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Remy's Revenge

Page 2

by Paige Green

  “Do you remember any of it?”

  “Yeah, a little. All I remember is the nigga was light skinned and I do remember some of the raping. It’s coming back to me slowly but surely.”

  “Well, we’ll deal with all that when the time is right. But, for right now, you need to stay with me and get your shit together. Gain back all that good weight you had, get that booty back, and that beautiful smile,” Egypt joked, trying to lighten the mood.

  Remy nodded her head in agreement before standing to her feet and trying her best to keep the tears back. Grabbing her traveling bag, she walked up the stairs, mentally preparing herself for the big revenge she had for the death of her baby boy, Jeremiah.

  Chapter Two

  “Get up, Remy!” Egypt yelled as she walked into the dark, gloomy bedroom.

  Walking over to the window, Egypt pushed the curtains to the side before drawling the blinds open, allowing the bright sun to beam up the room dull bedroom. Remy, who was curled into a fetal position under a comforter, groaned before turning away from Egypt. Egypt ignored her groans as she grabbed the bottom of the comforter before tossing it off Remy’s frail body. It had been two whole weeks since Remy arrived at Egypt’s house and she was still moping around the house in a complete daze. For the past two weeks, Remy had completely checked out of life and was mourning the death of her son, hard. Since her arrival, Egypt had taken care of her, bathing her and feeding her as if she was her mother. Remy would go days without eating anything, unless Egypt forced her to. Her usual long silky hair was falling out in chunks, and she even appeared more fragile, looking like a sack of bones instead of the usual thick sister she was before. That morning Egypt vowed that she wouldn’t go another day seeing Remy that way. Even if she had to drag Remy and force her to get her shit together, that’s exactly what she planned to do. Walking over towards Remy, Egypt wrapped her slim arms around Remy’s waist before helping her to her feet. Remy’s body was so weak and limply, Egypt could’ve sworn she could lift her with one hand

  “I’m tired of this shit, Remy. You’re walking around here feeling sorry for yourself for the past two weeks and quite frankly, the shit is getting old. Look at you. You’re losing more weight by the second, girl. Get your shit together! I made you an appointment with my stylist, too. It’s okay to mourn Jeremiah’s death, but damn! Do what a real bitch would do, seek revenge like you said,” Egypt said bluntly as she helped Remy step out of her musty clothes.

  Remy remained quiet as she stared up at the ceiling of the shower wall as Egypt placed her into the bathtub before turning the water on. Grabbing a wash cloth and lathering it up with Dove soap, Egypt gently washed Remy as if she were her child. When she reached the two bullet-hole scars on her stomach, she lightly ran the wash cloth against it before rinsing Remy off and helping her out of the bathtub. Walking into her closet and into Remy’s traveling bag, Egypt pulled out Remy’s old royal-blue Fendi bandage dress before sitting it next to Remy and leaving the room. Remy glanced at the dress for a brief moment before finally standing to her feet and glancing at herself in the mirror. Noticing for the first time her tangled hair, empty, dark eyes, and fragile body, she almost broke down in tears at the stranger that stared back at her. She hadn’t glanced at herself in the mirror since she’d been out of the hospital. Wiping her tears and mustering up all the strength she had left in her body, at that very moment, she vowed to not shed another tear or feel sorry for herself. Egypt was right; she had to seek revenge for every single last person that had something to do with her late Jeremiah’s death. After slipping into her bandage dress and applying some of Egypt’s MAC make-up onto herself, she took a comb and ran it threw her nappy roots. After throwing a slick ponytail in her hair, Remy then made her way downstairs.

  “How do I look my bitch?” Remy asked, forcing a smile onto her face.

  “Now that’s the Remy I know. You look much better! Now, let’s go. We’re almost late for your hair appointment,” Egypt said before grabbing the keys to her Porsche and heading out the door with Remy on her heels.

  When they arrived at the salon, all eyes were on them. Egypt sashayed over to her stylist, Tenichi, and whispered into her ear before handing her two hundred dollar bills. Walking back over to Remy, she said,

  “She’s going to hook you up, sis. So sit back, relax, and enjoy yourself, girl. I’ll see you back at the house.”

  “Hey girl, you can sit right there,” Tenichi instructed, pointing to a nearby chair.

  Remy sat in the chair, remaining quiet as Tenichi started to examine her hair.

  “Do you mind if I cut it?”

  “Girl, do what you want with it,” Remy shrugged.

  Grabbing her platinum shears, Tenichi parted her hair before going to work. Remy noticed a couple of females cutting their eyes through her, while others snickered.

  “Isn’t that Shemar’s baby’s mom? She looks rough, like she been to hell and didn’t come back,” a random light skinned girl said, causing the salon to erupt into a small laughter.

  “Baby’s mom? Girl, please! That bitch was his baby’s mom!” a dark skin girl, Co-Co, blurted out, harshly.

  It took every ounce of strength in her to keep her composure as she closed her eyes and silently counted to three.

  “Girl, don’t pay them no attention! Them the same hating ass, broke ass bitches that got something to say about everybody when they don’t have their own shit right,” Tenichi assured her.

  Remy nodded her head as she closed her eyes and tried her best to relax. An hour later, she opened her eyes in a frantic when she felt someone tugging on her.

  “Girl, would you get up? I got to rinse this dye out of your head.”

  Standing on her two feet, she silently walked to the sink and closed her eyes as Tenichi washed her hair. Her thoughts transferred to her son, Jeremiah. She tried her best to fight back the tears that were itching to slip out. Taking a deep breath, she forced a smile as Tenichi dried and began to style her hair.

  An hour later, when Tenichi was finally done, she glanced into the mirror and couldn’t help but smile. Tenichi had cut her hair completely short, giving her an asymmetrical hairstyle with her sides and back completely cut low but leaving her with a long layered bang that she completed with honey blonde highlights that accentuated Remy’s dark skin.

  Gathering her belongings and feeling rejuvenated, she started to walk out the salon when she noticed Co-Co and her friend ice-grilling her. Walking up to Co-Co and folding her arms under her breast she asked,

  “Excuse me, is there a problem? And, what was said earlier?”

  Not uttering a word, the two girls fixed their noses up in disgust as they glanced at Remy as if she was less than a human being.

  “You heard what the fuck we said!” Co-Co said, twisting her mouth up and rolling her neck.

  “Oh, so I been through hell and didn’t come back, huh? Don’t get it fucked up, the bitch is back and she’s staying! Now, who the fuck gone check me?” she asked, glancing both of them directly into their eyes.

  “Bitch, get the fuck out of here and go look for that dirty-dick nigga of yours!”

  Not uttering another word, Remy charged at Co-Co, grabbing a chunk of her weave before slamming her fist into her eye, instantly swelling it.

  “Somebody help her!” Co-Co’s light skinned friend yelled, gaining Tenichi’s attention.

  Remy ignored her as she continued to mercilessly pound her hard fists into Co-Co’s face, taking every ounce of anger she from within her, out with each blow.

  “That’s enough, Remy!” Tenichi yelled, grabbing Remy and pulling her to the ground.

  Blinded by rage, Remy hopped back on her feet, grabbing Tenichi by her neck and slamming her into a nearby wall.

  “What the hell is going on in here?” a young, black police officer asked, running into the salon.

  “Look what this bitch did to my face! Arrest that crazy bitch! I’m pressing charges!” Co-Co cried through a mouth full of blood
as she clutched her swollen face.

  “Ma’am, come with me, please,” the officer said, grabbing Remy’s shoulder.

  Releasing the strong hold she had on Tenichi’s neck, her chest heaved in and out as she clenched her jaw.

  Holding her hands behind her back, the police officer slipped hand cuffs on Remy before walking her out of the salon and sitting her in back of his squad car.

  “I’m not going to arrest you yet, ma’am. I need to get both sides of the stories. What’s your name?”


  “Remy? Reminisce Kyle? What the hell? Is that you?” he asked, glancing into the backseat and squinting his eyes at her.

  Looking up at the policeman, she too squinted her eyes, trying her best to place the familiar face. When it finally hit her, she flashed a bright smile and said,

  “Tyson? Is that you?”

  “Yeah! I didn’t notice you with that short ass haircut and you acting like a fucking hood rat. What the hell happened in there?”

  “It’s a long story,” she mumbled, holding her head down in embarrassment.

  Gently grabbing her by her arm, he helped her out of his police car before removing the handcuffs from off of her.

  Tyson was Remy’s first love. Remy and Tyson were high school sweethearts who did everything together and knew each other like the back of their hands. But after graduating from high school, Tyson left Remy by going to the Marines. Ever since he left for the Marines, they hadn’t seen or heard from each other.

  Tyson, who was a brown skin man with deep dimples and enough waves in his head to give anyone sea sickness, smiled as he gave Remy a tight hug.

  “Look at you girl! I’m so glad that you’re alive! When did you get out the hospital?”

  “What? How did you know I was in the hospital?” she asked, confusingly.

  “You don’t remember? I was in the ambulance with you, Remy.”

  “I had two bullets in my chest, how the fuck would I remember some shit like that?” she asked, snottily.

  “I’m sorry, Remy. But look, I was one of the police officers on duty when the call came in. I was surprised to see you shot and your son.”

  “I don’t want to talk about this shit right now,” she said as she started to walk away.

  “Wait, where are you going, Remy?” he yelled before he started to run after her. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “Um, let me see, my son is dead, I got shot twice, and I just got done fighting and you ask what’s wrong?” she yelled, causing a few bystanders to glance her way.

  “Would you calm down, Remy? I just want to talk, damn!”

  “Talk? You want to talk? Okay, why don’t you tell me who did this to my son? Do you know who did this, Mr. Officer? Huh?” she asked, sarcastically. “I didn’t think so!”

  Shaking his head in disbelief, he reached into his shirt pocket before removing a card. Holding it out to Remy, she twisted her mouth up before folding her arms under her breast.

  He placed the card in her hand anyways before walking to the driver side of his squad car.

  “I know more than you think I know. Call me whenever your head’s on right,” he said before shaking his head and slamming the door shut, leaving Remy standing in the middle of the street.

  Chapter Three

  “Mommy, why didn’t you save me? I thought you loved me, mommy? Mommy!”

  Remy woke up out of her sleep, screaming and shivering in fear. Her body shook uncontrollably as she glanced around the bedroom frantically. Her chest heaved in and out as she realized it was another nightmare. Every night she had a different nightmare and recently it felt as if they were getting worse. Removing the comforters from her sweat-drenched body, she exhaled deeply before walking to the kitchen and getting a glass of water.

  “You okay, girl? Egypt asked, walking into the kitchen.

  “Yeah, I’m straight. Just another nightmare, that’s all,” Remy shrugged.

  “Girl, I think you really need counseling. All of these nightmares and shit? You need some help, girl,” Egypt stated, seriously.

  “Bitch please! I don’t need no damn shrink, what are you doing up this early, anyway? It’s only nine.”

  “You woke me up, screaming and shit!”

  “My bad, girl.”

  “It’s all good. But what’s up with this shit I’m hearing about you fighting and acting crazy up in salon last night? I know you didn’t pop shit off without me!”

  “Girl, I don’t want to get into that shit right now. But guess who I ran into yesterday?” Remy asked, flashing a smile.

  “Who, bitch?”


  “Tyson? Your first love? The nigga that popped your cherry in the ninth grade? Really? Where at?” Egypt said, flashing a bright smile.

  “Calm down, damn! But after I left the salon I ran into him.”

  “What did he say? Run the details!”

  “Nothing for real. He just gave me his card and told me to call him,” Remy said, nonchalantly.

  “Well are you going to call him?”

  “I don’t know yet.”

  “What the hell you mean you don’t know? You been running around here all depressed and shit, you need some fucking dick, you better call him!” Egypt said, seriously.

  “Whatever, Egypt, like I said, I don’t know yet.”

  “Well you need to think about it long and hard! Until then, I’m taking my black ass back to sleep,” she said before walking out of the kitchen.

  For the next couple of hours, Remy ran around the house, trying her best to get her mind off of things. She cleaned the whole house numerous times, going over the same things, trying her best to run from her thoughts, but it was to no avail. After almost driving herself crazy, she finally reached into her purse and pulled out Tyson’s business and personal card and dialed his number.

  “Hello?” his deep, baritone voice boomed through the phone.

  “Hey Tyson. It’s Remy.”

  “I’m surprised to be hearing from you. What’s up, though? Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I was wondering if we can meet and you know, discuss business.”

  “Sure, where you at? I’ll come pick you up.”

  “Over Egypt’s and when?”

  “Egypt? Damn y’all still best friends, huh? And give me an hour.”

  “Yeah, silly. And, okay, see you in an hour,” Remy said before ending the call.

  An hour later, Remy was dressed in a pair of all-black Prada jeans and shirt, black Combat boots, and all black leather jacket.

  “Damn girl, it looks like you’re about to go on a mission with all that damn black on,” Tyson joked as Remy hopped into the passenger seat.

  “Oh, hush. Where we headed?”

  “To my place. Is that cool?”

  “Yeah, that’s cool.”

  They both remained quiet the whole ride to Tyson’s house. Tyson, who owned a house on the Southside, parked his Range Rover before killing the ignition.

  Remy silently nodded her head in amazement as she glanced at the privately owned property. When she walked into his spacious house, her breath was almost taken away.

  The royal blue and red décor gave it a feminine yet manly touch to the house. Remy was more amazed of the small statue of Tupac Shakur that stood tall in a corner in Tyson’s living room.

  “Did you get this custom made?”

  “Yeah, you know how much I love Tupac, I had to do it,” Tyson smiled.

  Remy nodded her head as she took a seat on his sofa. Taking a seat next to her, Tyson slowly placed her leg into his lap before removing her boot and sock.

  “Tyson, what are you….”

  Placing a finger against his mouth, silently telling her to stay quiet, he gently wrapped his masculine hands around her foot before massaging it.

  A soft moan escaped her lips as her body slightly relaxed. Removing the other boot, he massaged both of her feet and toes, gently.

  “What’s on your
mind, baby girl? You’re ass is all tense and shit. Calm down, it’s only me, Remy,” Tyson assured her.

  “Nothing, Tyson. I’m fine,” she said through soft moans.

  “Yeah, okay. But look, I want to show you something,” he said before he gently placed her feet back on the floor.

  He stood to his feet before taking her by the hands and leading her into his basement.

  When she saw the loads of guns, ammunition, knives, and swords hanging on his wall around his basement, she was immediately caught off guard.

  “What’s this all about?” she asked, suspiciously.

  “This is the place I go to clear my head. When I’m having a bad day and I need to clear my thoughts, I come down here because every item in here is from a special time or event in my life.”

  Remy remained quiet as she nodded her head

  “Take off your jacket and just sit back.”

  Taking a seat and dressing out of her jacket, she watched as he sat next to her and said,

  “Okay, when I told you that I knew more than you think I do, I meant it.”

  “So what do you know then, Tyson?” Remy asked, impatiently.

  “Would you hush up and just listen?”

  Folding her arms under her breasts, Remy glanced into his eyes, giving him her undivided attention.

  Taking a seat next to her, he said,

  “Your boyfriend, Shemar, have been beefing….”

  “Um excuse me, that is not my fucking boyfriend!” Remy spat viciously, interrupting him.

  “Would you shut it up and listen? Okay, he’s not your boyfriend! Just listen, woman!”

  She nodded her head and allowed him to continue.

  “Well, Shemar and his peoples have been beefing with some dude name Knowledge and his peoples for over a year now, over drug territory and shit. Your…I mean Shemar,” Tyson paused to correct himself. “Been sending his workers over on Knowledge’s territory and taking all of his clients and money, basically. Knowledge, being the cool, laid back type of nigga he is, tried on more than one occasion to come with a peaceful agreement to get Shemar off of his territory, but Shemar wasn’t having it. That was a big move for Knowledge to try to do that so when Shemar continued to disrespect him, Knowledge finally put a hit out on his head.”


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