American Experiment

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American Experiment Page 206

by James Macgregor Burns

  Legal Tender Act (1862), 18

  legislative branch, primacy of (in Reconstruction period), 51

  L’Enfant, Pierre, 271

  Lenin, Vladimir Ilich, 409–10, 412, 425, 456

  ideology of, 409–10; and Wilson’s, compared, 412

  Lerner, Max, 300, 489

  Lewelling, Lorenzo, 186

  Lewis, Sinclair, 514, 535–6

  Liberal Republican party, 207

  Liberia, 288


  Brandeis and Croly on, 392–3

  Carnegie and McKinley on, 234

  as central American value, 153

  college students on, 515

  Declaration of Independence promises, 173

  as economic individualism, 154–6

  Farmers’ Alliance and, 190

  Whitman on, 192

  Wilson on, 373, 441

  lighting, incandescent, 84–5

  Lincoln, Abraham:

  death and funeral train of, 36–7

  and election of 1864, 30–3

  foreign policy of, 31–2

  Gettysburg Address, 3–6, 557

  leadership qualities of, 31–2, 33–4

  political strategy of, 31, 33

  and Republican party leaders, 32, 43

  war planning and strategy of, 6–7, 12

  Lincoln, Daniel Waldo, 88

  Lindbergh, Charles A., 388

  Lindbergh, Charles A., Jr., 498, 510, 511

  Link, Arthur, 388

  Lippmann, Waller, 394–5, 507, 521, 533–4, 538

  and Brandeis, 419

  Drift and Mastery, 394, 395

  on “Inquiry, The,” 434

  and Lewis (S.), 536

  Phantom Public, The, 533, 547

  Preface to Politics, A, 394, 395

  on the press, 518, 520

  Public Opinion, 518, 533, 547

  and Roosevelt (F. D.), 554

  and Wilson, 419

  Little Big Horn, battle of (1876), 218–19

  Lloyd, Henry Demarest, 166, 167–8, 231

  Lloyd George, David, 450, 451, 456

  lobbies, political, 385

  Locke, John, 155

  Lodge, Henry Cabot:

  as antisuffragist, 444

  on Cuba, 236

  and disarmament, 493–4, 495

  and League of Nations, 454–5, 458–66 passim, 468

  and Roosevelt (T.), 331, 359, 416; and World War I, 416

  on Villa (P.), 406

  and Wilson, 454, 459–60

  Long, Clarence, 140

  Looking Backward (Bellamy), 164, 166–7, 189

  Lorant, Stefan, 141

  Los Angeles, 99

  Lowell, A. Lawrence, 88, 385, 419, 458

  Luce, Henry, 521–2

  Ludendorff, Gen. Erich, 432–7 passim

  Luhan, Mabel Dodge, 308, 323

  Lusitania (steamship), 415, 416

  lynching, 149, 234, 285

  legislation against, 491

  Lynd, Robert and Helen, 511, 513

  Lynn, Mass., 137

  MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 558


  as heart of industrialism, 172

  internal combustion engine, 110

  for tunnel-making, 77–8

  for urban life, 250–1

  workers and, 143, 259

  Wright (F. L.) on, 313

  see also agriculture: machinery and tools for; industry: machinery for; technology

  machine tools, 78–9

  Macune, Charles, 183, 189

  Madison, James, 300–1, 487, 499


  avant-garde, 313–16

  laissez-faire theme in, 159

  movie, 526

  and reform, 345, 346–7

  of success stories, 160

  women’s, 120

  Maguire, Tom, 260

  Mahan, Capt. Alfred Thayer, 223

  maids, 121, 139–40

  Maine (battleship), 235, 236–7

  Main Street (Lewis), 535

  majority, “compact,” 487–91, 499, 503, 558

  in Supreme Court, 506

  majority rule, 234–5, 537

  Malthus, Thomas, 155

  Manifest Destiny:

  under Roosevelt (T.), 341

  Seward and, 220

  Wilson and, 406

  Manila Bay, battle of (1898), 238

  Mann Act, 358

  Mann-Elkins Act, 358

  Mantell, Martin, 43

  Man with the Hoe, The, 328

  Marconi, Guglielmo, 290

  Markels, Julian, 318–19

  Markham, Edwin, 328

  marriage (middle class), 122

  Marshall, Charles C, 502

  Martineau, Harriet, 155

  Marx, Karl, 75–6

  Capital, 75, 112

  Communist Manifesto, 75, 90, 174, 259, 308

  and George, Lloyd, and Bellamy, 167

  German Ideology, The, 75, 260

  and IWW, 174

  on Johnson (A.), 52

  and Veblen, compared, 303–4

  Wage Labour and Capital, 82

  Marxist theory:

  class system, 194

  industrial labor, 112, 259, 489; and class solidarity, 143, 173; proletarianization of, 260–1, 382–3; and trade unionism, 173

  other socialist ideas, 174

  production, 75–6

  property, private, 154

  technology, 76, 82, 289, 382

  see also socialism

  Masses, The (periodical), 313–14

  mass production:

  of automobiles, 179–80

  Ford develops, 480, 484

  of houses, 253

  Maxim, Hiram, 81, 290

  May, Ernest, 439

  Mayer, Louis B., 526

  McAdoo, William Gibbs, 385, 388, 429, 469, 473, 500, 555

  McAllister, Ward, 117

  McClellan, Gen. George B., 33, 205

  McClure’s (periodical), 345, 346–7

  McCombs, William F., 370

  McCormick, Cyrus Hall, 81, 114, 222

  McCormick, Fanny, 185

  McCormick, Col. Robert R., 483

  McCumber, Porter, 460

  McKellar, Kenneth, 505

  McKelvey, Blake, 248

  McKinley, William, 198

  death of, 241–2

  as President, 234–5; election of, 231–3; foreign policy of, 236–41; nomination of, 229–30; reelection of (1900), 241

  McLallin, Stephen, 185

  McLemore, A. Jefferson, 417

  McNary-Haugen bill (1927), 490

  McPherson, Aimee Semple, 517

  McPherson, James, 7, 25, 33, 63

  McReynolds, James, 391

  McTeague (Norris), 171–2

  Meade, Gen. George Gordon, 11

  Meat Inspection Act (1906), 348

  Mellon, Andrew William, 458, 485–6

  and Depression, 550

  on education, 513

  as Secretary of State, 486, 491, 493, 496–7

  Mencken, Henry Louis, 315, 316–17, 533

  Menlo Park (N.J.) “scientific factory,” 108–9

  mergers, 216–17

  of film studios, 526

  of newspapers, 519–20

  see also combinations, industrial

  Merton, Robert, 265


  French invasion of (1861), 219–20

  U.S. and, 403–6, 498

  Michelson, Albert, 289

  Michigan Central Railroad, 87

  middle class, 142–3

  women in, 119–27

  Midway Island, 220


  northward, from country to city (by blacks), 136–7, 149, 197, 247, 431

  westward, 128–9, 219; by blacks, 149

  Miles, Gen. Nelson, 239

  military courts, 49, 54

  military personnel, see armed forces, American

  milk, pasteurized, 108

  Mill, John Stewart, 156, 15

  On Liberty, 192

  milling machines, 78–9, 381

  Millis, Walter, 422

  mining, 78, 86–7

  Minor, Virginia, 204

  Missionary Ridge (Tenn.), battle of, 12

  Mississippi River, 80–1

  Mitchell, John, 333, 393

  Mitchell, Maria, 81

  “Molly Maguires,” 175, 176

  Moltke, Helmuth von, 407

  monetary system:

  currency issues: Civil War period, 18; 1870s, 213–14; 1890s, 228; populists and (subtreasury plan), 187, 188, 189

  Wilson and, 387–8

  “money trust,” 387, 388, 391, 392


  debated in 1912 campaign, 374–5, 383

  Lenin on, 409–10

  Lloyd on, 166

  resistance to, see antitrust movement

  Wilson and, 389–91

  see also combinations, industrial

  Monroe, Harriet, 315–16

  Monroe Doctrine, 340, 424

  moral leadership, 41–2, 274

  see also reform movement

  Morgan, H. Wayne, 229

  Morgan, John T., 338, 340

  Morgan, J. Pierpont, 89, 222, 228

  and Roosevelt (T.), 331–2, 350

  Wilson and, 418

  Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 290

  Morgan (J. P.) & Co.:

  and “Black Thursday,” 542

  Lenin on, 410

  Roosevelt (T.) and, 350–1

  speculation by, 541

  Wilson and, 387

  Morgenthau, Henry, 402, 419

  Morison, Elting, 343

  Morley, Edward W., 290

  Morris, William, 167

  Morrow, Dwight, 498

  Morton, Levi P., 89

  motion pictures, 524–7

  Mowry, George, 349, 371

  “Mugwumps,” 211

  20th century, 357, 359

  Muir, John, 97

  Mumford, Lewis, 254, 312

  Munsey, Frank A., 160, 520

  Münsterberg, Hugo, 294

  museums, 308–9

  Muybridge, Eadweard, 309

  Myers, George A., 206

  NAACP, 285

  Nagel, Charles, 358

  Nast, Thomas, 267

  Nathan, George Jean, 315

  Nation, Carrie, 279

  Nation, The (periodical), 69–70

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 285

  National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), 548–9

  National Bank Act (1863), 18

  National Board of Arbitration, 233

  National Broadcasting Company, 523

  National Civic Federation, 282

  National Colored Immigration and Commercial Association, 288

  National Consumers League, 281

  National Farmers’ Alliance and Cooperative Union, 183–4

  in Midwest, 184–7 passim

  in South, 187–90 passim

  National Labor Reform party, 175

  National Labor Union (NLU), 175

  National Progressive Republican League, 361

  National Reform Press Association, 189

  National Union Convention (1866), 50

  National Woman’s Party, 534

  National Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA), 61, 209, 445, 446

  National Women’s Trade Union League (NWTUL), 281

  Native Americans, see Indians

  natural selection, 157

  economic interpretation of, 158–9

  see also Darwinism, Social

  Navy, U.S., 222–3

  in Spanish-American War, 238, 239

  Washington Conference (1921) and, 493–5

  world tour by (1907–08), 344

  and World War I, 411

  NAWSA, 61, 209, 445, 446

  Nevins, Allan, 14, 15, 25, 92

  New Democracy, The (Weyl), 393

  New England, 167–70

  see also Boston

  New Historians, 297–302

  Newman, Samuel Phillips, 155

  New Republic (periodical), 394–5

  newspapers, 518–20

  of minority groups, 522

  New York City:

  blacks in, 148

  buildings in, 251, 252

  Central Park, 254

  as financial capital, 88, 117, 248

  fire companies in, 266

  Greenwich Village, 306–8

  intellectual life of, 291–2, 306–8

  Jews in, 145–7, 255–7

  Tammany Hall organization in, 263–4, 266–7

  upper classes in, 117–19

  working-class conditions in, 137–40

  Nicaragua, 403, 418, 498

  Nicholas II, Czar, 408

  Nicolson, Sir Harold, 451, 456

  nitroglycerine, 77

  Nivelle, Robert, 426

  Noble Order of the Knights of Labor, 176–8, 551–2

  Norris, Frank, 171–2, 306

  Norris, George, 372, 422, 425, 501

  Norris, Kathleen, 289

  Northern Securities Company, 331–2, 335

  O’Gorman, James A., 388–9

  O’Hare, Kate Richards, 398

  Ohio, 195–6

  blacks in, 197

  cities of, 196–7

  industries of, 196–7

  political “dynasty” from, 195–200

  Olmsted, Frederick Law, 26, 254

  Oppenheim, James, 314

  Orient, 221, 495

  see also China; Japan: Korea; Philippines

  Orlando, Vittorio, 450, 451

  Osbom, Henry Fairfield, 290

  Osier, William, 108

  Others (periodical), 315

  Otis. Gen. Elwell, 241

  Otis Elevator Company, 108, 251

  Otken, Charles, 135

  Overman, Lee, 427

  Owen, Robert, 173

  Owen-Class Act (1913), 387

  Packers and Stockyards Act (1921), 490

  padroni, 257–8

  Palace Car Company, boycott of, 227

  Palmer, A. Mitchell, 469, 473

  Panama, 338, 339, 339–40, 343

  Panama Canal, 222, 337–40, 343

  Pan-Americanism, 221

  panics, economic, 74–5, 542

  see also banks and banking: crises/failures of

  Parker, Alton B., 334, 413

  parks and green areas, urban, 254

  Partington, Vernon, 168, 192, 507

  party bosses, 263–7

  and reformers, 266, 267, 268

  party system, 205–6, 499

  see also third parties, political; and specific political parties

  patents, 74, 91

  Paterson Strike Pageant (1913), 323–4

  Patrons of Husbandry (“Grangers”), 209

  Patton, Gen. George, 433, 436

  Paul, Alice, 445

  Peabody, Elizabeth, 168

  Peace Democrats (“Copperheads”), 8, 33

  peace movement (1920s), 493–6

  Peace Ship (sent by Ford, 1915), 480, 483

  Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil, 109, 110

  Peffer, William, 186

  Peirce, Charles, 292, 294

  Pemberton, Gen. John, 9–10

  Pennsylvania Railroad, 103, 104

  People’s Party (populists), 184–91, 224

  and election of 1896, 231–2

  in Georgia, 187–8

  internal crisis of (1890s), 228

  of Kansas, 184–7

  in South, 187–90

  in Texas, 189

  women in, 185–6

  Pepper, George Wharton, 116

  Perkins, George, 331, 375

  Perry, Arthur Latham, 155

  Pershing, Gen. John Joseph, 239, 406, 432, 433, 436–7

  Pétain, Gen. Henri, 427

  Petersburg (Va.), siege of, 14, 29

  Phelan, James, 260

  Phelps, William Lyon, 159

elphia, 88, 116, 248

  Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition (1876), 109–10

  philanthropy, 107

  Philip, Capt. John, 239

  Philippines, 239–41, 405

  Phillips, Wendell, 61–2, 68–9, 70, 168, 217

  Pinchot, Gifford, 349, 359, 361

  Pingree, Hazen S., 272–3

  pioneers (western settlers), 128–9

  Pittman, Key, 462

  Pittsburgh, Pa., 140–1

  Plains states:

  farming in, 129–31

  Indian “wars” in, 218–19

  migration to, 128–9, 219; by blacks, 149

  Piatt, Thomas C., 234, 330

  Plunkitt, George Washington, 263–4, 267–8

  Poetry: A Magazine of Verse, 315–16

  Poincaré, Raymond, 407–8

  Polakoff, Keith, 206

  poll tax, 65, 234

  Ponzi, Charles, 509, 540


  morality and character of, 269–71

  and rich: economic disparity between, 140, 142–3, 192; relations between, 141, 165–6

  see also immigrants; workers

  Popular Science Monthly, 292

  population of U.S. (1850–1910), 247

  populists, 184–91, 224

  and election of 1896, 231–2

  in Georgia, 187–8

  internal crisis of (1890s), 228

  of Kansas, 184–7

  in South, 187–90

  in Texas, 189

  women among, 185–6

  Porter, Adm. David, 9

  Pound, Ezra, 315–16

  Powderley, Terence V., 176–7

  Powers, Johnny, 276

  pragmatism (as philosophy), 291–7

  President of U.S.:

  power of: Roosevelt (T.) and, 352–4; Taft and, 356, 358; Wilson and, 364–5, 385–6

  religion of, 502–3

  Republicans as (20th century), 484–5

  see also individual presidents


  and Cuban revolution, 235–6, 237

  magazines: avant-garde, 313–16; laissez-faire theme in, 159; movie, 526; and reform, 345, 346–7; of success stories, 160; women’s, 120

  newspapers, 518–20; of minority groups, 522

  1920s, 518–23

  Preston, William, 439


  expansion of: late 19th century, 107–8; 1920s, 508

  investors and, 90–1

  Marx on, 75–6

  regional inequality of, 107–8

  and technology, 74, 76

  Progress and Poverty (George), 163

  Progressive party:

  dissolution of, 419–20

  and elections: 1912, 371, 373, 374, 377; 1924, 500–1

  progressivism, 245–6, 287, 501–2

  Prohibition, 441–2, 531

  Prohibition party, 208

  proletarianization of workers, 260–1, 382–3

  Promise of American Life, The (Croly), 392

  propaganda efforts (World War I), 412, 416–17, 426–7, 439

  property, right of, 153

  Marx on, 154

  Republicans emphasize, 206

  Supreme Court and, 488, 506

  Protestantism, 515–17


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