Shades of Summer (The Haunting Ruby Series Book 1)

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Shades of Summer (The Haunting Ruby Series Book 1) Page 7

by Joy Elbel

  There was no way in the world that a boy as hot as Zach would ever find me attractive. One by one, I compared each of my features against his. My eyes were a dull green with flecks of brown, his were a brilliant blue—a shade I only thought existed in the icy pure water of a Scandinavian sea. My nose was okay except for a slight bump midway down its length. His nose showed signs of previous breakage but was perfectly formed in every other way. His lips looked soft and endlessly kissable, mine were thin and almost always in need of lip balm. He was athletically sculpted from head to toe and I was in need of some long, hard hours in a gym. No, there was simply no way in the world.

  I sighed heavily again and got dressed anyway. I styled my hair and applied a little makeup more out of habit than anything else. What was I even worrying about anyway? A boy like Zach would never be single. He had to have a girlfriend somewhere—probably two or three. It was best if I got over this crush now rather than make a fool out of myself later. I inspected the bathroom to make sure no bras, panties, or tampons were visible and went out to the living room. Coco was curled up on the futon asleep with a mouse toy still gripped in her paws. It made me smile in a sad kind of way. Why couldn’t my life be that easy?

  An hour later, I sat on the steps of the grand staircase tapping my black ballet flat nervously up and down on the step. My stomach was turning around the sandwich I devoured, trying to decide whether to keep it or send it back. The grandfather clock in the front hall rang out with the first chime for the hour. BONG. Maybe they wouldn’t show. Maybe Zach never wanted to come at all and only said yes to be polite. BONG. Maybe…. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the sound of a car pulling into the drive. BONG. It was probably just Dad coming home from work. Zach and Rachel were far too normal to want to hang out with someone like me. BONG. I’d never noticed how annoyingly ominous that clock sounded. Until now.

  Perched nervously on the step and contemplating how much trouble I would be in if I took a sledgehammer to that damn contraption, I nearly jumped out of my skin when the door knocker called a loud thud against the heavy oak door. Dad wouldn’t knock—it had to be them. BONG. With my heart now mimicking the infernal timepiece, I decided to wait a few seconds, hoping I could gain some composure before answering the door. BONG. My stomach was in knots but I couldn’t take it anymore. I rose from the step and slowly opened the door as the last notes rang from the clock. BONG. It felt like I was listening to my own death knell.

  I saw Rachel first—her long hair flowing free now over her shoulders like spun silk. Her eyes widened proportionately with every inch the door opened as she gazed from the staircase to the chandelier and back again. I knew exactly how she felt and probably had that same look on my face that first day, too. You just don’t see something as gorgeous as Rosewood every day of your life. Then I caught sight of Zach behind her and I knew that same look was on my face again.

  Was it possible for him to look hotter every time I saw him? It had to be because he was. He was wearing dark boot cut jeans with fading in all the right places and a black button-up shirt with the sleeves casually pushed up to his elbows. His hair was spiked perfectly and that sensual outdoorsy scent hovered subtly around him. He looked…amazing. I tried to form some sort of greeting to welcome them but it was impossible. Seeing Zach had literally taken my breath away.

  Rachel, as usual, was the first to speak. Her voice brought me back to reality and I exhaled the air I was holding captive in my chest.

  “Ruby, this house is awesome! O-M-G, I can’t believe you actually live here!” She grabbed my arm and jumped up and down in place. “It’s just like I imagined it would be!” I wanted to jump around with her, too, but not because of the house. I tried hard not to stare at Zach but I couldn’t help myself. He was perfect. But it was like staring into the sun…beautiful, yet seriously dangerous.

  Zach caught my gaze, tilted his head to the side and looked in my eyes. “Don’t mind my sister, she doesn’t get out much.”

  Rachel punched him playfully in the arm and he faked injury with each swing. “Don’t let him fool you. He gets out even less than I do.” I stepped aside to let them in, wondering just how often he did get out. And whether or not he would consider letting me go with him next time.

  It was only at that moment that I realized I had no idea what to say to them, to say to him. How stupid was I anyway? I should have rehearsed something while I was waiting for them to get here. Something cool, something a popular girl would say. Instead, I mumbled some dumb words that could just as easily have come from Shelly’s lips.

  “Thanks for coming. The cat tree is upstairs but my stepmother wants to meet you first. She’s down this way in the study.” The sound of my own words made me want to cringe. Why was I so painfully dorky? My only comfort was the fact that I didn’t offer them chips and dip.

  “Walk this way,” Rachel said in a British accent, holding her hand out like a butler with a serving tray.

  At first I thought she was making fun of me, making fun of what a moron I was. I was about five seconds away from running upstairs and never showing my face in this town again when Zach spoke.

  “You’re such a goofball. Are you sure we’re related? There’s no way we can be twins.” Zach laughed as she stiffened her back, sucked in her cheeks and continued walking.

  “Positively, sir. Don’t forget who’s in charge here little brother.” She tried to keep a straight face but instantly broke into hysterics.

  She wasn’t making fun of me after all! Rachel, with her incredibly blond hair and cheerleader status, was somehow just as dorky as I was. They were both so perfect yet so real. So normal. For the first time since Lee, I felt like I had a friend. Two, actually.

  But something didn’t quite make sense. “I’m confused, Rachel. You’re twins? I thought he was younger than you?” I asked the question casually, trying hard not to sound too interested in Zach. Not an easy task considering I was interested in everything about him.

  “Both,” Zach answered quickly. “She was born a few minutes before midnight and me a few minutes after. So technically, according to our birth certificates, she’s a day older than me. And she never lets me forget it either, Ruby.”

  My heart gave an extra thump in my chest when he said “Ruby”. I’d never been fond of my name—it sounded too old lady-ish to me. But coming from his lips, it suddenly became the prettiest name ever. Why did he have to be so perfect? And why did I have to care? These feelings would go away at some point—they had to. I mean, the more times I hung out with him, the less he would probably affect me. That’s just how crushes worked. I would find that under all his beauty he had hidden flaws, things that would make him ugly to me. It was just a matter of time. And I knew exactly how to push things along.

  Shelly and Dad hated Lee and had a million different reasons for why. The minute I introduced Zach to Shelly, she would find at least two or three shortcomings and sternly share them with me later. For once, I could use her negativity to my advantage and she would never know. I smiled to myself as I led them down the hallway, knowing that I had this little secret to hide from her.

  I knocked lightly on the door to the study and Shelly called for us to come in. She was still seated at the desk in matching sweats but I was grateful that she’d at least combed her hair since I last saw her. She promised not to embarrass me and I prayed that she kept that promise.

  “Hi! You must be Rachel. And you are Rachel’s brother….”

  Zach politely introduced himself and for a split second it almost seemed like Shelly had succumbed to his charms, too. Her eyes widened and an odd smile spread across her face. But as quickly as it appeared, it was gone again. She already spotted a flaw that I hadn’t—I just knew it. As long as she behaved and didn’t mention whatever it was until after they were gone, I would be a happy girl.

  “Zach, it was very nice of you and your sister to offer to help Ruby tonight. If you need anything, just let me know.” So far, so good.

bsp; Rachel, whose eyes had been scanning the titles on the nearest bookshelf, gasped suddenly, “I know who you are!! You’re Shelly Blackthorne-Matthews! You write the Cinnamon Jones Mystery Series!”

  Oh great, a fan. This wasn’t going to be pretty. Any time someone recognized her, Shelly would start asking them all kinds of questions. How many have you read? Which book is your favorite? What did you think of the ending of Suicide in the Sun? Irritating, yes, but at least it might keep her from mentioning chips and dip.

  “That’s me. You a fan?” Here we go….

  “I’ve read every one of them! I read a rumor online that you were writing the last in the series. Please say that isn’t true!” I would never have pegged Rachel as a mystery novel enthusiast but she definitely seemed sincere. Rachel was somewhat of a mystery herself, to me anyway. Just when I thought I had her figured out, she would do or say something I never would have expected.

  “Sorry, but that rumor is true. As soon as this one is finished, I’m going to stop writing for a few years. I’ve always wanted to run a murder mystery bed and breakfast and Rosewood is the perfect place for that.”

  So that explains why we bought such a huge house. Nice. She tells some girl she just met before she even tells me! Granted, I tune out the instant she tries to make conversation with me but I think I would have caught something as big as that.

  “A famous author living in Charlotte’s Grove! Why didn’t you tell me, Ruby?” A murder mystery bed and breakfast—how exciting! Being an actress is my dream! Keep that in mind when you do your casting.” Rachel was fawning over Shelly so much I almost threw up in my mouth.

  “I definitely will Rachel. I’ll need people with your kind of energy.” Shelly smiled at Rachel with a look that said, ‘I wish my lame ass stepdaughter were more like you’. “And if you like mysteries, that’s a plus too.”

  Rachel beamed. “There’s nothing better than a rainy afternoon and a good mystery novel. Especially if it’s one of yours.”

  Now that I was clearly nauseated, I decided to break up the little fan fest and get as far away from Shelly as possible. “Well, we better get started on the cat tree. Follow me guys.” Zach was on my heels instantly but Rachel was slow to join. What was she doing, asking for an autograph? I just kept moving figuring she would get the picture eventually. I wound my way up the grand staircase but Zach stopped on the landing. Stopped right in front of the painting of Scarlet Baker.

  “Who’s she?” he asked with his head tilted to the side, studying her thoroughly.

  “That’s Scarlet Baker. Her father built Rosewood.” I found his interest in the picture curious. Why would a boy his age care about some dumb painting?

  “She’s beautiful. She looks like you,” he announced calmly.

  My throat went dry and I didn’t know what to say. Did he really just call me beautiful? I must have heard him wrong. Was I due for a hearing test? Dad would know. I would have to ask him when I got a chance.

  As I pondered the state of my auditory health, Zach never turned from the painting but slid his eyes to the side, looking for my reaction. There was a burning intensity to his gaze and there was no doubt in my mind that he was serious. Scratch the hearing test—this boy needed an optometrist, stat!

  I didn’t know how to respond to his comment and there was an awkward silence as a result. How could I hope to respond when he’d just taken my breath away? Again. My face grew hot from embarrassment. He probably said things like that to every girl he met. He was a total hottie and he knew it. If I acted like I wasn’t charmed by his flirtation, he would eventually stop. But I was so bad at hiding my emotions and even if I could manage a sarcastic comment or two, the truth would be written all over my face. Why was he so frustrating?? Every second of silence on my part would only send him the signal that I was falling under his spell. What should I do? What should I say? As I was slipping into full out panic mode, Rachel finally caught up with us, chattering happily as usual and breaking the tension as though it were never there in the first place. Zach and I didn’t speak another word but it went unnoticed.

  Once upstairs, things went back to semi-normal as Zach picked up Coco and cuddled her to his chest. Mimi strolled out of the bedroom yawning widely and immediately begged for his attention, too. I was right—he did have that effect on all females. Rachel made herself at home, plopping into the red plush saucer chair near the window. I directed Zach to the mess on the floor that was supposed to resemble a cat tree.

  “Time to work your magic, Zach,” Rachel said. There was something about her tone of voice that hinted that the task at hand wasn’t the only thing she was referring to.

  “And every good magician needs a lovely assistant. Ruby, will you do me the honor?” He bowed slightly and tipped an imaginary hat to me. Really, even when he was being intentionally silly, he somehow seemed sincere. And irresistible. And infinitely frustrating!

  I smiled self-consciously and said, “Okay, but I doubt I’ll be much help. I’m the reason it’s such a mess already.”

  “That’s okay. You can just stay close and be my muse then.” He picked up the instructions, flipped through them casually, and then tossed them onto the desk. He grabbed the screwdriver with his right hand and set to work.

  Muse. I’d never been called that before and I didn’t exactly know what to do with that title. Was I supposed to just stand there and watch him? Well, that certainly wouldn’t be a problem! Truth be told, I never wanted to take my eyes off of him. I mean, that was as far as it would ever go so I might as well enjoy the sights while I waited for this silly crush to abate. Seeing no potential harm in just admiring him from afar, I sat down on the nearby window sill and watched him as he worked.

  Rachel kicked off her shoes and curled her legs underneath her. She dangled a cat toy over the edge of the chair and Coco gladly accepted the bait. “Hey, isn’t this the kitten Matt Wehler found in his log truck?”

  Zach was busy building, so I answered her question. “Yep, that’s what your brother said.” I was afraid to say his name. I was afraid that if I did my true feelings would be written all over my face.

  “Well, I don’t blame ya, little girl. If I had a chance to climb in Matt’s truck, I would too!” Rachel replied as she delicately tickled Coco under her chin.

  Zach spoke up. “You’re too boy crazy. I don’t know how Boone puts up with you. I could never date a girl like you.”

  Rachel rolled her eyes. “Oh, he knows I like to look. So does he. You’re not boy crazy though are you, Ruby? I mean, it would be pretty hard to have a long distance relationship if you were, right?” Somehow I knew she would turn the conversation that direction. Was she actually trying to set me up with her brother, a Norse god who definitely needed no help in that department?

  “No, I guess not.” I struggled to think of something else to say to change the subject as quickly as I could. I should have remembered that I wasn’t good under pressure and saved myself the effort.

  Rachel went on. “So do you have any pictures of him?”

  I nodded to the photo on the top of the desk. She leapt up, snatched it and settled back into the chair. “Oh, he is tasty! Is he coming to see you anytime soon?”

  Zach paused as though interested in my response. “No, no time soon.” I thought I saw a quick smile play across his lips as he went back to work. No, I had to be mistaken. This crush was one-sided. It had to be.

  Rachel placed the photo back on the desk and wandered over to admire the progress on the cat tree. “Looks great. You make a good muse. Too bad you couldn’t take her to math class with you, Zach.”

  “Don’t remind me. I have all of the hard classes this year and I barely made it out of Algebra II in one piece last year. I wish I could afford a tutor.”

  Wait. There was something the Norse god wasn’t good at? And that something was something I excelled at.

  “I could tutor you in math, if you want. I was on the math team at my old school.” As soon as the words wer
e out of my mouth, I wanted to take them back. It was one thing to admit I was good at math but admitting I was a math-lete was social suicide. And offering to tutor him? What was I thinking? I was thinking I needed to find a way to turn that wretched grandfather clock into a time machine so I could return to a moment prior to proudly announcing my nerd status.

  Rachel seemed amused. “Math team? I never knew there was such a thing! Did you all have matching uniforms?” I could tell she was joking, so I smiled and shook my head no. But in reality, we actually did. Somewhere in my dresser there was a blue tee shirt with Albert Einstein’s face screen printed on the front and a team ‘roster’ printed on the back. I would have to dig it out and destroy the evidence. Or better yet…

  Maybe knowing I was a total geek would stop him from flirting with me. Yes, intelligence was a very effective form of man repellent. I pointed confidently to the trophy on the book shelf. “I won second place at the Eastern Pennsylvania Math Olympics last year.”

  “Beauty and brains. That’s a dangerous combination, you know,” Zach said as he secured another shelf into place. Prince Charming never missed his cue, did he?

  Rachel ignored the flirtation and continued. “Would you consider tutoring him this year? He needs to raise his math scores to get into a suitable pre-vet program.”

  Pre-vet. Gorgeous, charming and he wants to spend the rest of his life helping animals. Was this some sort of cruel joke? I couldn’t have created a more perfect guy if I‘d tried. How could I resist? How indeed. But somehow, I had to find a way.

  The words practically flew out of my mouth. “Sure, that’s no problem.” Maybe the more time I spent with him, the less perfect he would seem. No great romance ever started while spending time huddled over a calculator. Even on a list of the top one million romantic date ideas, calculus would not be found.

  Zach seemed pleased yet serious. “How much do you charge? I don’t have a lot to spend on tutoring.”


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