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Kacie's Surrender (Homeward Bound Book 1)

Page 12

by Unknown

  “Well come on baby let’s get the mother to be a seat” Once I was seated I knew I wasn’t getting up any time soon.

  The party went great we played games and ate and talked. Nathan barely left my side even through Bryce was there he didn’t leave my side if he did it was a short period. I even told him that I needed some water thinking I could get him to stay where he was with Bryce. But no he came right back. By the end of the night Nathan’s truck was loaded with gifts for the baby, since we didn’t tell anybody the sex of the baby everything was a neutral color. Which was fine with me.

  I really enjoyed myself tonight getting out and being with the people I loved and missed so much. It was sad to be leaving but I needed my rest. Stasia promised to come by Nathans tomorrow to keep me company while Nathan went back to the office. I was thankful for that; Jeff would be leaving back to Atlanta to finish up something at the office he would be back before the baby was born. I would miss him so much,

  The drive back was long but I couldn’t sleep I was up wired but I wanted my bed too. As much as I fought it I woke up to Nathan waking me up again so much for being wired. He led me to his pent house and helped me get into bed. But I knew front the heat of his eyes that he wanted more but I didn’t have the energy and I think he knew that because he kissed me and left my room. I went to sleep dreaming of Nathan with a stupid grin on my face.

  Chapter Twenty one

  Today was the day that I changed everything and I wanted to prove to Kacie how much she meant to me. I couldn’t wait; right now she was at home with her cousin Stasia while I went in to the office. I had something to wrap up before I made it to Kacie; I needed to do this today before I lost the nerve. The house was almost done and I was thankful for that because I didn’t want my baby to come home to that damn pent house.

  “Hello Mr. Wright, I have your first meeting set up whenever you are ready” My P.A Lena said. She worked for me for the past three years at first I didn’t think she would work out because she had a thing for me. And I wasn’t one to mix pleasure with business. But in the end she stayed in her lane for the most part. She stilled try to flit a little but once I didn’t give in she left it along.

  “Thank you Lena I’ll be in there shortly” I couldn’t focus for nothing I needed this day to be over with, all I could think of was Kacie but right now I had something’s to put in order before I could get back to her.

  My first meeting went by in a blur I don’t remember half the things Mr. Lee said, I just couldn’t focus my mind was elsewhere.

  “So Mr. Wright is everything in order” Clearing my throat I had to pretend that everything was fine. I just hoped Lena was smart enough to take notes because if not I was screwed.

  “Yes Mr. Lee I’ll have Lena get back with you next week about everything” At first I thought he realized that I had no clue what he was talking about. But then he stood to leave, so I guess I didn’t zone out as much as I thought.

  “You have no clue what just happed do you?” Lena asked as soon as Mr. Lee was gone. Was I that noticeable, dang I had to get better at this, but it’s hard to focus when Kacie is all I could think about? Not answering her I got up ready to make my exit and head back to my office, this day couldn’t go any slower.

  “Don’t worry Mr. Wright I’ll have a copy of my notes on your desk before the day it over.” I knew I could count on her but I wouldn’t tell her that.

  I had three meetings set up today had I already got over the last two. But this last one I wasn’t so sure that I was ready for this. But I had to get this over with today if I wanted Kacie to live in peace. Something in the back of my mind told me not to have this last meeting, pushing the thought to the back of my head. I prepared myself for the last meeting of the day then I could go home to Kacie.

  “Mr. Wright your last meeting is here, do I need to be present for this one as well”

  “Thank you Lena but no I can handle this one, but thanks for your help today you can go home early today” She was quiet for awhile before she said ok. It’s a shock to me to because we work late everyday but today I was in a good mood.

  Kacie was at home waiting for me and as soon as I got done with this last meeting I was going home to her. It felt good to say that I was going home to her and I would make sure it stays that way.

  “Nathan I’m glad you came to your senses”

  “Yeah you could say that” Watching Tiffany walk around to my desk looking like she was about to sit in my lap. Halting her before she got close to me. I couldn’t believe I was dumb enough to mess with her. We had a thing after Kacie left, something my parents pushed. Since she came from money and had the same back ground they pushed us in a relationship. Our parents were both about image.

  Tiffany was very beautiful but she wasn't Kacie. We dated all through college but once I was up from under my parents I ended things. It was never going to work out but Tiffany wasn't the type to be dumped so I allowed her to tell people she broke it off. Anything to make her look good. She was hurt but not from me not wanting to be with her but because she had an image to up hold. My family name ran long and so did hers so everybody thought we should be together. I could never love her and she felt the same, she just thought that we had to be together that's how she was brought up. Me on the other hand I planned to break that cycle.

  "I'm glad you could make it Tiffany we have some things to discuss"

  "Ok Nathan we can play at your game for now" She said with a smirk on her face. She was pissing me off but I couldn't show my hand now because in the end I will be the person with the last laugh.

  "We need to discuss the charity event and what happened between you and Kacie"

  "I have no clue what you’re talking about, nothing happen between me and that loser"

  Blood boiling, anger rising I wanted so badly to do something to her but she wasn't even worth it. She has always hated Kacie because she knew that I wanted her and not her. The moment she tried to be with me and I turned her down all hell broke loose for Kacie. She went from being the new quiet girl to the school bully in a matter of days. Tiffany went as far as telling her parents who spoke with mines about being with the little black girl. Seeing that in our town everything is about image once word got out they put a stop to it. Making sure that I didn't get a chance to tell her I liked her. They pulled all kinds of threats from sending me away to cutting me off. Being the age of eleven once your parents put there foot down you did what you were told no questions asked. After that Tiffany made Kacie’s life hell and there was nothing I could do about it. I hurt her and I planned on fixing my wrongs.

  "Tiffany I'm going to tell you this one time if you ever disrespect Kacie again you will regret it"

  "'Oh come on Nathan you can't be serious?"

  "I am"

  "Whatever, what do you want to talk about"

  "Seeing that you made Kacie donate a million dollars to the charity I am going to pay that for her you will leave her along from here on out if I so much as hear you breathe her name I'm coming after you"

  "Oh so Kacie really can't afford to pay, who would have known that don't surprise me she has always been poor" She said flipping her hair back with a smirk on her face. Like she really had something over Kacie, once I tell her about Kacie becoming my wife and that she will become a billionaire I’ll see if she still has a smirk on her face. Leaning forward to rest my hands on my desk I knew what I said next would piss her off but that was the point.

  “Kacie is far from poor but I figure since she’s carrying my baby that money won’t be not an option”

  “You always was into charities Nathan”

  “Tiffany watch what you say”

  “Whatever Nathan when you come to your senses you know where to find me” She said getting her purse off the floor.

  “Trust me Tiffany this will be the last time you hear from me”

  I thought she would leave but instead she came around my desk leaning toward me. I thought she was going to just say someth
ing but I had no time to react she had her lips on mine. In a deep passionate kiss. Pushing her back I jumped out of my chair knocking my chair over in the process.

  “What the hell did you do that for?”

  “Just a reminded so when you need me you know where to find me”

  “Get out Tiffany and if I ever find you anywhere near my company again I‘ll make sure you’ll be another charity case” I said seething; I was beyond pissed at her. I regretted ever being in a relationship with her. I knew she was a mistake but my parents played a big part in that. After she left I paced the floor I still couldn’t believe she kissed me. A knock on the door stopped me mid stride.

  “Mr. Wright I’m sorry to bother you but Ms. Douglas was here and I tried to stop her before she came in” Halting her before she could finish.

  “What do you mean Kacie was here, that’s not possible she was suppose to be at home, where is she at now”

  “She had tears in her eyes and she told me not to tell you that she was here and she left”

  “Why didn’t you stop her, why didn’t you come get me”

  “I tried to stop her sir but she was gone” I knew I was wrong for yelling at Lena but I knew by Kacie leaving in years she saw Tiffany kiss me.

  “Fuck” Grabbing my phone I dialed Kacie’s number but it went straight to voice mail. I called three more times and got the same thing. Throwing the phone against the wall and it braking in to a million pieces. I needed to get a hold of her because she was carrying my baby and I didn’t want anything to happen to her or my baby.

  “Where is Kacie” Not even waiting for a response I ran toward the room that she slept in. But she wasn’t there. I tried her phone again but got the same thing. This would be the perfect time to have Stasia’s number. Rushing past my father who I had no clue was there in my rush to find Kacie. But I had no time for him I needed to get Kacie and my baby.

  “Nathan son I need to speak with you”

  “Not now I need to find Kacie”

  “So you really are going through with this”

  Stopping my rampage and facing him with a no bull shit face.

  “Kacie is the mother of my child and soon to be wife so you just need to deal with it now but I could really care less if you don’t”

  “Nathan son if you follow through on this thing look at what it could do to you you’ll lose everything”

  “You think I care about what people thing or losing anything you can have it all Kacie and my baby mean more to me than any of that” With that I was done I needed to find Kacie and I would go through hell and high water to find her.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  “I can’t believe I walked in on him kissing her Stasia”

  “Kacie baby calm down you need to think about the baby”

  “I know I can’t help it I thought he was really going to try to be there for us, he showed me another side of him that I’ve never seen”

  “Kacie honey baby what did you see did you really see them kissing”

  “What do you mean Sta, Yes I saw him kissing and it wasn’t a kiss on the cheek I know what I saw”

  “Kace I ‘m not calling you a lair baby I just want you to make sure you saw what you saw that’s all”

  I know what I saw and I don’t know what I expected out of Nathan. I just thought he would be different but of course I fooled myself yet again. It hurts because all the feelings I had for him years ago all came back crashing down and hard. I was in love with Nathan all over again. All the feelings I had came back with avenges. But whose fault was it mines nobody told me to open up old flames again.

  I was at Stasia’s house waiting to go back to Atlanta. Jeff would be waiting for me once I landed. He was pissed but since I was almost due he didn’t want to stress me. He would be waiting there for me with open arms and right now I needed that.

  “Kace I’ll go get you some water ok I’ll be right back”

  I didn’t even feel like talking I was just glad she was there for me like always. That will be what I missed the most her there when I needed her. But that’s what I had Jeff for.

  Getting myself together so I could make my flight I was just ready to get this over with. I put Dan in charge of making sure that Nathan’s house was done and everything was handled. I was going to stop working any way but I wanted to make sure Nathan’s house was done. But I couldn’t stand to be around it.

  Wobbling to the check out desk took some time to get to. Being pregnant wasn’t a joke my belly was huge. Stasia came with me and she planned to finish up some work before she came to Atlanta to help me with the baby.

  “Kacie I’m going to miss you so much”

  “It’s not that long before you come”

  “I know but I’m going to miss rubbing your belly”

  “I know because that puts me to sleep”

  “Crazy but you better call me as soon as you land Kace”

  “I am” We hugged and she walked me to the gate. Saying good bye but the difference with this good bye was that I would see her soon. I just wanted to get on the plane and relax until I land.

  “Excuse me ma’am but were here” Dang I must have been really tired because I don’t remember falling a asleep. Waiting until the plane was mostly empty before I grabbed my stuff and walked off.

  “Kacie honey” Jeff said walking towards me with his hands out.

  “Jeff I’m so tired” He wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug well as much as he could any way.

  “Look at you my little pumpkin” He said looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

  “You know I can’t stand you right”

  “I know you love me all the same” He pulled me toward the exit and into the Atlanta heat I forgot how hot it was here. As soon as I got home I claimed in bed and was out like a lamp.

  Waking up to yelling from two male voices. I knew Jeff was there because after we left the airport he came home with me. He didn't want to leave since he knew that I had been crying earlier. He was going to stay with me until Stasia was able to come down. I couldn't think of anybody Jeff could be arguing with that wasn't like him, unless oh my gosh I hope it’s not who I think it was. That can’t be possible he didn't know where I lived, but why would he come. I mean yes I was carrying his baby but that wouldn't make him try to find me. Plus he was wrapped up in Tiffany that there was no way he could have come after him. Leaving out my room to go see who was in my house. The closer I got the more the voice sounded like an angry Nathan. To my surprise there he stood in all his glory. His emerald eyes were a darker shade of green a clear view that he was pissed and so was Jeff.

  "I'm not letting you go anywhere near her"

  "I'm go to see her one way or another so you either do it willingly or my way"

  "I'm not letting you hurt her not again"

  "What do you mean again, I never hurt her" I stood in the hall out of view hoping to hear what Nathan had to say. I was in shock that he would say he never hurt me.

  "You hurt her and she was broken when we met, It took awhile to get her where she is and I refuse to let you hurt her again, I’ll kill you if you do it again"

  "Jeff I never hurt Kacie"

  "You have no idea what happen to her do you"

  "If I knew I wouldn't be asking, would I"

  "Well if she wanted you to know she would tell you” I knew Jeff was just getting back at Nathan I knew it was not about Nathan hurting by not telling him about what he did. I needed to go out before these two killed each other. Granted Jeff was as gentle as a lady bug but when it came to me he would bring out the man in him. Walking to my living room where Nathan was standing by the front door and Jeff has his back to me. I guess Nathan knew I was there because he tensed then he relaxed just as fast as if he never did. Jeff turned toward me blocking Nathan from my view.

  “Kacie baby I’m sorry for waking you I‘ll make him leave if you want” I guess hearing Jeff call me baby pissed Nathan off I could tell by his face.

cie I need to talk to you I’m not leaving until I do”

  “Kacie if you want me to I’ll toss his ass out right now” I couldn’t think I had too men in my home fussing over me. I was tired and just wanted some peace. But the look on Nathans face said he wasn’t going anywhere until I talked to him. Looking at Jeff and seeing the look of seriousness I knew he wasn’t kidding about throwing Nathan out. But Nathan was the father of my baby and if we could get alone now then we should be fine once the baby gets here.

  “Fine Nathan you have ten minutes start talking”

  Chapter Twenty Three

  After I talked to my dad and it not getting any where I was done I needed to find Kacie. I knew she would go to Stasia, I doubted she would let me in.

  “Nathan do hear him”

  “I hear you but don’t care, if you don’t want anything to do with Kacie you won’t be around my baby”

  “So you’re serious about that girl”


  “I knew I should have gotten rid of her when I had the chance” Stopping mid stride, I knew I must have heard him wrong no way did I hear him say he should have gotten rid of her”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Just like I said when she was in school and she assaulted Tiffany”

  “What did you do?”

  “Well son she was poor and she didn’t want to lose her scholarship to the school she wanted to finish and go to college” Listen to him not knowing what he would say about what he did to Kacie. I just hoped it wasn’t real bad. I loved my father but I would kill him if he did anything to Kacie.

  “Well son when she punched Tiffany in the face I happen to be at the school when she was in the principal’s office, but he had just stepped out so that left her along in there I entered the office to get rid of her before he got back, she didn’t belong in our circle she never would” Feeling my face heat up and my fist clench at my side. I knew that by the time he finished with what he had to say I might have beaten the hell out of him.


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