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Retribution (The Federation Reborn Book 3)

Page 77

by Chris Hechtl

  After a moment she began to snore.


  Eleven long agonizing weeks later, the remnants of the Retribution Fleet exited hyperspace warily in the outer edge of the B-97A star system. They were in a tattered mess. The couriers that had raced ahead had alerted the convoy. A second convoy had arrived in their absence, but the captain on the spot had ordered the entire gaggle of support ships along with his own reinforcements to fall back on the B-97C jump point.

  “We're out of comm range of the fleet train, sir. But we've gotten their IFF, and we've sent a return response,” Catherine reported.

  “Good,” the admiral replied. He'd just taken another tour of the improvised sickbay in one of the ship's three mess decks, and the visions there still haunted him. He didn't know why he'd done it; it wasn't like he was a masochist. But he'd felt duty had required it and so had morale, so he'd checked in. Now he wished he hadn't.

  “They don't have enough to hold the star system though, sir,” Myron said, turning to look at the admiral.

  “And there was no sign of enemy ships?” he asked.

  “No, sir.”

  “He's still licking his wounds and expects to catch-up with us on the long road home. Well, let's get a move on. Jeremy, least-time course to the B-97C jump point if you please,” the admiral ordered.

  “Aye aye, sir.”

  “We're not getting much for reinforcements, sir, a couple tin cans,” Berney said, shaking his head. “I'm still waiting on the download on what they've got in the tenders. I don't have my hopes up.”

  “Obviously not. I'd settle for a couple fighter squadrons for Nimitz along with parts,” Catherine said, shaking her head.

  “I doubt it. Once we've resupplied and repaired what we can, we're going to jump. We can't linger here; we're in no shape to take on Fed forces.”

  “Falling back further is going to crush morale, sir,” Catherine said quietly.

  “We have no choice,” the admiral rumbled. “There is no changing facts. We have to stay ahead of them. We need to get to Dead Drop and plug that gap.”

  “Aye aye, sir,” Catherine said quietly.

  “Comm, I'm sending you some files to upload to the courier. I want whoever has the most fuel and is the fastest to be off for Dead Drop with word to the empire soonest,” the admiral growled.

  “Aye aye, sir,” the comm rating replied dutifully.

  “That way they'll get word even if we're run down and destroyed,” the admiral murmured, just loud enough for Catherine and Berney to hear. “And they can put a stop to reinforcements coming here,” he said.

  The junior officers nodded soberly.


  “Sorry we're late, we ran into a problem on the way here,” Captain Monica Okonkwo said in lieu of an introduction to Captain Mayweather.

  “Can that shit. What happened?”

  “Well, we ran into an engineering problem and were forced to drop our speed,” the courier captain said. “Oh, you're asking about the battle?” she blinked.

  “Damn right I am!”

  “I'm afraid I'm under orders not to reveal that information, ma'am. It's encrypted,” Monica replied in a sober voice. Renee's eyes narrowed. “I'm sorry, ma'am,” Monica said apologetically, but after I got my ass reamed and reprimanded for talking out of turn, I'm not taking any chances,” she said.

  “Damn it,” Renee muttered.

  “I'll just set that ansible link up,” Corgi stated.

  “Good,” the captain said with a nod to his avatar. She returned her attention to the fuming battle cruiser captain. “Ma'am, I do have orders here for ships to move to B-95a3. As senior officer I suppose I'm supposed to send the orders to you first?” she asked politely.

  “Yes,” Renee said, nodding. She realized the young woman was playing it cool and professional in part to yank her chain. “That'll work just fine I suppose,” she said.

  “Aye aye, Captain. Corgi, the other packet you can handle,” Monica said. “UFDV-010S out, ma'am,” she said with a nod to Renee.


  Admiral Irons rose out of bed and scratched his back before he rolled his shoulders and dropped down for his usual pushups. He didn't need to do it. His heart was artificial, but it was habit. When he finished he padded to the shower, dropping clothes as he went until he was naked. He turned the shower on, let the water warm up while he did his business in the toilet, then stepped in. He rinsed down and then picked up a bar of soap to lather up.

  It wasn't like he needed to shower either; his nanites could handle his maintenance. But again, some habits die hard. And besides, they were worth keeping up. They made him feel human. He frowned at Protector's image on his HUD. Normally the A.I. allowed him some modicum of privacy during moments like his shower. Apparently something was up.

  “What?” he finally asked as he rinsed the soap off.

  “We've received an ansible report, sir. Iab is beside himself. It's encrypted, military. But the sender is Admiral White,” he said.

  Admiral Irons paused what he was doing and looked up sharply. He grunted, then quickly shampooed his hair and then shut the shower off. “Decrypt it,” he growled as he snagged the large towel and began to dry off.

  “It needs your signature too, sir,” Protector stated. ONI has requested you do so,” he said.

  “Right. Why he sent it eyes only …”

  “Perhaps because the last one went astray?” the A.I. pointed out.

  The admiral paused and frowned. “Yes, well, there is that. But it's a courier, not the whole fleet. Okay, I …,” he frowned as curiosity got the better of him. “This better be worth it. I haven't even had my coffee yet,” he grumbled. He accessed the file and then applied his key. After a moment it began to decrypt.

  “Thank you, sir. It is a report of the battle of B-95a3,” Protector stated as he started to digest the report. As an A.I. he could process and absorb data far faster and more efficient than a human. Admiral Irons focused on getting dressed as Protector started dropping an outline onto his HUD. He slowed to read each line though.

  “Call the cabinet in. We need to let them know,” the admiral said when he finished getting dressed.

  “Aye aye, sir. A lot of people are going to ask why. And they are going to notice an emergency meeting,” Protector warned.

  “Let them. They'll know soon enough,” the admiral said. “Make sure Monty, Yorgi, and the senior staff are briefed. I'll brief the cabinet personally so we won't have to worry about leaks,” he said.

  “Aye aye, sir,” Protector stated.

  “Now, I've got a date with coffee,” he growled.

  “Yes sir,” the A.I. replied with a tinge of amusement from his emotional modulators.


  Admiral Irons nodded to his cabinet as they filed in or appeared as holographic avatars. Only Yorgi knew what he was about to say. He could tell people were curious. He waited for them to be seated before he began to paraphrase Amadeus' report for them. When he got to the part about the enemy fleet being routed, they began to murmur and clap in appreciation.

  “We've got them on the run!” Lawrence Martindale exalted with an upraised fist as he rose to his feet. The Neochimp Energy Secretary's antics went so far as to ook in celebration, making a few of the other secretary's chuckle or signal amusement.

  “Don't jinx it. We're still early here,” Admiral Sienkov said, shaking his head.


  “So many lives lost … for what benefit?” Moira asked carefully. She looked from one officer to the other. “We just got back the space we'd just lost.”

  “So people on Protodon, and by extension here, can maintain their lives and freedom for another day,” Yorgi replied stiffly. “The lives lost were heavy but not as heavy as it could have been.”

  “But we've lost the initiative. And the offense … Second Fleet is going to take months to get sorted out, right?” Moira demanded. The Admiral nodded. “Some of those ships will ha
ve to return to Protodon or even here for repair.”

  “Yes, they will, again. And we'll need to replace the ships lost and their crews.”


  “And no, we don't have enough forces now to sustain the offensive beyond Dead Drop—not in the numbers we need. I'm betting once word gets back to the empire they'll redeploy as much as they can to Dead Drop and Garth.”

  “This is just getting started too. We're going to have to do this again and again and again. Horath is going to be pure hell,” Admiral Sienkov warned, tag teaming the civilian secretaries.

  “Damn,” Professor Turner muttered.

  “It can't be helped. What we might be able to do, is when we do launch the offense, is catch any redeployments in transit. We still have the speed advantage. Admiral White will use it to his utmost advantage as much as possible.”

  “Yes, sir,” Admiral Sienkov said with a supporting nod. “Once they get moving, Second Fleet will push ahead. They will eventually stop in DD001NS and picket the star system while he scouts forward. By all rights he should send back his most damaged ships back for repair. The ships with the least amount of damage can make repairs on their own I believe,” he said.

  “How do you know that's what he'll do?” Mister Custard asked.

  “Because, it's what I'd do,” Yorgi replied with a shrug and a straight face. “Because it makes sense. Bottle them up. He can keep his main fleet further back and work on the repairs, while also scouting Dead Drop. He needs INTEL now.”

  “It is highly unwise for him to go in blind,” Admiral Irons said. “He has one Prowler left since we borrowed the other to scout around Senka. I believe he left it in Protodon, however, so it will have to transit to him, refuel, and then jump beyond into Dead Drop.”

  “Oh,” George said, blinking. Slowly he nodded. “Well, on this stuff you sailor boys know best,” he said with a shrug.

  “Thanks,” Admiral Irons replied with a brief smile at the show of support.

  He was glad that he hadn't rushed more of the limited number of antimatter weapons they had in stock to Protodon. They would have gotten there in time, but in using them the sting of surprise would have been gone, perhaps wasted. He needed to keep a couple aces under wraps for later. Just knowing about the antimatter mines was bad enough.

  Taking Dead Drop and Garth would potentially incur more casualties because he was holding back, but he wanted those weapons for the big fight, the one against the empire's Home Fleet.

  When the cabinet's murmurs died down he nodded to Yorgi. “I've discussed this with Admiral Sienkov. We're a month early, but the next round of promotions is coming up. I intend to put Admiral White and Admiral Subert on the list. They will have to be signed off by Congress though, but I don't see that as a problem,” he said. “At least not now,” he said.

  “I think they'll get a pass, sir. Admiral White definitely deserves it,” Doctor Kraft said. He looked over to the secretary of state. She looked amused but didn't move from her pose of thoughtful and attentive. He mentally shrugged her off.

  “Liobat,” the admiral said, nodding to the Press Secretary. “The navy will be drafting a release shortly once our people have had time to go over what we know. You'll be working with the Naval Affairs Department for the release.”

  “Yes, sir,” Liobat replied with a nod.

  “Good. I was going to play let’s go around the room early, but I think you all have schedules to get back to,” the admiral said as he rose. “So, I won't keep you,” he said as the secretaries in the room rose as well.

  “We've got plenty of staff gnashing their teeth or … whatever, now as it is,” Doctor Kraft said in agreement as Moira smoothed her skirt and nodded.

  “Okay then. Let's keep the leaks down, folks, I'd like for this to come as cold as possible to the media. And yes,” he smiled to Moira and then Yorgi, “that includes me. A certain red head will be pissed, but she'll get over it.”

  “You hope,” Admiral Sienkov teased.

  The fleet admiral shrugged. “What can I say, I have a soft spot for passionate red heads I guess,” he said. Some of the men chuckled as they filed out of the room.


  Two days after the news came to them from the ansible, Liobat, the press secretary, called a press conference. Rumors had begun to roil throughout the capital. The media had been stonewalled up until an hour before the press conference. The navy had sent out the news to the military personnel in the star system a half hour before the press briefing, so it leaked.

  Admiral Irons watched the conference from his office. He'd been tempted, some would say sorely tempted, to make the announcement himself. He'd held off because he didn't want to make it look like they needed the good press.

  “Right about now my staff is uploading the relevant supporting documents to your various media outlets and the Associated Press site. But, before we get ahead of ourselves, I'd like to announce what has happened in the battle of B-95a3,” the press secretary began as the naval attaché stood beside but slightly behind her. “Approximately eleven weeks and two days ago, Second Fleet engaged the enemy forces in the empty star system. Our forces were victorious,” she said with a predatory grin. That sparked a murmur and chatter from her audience of reporters and camera people.

  “The enemy was routed with half of their capital ships being destroyed and the other half escaping with heavy damage. Our own forces suffered damage and are working on making repairs before they continue the pursuit. But, ladies and gentlemen, the barbarians have been routed!” she said, letting her elation get the better of her.

  The room erupted in cheers and shouted questions for more information.

  Admiral Irons chuckled. They deserved their elation. As he watched the screen split to show spontaneous outpourings of celebration on Antigua Prime and the planet as the news spread. They deserved this moment of triumph, even if they hadn't been personally involved in achieving it.

  But eventually, as all things did, his smile fell. He hit mute on the broadcast and then turned and took a seat in his chair once more. “Okay, what's next?” he asked Sprite.

  “That's it? A chuckle for a pat on the back and …,” Sprite observed his expression and then shook her virtual head. “Okay,” she drawled. “Well, we've still got the problem with Bek to deal with. Plus, the Tau and Pi expeditions, Destria, the Eastern campaign, and I understand there is some military politics going on with that,” she said. He nodded once. “Then we've got Sun Tzu's progress report, a request for input from Commander Gray on a new project …”

  The End

  Author's Afterward:

  Another wow book. Wow, I finally got it done! A lot happened here and I know a lot of people will be asking who, what, why … and others will complain about the shifting viewpoints. Sorry, that's how it worked out. When I tried a tight focus on just two narratives, it didn't work out so well. (Battle Lines) So, here we go.

  Fun book. It's helped me kick a few things off for Horatio's adventures, (Enemy of my Enemy) Shelby's adventures … and rewrite J5. (Which some of you believe is overdue. It is. Sorry. The plot had to be rewritten and put off to fit into the current timeline.)

  As usual you can read snippets, my missives, see art, and more at my blog.


  Below is a list of some of the more prominent people in the series.

  Fleet Admiral John Henry Irons: President pro-temp. Highest ranking flag officer. Sleeper. Cyborg with two A.I. embedded within his systems.

  Lieutenant Protector: A hybrid smart A.I. created by Commander Sprite to replace her. He was created with parts of her core and the remaining core and file parts from his predecessor Lieutenant Defender. Acts as the admiral's flag lieutenant and Sprite's assistant.

  Proteus: Dumb A.I. created to run the admiral's nanites and as an engineering assistant. Currently growing and evolving.

  Captain JG Sprite: Former adjunct and embedded A.I. of Admiral Irons. Currently still the admiral's chief of

  Captain Thomas Burrows: Head of security detail. Chief of security. (Cameo)

  Cookie Garratte: Cook and steward of Admiral Irons. Older female widower from Richalu.

  Federation Cabinet:

  Vice President: Currently vacant.

  Secretary of State: Moira Sema.

  Industry: Sandra’kall, Centaurian from Pyrax, mother of Veber.

  Treasury: T'rel'n, Veraxin, former Antigua treasurer.

  Agriculture: George Custard from Agnosta, former delegate.

  Interior and Exploration (exploration, colonization, emergency services, star system repair, dispute arbitration): Currently vacant.

  Medicine (surgeon general): Doctor Kraft, sleeper.

  Labor: Emily Berkheart. Cyberist, former board member of Antigua Prime.

  Energy: Lawrence Martindale. Neochimp engineer from Senka.

  Justice (Attorney General): D'red. Veraxin, cyberist and former board member of Antigua Prime.

  Commerce: Captain Broken Antenna. Retired T'clock captain.

  Transportation: Captain Azul Herschel. 1st LT reservist seen in story Lewis and Clarke.

  Science: Dreams of Tomorrow. Gashg female from Triang.

  Education: Professor Kyle Tyler. From Antigua Prime.

  Communication: Iab. Neochimp communications director from Kathy's World.

  Artificial Intelligence Relations: Mnemosyne. Former Antigua Prime A.I. survivor.

  Housing: Bengali. White tiger housing director from Kathy's World. He became vital during the various refugee crisis. He is currently also overseeing Interior and Exploration.


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