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Page 9

by Nicole Tetterton

  “Holy shit and they are going to let us do it?”

  “Yeah, a few girls have heard of you from Boston and saw what you had done and really liked it. So everyone is on board with you guys.”

  “Alright, well what kind of party is it?”

  “One of the lawyers is making partner.”

  “That’s great; well I’m picking up Paige from the airport, so we can swing by before we head home.” I offer since I am already dressed in something that could pass as being professional.

  “I’m sure that they would love that.” He says, but there’s something too formal about our conversation.

  “Alright, I will see you then.” I tell him as I see Paige round the corner and begin to walk towards me; I laugh as she squeals.

  “I love you, Soph.”

  “Love you, too.” I say and hang up the phone running toward Paige as we embrace.

  “This is incredible.” She screams in my ear causing me to laugh.

  “Yeah and Austin just told me that his firm is throwing a party and they want us to plan it, in fact we are supposed to go over there now and talk to them about it all.” I pause looking at her, “Do you need to change into something more presentable?” I ask her and she puts one finger up, telling me to wait for her, as she walks into the bathroom and changes quickly walking back out in only a handful of minutes. I’ve never understood how she is always able to do that, and look immaculate. “Awesome,” I say as we make our way into the parking lot and get into my car heading over to the firm.

  “So, how are you two doing?” she asks a little giddy.

  “We’re alright.” It’s a bullshit answer that you use when you don’t want to talk about something.

  “Just alright?” I knew that she wouldn’t let me off that easy.

  “Well, it’s just I broke down in front of him, which I never do,” she nods her head telling me that she already knows this, “and ever since I just feel like he has been treating me like I’m going to break again.” She continues to nod her head understanding what I am saying, because that’s why we always get along so well because she thinks the same way that I do.

  “It’ll be alright,” she tells me as I begin to drive towards the firm.

  We park, getting out of the car, and making our way up to the large building. The instant that we enter I see the girl I remember from the day that I worked here giving me an evil look.

  “What’s her problem?” Paige asks me and I just shrug it off. “Oh, I get it. She has a thing for Austin.” I don’t even have to look at her to know that she gave her a shitty look right back.

  “It’s more than a thing.”

  “What do you mean?” she asks as we get inside the elevator car. The doors close behind us as I turn to look at Paige.

  “I mean that they had sex.” She crinkles her nose as if something smelled disgusting, “I told you Mar didn’t want me around him because he was a womanizer. Well she happened to be one of them; actually I kind of interrupted them.

  “Ew, that doesn’t bother you?” She asks.

  “No, at the time we weren’t trying to be together, but I can’t lie and say that I wasn’t upset about it, I just felt this connection with him. Now, it doesn’t really bother me though, he told me that none of those girls cared about him, which is why he would sleep with them and then never talked to them again.” She looks like she is going to say something but the car comes to a stop and when the doors open we are greeted by Jack standing in the lobby.

  “Sophie, it was really something that you two could come over so quickly. Especially considering that this all is really last minute.” He smiles.

  “Well, we try to make whatever work considering that we are trying to start up here.” Jack smiles at me and I think that I see something different in his eyes. Something that speaks to me telling me that he approves of me. He begins to guide us down the hall to the conference room.

  “Well Sophie, this is Cassie, she is Austin’s new secretary since you decided that the job wasn’t for you, and I would like to add that this is the longest that he has managed to keep one,” she smiles to me. I know that he is trying to tell me that he hasn’t slept with her, but honestly I’m not so worried about that.

  “It’s nice to meet you Sophie, I have heard a lot about you.” She tells me which makes me smile. I know that for some reason I should feel worried about her considering that she is extremely attractive, but I don’t. I smile back to her.

  “I told you that it never starts out as what it ends up being, but I will admit that I was wrong.”

  “Wrong about what?” I ask him.

  “About him changing, you’re the first girl that he has dated in years and I know the reason why she has managed to stick around is because of you. Congratulations Sophie, you have managed to change my son.”

  “I never tried to.” I tell him.

  “Well, maybe that’s what he needed. Someone to except him just as he is.” He smiles to me as Paige and I walk through the door to the conference room. The two of us sit on one side of the table as people begin to start filling in. I see Austin round the corner and then I hear Paige in my ear.

  “Holy shit, Soph, that’s him isn’t it?” I smile and nod my head as I see him walk through the door. “Good job.” He smiles when his eyes meet mine and I think I blush a little when he walks over to me and kisses me then extends his hand to Paige.

  “Nice to meet you Paige, I’m Austin.” She smiles, nods, and shakes his hand. This is too awkward for me to be a part of.

  Chapter Twelve

  The meeting with the firm was strange, especially because everyone pretended; one not to know that I had worked there for a whopping day and two that Austin and I were dating. I could tell that some of the women that worked there didn’t really care for me because of it, or it could have just been my imagination.

  That night after Paige and Mar had gotten over catching up Mar suggested that we all go out. Getting ready upstairs as I was trying to decide what to wear I hear Paige come and smile at me.

  “So, Austin-,” she lets the sentence fall away and then smiles even wider.


  “How did that happen especially after the whole Joe thing? I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to see you with anyone ever again.

  “It just did, I actually met him before I made it here. He had a case in Savannah and when I stopped there we were staying at the same hotel.”

  “Did you sleep with him?” she asks me but I shake my head. “Really, I thought you said that Mar said he was a player.”

  “Yeah, I know that’s the thing. He walked me to my room and kissed me on the cheek. Then when I woke up in the morning there was a note on my door about how he hoped that someday we would cross paths again.”

  “That’s a little weird.” She adds.

  “I know.” I agree

  “Just shows you that fate is real.”

  “I guess,” is all I can say. I’m not sure why but I still need a little convincing on the whole fate thing.

  “Stop doubting your relationship it is actually healthy for the first time in your life, so start enjoying it.” I nod my head and then smile at her again as I pull a dress out of the closet and put it on. We leave the house minutes later and meet up with Austin at the bar. He smiles to me the instant we walk into the bar, hestrides over to me, and kisses me on the cheek. I blush as I look at the ground and he causes me to blush even more when he leans over to my ear and whispers, “You look incredible tonight.” And I feel the tip of his nose slide down my neck. I can tell that he has already had quite a bit to drink. I smile to him as his name is called over and he goes to sing karaoke. I will never understand his infatuation with karaoke. I laugh as I walk up to the bar to grab a drink but the first thing that I notice is the awful look on the bartender’s face. I have no idea what it is that I have done. Eventually the male bartender comes over and gives me a reassuring look as he hands me my drink; when I send him a questioning lo
ok he smiles to me and looks up to the stage where I see Austin having the time of his life. This hatred from every woman is going to take some time to get used to. As I turn around I look to Mar who is staring at me with a worried look as her twin ESP has kicked in and she can tell that I am upset about something.

  The firm has scheduled the party for the 26th so I will have something to keep my mind off of my court date. I am glad to have something to keep me occupied and I am convinced that Austin has managed something for the hearing but he won’t tell me what it is.

  It’s Tuesday and I am at the caterers when I receive three back to back calls from Austin.

  “What is it?” I ask him when I call him back.

  “Go home and pack a bag. They moved up your date trying to screw you, and I promise you that this time we are not going to end up in the Virgin Islands.” I can hear the panic in his voice.

  “Shit,” I yell in the middle of the store and Paige looks to me confused.

  “Yeah, go. I’m booking the hotel now, and we are just going to borrow my mother’s plane.” Paige looks at me as I begin to walk to the car.

  “Shit, Paige can you drop me off at the house and finish up with everything I have to go back to Boston, today!” I tell her.

  “I’ll come pick you up.” Austin tells me in my ear and I explain to him where I am. He pulls up only seconds later and I jump in as he races to our houses.

  He is on his phone the entire time trying to get everyone he has lined up to testify to be able to come to court on Thursday at 8a.m. never telling me who he is talking to.

  After we get out of the car and walk into the Boston Harbor Hotel, I start to wonder about how much money Austin actually has.

  “This hotel is one of the nicest.” I say to him.

  “Don’t worry,” he smiles, “It goes on the company car.” I laugh.

  “Won’t your dad be pissed?” I ask him and he smiles shaking his head.

  “Nope, this is nothing compared to what he spends that money on, and he knows that I know all of it so he doesn’t mention it to me.”

  Our room overlooks the bay and it’s breathtaking.

  “Now you can relax.” He tells me running his hands over my shoulders as I turn around. “Go take a bath, while I make a couple more calls and I will be in there in a little while.” I smile at him, kiss his lips, and then walk into the bathroom taking his advice. I run the water and then let my body submerge into the warmth. I nod off for some time before I wake and hear a muffled one-sided conversation coming from outside of the bathroom.

  “Becky, you can’t back out now.” Becky… why does that name sound familiar?

  The tears stop as I open the door and she looks at me, stunned.

  “Soph, you’re home.”

  “Yeah it looks like I am.” I say striding up to them and then her face stops as I make contact with his jaw. “I’m sorry,” I say turning to her, “I didn’t get your name.” I smile politely at her.

  “Becky,” she stutters.

  I lay in the tub and I am dumbfounded. I feel the whole situation starting to replay itself. How could he also lie to me and make me believe that he loves me and then use me, just like Joe did. I only don’t know what he could use me for. Maybe he was in on it the whole time, maybe he is getting part of the cut. Would that make any sense? I’m not sure, but I know that it’s all I can think about now. I hear a knock on the door and I jump. I don’t want him to come in because of the tears that are flowing out of my lids.

  “Hey love, I’ve got to run out for a little bit. Are you going to be alright here by yourself?”

  “Yeah,” I manage to say without letting my voice break. I hear him scream I love you right before the door slams behind him… not even enough time to let me say it back. I push my body out from the water and pull my clothes on and then pack my bag. I leave a note on the bed that reads:

  Don’t worry I’ll be in court tomorrow.

  That’s all I write, I didn’t sign it, I just left it there. It takes me some time but shortly I manage to find a crummy little hotel room and charge the 65 dollars onto my credit card. Which I hopefully will be able to pay off once this event is done. I am able to call and book a flight back to Miami which leaves late tomorrow night and arrange it so that Paige will pick me up, she doesn’t ask any question, but I know that she wants to.

  Moments after I get off of the phone with Paige my phone begins to play Limp Bizkit through the speaker and I silence the call. I can’t talk to him right now. I’m not even sure if I’ll ever be able to talk to him again. I know he’s hiding something. I quickly go into my contacts and send his calls directly to voice mail.

  When my phone sounds again and I see that its Mar calling I answer quickly… I know that she won’t stop. In fact I wonder why she hasn’t called me sooner with that weird twin ESP thing that we have sometimes.

  “Hello,” I sigh into the phone.

  “Soph, where are you? Austin called and said that he went out to take care of something and when he got back you were gone; you left a note on the bed. What the hell?” she’s rambling.

  “Don’t worry. I’m still in Boston and I’m still going to court, that’s what the note said.” I assure her.

  “Why did you leave Soph? He is kind of freaking out over where you are,” rightfully so.

  “I don’t know Mar, something came up,” I hear her sigh and I wonder if she knew that something would happen between us and that she would lose a friend.

  “You’re alright though?” She asks.

  “Yes.” I say holding back tears that I know she can feel.

  “Alright,” she sighs not satisfied with my answers, but not wanting to push anything. “I love you, sis.”

  “I love you, too.” I cry myself to sleep that night.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I wake early the next morning and get ready to make my way to the courtroom. I exit the cab and I see Austin look over to me; I can tell that he didn’t sleep and somewhere inside of me I start to feel bad for him. I force myself to walk up the steps and he meets me without saying a word, we both know that this isn’t the time to talk about anything. He places his hand on my arm and I pull it away. His eyes lower and I think that he his embarrassed. I’m not sure why. I’m pretty sure no one saw it.

  We are finally able to go into the room when he finally says something to me, “Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” I stop when I see Joe. I forgot how handsome that I once thought he was. He smirks at me and it’s almost the last inch that breaks me but I stop and walk back outside, I need some air. I lean against the building as I catch my breath when the door opens and I expect to watch Austin walk out to me. Instead of the spectacular blue eyes I want to see I see Joe’s shallow grey ones. I, almost as if out of instinct, reach into my pocket of my coat and fumble with my phone as he places his hands on each side of me so I cannot move away.

  “You look good, Sophie. I forgot how damn sexy you look when you dress up.” He smirks as he steps closer to me, and I look away not wanting to talk to him. “Too bad your life fell apart and now no one wants you. wasn’t that your boyfriend, your lawyer? Oh, but you didn’t look very loving, because no one could ever love you Sophie, you’re a fucking little cunt. That’s why I went after the only thing I wanted from you… your money, but you already know that was Becky and I’s plan all along marry you and then divorce you and take all of your money.” Astonishing the part that hurts the most is when he mentions Becky’s name. “But sadly you don’t have any more of it but I can force you to pay me for the rest of your life, well let’s be honest you’re a great fuck too.” I still don’t say a word, terrified that he is going to do something else. Or say something else. He grabs my arms tightly and smirks to me again.

  “Joe, you’re hurting me please let me go.” I beg him and he just laughs and tightens his grip. I think I whimper a little bit.

  “The best part of our makeshift relationship was enjoying seeing your life crumble. P
eople like you make me sick.” His voice scares me.

  “People like what?” I say with a shaky voice still in pain from the grip he has on my arms.

  “People who take so much without even thinking about it,” he says laughing and then finally releasing my arms and walking away. I finally exhale and walk inside to the courtroom and pull my phone out quickly just to make sure. I am trembling when I sit down next to Austin and he looks to me as if asking me where I have been. My eyes are rimmed red, from the tears that I wanted to cry. I can’t keep my mind focused and then he brushes my arm as they call me up to the stand, I flinch when his hand makes contacts with my bruises and he looks to me confused. Joe’s lawyer walks up and before walking up to me he pulls out a picture and passes it along the jurors. I catch a glimpse of it and can see that it is a picture of Joe when he was in the hospital.

  “Now, Miss Sophie,” He looks at me, “Can you tell me who this is in the picture?” he hands me the same picture that the jurors are looking at.

  “It’s Joe,” I tell him.

  “And will you read the date that it was taken?” I hate him already.

  “November 30th.”

  “And do you know who did this to him?” he asks me with a condescending tone.

  “I was told that I did.”

  “You were told?” he asks me.

  “Yes, I cannot remember doing any of this. The last thing that I remember was crying in the bathroom after hearing him say that he was planning to divorce me and take the money that I had earned.”

  “But isn’t that the day that your business closed down?” he asks me and in an instant I am reliving that day all over again.


  “So then why would my client try and take money from you if you didn’t have any?”

  “Because he didn’t know that it was closing that day, he knew that it was having problems but I had been so depressed about it I hadn’t told him just how bad.”


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