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Kacie's Surrender (Homeward Bound Book 1)

Page 4

by Unknown

  "Honey you better hope when you get there that man is in his right mind and let you build for his family boo you really messed this up"

  "I know don't judge me"

  "Oh honey trust me when I say I'm not judging you I’m just trying to figure out what the hell you were thinking"

  "I feel so bad right now"

  "Trust me Kacie I get what you’re going through but look at what you have become, you can’t allow them to take you there you have to be better and show them that they can’t and never have broken you"

  Listing to Jeff made me want to cry, because everything he said was true. I’m allowing what happen to me in the past affect how I treat people now. Making me into what they were bullies and that wasn't me. At that point I decided to meet with Nathan today and get the job done after all that was why I was here in the first place. I talked to Jeff for a few more minutes before it was time to get ready to meet Nathan again. This time when I walked into his office I would own the place. Much easier said than done........


  I couldn't believe the things Kacie said to me, well I could but still. I know I wasn't good to her back then but people do change. This was going to be harder than I thought trying to get in good with her. I down my scotch and let it burn the back of my throat; I needed that to take the burn away from what Kacie said to me earlier. I didn't know at this point if she would show up today or not but I was watching the clock with every minute that ticked by. She had thirty minutes to get here or I was going to her either way I was going to see her today.

  To pass some time I made some calls and prepared for upcoming meetings I had. This time I wasn't too thrilled about going, I thought about asking her to join me but I knew she would decline faster than I would be able to ask. Being gone use to excite me but now I wish I could put it off. The chances of me putting this off could cost me a big time, these meetings have been scheduled for months and to call and cancel would make me look bad. Kacie being here was beginning to be a big problem for me I was losing my train of thought. I couldn't focus, everything I did involved her. Taking this trip could be a good thing; maybe I could get my head back in the game.

  “Knock Knock”

  Right on time thirty minutes later there was a knock on the door. I was hoping it was Kacie. Not that I was banking on it. After all she did slap some sense into. I shook my head at the slight images that were going through my head. Before I made it to the door I could smell her sent through the door.


  Here I was knocking on the damn door of the man I hated so much but wanted to be around all at the same time. After my long talk with Jeff, he put everything out there in plain view for me to see. That this was a job and I had to put my feelings aside if I wanted this contract. I had to treat Nathan as a client and nothing else. So I put my business face on and now here I was standing at Nathan’s door waiting to begin a long journey.

  Once the door was opened I was looking in the most gorgeous emerald eyes I have ever seen. Nathans eyes were beautiful and nobody had those eyes but his father. Then a flash back hit me like a ton of bricks, those same emerald eyes were the last thing I seen ten years ago that I swore never to look at again but here I am looking in those same eyes that hurt me years ago. I had to clear my mind before I walked away from this contract before I even had it.

  Jeff’s voice was in my head telling me not to walk away to push my past behind me and be the business women I have grown to be. With that being said I cleared my head and put on my business face and was ready to concur anything.


  “Mr. Wright”

  “Kacie stop calling me Mr. Wright you can call me Nathan”

  “You’re my client so I will address you as such”

  “You do know that we are way past that and you know it”

  “How so because as far as I’m concerned we are not kids anymore we don’t know each other now so like I said your just another client”

  “That hurt Kacie but I’ll take that for now but Kacie” When he said my name this time he was closer to me right behind me leaning close enough where I could feel the heat from his body but not touching. His breathe was on my neck breathing warm on to me and the hairs on my neck stood up. My legs felt weak I knew at any moment I would fall to the floor if I didn’t get him away from me.

  “Kacie you can call me Mr. Wright all you want but I will have you saying my name” For some reason the way he said it made it sound like there was a double meaning behind it. I knew my mind was playing tricks on me but when I turned around and saw the serious look on his face I knew right then and there that he meant what he said. Kacie you are in big trouble if you allow this man to see any ounce of weakness coming from you he will pounce all over you. The thought of Nathan Wright pouncing all over me had me feeling some type of way. His voice along had my girly parts tingling. I knew I had to stay far away from Nathan never allow myself to get to close to him.

  “Mr. Wright did I come here just to talk about me calling you by your last name or did we come here to work?”

  “Oh you came to work, but I will have you calling me Nathan Kacie and when I do you will never say Mr. Wright again”

  “Ok Mr. Wright can we get started or should I come back later when you’re ready to work”

  “I like that Kacie all business no play”

  “Were should I set up in a meeting room”

  “No, we can stay in my office”

  “Um, ok” Should I trust that, I mean being in close quarters with him wasn’t such a good idea.

  “Kacie you don’t have to be scared I won’t make you say my name now”

  “I’m far from worried about that” I tried to sound bold and confident but if he could hear how fast my heart was pounding at being along with him again he would be able to call my bluff.


  I spent five hours going over blue prints with Nathan. Well I talked and he listens, I pretty much had the house together by myself. I wanted everything to be grand with grand arch ways and even grander entrance. I wanted Nathan to fall in love with the home once I was done. I added a study, game room, two living areas, and a home theater room. I did a chef’s dream kitchen with a double refrigerator; everything was going to be stainless steel with granite counter tops. The house would be competing with ten bedrooms each with their own en suites. This was going to be my dream home one day with a family of my own. I plan to make this home be one of the best homes I ever put my touches on.

  Nathan sat beside me, not saying much. He never said anything about his wife or kids and I never met her. I was beginning to think he didn’t have a wife. If I was his wife I would want my stamp on my home but she had left everything up to Nathan to build her home. But that wasn’t my place to care about what went on in their relationship. I heard buzzing so I looked around to see if it was my phone or Nathan’s. His phone was on the table not buzzing, so I searched in my purse for my buzzing phone. It was Jeff, my face light up like the fourth of July.

  “Hello my love how are you”

  “How’s my chica doing?”

  “I’m in a meeting with Mr. Wright, can I call you back hon.”


  I was getting mad at the thought of Kacie on the phone with this Jeff guy. She was carefree when she talked to him she smiled and seemed to enjoy talking to him on the phone. I had to find out what kind of relationship they had. She was giggling and smiling and gone was the business Kacie. I wanted to make her happy and smile. I had to put my plan in motion and fast, before I lose my one chance at winning Kacie’s heart.

  “I love you to Jeff; I’ll call you back once I get back to my room.”

  She loved this guy; I couldn’t believe my ears Kacie was in love with Jeff. But that was nothing to worry about I would have her loving me in no time. Jeff would be a thing in the past. Her phone called ended and I had to play it off as if her phone call didn’t bother me.

  “So Kacie do we have ever
ything we need to start the building?”

  “Yes we should so I’ll get going so you can get back to work. I’m sure I took up more than enough of your time I’ll get started right on this and get back with you before we start.”

  “Ok Kacie that sounds great just let me know if you need anything”

  “Will do Mr. Wright”

  My office door pushed open and in came Bryce.

  “Well well, what do we have here?”

  “Bryce get out I’m busy”

  “No, I think I’ll come right on in” I had to keep my cool because I was getting ready to pound Bryce’s face in. But he was lucky that Kacie was there and I didn’t want to show her that side of me.

  “Who is this lovely lady Nat?” He knew who Kacie was he was just playing trying to be funny but I wasn’t in a playing mood.

  “This is Kacie Douglas; she’s working on my home “I said through tight lips.

  “Wait a minute I only knew one Kacie Douglas and she moved away years ago”

  “Hello to you to Bryce I see some things never change” She responded to him like she did when she spoke to Jeff. But with me she was straight forward. I was beginning to think she was only like that with me.

  “Well if it isn’t Kacie Douglas, and if I must say how beautiful look” He was trying to get under my skin and it was working, I was two seconds away from beating the hell out of him and he knew it. That’s why he was smiling at me.

  “Thank you Bryce you don’t look half bad yourself”

  “So how long will you be in town?”

  “I’m just staying long enough to get started on Mr. Wright’s house then I’ll be going back home” This was news to me, just the thought of her leaving did something to me I wasn’t ready for her to leave, she was suppose to stay until the house was done. This threw a wrench in my plans, but I would just have to work faster.

  “Bryce don’t you have a meeting to get too”

  “Nope I’m free all afternoon, in fact Kacie can I take you out to grab lunch”

  “I wish I could but I have to get started on Mr. Wright’s house and get everything started so we won’t get delayed, maybe another time it would be nice to get caught up.

  “Ok maybe next time then”

  “Maybe, Mr. Wright I’ll call you if I have any questions” With that she was gone. She was extra friendly with Bryce even called him by his name and not by his last name.

  “Well Mr. Wright, you were right Kacie has changed in to a beautiful women I wouldn’t mind going after her myself” He said with a smug grin on his face, and with that I lost it.

  Before I knew it I had Bryce pinned up against the wall. I was ready to kill him, if he ever went anywhere near Kacie I would kill him and he knew it. He was not imitated by me at all. He was about my height about an inch shorter than me. He didn’t even seem fazed by my little act. He knew I wouldn’t beat the shit out of him but he was pushing it.

  “Bryce best friend or not if you go anywhere near Kacie I will kill you with my bare hands”

  “She must be special because no women has ever made you act like this”

  “Bryce don’t test me” I said letting him go. He had no idea how I felt about her. He knew about my plan but not the extinct of it. I needed Kacie, she needed me but she didn’t know that yet. I knew a long time ago that I wanted her but I was too stupid to say anything. I couldn’t let Kacie get away this time; I had to have her. I was beginning to lose my mind, snapping on people anybody who thought about talking to her I would flip.

  “I need a drink”


  After I left Nathan’s office I couldn’t think straight, being next to him always brought out the worse in me. I wanted to be around him, he was my first love. Who was I kidding he was married, I bet she was a women that looked like she could be one of the Real housewives of orange county no flaws at all. Pretty blonde, size two just all around beauty. Nathan just might be laughing at me once I left him and Bryce, I bet they got a good laugh on my account. I was headed to my hotel I needed to get far away from Nathan before I made more of a fool of myself. I missed my condo at home and I missed Jeff so much, I was home sick and needed Jeff.

  When I got to my room I flopped on the couch and called Jeff. He could make me feel better about anything,

  “Hello diva”

  “Hey Jeff”

  “Oh no what’s wrong with my diva?”


  “Something has to be wrong because there was no emotion behind that hey, just high and dry and that’s not like you. So I’ll ask again what’s wrong with my diva”

  “It’s Nathan”

  “What did he do to you now, he has one more time to mess with you and I will be on the first thing smoking”

  “Clam down gangsta boo, it’s nothing like that”

  “Child tell me something, had me over here working up a sweat”

  “Ok Jeff calm down he didn’t do anything to me, it’s what he’s not doing that gets to me”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’ like being around him gets my body to react to him with him not even doing anything, it’s so wired because no man has ever made me feel this way before”

  “Girl, you like him more than you care to admit, it’s nothing wrong with that Kacie your grown he’s grown a lot has changed since you were a kid”

  “I know but I should hate him not lusting after him what’s wrong with me”

  “Kace you over think things, stop worrying honey it’s normal to have these feelings you’re young and beautiful, you been dedicated to this business, Kacie it’s time to live a little this business aint going nowhere honey we have put too much in this for us to fail now, baby girl live a little it’s your time to shine”

  I knew what Jeff said was true but all I know is this business I tried dating before but it never worked out. They wanted too much from me, something I wasn’t about to give, I work and work but they couldn’t see past that. So they never went anywhere beyond first or second date.

  Jeff couldn’t stand that about me because he said I never give people a chance I just think the worse of every man out there. I had no clue what made me shut down like that when it came to men or dating but I did. Jeff was my best friend and only family I had. So I knew that whatever he said was for the best not to hurt me but sometimes I wish he wouldn’t push me.

  I felt something for Nathan, I don’t know what but I did. And it scared me, this is new to me did I want to feel this. I don’t know, could I allow myself to open up to him. I don’t know, but for now I plan to work my ass off to build his home. Holy shit why I am thinking about a man with a wife and kids I’m not a home wrecker.

  “Jeff I can’t be talking about Nathan its wrong on so many levels”

  “Says who”

  “He’s married Jeff’

  “Girl that’s nothing”

  “Jeff I’m serious I can’t mess with a married man”

  “I know I just wanted to make you laugh but your right, what you are going to do”

  “What do you mean, I’m going to start his house and head back home”

  “Are you going to see Stasia while you’re there?”

  “I don’t know I’m still not ready for that yet”

  “Do you need me to come down there to go with you?”

  “I don’t know yet if I can’t do it I will call you to come”

  “Ok you know I’ll come at the drop of a dime for you”

  “I know that’s why I love you”

  I talked to Jeff a little while longer before we ended our call. It was time for me to get to work and focus on why I’m here the things I felt for Nathan will have to be put out of my mind. He was with somebody and I had to let my elementary crush go because that was all it was just a crush.

  He never paid me any attention before so why would he now. I had to be professional when I’m with Nathan these feelings will go away. I hope!


>   The next couple of days I worked my ass off, I kept my phone off so I wouldn’t be disturbed. I wanted to walk in Nathan’s office with a new mind set and make him feel great to be working with for him. And I needed to go into this with a clear mind set.

  I just hope that his wife really loved my designs. I created something that I hope to one day live in with my own family. Until then I was going to create something great for him, I think my best work so far.

  I turned on my phone to make sure nothing urgent happen while I was in my clear mind cave. As soon as I tuned on my phone it went off over twenty something times with calls and text. Oh my gosh people is it that serious. I hope it’s nothing bad. I scrolled though my call log first and see that Nathan had called more than anybody. Then of course Jeff called. I called Jeff first because Nathan’s called confused me, why would he be calling me.

  “Hello diva”

  “Don’t hello me diva were the hell have you been and why was your phone off I started to put out a amber alert on your ass and put Nathan as the suspect”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at him. He was so dramatic about everything. But that was Jeff he acted like the world would end before it’s time. But you couldn’t do anything but love him for it.

  “What the hell is so funny Kacie I thought something was wrong”

  “Why does something have to be wrong, because I turned off my phone, I do have to work and you know how I get when I’m working to complete something, I don’t want to be bothered?”

  “Ok Ms. lonely loner, you still could have called or texted is that so much to ask”

  “No it’s not mother”

  “Don’t get cute” I heard a knock on my door and was wondering who could be at my door nobody knew I was here or where I was but Jeff and Nathan. I was on the phone with Jeff and Nathan had no reason to come over here.

  “Hold on Jeff somebody is at my door”

  “Who, nobody knows your there right, maybe it’s room service”


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