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Kacie's Surrender (Homeward Bound Book 1)

Page 7

by Unknown

  I closed my mouth over hers at first she tried to fight it but her mouth open to me and our tongues danced with each other. Kacie’s taste was like no other, she was sweet with a little bit of spice. Just like she was. I wanted more and so did she, she let a soft moan slip and that was my undoing. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. Her breathing grew heavier the more I deepen the kiss. I’m not a cocky bastard but I had Kacie right where I needed her to be. She finally let her guard down and I could tell she was letting the walls she built around her fall too.

  The elevator was still dark but when it jolted back up and slowly did its climb up wards. She started to get anxious I could tell.

  “Na…then” she said between breathes.

  “Were going to get caught”

  “Don’t worry I won’t let anybody see you”

  “Nathan let me down”

  “No Kacie I won’t let anybody see what’s mines”

  “I’m not yours put me down Nathan”

  I started to go against her but I knew that Kacie wasn’t like any other girl when she wanted somebody to back off she meant it and I didn’t want to be on her bad side not now anyways. I slowly put her down and stood there staring at her face. Since we were still in the dark. She stood toe to toe with me never backing down, any other women I would have sent her on her way but not Kacie she was my little spit fire. I knew we were nearing the top so I backed up to the buttons to turn back on the lights right when the lights came on the P light up indicating that we made it to the top. The doors open and she stood there staring at me before she stomped off the evaluator. I must say she turned me on more when she was pissed. I walked in behind her and she stood there in the dress that hugged every curve on her body.

  “Wow Nathan your home is beautiful” I never looked at it that way it was a place that I just laid my head and did work from. The open floor plan was what drew me to this place but other than that I really didn’t care for it. The wall to wall windows open up to the whole town you could see from one side to the other. There were no pictures on the wall just a flat screen that took up most of the far wall. The three piece black leather furniture and area rug was all that took up the very large living room, with the end table and center piece. Other than that there was nothing really to see. The kitchen was just as big with stainless steel appliances in the kitchen. To me it was plan I really didn’t care about how it looked. No other woman has ever been up her until Kacie. Not even Natasha she knew where it was but never be welcomed inside.

  But to Kacie the place was beautiful. She turned to look at me; I was amazed at the look on her face like she just walked in to the world’s largest candy store.

  “Your home Nathan is, there’s no words for it”

  “It’s just a house Kacie”

  “Yea to you” I walked over to her and bent to her ear level

  “Maybe but to me it’s nothing when nobody’s here” I didn’t miss the way her body shrived just a little when I was close to her.

  “I’ll be back Kacie make yourself comfortable.” I left her there and headed to my room, I didn’t have nothing to get but I didn’t want to take Kacie back to her room either.

  I was in my bathroom turning on the shower when I felt her presents behind me. When I turned around she was standing in the door way with her eyes glued to my body. When she finally got up to my face and saw she was busted her skin turned darker making her beautiful. But she didn’t back away just like in the elevator. I unbutton my shirt slowly so she could see every muscle, her eyes moved down every time my hands went down. When I got to the last button I dropped my shirt on the floor and stopped there, the look on her face gave her away but Kacie I’m not done just getting started. I took slow steady steps to her; I was giving her enough time to back away before I got to her, but being Kacie she wouldn’t back down from a challenge. Stopping right in front of her she looked up in my eyes like she was waiting for me to take control. I grabbed her hand and slowly pulled her in the bathroom.

  “Hold your arms up Kacie” The bathroom was already getting cloudy from the steam in the shower. But she did what I told her slipping the dress off her and dropping it on the floor next to my shirt. The matching black and gold bra and panties she wore looked damn good against her caramel skin. The more I stared at her the harder my cock got, if I didn’t take these pants off I was afraid I would bust right through them. She reached for my pants but I wasn’t finished with her. Stopping her before she tried to take control.

  “Turn around Kacie” She seemed to haste but the look I gave her had her turning in no time. I undid her bra and let it fall to the floor. From behind I grabbed both of her full breasts, and just like I imaged they were soft. I gave her a little squeeze and she called out my name.


  Damn that was sexy as hell. Turning her back to me I took the left breast in my mouth and message the other going back and forth between the two while she pulled on my hair. Slipping my hand down her panties she was soaking wet. I couldn’t take it any more if I wasn’t in her soon I’d cum all over this floor. That’s not how I wanted our first time to be. Taking her panties off next instructing her to get in the shower. Taking no more time I pulled her panties off and followed her into the shower. She was standing underneath the water letting it run down her body.

  Grabbing her I closed my mouth over her’s I couldn’t get enough of kissing her. She opened to me and wrapped her arms around my neck playing with my hair. Breaking the kiss and easing down her body I picked her up and placed her back against the wall. I needed to taste her. Placing her legs over my shoulders and gently kissing her most private area I deepen my tongue kissing her pearl harder. The moment my tongue touched her inside she screamed my name and tighten her legs around my neck and bucking. I knew the moment she was on the verge of releasing because she stopped moving and tighten her legs on my shoulders. Kacie released her sweet juices running down my mouth.

  Breathing hard I let her down to stand on her own two feet, grabbing the towel and rubbing soap into it I started washing her body. She sagged up against the wall to let me clean her then myself. Once I was done I picked her up and set her on the counter to dry her off. Wrapping her in a towel and doing the same for myself I carried her to the bed. Putting lotion on her from head to toe. Lying back on the middle of my bed she was beautiful. I couldn’t take it any more I needed to be inside of her. Climbing on the bed right above her, I looked in her eyes to see if there was any indication that she didn’t want to do this, there was none. Lowering my mouth to her I claimed it just like all the other times and she did what she did every time.

  “Kacie tell me to stop, tell me no”

  “I want you Nathan” And that was all it took before I let go. Taking both towels and throwing them somewhere, I needed to be close to her body. Kacie was soaking wet, I needed to be inside of her and bad. I planned to make love to Kacie all night been waiting for ten years to have her and I wanted every minute to count.


  Just her saying my name like that, Kacie had no idea what I had in store for her but one thing was for sure she wouldn't want another man ever after this. Breaking the kiss she let out a small moan but that wasn't all I was doing. I kissed my way down her body not missing a spot I wanted to have my lips over every inch of this beautiful body. Stopping at the most secrete part of her body, looking back up at her face she had a look of shock but it was gone just as fast as it appeared. Maybe my mind was playing tricks on me; I wanted to taste her again lowering my mouth to her wetness as soon as my mouth touched her body started to jerk. And I knew she was about to cum.

  "Oh Nathan I'm coming"

  Her body shock uncontrollably once she came down from her high I wanted to see it again. So placing my tongue back on her wetness I ran my tongue over her pearl tongue her body jerked again but this time I wasn't about to let her cum again until I got my feel. Climbing up her body and kissing her again I was aching to be inside of
Kacie I couldn’t hold back any longer. Rubbing the tip of my cock on her moist heat her body tensed up.

  “Nathan I have something to tell you”

  “I know Kacie, I’ll be gentle” She stilled but relaxed under me giving me the go ahead. I eased in side of her.

  “Kacie baby you’re so tight” But once I was deep inside of her my body stiffen against her, looking down she had her eyes closed shut and one tear rolled down her cheek. That confirmed what I thought was happening. Shit she was a virgin.

  “Kacie baby look at me you’re a virgin” I asked her lifting her chin up at me. I wanted to see her face.

  “I was” I felt bad if I would have known this I would have done things differently. Now I would have to be gently with her.

  “Kacie baby I have to move now ok, but I promise you I won’t hurt you ok” She nodded her head and at that moment I knew that I loved her more than anything else in this world. Taking my time with her I moved slowly. I’ve never been with a virgin before but after having Kacie I knew I didn’t want anybody else.

  First she just laid there but then she started to move with me and it felt good as hell. When I thrush down she thrush her pelvis up. I was not one to make love but with Kacie that was all I wanted.

  Moaning in my ear I could tell Kacie was close and once her sex erupted, I couldn’t hold back any longer my body shock violently, losing control I let my seed go deep inside of Kacie’s warm womb. Rolling over to my back and bringing Kacie on top of me.

  “I didn’t hurt you did I Kacie”

  “No you were great” She said smiling down at me.

  Kissing her lips, I knew she would be sore. So I had to get up and let her take a warm bath to relive her muscle.

  “Kacie lay here until I come back I’m going to run you a bath”

  “Not yet I’m not ready for you to leave me yet” Hearing those words from her had my heart skipping a beat. As much as I didn’t want to leave her side I knew her body would be sore. Pulling away and walking to the bath to run her water, adding bath salts and bubble bath. I headed back out to get her for her bath. Picking her up and carrying her to the bath room and placing her in the tub,

  “Are you getting in too?”

  “Kacie if I get in that tub with you, you won’t be relaxing” Smiling she closed her eyes and laid her head back on the pillow. Kacie was beautiful and if everything planned out like I wanted it to she would be my wife and hopefully the mother of my kids.

  Leaving her to be while I made some phone calls. I had some important business meetings coming up for the next few weeks and I wanted to move some around so that I could spend time with Kacie. After moving my schedule around I headed back to the bathroom so I could get Kacie out the tub and into bed. She still had her eyes closed and head back on the pillow. Getting down to her level she opened her eyes.

  “How do you feel?”

  “Brand new”

  “You ready to get out?”

  “Yes” Grabbing a towel and soaping it up I bath Kacie, every inch of her body. Lifting her up and wrapping her in another towel and carrying her to bed. She laid in the middle of the bed her curls all over the place like a halo over her head. She made my bed feel like she belonged there. “I’ll be right back”

  Heading back in the bath room to get some lotion for her. By the time I returned Kacie was knocked out. Turning out the lights and claiming in next to her, pulling her body against mine. Within seconds I was out, sleeping like I never have before. But in my world there is no such thing as peaceful sleep.

  I jumped out of bed, grabbing my phone off the night stand. Whoever was calling I didn’t want them to wake Kacie up. Looking at the screen I saw that it was my office in Alaska, Cole who ran the office there.

  “Cole you better have a damn good reason to call me in the middle of the night”

  “I’m sorry to call you sir but there has been an accident at the office one of the main pipes under the building has burst and its causing one side to sync”

  “Fuck, you have got to be kidding me” This is all I need and the fact that I just got a little bit closer to Kacie and then having to leave. As much as I needed to go to check out the pipe I couldn’t leave Kacie.

  “Cole have you try to take care of this?”

  “Yes we have been working on this all day, that’s why you’re just now hearing about it” Cole was one of the best at what he did and I knew he wouldn’t call me unless he had tried everything. Blowing out a deep breath I knew I had to leave to take care of this matter myself.

  “Ok Cole I’ll be there”

  Not even waiting long enough to hear his response I hung up the phone. I called Tom my driver to get everything ready for my travel. I wanted to wake Kacie up and have her leave with me but I knew that would never happen. Once I was dressed I stood over Kacie watching her sleep. She was beautiful even in her sleep. She reached over to my side of the bed feeling for me, when she couldn’t find me, she rolled over and curled up in a ball. I wanted so badly to call Cole and tell him to figure it out, and climb back in the bed with her. But that I could never do.

  “Nathan” Damn that was almost my undoing. Bending to her I kissed her lips and she moaned. It was time to leave before I be inside her in less than two seconds. Walking down to my car Tom was waiting for me. I let Tom know that he needed to get Kacie home and safely.


  The next morning I felt like I had a hangover and I didn’t even drink. The pounding I heard in my head wasn’t’ actually pounding it was knocking. I had every bit of letting whoever it was keep knocking but after five minutes and it didn’t seem like they would let up I jumped out of bed with much attitude. I hated being woken up. Somebody better be dying, I snatched the door open.


  “No ma’am diva is that any way to answer the door I’m sure your Nana raised you better than that” Jeff said pushing pass me.

  I couldn’t believe it Jeff was standing in my hotel room I wanted to break down and cry he always seems to know when I needed him.

  “Oh my gosh Jeff I can’t believe you’re here what are you doing here”

  “The last time I talked to you diva you seemed to need me so I jumped on the first thing smoking to get to my boo”

  “Aww Jeff you make me want to cry, I missed you so much”

  “Well chile save those tears because it’s Jeff to the rescue honey” After the night I had I needed a friend and since Stasia wasn’t there Jeff always filled the void. He was my rock and life would have sucked without him in it.

  “So divas are you going to welcome me or do I have to stand here all day wasting away with all this beauty”

  After I showered and got dressed Jeff and I headed to a nearby coffee shop to catch up. On everything that have been happening since I got there from Nathan to Stasia the house to the charity event. I told him everything.

  “I wish I was there honey because I would have told Ms. Thang about herself talking to my girl like that she must have fallen and hit her damn head”

  “I know it was awful I wish you could have seen it Jeff, I don’t know why I tried to fool myself into thinking that I could fit in with those people”

  “Kacie honey you are better than those people don’t ever put yourself down look at all the things you have accomplice”

  “I know Jeff but it just seems like they are always trying to one up me”

  “Kace they are not better than you money makes them, you make money not the other way around”

  “I know it’s just hard you know”

  “Yea well get over it, what are you going to do about Stasia”

  “I honestly don’t know. I mean I did leave her what if she hates me”

  “Kacie stop being so hard on yourself I bet Stasia would love to see you as much as you want to see her”

  “Yea maybe”

  After spending time with Jeff he had me thinking about Stasia and the issue I had with Nathan. I didn’t have time to think ab
out that I had a house to build and time was wasting. Once we got back to my hotel room Jeff and I got to work.

  In the mirror I stood there staring at myself, something was off. But I couldn’t put my finger on it. Something wasn’t right I don’t remember what happen last night. How did I get home I remember going on stage after Tiffany did what she did. Then it hit me.

  “OMG” I screamed at myself in the mirror.

  “No no no tell me I didn’t”

  “Kacie baby what is it” Jeff scream through the door.

  “Shit Nathan called me that last night”

  “What did Nathan call you last night if I ever see him I’ll kill him Kacie if he hurt you” I knew Jeff meant every word of that too. Walking over to the door with my head down. I opened the door not trying to make eye contact with Jeff because I knew the guilt was written all over it.

  “Kacie what’s wrong with you was it Nathan”


  “What did he do I’m going down there to that building...”

  “Clam down Jeff it was nothing like that, I think I slept with Nathan last night”

  “What do you mean you think you slept with him last night either you did or didn’t” Closing my eyes shut real tight I nodded my head. Jeff never said anything for awhile I didn’t know if he moved away or not. Opening my eyes slowly seeing the look of shock on Jeff’s face was priceless.


  “Well what Kacie”

  “Are you going to yell at me for sleeping with him?”

  “Honey no I’m just glad you gave it up to somebody Hell I thought I was going to be the one that went straight just to give you some I’m glad I didn’t have to chile cause we both know you can’t do hit for me”

  “Oh my gosh Jeff your nasty”

  “Well I mean your v jay jay should be dying to get out honey I’m just saying I was for sure you would die a prune honey”

  “Whatever Jeff”

  “Don’t whatever me honey spill it diva I don’t have a day to guess”

  “Really Jeff, I thought you couldn’t stand him”

  “Pss I only did that because you hated him, that man is fine honey I was waiting on you to see that or I would be barking up that tree”


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