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Kacie's Surrender (Homeward Bound Book 1)

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by Unknown

  "What’s your name “blonde bimbo asked

  "Kacie Douglas" I said with much attitude just as she gave me I can be a bitch too how about that.

  "I’m sorry Ms.Douglas, Mr. Wright is expecting you, you can just go right in" Well damn you would have thought I was the president the way her attitude changed. I wasn’t even in the mood to ask why the change in her attitude toward me but I didn’t have time for that. Instead of saying anything I walked in the direction she pointed and knocked on the door before I heard. "Come in" for some strange reason that voice sounded familiar but I couldn't place that voice. Where have I heard that voice before, but the last name Wright did not ring a bell? So I didn’t think much of it. Once I entered he had his chair facing the back wall. I had no idea what I was supposed to do so I went with being professional and introduced myself.

  "Hi, Mr. Wright I'm Kacie Douglas the architectural" it took him a minute to turn his chair to face me but when he did I felt the wind being knocked out of me. There he was in all his glory Nathan Daniels staring straight at me......


  I knew Kacie was here my assistant Lena called to let me know she was on her way to my office. My heart speed up and I had to try doing some self control. Just the thought of Kacie being in my office after ten years had me really going. I had no clue what to expect but once she entered my room I knew it was over.

  "Hi, Mr. Wright I'm Kacie Douglas the architectural" I heard her sweet voice and my heart skipped a beat. I couldn't face her right away so I waited then turned my chair around to face her. I watched her face turn from shocked to piss just like that.

  "You ass whole is this some kind of sick joke, because if it is it’s not funny. I can’t believe this I knew I should have never come back." She said heading back to the door. I was at my door before she reached to open it.

  “Nathan get the hell out of my way” she gritted through her teeth. This Kacie turned me on I never seen this side of her and to say I liked it was an understatement.

  "No Kacie it’s not a joke I needed an architectural to build my home and heard you were the best “She just stared at me by the look on her face I knew she didn't believe me. I wouldn't either if I went through what she did when she was here ten years ago I moved my hand off the door knob and the moment I did that she took a step back. I felt a pull in my chest at knowing that she didn't trust me, but I was determined to change that. If I could only get her to believe me. I wanted to pull her in my arms and hold her; the way she looked had me ready to protect her from the world.

  "I don't believe you, why are you doing this to me haven't you and your friends had enough of bothering me" the pain in her eyes made me want to just let her leave, but my heart was not going to let her leave again not this time not ever. I knew that was selfish but that didn't matter.

  "Kacie its only me I really am building a house and I picked you to do it" I held my hands up in surrender. That’s all I could do to prove to her that this was real. She didn’t say anything for a long moment just standing there looking at me with fire burning in her eyes. I couldn't make out what was going through her mind but I gave her time.

  "So you changed your last to make sure I would come, huh did you want to bring me here to laugh at my business you ass whole" How could I get it through her that this was far from a joke I had no intention to play games with her I wanted so much more. But from the look of it I had my work cut out for me. I was not the type of man to back down, and Kacie would soon learn that.

  "Kacie calm down it’s not like that, I heard about your company I seen your work I wanted the best and as far as my last name I dropped Daniel and went with my mother’s maiden name"

  "I don't believe you"

  "Kacie I'm telling the truth I didn't bring you here to make fun of you I'm building my home and I knew you wouldn't come if you knew it was me" I felt like I was pleading my case to the jury and Kacie was one hard Jury to make her into a believer.

  "I don't think I can do this, it was a mistake coming here"

  "Just here me out" I was pleading my heart out to her to see that I'm not the ass whole she knew back then. I knew she wouldn't trust me but I was determine to get her to see that I've changed. I couldn't lose her again. I let her get away from me once I'm not doing it again. If Bryce was here to see this I wouldn’t hear the end of it but Kacie was worth every ounce of embarrassment I knew this would bring. “No fuck you Nathan”

  “Can you just please hear me out if after that if you don’t like it then you can go”

  "Nathan I can’t do this, I’ll have my office call you with someone else's name to contact but it won’t be me"

  “Kacie damn it hear me out”

  She stopped with her back to me. I didn’t know if she would leave or not. But the fact that she stopped proved I had little chance. She turned and let her bag land in the chair next to her. She walked over to the window and just stood there. I guess that was my queue to start talking.

  “Kacie I know I’m the last person on this earth you want to see”

  “You think” she said rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

  “I really do want you to build my home, I’ve seen your work and I chose you out of millions”

  “OK if that was the case why not tell me who you were or do you always hide behind somebody”

  She had a point I did hide behind my father’s name but that was the old me I’m no longer under my father. I intended to prove that to Kacie no matter how long it took.

  “You know what Mr. Daniels; I’ll let you know if I can do your home. With that she headed to the door this time I wasn’t going to stop her. I wanted so badly to stop her but I knew it would take time to get her to come around. I was determine to have her and that was what I was going to do. No matter what I had to do to keep her."This time Kacie I will stand up for you" the moment she was gone I felt like my chest grew tighter with every step she took. There was nothing I could do but let her leave. I knew it wouldn't be easy but I didn't think she would be gone that fast. I needed a drink and bad, I finished off my scotch in one gulp and let it burn my throat. It was numb I couldn't feel anything but the fact that I felt defeated at that moment.

  After about twelve I couldn't stand it anymore I had to get home. I tried to over work myself to clear my mind of Kacie. I was young and dumb, I always thought Kacie had a thing for me but she wasn’t what my parents would approve of everything with them was about image. So as much as I wanted her I couldn’t do anything about it. I had to up hold the Daniels name. Being as I was the next heir to run the company. Anything that would make our name be drug in the media we couldn’t afford to have our name slandered. Everything was about image when it came to our society. Fuck society and anybody else who didn’t approve, I would give up everything to keep Kacie.

  Closing my eyes leaning back in my chair trying to clear the fog that was there. Everybody was gone home but me I couldn't even work nothing was done. But I couldn't stay any longer, Kacie stayed on my mind nonstop. I kept going back to the look on her face from shocked to piss in a matter of seconds. Kacie has always been a beauty even if I was too stupid to see it. My mind went back to ten years ago and the look on her face when she saw me and I did nothing to help her. I seen the pain, then confusion but the worse part of it all was when all emotion was gone and I saw nothing in her eyes. After that I never saw her again, I thought that the way I felt for her would just go away with time but it seemed like it only got worse over the ten years she was gone. The Kacie I saw today was the women who had her guard up didn't trust me. Kacie Douglas sweet innocent was gone but in her place was Kacie Douglas business owner independent women and I could tell she wasn’t with the bull shit. By the time I made it to my pent house I was tired but not sleepy I had Kacie heavy on my mind. She was beautiful in a way that could make every man bend to her will. She was powerful and any man in there right mine was crazy if they didn’t see. But I didn’t want her with anyone else let along think of her with an
other man.She was way thicker than the last time I remembered her, her hair was long and thick with unruly curls. She wore a black pin stripped suit that was made for her body and 6inch heels that made her taller than her five six inches of height. Just thinking about her had my pants grow tighter. Her smell was intoxicating. Kacie Douglas was the sexiest women I have seen. And that’s saying a lot since I employ the prettiest women and have been with. Kacie was no longer that girl who got bullied she was now a full grown women and I would have a hell of a time trying to win her over. But one thing about me is if I wanted something bad enough I would get it no matter the cost.


  I couldn't believe that ass whole. I knew something wasn't right but I went against my gut. I didn't even think it could have been any one I knew let alone Nathan. What was he trying to do I never wanted to see him again and there he was acting as though he needed me to build his home. And he wanted me to do it for his family. Guess he wanted to humiliate me by making me build his dream home. Well he had another thing coming if he thinks for one second I'm going to help him, he can kiss my ass. How can a man make you want to slap him one minute then let him have your way the next? The man drove me crazy I hated him so much but I couldn’t stop thinking about him.

  “Ugh Kacie get it together, he’s not the man he’s trying to pretend to be” I needed to get Nathan Daniels or Wright off my mind. I mean who chances there name he’s the dumbest man I know.

  But what I couldn't understand was what kind of game he was playing, it’s not like I was local he had to go out of his way to find me but why? Why would he want to hurt me more, couldn't he see that he had already done enough damage to me. I had no one to turn to the only family I had was Stasia and she wasn't speaking to me or I wasn’t speaking to her. Either way I had on one but Jeff knew everything but he could never understand any of it. I didn't have it in me to talk to Stasia, it’s been ten years, and truthfully I really don't know why we stop talking. Part of me wanted to talk to her I missed Stasia so much. But what if things have changed and she didn't want anything to do with me. After all I did leave her.

  My eyes burned but I refused to shed one tear about anybody in my pass I would just leave first thing in the morning. I couldn't stand one more minute in this hell hole of a town I'm done and this time I'm not coming back for nothing. Even though I was angry and hurt I couldn't stop thinking about Nathan. The hold he had on me ten years ago was still there. My body responded to him like it did so long ago. His blue eyes pierced right through me and he looked good as hell. Nathan grew in to a very handsome man. Which that was a given, the Daniels men had that good ass gene. That I couldn’t deny, they were mouth watering panty dropping successful men. His six two frame had him towering over my five six. I shook my head to clear it of all things Nathan, I was here for business and even though I didn't want to design Nathan's dream home for him and his family it would bring in good business for my company. Just the thought of Nathan with a wife and kids hurt me to the core but I was never one to back down from a challenge. He was a client now, a very attractive client that was very much taken.


  I made it to Nathan's office bright and early; even though this is something I really didn't want to do I took one for the team. I hadn't told Jeff who our new client was, if I did I knew he would have told me to fuck this and come home, but I couldn't do that to him or my company. After all having Nathan as a client could mean big business for us in the long run. I held my head high and walked to the blonde bimbo I met yesterday to let her know I was here to see Nathan. This time she acted like she was more of a professional than yesterday.

  "Good morning Mrs. Douglas how are you, Mr. Wright is waiting for you" I was shocked that it was only twenty four hours and her attitude had changed. I wonder what could have happen, but I wasn't here for that.

  “Would like coffee, tea or water?”

  "Good morning and thank but no" I replied and headed to Nathan's door. When I got there I took a deep breath and knocked once. I heard his deep voice and I felt moist getting wet between my thighs. "Come" Just hearing his voice did things to me that I couldn't explain. Just hearing him say “Come” seem to have a different meaning to it like he was commanding something else from me and my trader body seems to be responding to that one word. I opened the door and walked in, he was standing by the window on the phone and I just stood there admiring the view. He might be an ass whole but he was a sight to see. When he looked up and saw me the frown on his face was replaced with a slight smirk. Told you ass whole, with a sexy ass grin damn him and my body.

  "Berry, I’ll call you back" was all he said before he hung up the phone. Not even waiting for a respond. Oh yea did I say rude, well add that to the list.

  "Good morning Mr. Wright"

  "Kacie don't you think we’re pass formal"

  "Mr. Wright"

  "Ms. Douglas"

  I had to keep from rolling my eyes at him.

  “Did I come here to just be reminded of my name or take care of business?”

  “By all means Ms. Douglas straight to it, shall we” He pointed to the chair in front of his desk. Which was monstrous, this wasn’t an ordinary desk. The thing was giant compared to my desk back in my office.

  “Desk big enough Mr. Wright”

  “Everything I have is huge, Kacie nothing small over here” Why did I feel like he meant something else and not just the desk. Clearing my throat because I was not ready to play this game with him.

  "Mr. Wright I was here to discuss the contract with you, if you still want to have me design your home" Trying to control my breathing. Just being in the same space as him still affected me like it did years ago.

  "Of, course what made you change your mind I thought I would have to send a search party out to find you so I could beg you to do this" he said with a smirk. That damn smirk was going to be my undoing. He had away with his lips that could melt any hot blooded women into submission.

  Right then his phone started to ring.

  "If you want I can leave and we could reschedule”

  “It’s not important”

  “So let’s get to this so I could get started"

  "Ok have a sit"

  "I'd prefer to stand"

  "Ok if you don't mind I’ll sit"

  "Your office Mr. Wright"

  "I’ll have you calling me Nathan in no time" The way he said things to me felt like it always had a double meaning to it one I wasn't willing to discover.

  "So Mr. Wright, I'm very open to doing things my clients way, I want to make you feel like you’re the one building your home I want to know your likes and dislikes"

  "Kacie I hired you to build my home, I’m giving you permission to do as you please, there’s no limit on the cost"

  "Ok but what about your wife wont she want to be a part of this, I mean you are building this for her right" I asked more of a statement then a question. Truth be told I really didn't want to think of Nathan as married with kids. But I wanted to hear him say he was married, no matter how much it would hurt.

  "Oh, trust me my wife will have her hands in this, in fact I unsure you that whatever you design she will love" he said with a knowing smile. That hurt but at least I could bury whatever feelings I had and move on. Easier said than done but as long as I stayed busy I wouldn’t have to worry about him.

  "Ok, then I’ll leave you too it and I’ll get right on the blue print" I turned to walk out the door when Nathan called my name.

  "Kacie" And can you say orgasm damn that man.

  "Yes" I said to breathlessly I hope he didn't pick up on it. If he did he had a great way of hiding it.

  "Will you have dinner with me"

  "Nathan I ca......"

  "Before you say no its just so we can look at the blue prints together I figure we could grab something to eat while we talked" I thought about it, it’s not like it was a date. I mean I have gone out with clients before to discuss business. So why is this so differe
nt? Maybe because it was Nathan?

  "Ok but Nathan just so were clear this isn’t a date"

  "Who said anything about a date"

  With that I walked out his office, I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I felt light headed. I let out a slow breathe and exit the building I had a lot on my plate and a lot of Nathan to please.


  I returned back to my hotel, in need of a long hot bath. I stripped and relaxed in the tub. Before long my eyes closed and Nathan was standing in my bathroom. "What are you doing here" he started to walk to the tub and sang to the floor.


  "Shhh" he said placing his finger along my lips. He trailed his finger down my body and stopped at my breast. He looked at me with a smile then lowered his head to my breast. He sucks one in his mouth and messages the other he did this to showing them the same attention. Leaving me breathless, the look in his eyes was desire and need. And I wasn’t in my right mind to stop him. I wanted this just as much as he wanted me. I could think reasonable some other time right now I just wanted him.


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