands on his Delight and harm her was beyond his comprehension. They

  were lucky he killed them quickly and cleanly when what he'd really wanted to do was

  rend them limb by limb.

  Delight's moan pierced his heart like a
knife. He wanted to hear her moan, but in

  pleasure, not in pain or fear. Quickly, he raced through the Quarter towards his home.

  Her weight was nothing to him and his speed was faster than the human eye could see.

  Lucian knew he wouldn't be content until he had her safely locked behind the walls of

  his home where he could protect her.

  The door swung open as he approached. Every muscle in his body clenched, battle-

  ready. His fangs lengthened and he growled a warning.

  Stefan barely glanced at him. His eyes were glued on Delight. Lucian held her even

  tighter in his embrace, possessive as he'd never been in his life.

  "Your room is ready." Stefan ignored Lucian's threatening demeanor. "I drew a hot

  bath. I didn't know if she'd need it or not."

  Drawing a deep breath, Lucian slowly released it. This was his brother, whom he

  trusted above all others. Still, it was hard to release the fury of his emotions. No one

  would take Delight from him and live.

  As if sensing his unsettled emotions, Stefan stepped back, giving him plenty of

  room. Lucian felt his brother scanning his mind, silently asking for details. All of it

  came flooding back to Lucian. The anger and then the fear that he wouldn't be in time

  to save her from harm. Then the unholy satisfaction when he'd killed her tormentors

  and fed on their blood.

  Stefan took it all in and then headed for the front door. "Take care of your woman,

  I'll dispose of the bodies."

  "Thank you." His words were softly spoken, but he knew that his brother heard

  him. With one hand on the doorknob, Stefan stopped and turned.

  "It is no more or less than you would do for me." Again, Stefan stared at Delight

  with a deep yearning in his eyes. "Hold her tight and kill all who would threaten her. If

  you did any less you would not be a Dalakis." Then he was gone, swallowed up into

  the darkness of the night. The door slammed shut and bolted behind him.

  Lucian climbed the stairs and strode down the hall, carrying his precious bundle

  into the master suite. Carefully, he placed her on the silky coverlet. Was it only a few

  hours ago that he'd dreamed of having her here with him? Now that she was here in

  the flesh it was almost too much for him to comprehend. Delight was no longer just a

  dream, but a flesh and blood woman, and she was his.

  Gingerly, he unhooked the purse that was still slung around her neck and tossed it

  on the floor. Rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, he went to work. Taking care not to

  disturb her, he stripped her dirty, torn clothing from her body. Bruises marred her pale

  white flesh, stoking the fire of his anger once again.

  With great difficulty, he buried his fury, focusing his total concentration on Delight.

  Nothing mattered beyond her comfort and well-being.

  When she was totally naked, he lifted her into his arms once again and carried her

  to the master bath where a steaming bath was waiting for them. Silently thanking his

  brother for his foresight and thoughtfulness, he lowered Delight into the water.

  Her eyelids fluttered and then her eyes shot open, large and fearful. Frantically, she

  pushed against his chest, splashing water everywhere, but he kept one arm wrapped

  around her shoulders until he was certain she was settled safely in the tub. Slipping his

  arm away, he sat on the floor and leaned over the smooth marble edge that rimmed the

  large tub. "You are safe now. Nothing can harm you here." He purposely made his

  voice soft and non-threatening.

  "You saved me." Her panic eased when he released her. She seemed a little dazed

  and uncertain and her blue eyes looked enormous in her pale face.

  "Yes." Lucian soaped a soft sea sponge and began to draw it over her arms and

  chest, washing away the filth and fear of her ordeal.

  Uttering a small cry of distress, Delight crossed her arms over her chest even as she

  curled her body into a tight little ball. "Go away."

  The sight of her like that almost brought him to his knees, but her feisty words

  assured him that she would be fine in time. Carefully, Lucian cupped her chin with his

  fingers and tilted her face up to meet his.

  Stubbornly, she tried to keep her face averted, but he was just as stubborn as she

  and kept up a steady pressure until she finally relented. Scowling, she lifted her eyes to

  his. "Well?"

  He tried desperately not to laugh, for she was spitting like a bedraggled kitten. But

  Lucian was no fool when it came to women and he knew that she wouldn't appreciate

  the analogy. "There is no need to hide your body from me or to fear me."

  "You're a complete stranger, so you'll excuse me if we have a difference of opinion

  over that." Delight spoke calmly, but he could sense her discomfort and rising fear.

  "I am no stranger. I am the other half of you. The part that has been missing your

  entire life." Lucian released her face, again picked up the sponge, and began to run it

  gently up and down her legs.

  Delight shifted in the tub, but didn't pull away from him. "You know me," his

  mesmerizing voice cajoled her. "You've dreamed of me. Of the pleasure I can bring

  you." Dropping the sponge, he allowed his fingers to trace her hipbone. "Of the

  pleasure we can bring one another."

  He could feel her heart pounding in her chest as his hand glided up her side and

  over her shoulder, until he was cupping her neck. Keeping his large hand wrapped

  around her fragile neck, he tilted up her chin with his thumb. Capturing her gaze with

  his, he slowly lowered his mouth to hers.

  Lucian didn't kiss her right away. He didn't want to rush her or scare her. He

  wanted her to want him, so he bent all his considerable skills to the pleasurable task of

  seducing her.

  His tongue traced the contours of her lips, memorizing their shape, reveling in their

  soft texture. Delight tasted faintly of cherries and he knew it was from the translucent

  lip gloss that she usually wore. He nibbled at her lips, running his tongue along the

  seam where they met. Slowly, like a petal opening to the sun, they parted and he

  slipped just inside. Not far, just enough for him to taste the honey of her mouth.

  His patience was rewarded when her tongue darted out to touch his before

  retreating. The game of advance and retreat was played out over and over until Lucian

  thought he'd go mad with desire. His own lungs were pumping hard and his entire

  body was throbbing. The press of his cock against the zipper of his pants was almost

  painful, urging him to bury himself in her warmth and ride her until they were both

  sated. Yet, he did nothing more than gently kiss her.

  It was Delight who finally deepened their embrace. Her hands, which had been

  clasped tight over her breasts, gradually slid up over his chest, leaving a damp trail on

  his shirt. He groaned when her fingers sifted through the long strands of his hair,

  cupping the back of his head and urging him closer to her.

  He wrapped both of his hands around the edges of the tub to keep from touching

  her. Using only his mouth, Lucian plunged into Delight. Their tongues stroked and

  dueled as he angled his head so he could get deeper inside. Taking his time, he enjoyed

  her unique texture and flavor.

  Like the clever hunter he was, Lucian withdrew from her
mouth, lightly skimming

  his lips against hers. Luring her to him. Delight followed him. This time it was she who

  thrust her tongue into his waiting warmth. He allowed her the lead, letting her do as

  she pleased, waiting until she urged his tongue to play with hers.

  Her hands were tightly wrapped in his hair, her fingers massaging his skull. Lucian

  reveled in the sensual delight she gave him as she touched him with her mouth and her


  Unconsciously, she arched her back in the tub, offering her breasts to him even as

  her legs relaxed in the water and parted slightly. Like a sexy water nymph, she tempted

  him to take her.

  Lucian's blood was pumping through his veins along with all the emotion of the

  evening. It was a dangerous cocktail of lust, anger, possession, and tenderness, all vying

  for control of his mind and body. Bloodlust was roaring through him, as he smelled her

  blood and her arousal. Its seductive scent drifted up to him. His nostrils flared as he

  took a deep breath and pulled away from Delight.

  A cry of disappointment filled the air as she tried to bring his mouth back to hers.

  But he forced himself to ignore it. "I want you."

  "Yes," she murmured as she lolled back against the tub.

  He almost grabbed her then, but he had to be sure. "Delight." He knew his voice

  was harsh, but need was riding him hard and there was no gentleness left in him. The

  water slopped over the side of the tub as she sat up abruptly. He knew he had her full

  attention now.

  "I want you." His words were raw and unadorned. "I want to bury my cock so

  deep in your body you won't know where I end and you begin. I want to fuck you so

  many times you won't remember what it was like before me. I want to touch you, taste

  you, and take you every way possible. I want to eat your pussy and I want you to suck

  my cock until I come in your mouth. I want to make you mine in every way possible."

  He paused for a moment, his eyes burning with desire as he stared at her. "Do you


  Delight opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He could see the fine

  shivers that racked her entire body. Tipping back his head, he closed his eyes, unwilling

  to see her denial. It was his fault for pushing her so hard and fast.

  But he was fighting his own instincts as well. And they were screaming at him to


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