Dalakis Passion 2 - Lucian's Delight

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Dalakis Passion 2 - Lucian's Delight Page 5

by N. J. Walters

  bind her to him using any methods possible. Right now that meant sexually. His cock

  was throbbing in rhythm to the blood pumping in his veins. He wanted to pound into

  her soft, welcoming body until they both came over and over. But time was running

  out. There was only a few hours left in the night and he wanted to spend them fucking


  So light was her touch that he didn't feel it at first over the raging desire that racked

  his body. He sensed it more than he felt it. Almost afraid that it wasn't real, he slowly

  lowered his head and opened his eyes. Her small hand covered his where it gripped the

  edge of the tub. He absently noted that some of the marble had crumbled under his

  punishing grip.

  Her face was solemn as she nodded at him. It wasn't enough. He needed the words.

  "Tell me what you want."

  She flinched slightly at his order, but never faltered. "You. I want you, Lucian."

  Giving him a small, hesitant smile, she patted his hand. "I don't know why I trust you,

  but I do. And I've never wanted a man the way I want you."

  "You're sure? Because once you are mine there is no going back." His face was as

  fierce as his words. "What is mine, I hold." Leaning down, he brought his lips close to

  hers. "Forever." It was a promise that he sealed with a searing kiss.

  Delight threw her arms around his shoulders and he plucked her out of the tub.

  Water sluiced from her body, soaking him, but he didn't care. She'd dry soon enough

  and he wouldn't be dressed much longer. His lips never leaving hers, he carried her

  back to his bedroom and his bed.

  Chapter Six

  Delight hardly recognized herself. She wasn't the type of woman who slept with a

  man she hardly knew. In fact, she'd only slept with two men in her entire life. Well,

  really one boy and one man.

  The first had been a one-night stand with a male friend a few nights after her

  mother had died. Delight had been looking for comfort and Brad had been only too

  happy to oblige. Their friendship hadn't survived as the experience hadn't been that

  great for either one of them. Delight had been emotionally fragile and a virgin, and Brad

  had lacked the necessary restraint and finesse to make the experience enjoyable.

  Her second attempt at a romantic relationship had been with a man she'd dated for

  a while in her early twenties. It wasn't easy for a young, single woman who was raising

  a child on her own to get many dates. Most guys didn't want a woman who was tied

  down so much, so it had been a surprise when Mason Dean had asked her out. Older

  and more sophisticated, Mason was a banker. Delight had been flattered by his

  attention. It was unfortunate that she hadn't found out about his wife until after they'd

  slept together.

  Since that debacle Delight had dated, but very infrequently. She'd been burned

  twice and wasn't willing to risk her heart or self-respect again. That's why her behavior

  around Lucian surprised her. She barely knew him, but she trusted him implicitly.

  She peeked up at him as he carried her into his bedroom. The man was beautiful in

  a harsh and wholly masculine way. With his high cheekbones and forehead, and thin

  lips, his face had no softness. Even his eyes were hard, their green depths as piercing

  and sharp as emeralds. Yet the man oozed a sensuality that would attract women to

  him like bees to nectar.

  His arms were like steel bands around her, his grip unbreakable. There wasn't an

  ounce of flab anywhere on the man. There would be no escaping him.

  Delight had never felt safer in her life.

  A shiver racked her body as the memories of the evening assaulted her mind. She'd

  watched a man be murdered right in front of her. Then she'd run for her very life and

  faced the real fear of being raped and murdered.

  "Shh," his deep voice washed over her, helping to heal her wounded soul.

  "Nothing can harm you here."

  "I need to call the police." Delight was surprised by the hoarseness of her voice.

  Raising her fingers, she gently rubbed her throat and winced when the action caused

  her pain.

  "It's all being taken care of," he assured her as he stepped up onto the platform and

  laid her on the bed. Tugging the covers out from under her, he tucked the duvet around


  Delight sighed as her aching body hit the soft mattress. The luxurious covering felt

  soothing against her skin. It was so tempting just to sink back and fall asleep so she

  wouldn't have to deal with any of this. She thought about doing just that. But just for a

  second. Deverauxes didn't shirk their responsibilities.

  "I'll need to give them a statement." She propped herself up on one arm and

  scanned the room, searching for her clothing. Deciding that the dirty heap by the bed

  must be what was left of her clothing, she sighed and began to tug back the covers. As

  much as she didn't want to put those garments on her body again, she really didn't

  have any choice. And lying there thinking about it wasn't going to make it any easier.

  "What do you think you are doing?" His eyebrows came together as he scowled at

  her, making him look even more austere. The tone of his voice was clipped and his

  accent was more pronounced than it had been.

  "I told you." Delight eased herself into a sitting position and swung her legs over

  the side of the bed. It was a king-sized one that sat high off the floor on a platform and

  her feet dangled in the air. "I have to speak to the police."

  His large hand clamped over her shoulder, stopping her. "The bodies are being

  taken care of and the appropriate authorities are being contacted." Gently, but steadily,

  he pushed her until she was lying back on the bed with her legs dangling over the side.

  "Tomorrow is time enough to deal with them."

  "But..." her voice trailed off as he loomed over her, large and fierce. She really

  should be afraid of him, but she found she was not. Instead, she found herself becoming

  unbearably aroused.

  Lucian was a very large man. She figured he had to be at least six-foot-four and all

  of it was solid, rippling muscle. As she watched him, he casually unbuttoned his shirt,

  one button at a time. With each button that was undone, the silk fabric of his shirt

  parted a little more, revealing a wide, thick chest that tapered down to a rippling

  washboard stomach. Delight licked her lips, her mouth suddenly dry.

  He shrugged out of his shirt and tossed it aside. Bending down, he removed his

  shoes and socks before straightening once again. His green-eyed gaze never left her as

  his hands went to the opening of his black pants.

  Delight shifted her legs restlessly as she watched him. She could feel the moisture

  seeping from her core. Her sex felt hot, swollen and needy. Her breasts seemed to swell

  even more as she arched her back against the bed. Her nipples were tight buds and the

  thought of his mouth on her body made them tighten even more.

  In one part of her mind, Delight could feel the aches and bruises from her attack,

  but they seemed incidental when weighed against her growing need for Lucian. Almost

  like a background noise. You knew it was there, but it no longer mattered. And it

  didn't. Right now, the only thing that mattered to Delight was making love with

bsp; Lucian. And that frightened her almost as much as what had happened early tonight.

  She made a slight noise of denial, trying to refute her need for him.

  Lucian had his pants unzipped, but they were still on as he stepped between her

  spread legs. She could see the large bulge filling his underwear, straining to escape the

  confining fabric. "You are so beautiful." His fingers grazed up and down her inner

  thighs, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.

  After what those men had tried to do to her, Lucian should have repulsed her. But

  instead, she wanted him even more. What would occur between them would wipe

  away the memory of those other men's hands on her.

  He continued to touch her, the strokes of his hands getting firmer as they skimmed

  up and down her legs. Delight felt flushed, as if she was running a fever. But she knew

  it was no temperature. It was Lucian and the way he made her feel inside. Her body

  was on fire with desire for him.

  Her hips arched up to meet his fingers as they lingered at the creases at the tops of

  her legs. She felt like a prisoner to her own desire. Wanting him. Needing him.

  "Lucian," she moaned as his finger sifted through the soft thatch of her pubic hair.

  As she watched him, he stepped back and in one quick motion shucked his pants

  and underwear. Totally naked, he stood in front of her and let her look at him. Lord, he

  was gorgeous. His cock jutted out in front of him, large and hard. Delight bit her lip.

  She wanted his cock buried deep inside her, but she didn't know if she was going to be

  able to take all of him.

  "I'll fit." His words startled her slightly. How had he read her mind?

  "Your eyes are so huge and concerned." Grasping his cock in his hand, he skimmed

  his hand over its length. "But don't worry. We'll keep working until we get it right."

  His grin was wicked as he moved back between her legs.

  Delight tried to scrabble back on the bed, but he gripped a knee in each hand,

  holding her captive. Slowly, he moved his hands apart, spreading her legs wide, until

  she was totally exposed to his view. She could feel the heat on her cheeks as he looked

  at her wet, swollen pussy. Just knowing he was watching her made her sex cream and

  she could feel her juices trickling down between the cheeks of her behind.

  His laugh was low and sexy as he bent over and inhaled deeply. "You belong to me.

  Every part of you is mine." Leaning forward, he dipped his tongue into her belly button

  and swirled it around. "That includes your smell. And baby," he paused and nipped at

  her hipbone. "You smell hot."

  She brought her hand to her mouth, trying desperately to swallow back a cry. His

  hands released her knees and manacled her hands. Dragging them up over her head, he

  held them easily with one hand. With his other hand, he tilted her chin up and waited

  until she gave him her full attention.

  "Don't try and hold anything back from me, Delight. I want it all." Lucian kissed

  her lips lightly until they parted of their own accord. But instead of deepening the kiss,

  he nibbled his way across her cheek and down the curve of her jaw.

  She could feel his teeth as they bit lightly on her neck, scraping over the sensitive

  skin. Delight arched her neck, giving him better access. She didn't know what she

  wanted from him, but a deep pulsing started deep in her core and grew until it filled

  her entire body. It felt as if every hair on her body was standing on end and she was

  poised to explode. Pushing her neck closer to him, she offered herself to him.

  Instinctively, she knew he needed something from her, but would not take it without

  her approval.

  "Take what you need." Her voice was barely a whisper, but it was enough.

  His teeth pierced her flesh, making her arch even harder towards him. There was a

  burning at her throat that went straight to her breasts and her pussy. Moaning, she

  arched her head back even further as Lucian continued to suckle.

  Her body was on fire with a need that was more than sexual. She could feel his

  fingers wrapped around her hands, keeping them stretched over her head. His other

  hand gently cupped her chin, keeping her head tilted. He loomed over her, his mouth

  firm on her neck. She could feel every inch of her body responding to him.

  Suddenly, she came in a rush of pleasure so sweet that it hardly seemed real.

  Convulsing, she rode the orgasm to the end and then melted into the mattress. Her

  entire body felt relaxed, as she drifted in a haze. She felt Lucian release her arms, but it

  was too much trouble to move them, so they stayed raised above her head.

  Lucian's tongue lapped over her neck and then she felt him kiss her lips. Gently, he

  lowered her arms back down by her body and lifted her until her face was against his

  chest. She nuzzled closer, wanting to get closer to the heat radiating from him. He

  supported her neck and head as he urged her to drink. Delight tried to make sense of it,

  but she was so tired and started to drift off.

  "Drink." His voice was more insistent now and she started to speak, to tell him to

  let her sleep.

  Then she tasted it.

  Warm and rich and slightly salty, her tongue lapped at the liquid as her entire body

  buzzed with renewed arousal. This was delicious. Like nothing she'd ever tasted before.

  Wanting more, she opened her mouth and sucked hard. Liquid rushed into her mouth

  and she swallowed with a satisfied moan.

  "Enough." Delight could hear Lucian, but she didn't want to listen to him. How

  could he give her something this delightful and not let her drink her fill? His laughter

  was dark and sensual as he pried her mouth from his chest. "Enough for now."

  His eyes seemed to pierce her very soul as he watched her. "Close it with your

  tongue." Not really knowing what she was doing, she ran her tongue over his flesh,

  whimpering when she got another taste of him.

  Lucian gripped her head in his hands and held her gaze with his. "You will not

  remember this in the morning."

  That didn't seem right to her. "Yes, I will."

  Her stubbornness seemed to amuse him further. "No, you won't." He shifted so

  that he was standing back between her legs. "But you will remember this."

  Bending down, his tongue stroked the wet folds of her labia, up one side and down

  the other. Arousal flared hot once again as Delight arched her hips up to his mouth. She

  felt lethargic and wanton spread out before him. For the first time in her life, she felt

  powerful and sexy.

  Taking her hands, he wrapped them around the backs of her legs, behind her knees.

  Pushing her legs as wide as they would go, he held his hands over hers for a moment

  before letting go. "Spread yourself for me."

  Delight forced her legs wider. Her earlier aches and pains were gone. She felt

  wonderful, but she needed more from him. Her eyes went to his throbbing cock. It

  looked so red and almost raw and the blue veins that ran up and down the sides looked

  almost painful. She wanted it buried in her pussy. All of it.

  His warm breath caressed her swollen flesh before his tongue flicked at her clit. But

  he left her immediately and moved his head towards her breasts. Her legs started to

  close around him to keep him where she wanted him.

  "If you want me
to pleasure you, then you have to keep your legs spread for me."

  He blew on one of her nipples, making it bead even tighter. "Now, open them wide."

  Delight not only spread her legs wide, she arched up and rubbed her wet pussy

  over his cock, pleasuring herself on his length. His laughter was wicked as he took her

  nipple deep into his mouth and sucked hard. He propped his hands on either side of

  her body to keep him balanced as he pleasured both of her breasts. Taking his time, he

  laved both soft mounds with his tongue before flicking each swollen nub. Delight

  pushed harder against his cock, rocking hard against it.

  Suddenly, Lucian reared back. She dropped her hands from her legs and reached

  for him. Gripping her under her arms, he moved her up so that she was lying crossways

  on the bed. Grabbing one of the pillows, he lifted her head and propped it up so that

  her chin almost touched her chest and she was looking down at her torso. Her breasts

  were wet and swollen, her nipples red and distended.

  Satisfied, he straddled her, supporting his weight on his knees. Picking up her

  hands, he placed a kiss on each palm before wrapping them around the outside of her

  breasts and pushing them together. "Keep your breasts pushed together."

  Leaning forward, he slipped his cock between her breasts, sandwiching it between

  them. Slowly, he pulled back and surged forward until the tip of his cock brushed her

  lips. Automatically, Delight opened her mouth and took it inside.

  His skin was velvety soft, but it covered pure steel. She could taste the salty, warm

  liquid that seeped from the head. He pulled back again and she licked her lips and

  opened her mouth wider. This time, he thrust back harder and deeper.

  "You have such a sexy, sassy mouth, Delight. Just perfect for fucking." He kept

  thrusting as he spoke. She could feel his testicles, heavy and full against her chest as he


  This time when he surged inside her mouth, she ran her tongue along the length of

  his cock, stroking wherever she could reach. His groan was music to her ears and made

  her even hotter.

  Keeping her breasts pressed together, she used her thumbs to play with her own

  nipples. The sensation was pleasing, so she did it again, this time pushing a little


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