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by James Macgregor Burns


  and Germany (after World War I), 450, 456, 496, 497

  and World War I, 407–8, 427–8

  Frank, Waldo, 314

  Frankfurter, Felix, 419, 434, 506, 537–8

  Franklin, Benjamin, 154

  Fredericksburg (Va.), battle of, 8, 25

  Freedmen’s Bureau, 49

  freedom, see liberty

  freed people:

  abuse of, 50

  attitudes of, 38–41

  education of, 63–4

  and land distribution, 64–5

  life of, in South, 67–71

  political and civil rights of, 46, 47, 48–9, 52; see also black Americans: suffrage of

  free love, 126

  Frémont, Gen. John C, 32

  Freud, Sigmund, 124, 307

  on Wilson, 365

  Frick, Henry Clay, 78, 103, 275, 350

  and Homestead (Pa.) violence, 224–6

  home of (“Clayton”), 141

  and League of Nations, 458

  Frost, Robert, 556

  furnishing merchants, 135–6, 181

  Galbraith, John Kenneth, 542

  Gardener, Helen, 446

  Gardner, Isabella Stewart (Mrs. Jack), 115

  Garfield, James A., 52, 198–9

  Garland, Hamlin, 288

  Garraty, John, 107, 176

  Garrison, Lindley M., 385

  Gary, Elbert H., 350

  Gates, William B., 86

  General Managers Association, 227

  George, Alexander and Juliette, 365, 374

  George, Henry, 101, 162–3

  and Bellamy and Lloyd, compared, 167–8

  Progress and Poverty, 163

  George, Henry, Jr., 402

  German Ideology, The (Marx and Engels), 75, 260

  Germany, in World War I, 407, 423–4, 432–4

  reparations, 496–7

  U.S and, 424–6, 433–4, 435

  Geronimo (Apache leader), 218, 219

  Gettysburg (Pa.), battle of, 5, 11–12

  Gettysburg Address (Lincoln), 3–6, 557

  Gibbs, Josiah Willard, 81, 290

  Gibson, Charles Dana, 287

  Gies, Joseph and Frances, 110

  Gillette, William, 69

  Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 123, 124, 442

  Girard, Stephen, 88

  Gitlow, Benjamin, 505

  Glaab, Charles, 265

  Glad, Paul, 229

  Gladden, Washington, 167

  Glass, Carter, 387

  Glynn, Martin, 420

  Godkin, Edwin Lawrence, 70, 159, 207, 269

  Goldman, Emma, 275, 283–4

  Goldman, Eric, 346

  gold mining, 97

  gold rush, 218, 259

  golf, 529

  Gompers, Samuel, 179–80, 280, 282

  and Pullman boycott (1894), 227

  on unemployment insurance, 551

  Gooch, Frank Austin, 289

  Goodwyn, Lawrence, 180, 187

  Gore, Thomas, 417

  Gould, Jay, 177, 182, 211, 214

  and “Erie War,” 92, 93

  Gould, Lewis, 287


  influence of, on daily lives, 19

  laissez-faire policy of (economic), 91, 154–6, 159; and labor unions, 180; Spencer on, 157–8

  role of, in Depression, 548–9; direct relief by, 549, 551

  government, urban, 265

  Graham, Otis, 553

  “Grangers,” 209

  Grant, Ulysses Simpson:

  and black rights, 66

  in Civil War, 8–10, 13–14

  and Johnson, 51, 56

  and Lee, 13–14, 28–9, 35

  and Lincoln, 13

  as President: election of, 58–9; foreign policy of, 220; nomination of, 194–5

  and Reconstruction, 58–9

  world tour by, 220

  Gray, Harold, 519

  Great Britain:

  and Civil War (U.S.), 31–2, 220

  and Washington Conference (1921), 493–5

  and World War I, 408

  Great Southwest Strike (1886), 182

  “Great White Fleet,” 34

  Greeley, Horace, 207, 210

  Green, William, 534, 552

  green areas, urban, 254

  Greenback (or Greenback Labor) party, 208

  Greene, Theodore, 160

  Greenleaf, Halbert, 81

  Greenwich Village, New York City, 306–8

  Grey, Sir Edward, 409, 422

  Griffith, D. W., 518, 524, 525

  Grimké, Sarah and Angelina, 204

  Guam, 240

  Guest, Edgar, 482

  Gutman, Herbert, 111, 143

  Hague Conference (1907), 342

  Haig, Gen. Sir Douglas, 426

  Haiti, 403, 418

  Hall, Asaph, 81

  Hall-Mills murder trial, 518

  Hallowell, Col. James, 185

  Hamilton, Alice, 275, 276

  Hammond, Bray, 18

  Hammond, William A., 27

  Hancock, Winfield, 210

  Handlin, Oscar, 503

  Hanna, Mark, 198, 229, 231–2, 234

  and Roosevelt (T.), 330, 334

  Harbaugh, William, 334

  Harding, Warren Gamaliel, 363, 459

  on America as “business country,” 486

  character and personality of, 471, 484

  death of, 491–2

  as President, 484–5; and blacks, 490–1; economic policy of, 491; and farmers, 490; foreign policy of, 492–5; nomination of, 471–3; and Supreme Court, 488

  Harriman, Edward H., 350, 401

  Harrison, Benjamin, 216, 217, 226

  harrow, 81

  Harte, Bret, 96, 101

  Hartt, Rollin, 195, 197

  Haupt, Herman, 17

  Havighurst, Walter, 196

  Hawaii, 221, 240, 400

  Hay, John, 170, 198, 337–8

  Hayes, Rutherford B., 198, 199–200

  election of, 67, 201–2

  Haymarket Massacre (1886), 177

  Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, 338

  Hays, Will H., 527

  Haywood, William D. (“Big Bill”), 282–3, 323–4, 397–8

  Hearn, Lafcadio, 221

  Hearst, William Randolph, 235–6, 369, 507

  against League of Nations, 458

  and Roosevelt’s nomination (1932), 554–5

  Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 76

  Henri, Robert, 310, 311

  Henry, Joseph, 83

  Henry, O. (William Sidney Porter), 346

  Hepburn Act (1906), 335–6

  heroes, athletic, 528–30

  Hicks, Granville, 536

  Higginson, Henry Lee, 87, 385

  high-rise buildings, 251–2

  high schools, 511–12

  Hillquit, Morris, 397

  Hitchcock, Gilbert, 461

  Hoar, George, 68, 240

  hobos and vagabonds, 556–7, 558–9

  Hobson, John Atkinson, 409

  Hofstadter, Richard, 158, 245, 298, 390

  Holli, Melvin, 273

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 168

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 295–6

  as Supreme Court justice, 489, 504–5; appointment as, 331, 335

  Homer, Winslow, 309

  Homestead Act (1862), 19, 37, 128

  Homestead (Pa.) steel works, 224–6

  Hood, Gen. John Bell, 29, 35

  Hooker, Isabella Beecher, 443

  Hooker, Gen. Joseph, 10, 11

  Hoover, Herbert, 485

  and business, 487

  in Food Administration, 428

  as President, 485; and Depression, 549–51; economic policy of, 496, 498–9; election of (1928), 487; foreign policy of, 496, 497–8; and stock market crash, 541, 543, 544

  Hopkins, Mark (of Big Four), 95

  Hopkins, Mark (Williams College president), 159

  House, Col. Edward Mandell, 386

  and Wilson
, 386, 423, 456

  and World War I, 410, 413, 416; diplomatic activities of, 422–3, 448

  House-Grey Memorandum (World War I), 422–3

  housekeeping manuals, 121

  House of Mirth (Wharton), 321, 323

  House of Morgan, see Morgan (J. P.) & Co.


  construction methods for, 253

  mass-produced, 253

  Pullman’s model city, 142

  Riis on, 141

  urban, 255–6: tenements, 137–8, 141

  of the wealthy, 114, 118–19, 141

  Houston, David, 386–7

  Howe, Irving, 146, 257

  Howe, Julia Ward, 169, 209

  “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” 28

  Howells, William Dean, 118, 170

  Howland, Eliza, 27

  Huber, Richard, 160

  Huckleberry Finn (Twain), 170–1, 172

  Hudson, Winthrop, 515

  Huerta, Gen. Victoriano, 404

  Hughes, Charles Evans, 419–20, 492, 493–4, 495

  as Supreme Court justice, 498

  Hull-House, Chicago, 270, 275–6

  Huntington, Collis P., 95, 203, 215–16

  Imagism, 316

  immigrants, 246–9

  arrival rate of, 147

  in Civil War period, 19

  competition and suspicion among, 260

  as domestic servants, 121

  Ford and, 481–2

  holidays and festivals of, 259

  labor unions and, 101, 176, 179, 283

  as steel workers, 141, 144

  as stockyard workers, 111

  suffragists and, 443

  urban life of, 138, 146–7, 247, 256–8

  see also aliens, deportation and repression of; Chinese immigrants; Irish immigrants; Italian immigrants; Japanese immigrants; Jews in New York; workers

  Immigration Act (1924), 495

  impeachment (of Pres. Johnson), 54–8

  imperialism, American, 239–41, 341

  incandescent lamp, 84–5


  disparities in, 140, 142–3, 192

  wages: in Civil War period, 19; in Depression, 556; in manufacturing (1860s–1890s), 140; Ricardo’s “iron law” of, 155; of women, 19, 140, 429, 431, 489; of wealthy, 140

  income tax:

  1861, 18

  Knights of Labor on, 176

  1920s, 491

  under Wilson, 387

  during World War I, 439

  Indians, 149–51, 217–19

  Cheyennes, 149–50

  civil rights of, 49, 443

  newspapers of, 522

  Sioux, 150

  stereotyping of, 151


  economic, 154–9, 162, 207, 390

  as “liberty,” 153

  see also Algerism


  protest against, 172–3; socialist, 173–5

  urban, 247–9; implacability of, 271–2, 274, 289; specialized, 248

  Industrial Workers of the World (IWW, “Wobblies”), 283, 397–8

  and silk workers’ strike, 323

  suppression of (in World War I), 440


  in Civil War period, 15–16, 19

  machinery for, 74, 77–85, 108, 289, 290–1, 381–2; for automobile manufacture, 479–80; for shoe manufacture, 15

  in Ohio, 196–7

  workers in, see workers

  in World War I, 428–9

  see also production; and specific industries

  inflation, in Civil War period, 20

  Ingham, John, 143

  Innocents Abroad, The (Twain), 221

  “Inquiry, The” (on peace terms, World

  War I), 434, 448–9, 453

  intellectual leadership:

  in Boston, 169–70

  with moral leadership, 274

  and Reconstruction, failure of, 69–70

  International Workingmen’s Association, 174

  Interstate Commerce Act (1887), 214, 216

  Interstate Commerce Commission, 214–15, 335, 336, 358

  inventors and inventions, see agriculture: machinery and tools for; industry: machinery for; technology: innovation in


  from Boston, 85–8

  and innovation, 90–1

  personal bankers, 88–90

  Irish immigrants, 259–60

  as railroad workers, 94, 96, 97

  iron industry, 74, 78, 79–80

  Italian immigrants, 257–8

  IWW, see Industrial Workers of the World

  Jackson, Helen Hunt, 217

  Jackson, Gen. Thomas Jonathan (“Stonewall’), 10

  Jacoby, Robin Miller, 281

  Jaher, Frederic C, 87, 115

  James, Alice, 123–4

  James, Henry, 169–70, 221, 306

  Bostonians, The, 170

  Roosevelt (T.) and, 326, 327

  James, William, 158, 170, 291–4, 394


  and U.S., 344, 495; on Russo-Japanese War, 341–2; trade relations, 497–8

  and Washington Conference (1921), 493–5

  Japanese immigrants:

  and Immigration Act (1924), 495

  segregation of, in California, 343–4

  jazz, 509, 523

  Jefferson, Thomas, 82, 156

  Jenney, William Le Baron, 252

  Jews in New York, 255–7

  immigrant/poor, on Lower East Side, 146–7, 256–7

  national origins of, 255

  religious life of, 256–7

  upward mobility of, 259

  wealthy, 145–6

  Jim Crow system, 149

  jobs, see children: in labor force; unemployment; women: in labor force

  Johnson, Andrew:

  death of, 58

  early life of, 43

  impeachment of, 54–8

  later career of, 58

  nomination of, as Vice-President, 32

  as President, 43–8, 50–8

  and Reconstruction, 45, 50–1, 55

  and Republican party, 43–4, 45, 52–3, 55

  and Southern leaders, 46–7, 52

  Johnson, Hiram, 372, 419, 460, 495, 501

  Johnson, Tom L., 273–4, 345

  Johnston, Gen. Joseph, 9–10, 29

  Joint Committee on Reconstruction, 48, 49, 50

  Jones, Capt. “Bill,” 103

  Jones, Bobby, 529

  Jones, Edith, see Wharton, Edith

  Jones, Lucy S., 100, 101, 102

  Jones, Mary Harris (“Mother”), 285–6

  Jones, Samuel Milton (“Golden Rule”), 273, 274, 345

  Joseph (Nez Percé chief), 218, 219

  Josephson, Matthew, 203

  journalism and journalists:

  broadcast (radio), 522–3

  and Cuban revolution, 235–6, 237

  magazines: avant-garde, 313–16; laissez-faire theme in, 159: movie, 526; and reform, 345, 346–7; of success stories, 160; women’s, 120

  newspapers, 518–20; black, 522; foreign-language, 522; Indian, 522; mergers and consolidation of, 519–20

  1920s, 518–23

  Juárez, Benito, 219–20

  Judah, Theodore, 95

  Julian, George W., 42–3

  Jungle, The (Sinclair), 348

  Kansas, 128, 149

  People’s Party in, 184–7

  Kazin, Alfred, 320

  Kearney, Denis, 101

  Keller, Morton, 45, 215

  Kelley, Florence, 275, 276, 278, 281, 489

  Kelley, William D., 43

  Kellogg, Frank, 459, 461

  Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928), 495–6

  Kelvin, William, 305

  Kennan, George F., 453

  Kennedy, Joseph P., 554–5

  Kimball, W. W., 114

  Kleppner, Paul, 233

  Knights of Labor, 176–8, 551–2

  Knox, Philander, 332, 401, 403

  Knudsen, William S., 483

  Kohlsaat, Herman, 461

  Korea, 221

  Kraditor, Aileen, 397

  Kreisler, Fritz, 440

  Krug, Edward, 511–12

  Ku Klux Klan, 66, 203, 206, 469, 500, 509, 514

  labor, see children: in labor force; women: in labor force; workers

  labor disputes, 233–4, 469 see also strikes

  labor unions, 175, 282–4

  and blacks, 176, 179

  in Civil War period, 19

  and Depression, 551–2

  and immigrants, 101, 176, 179, 283

  and industrial democracy, 392

  Marxists on, 173, 175

  membership decline in (1920s), 534

  and socialists, 396

  Wilson and, 418

  and women, 176, 179, 280, 431

  and “yellow-dog” contracts, 488–9

  see also Amalgamated Iron, Steel and Tin Workers; American Federation of Labor; American Railway Union; Cigarmakers’ International Union; Industrial Workers of the World; International Workingmen’s Association; National Labor Union; Socialist Trade and Labor Alliance; strikes; United Mine Workers; Western Federation of Miners

  Ladd, Everett Carll, 367

  La Follette, Robert, 230, 335–6

  and elections: 1912, 360–1, 372; 1924, 500–1

  and World War I, 425

  La Guardia, Fiorello, 553

  laissez-faire economics, 91, 154–6, 159

  and labor unions, 180

  Spencer on, 157–8

  Lake, Simon, 290

  Lamb, William, 182, 189

  lamp, incandescent, 84–5

  land, nationalizing of, 163, 167

  land distribution:

  in South, 64–5, 70

  for western settlers, 129

  Langley, Samuel, 290

  Lansing, Robert, 413, 415, 421, 448, 469

  Larkin, Oliver, 311, 312

  lathe, automatic, 79

  Lathrop, Julia, 275, 276, 277

  Latin America:

  U.S. investment in, 497

  U.S. policy on, 221–2; under Hoover, 498; (T.) Roosevelt’s, 340 (see also Panama Canal); Wilson’s, 402–6

  Lawrence. Mass., 283

  Lazarus, Emma, 146, 152, 154

  leadership, see intellectual leadership; moral leadership; Wilson, Woodrow: on leadership

  League of Nations:

  American ratification process for, 453–5 457–75; opposition to, 453, 454–5, 458–68 passim; popular referendum on (proposed), 468–9; public opinion on, 457–8, 462–3, 464; Senate and, 454–5, 458–63, 465–6; support for, 455, 457; Wilson and, 453–75

  committee draws up Covenant for, 452, 453

  Cox and Roosevelt (F. D.) campaign for, 474

  Wilson’s plan for, 414, 449, 452, 457

  Lease, Mary, 185–6

  Leaves of Grass (Whitman), 192, 193

  Lee, Gen. Robert E., 10–12, 35

  and Grant, 13–14, 28–9, 35

  surrender of, 35


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