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A Charming Secret (Magical Cures Mystery Series Book 6)

Page 13

by Tonya Kappes

  “June, shhh,” he whispered into my hair. “You were having a nightmare.”

  I stopped failing. My chest heaved up and down. Every inch of my skin crawled with fear, anger, and desperation.

  “Oscar!” I broke out of his grip. “The snake. The snake was trying to save me. Amethyst. She wears red heels. The weapon is the heel of her shoe.”

  “Slow down. What snake?” he asked. “Shoes?”

  “The snake that was here last night while we were on the gazebo. The yellow snake.” I shook my head.

  “There was no yellow snake.”

  “There had to be. The snake saved Madame Torres tonight. The snake is trying to save me. But from whom?” I tried to go back into my memory. “Mystic Lights!” I jumped up. “We have to go to Mystic Lights.”

  “We aren’t going anywhere.” He pulled me back down.

  “We have to.” I broke from him again. “My nightmare,” I recalled the red weapon shattering the tile floor. “The next fire is going to happen at Mystic Lights. If I go, you can be in the background and see it’s Amethyst for yourself.”

  “I don’t know, June.” Oscar shook his head and wrung his hands in front of him. “Aunt Eloise told us to stay put. And if it doesn’t work, you and I will both be going to jail for a very long time.”

  “She also said to follow my intuition. And it’s telling me to go to Mystic Lights.” I looked around, not knowing which way to head back to town. “And what do we have to lose? We can’t hide out the rest of our lives. You and I both know the spiritual world is too powerful not to find us.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Oscar didn’t question me when I told him I had to go to A Charming Cure before we went to Mystic Lights. My gut told me Amethyst was written all over it. She was the one who wore red shoes and there was no denying my nightmares showed vividly her red heels.

  “Did you get a chance to see the autopsy report?” I asked Oscar.

  “Colton did tell me about it.” Oscar went ahead of me in the tunnel between Eloise’s tree house and my shop. He waved his hands in the dark, clearing the cobwebs. He didn’t have the touch like Eloise to light our way, so we went blindly. “Why?”

  “Do you think the hole was as big as the bottom of the heel of a woman’s high-heeled shoe?” I asked.

  “He said it was the size of a bullet. But there was no bullet in her head when they did the autopsy.” Oscar took the steps leading up to the shop one by one, making sure I was okay behind him. “I guess a shoe could do it, but the killer would have to be pretty strong.”

  So maybe my shoe theory could be way off, but it was better than thinking she was poisoned by my IBS cure or a June’s Gem.

  “But if she was poisoned by a June’s Gem, then maybe. . .” I shudder to think about the truth of what I was about to say. “Someone left me a box of June’s Gems at the steps of the cellar. Raven said it wasn’t her. She was also at the other end of Gwenie’s distaste. Raven is a Dark-Sider and she doesn’t take criticism too well.” I gulped and took Oscar’s hand as he helped me out of the underground path and into the storage room of A Charming Cure. “Do you think Raven’s Dark-Sider ways have come back?” I asked, remembering how bitter and angry Raven was when I met her when I attended Hidden Halls, A Spiritualist University.

  “I don’t know.” Oscar shut the trap door and moved the rug back over top it. “You and I both know that anything is possible around here.”

  There was no time to spare.

  “Can you go to the window and make sure the moon is still full?” I asked Oscar.

  He didn’t hesitate. He rushed to the window and pulled back the curtain. I went to my shelf of ingredients.

  “The lights of Glorybee are on,” Oscar said. “It looks like Amethyst and Petunia are in there.”

  “Good. I need her to see us when we walk over to Mystic Lights.” I couldn’t have planned it any better.

  “Just like that. We are going to walk across the street?”

  “Yes.” I sucked in a deep breath and continued touching the bottles one by one. “Slippery elm, adder’s tongue, cloves, drawing powder and,” my finger glided across the bottles as I plucked what I needed, “agate stone.”

  I set the bottles down next to the cauldron and flipped it on.

  “Is it full?” I asked uncorking all the ingredients. In order to get my potion of truth serum to work, a full moon was best. Not that I didn’t believe in my spells, but having a little extra oomph wasn’t going to hurt.

  “Yes.” Oscar’s voice escalated. “Yes. It’s a full moon.”

  “Great.” I grabbed the agate rock and placed it in the bottom of the cauldron. “Can you come over here and help me?”

  He rushed over. “What can I do?”

  “You pick up both of those bottles,” I instructed him and I had the other two in my hands. “On the count of three, dump them in at the same time.”

  “Okay.” He was focused on the cauldron. The agate stone was already smoking, waiting for the ingredients to do their thing.

  “One, two,” I said as Oscar squeezed his eyes shut, “three.”

  Together, we poured in the entire contents of all four bottles on top of the stone. The ingredients swirled and twirled. Oscar barely opened his eyes, just enough to see what was going on.

  “Shoo.” His eyes opened wide. “I thought it might be another blast.”

  “No.” I pointed to the ladle. He handed it to me. “This is a truth serum. I’m going to stick it into a June’s Gem and when we go to Mystic Lights, I’m giving it to Amethyst. I know she is going to be there. I can feel it.”

  “I sure hope you are right because if you aren’t. . .”

  I put my finger up to Oscar’s mouth.

  “I am.” There was confidence in my words. She had to be there. I was counting on it.

  Slowly I stirred the mixture. The bubbling, glowing, viscous mixture was black, but glowed crimson. I continued to picture Amethyst in my mind. Basil scent curled into the steam, knotting my stomach. Basil was the sure sign evil was lurking.

  The cauldron shut off, letting me know it was ready. I reached on the counter for the box of June’s Gems that were left at the cellar steps. They had to be from Amethyst. Was it her calling card? I wondered.

  Using the end of the ladle, I made a small hole in the bottom of each June’s Gem. I inserted just enough of the truth serum to get a confession. I replaced the hole with the icing, using my finger to smooth it back over.

  “How do you know to do all of this?” Oscar leaned on the counter. Amazement in his eyes.

  “I have no idea,” I said, which wasn’t a lie. “I’m doing what Eloise said. Rely on your gift. My intuition.”

  “I hope it works.” He shook his head.

  “Stop saying that.” I replaced the June’s Gems in the box and shut the lid. “Are you ready?”

  “As I will ever be.” Oscar put his hand out for me to take. I did. He squeezed it. Our eyes met. It was time. We were going to do this together and it felt right.

  Before we left, I grabbed my phone and texted Peony.

  It looks like Amethyst is at Glorybee. Can you meet me at The Gathering Rock in about twenty minutes with the bottle? I’m going to draw her there and expose her!

  Peony quickly sent back: I will be there. Twenty minutes!

  Yes. I texted her back. I’m heading over to Mystic Lights and will lure her to the rock.

  I put my phone back in my bag and stood at the door.

  “Are you ready?” I asked Oscar.

  He responded with a big kiss.

  The old air swooped in around us when we opened the door. My adrenaline was pumping and not even the cold air was going to stop me.

  My cloak edges dragged the pavement. The wind howled through the empty tree branches. Oscar’s footsteps echoed down Main Street.

  “June!” Petunia called out under the full moon. “June!”

  Oscar’s hand squeezed mine. We kept our eyes forward and h
eaded up the steps of Mystic Lights. The door was slightly ajar. We paused, looking at each other.

  “It’s a sign.” I gulped. “She’s in there.”

  In the blink of an eye, the explosion happened before we could step inside. Through the smoke, the red heel of a woman’s shoe came hammering down between us. I knew it had hit Oscar when his hand went limp in mine.

  I ran to the back of the shop where Izzy’s office was, cradling the box of June’s Gems. I looked back. The killer must have held a potion for the explosion and threw it at us because the shop was not on fire.

  “June! Come out!” I heard Petunia call into the shop.

  One of Izzy’s crystal balls lit up. Colton was out front helping Oscar to his feet. Oscar was rubbing his head. He was okay, but I was in here. Another crystal ball showed Raven in her shop looking over the damage of the fire. While another one showed Amethyst back at her Treesort putting out more June’s Gems.

  Anger boiled in me. If my plan for her to come to me was not going to work, I was going to her.

  Before I knew it, I ran down the basement steps and through the cellar door in order to escape from anyone seeing me. I ran around the backs of the shops and when the shadow of the clouds slid over the moonlight, I crossed the street.

  I took a quick glance down Main Street and focused on the front steps of Mystic Lights. Oscar was sitting up and talking to Colton. If he was okay, I could continue on with the plan. Petunia was also standing near them.

  I scurried up the hill, stopping at The Gathering Rock to catch my breath.

  “June? Is that you?” Peony walked out of the woods. “Oh my God.” She hurried over. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” I assured her. “Did you bring the potion?”

  “Yes. And I think you are right about Amethyst.” Her eyes filled with tears. “I just saw her run to Treesort after something exploded. She must be running away so no one saw her.”

  The smell of basil filled the midnight air. I slid down The Gathering Rock. I put my hand on the ground. My mind went dizzy and the air thinned. Out of the corner of my eye, the yellow snake slithered down the hill toward Whispering Falls.

  My eyes slid toward Peony. I couldn’t focus as she rambled on and on about why she thought Amethyst was the killer.

  “Are you okay?” She sat down next to me. Her long dress swooshed around her. In a quick second, I could see the red shoes she was wearing. “You don’t look so good.”

  “Can you hand me the box?” I asked reaching for the box from Wicked Good. “I’m diabetic and I need a small pinch.” I lied.

  Peony didn’t waste a second. She opened the box.

  “You can have one too,” I sounded like I was exhausted. “I have to have my strength in order to confront Amethyst.”

  Peony picked up a June’s Gem. She held it toward me. Then stopped. She took a big bite. I closed my eyes when my breath was suddenly taken out of my lungs. My eyes opened, focusing on Peony’s shoes.

  She followed my eyes and looked down. The tips of her shoes were sticking out from underneath her long dress.

  “So,” she adjusted her dress to cover up the shoes. “You are diabetic?”

  “Yes. I need just a pinch.” I lied. She knew I saw her shoes. My gut told me. “If you don’t give me a bite, I can die.” I reached toward her and she shifted backward.

  “You know and I know I can’t give you a bite.” She lifted the chocolaty cake back to her lips and sunk her teeth deep into it, taking in the truth serum. “I would have if you hadn’t seen my shoes, but I just can’t take the risk now.”

  “Why? Why did you do it?” I asked, acting as though I were about to pass out.

  “It doesn’t matter. My lips are sealed.” She grinned. “Help! June is going to kill me! Help!” She screamed over her shoulder. Her shrill voice echoed down the hill. “I’ve got her up here!”

  She slipped off her shoes.

  “What are you doing?” I was trying to buy time. I didn’t know how long it took for the potion to kick in. But the moon was full and the fireflies were going nuts, surely to goodness it had to take effect soon.

  She lifted her hand in the air, just like I had seen in my nightmare. I covered my head. She was going to kill me like she did Gwenie.

  “What?” She laughed. “You think I’m going to whack you in the head like I did Gwenie?” Her laughter echoed. “I’m going to give you my shoes and I’m going to take yours. Gwenie was supposed to burn up after I whacked her in the head.” She cackled putting her hand over her mouth. “Oops. I let that one slip.”

  “So you did kill her?” My eyes lowered. The cast of a shadow was walking up the hill.

  “Shhh.” She put her finger up to her lips. “Do you hear that? Someone is coming.” She took the bottom of her shoe and whacked herself in the head. Blood trickled down her temples. She grinned. She let out a blood-curdling scream, “Hurry! She just hit me!”

  The shadow stopped and stepped into the light. Petunia had Madame Torres in the palm of her hand and the yellow snake was coiled around her body. Once we made eye contact, she slipped back into the shadow.

  “Why? Why would you kill Gwendolyn?” I asked.

  “Are you kidding me?” Her words were sharp, angry. “I could never be the sister Petunia wanted me to be. You should know how that is, being the outsider. All this magical gift crap. Well guess what?” The truth potion kicked in. “I’m not a spiritualist. My family was a lot like yours. My mom was like sweet animal whisperer Petunia. And my father was a non-spiritualist. Lucky me. I got the crappy genes.”

  I groaned, for good measure, and lifted myself straighter up against the rock.

  “It was perfect. Our precious little Gwenie made sure to let me know I was not one of them. Oh I tried being a good sister when Petunia would complain about you. Your slipping in here becoming Village President, ruining her engagement, being so beautiful. And I used it to my advantage. You were the perfect target for me to feed crap to Gwenie. She would protect Petunia at all costs.” She rubbed the blood from the corner of her lips. “What is taking these idiots so long to get up here?”

  “How did you do it?” I asked biding time, wondering why Petunia wasn’t stepping in to help me.

  “I had to make myself blend in. Gwenie and Petunia know I’m not a spiritualist. Amethyst doesn’t. But my family knew, which made them want to include me in on everything.” She looked back down the hill and turned back to me.

  Everything was making sense. All the times I had to correct her for speaking about the magical happenings around Adeline and when she was at the shop and how she used a watchful eye while I was making the potions when the shop was closed.

  “I still don’t understand why you did it. Why did you kill her? Why did you want to create havoc?” I asked.

  “June, you aren’t very smart.” Peony’s cheeks balled with an evil grin. “I was so sick of playing the outcast of the family. Petunia needed to lean on me. Not a cousin. When I found out she was going to become the Village President, I wanted to be the one to help her. I wanted to give her a makeover, move here and be of some assistance.” Her smile faded from her face. She curled her nose, and squinted her eyes. The blood continued to trickle down her temple. “Gwenie told me I was delusional. She said my sister would never pick me because I’m not a spiritualist. I was a nobody. A loser.” She threw her head back and laughed. “Look who the loser is now. Her and you. You were the perfect person to frame. Petunia had many reasons to hate you. Since she and Gwenie were so close and Gwenie made my job easy by putting you down, it was hands down a no brainer.”

  She had a satisfied look on her face.

  “You won’t get away with this.” I glared at her.

  She looked back. The sound of footsteps were climbing the hill.

  “Hurry! She’s going to kill me like she did Gwenie!” Peony couldn’t keep a straight face as she screamed toward the hill.

  The yellow snake slithered around The Gathering Roc
k and curled around her feet, sending her to the ground.

  “What in the hell?” Peony fought against the snake as the snake contorted itself like a coil all the way up and around Peony, stopping as their eyes came face to face. Peony stared. Fear darted out of her eyes.

  “We’ve heard enough.” Petunia slipped out of the forest. Madame Torres appeared inside her ball. Her flaming red hair and lips lit up like the fires Peony had started.

  “Get this thing off me, sister.” Peony spit.

  “That is our dear sweet cousin Gwendolyn. When the autopsy report came back that something blunt, like your shoe, killed her, she couldn’t be cremated right away.” Petunia jutted her hand toward me and helped me up. “A little known spiritualist secret,” Petunia bent down, nose to nose with her sister. “People can come back as animals.” She threw her head back and cackled into the night sky. “I’m an animal whisperer, so of course Gwenie here,” she stroked the yellow snake, “came to visit me, letting me in on the dirty little secret of how jealous you are of me and the spiritual world.”

  “Dear sister, it was her.” Peony scowled. “June Heal hates you! She took your presidency away from you! She got engaged on your wedding day taking the spotlight off of you!”

  “Enough!” Petunia screamed.

  Colton and Oscar raced up the hill.

  “Arrest her!” Petunia pointed toward her sister. “For the death of Gwendolyn Shrubwood and arson.”

  “Sister! How could you?” Peony fought against Gwenie as she slithered off of her and Colton grabbed her wrists. “I did this for the love of the family.”

  “You never loved our family,” Petunia spit.

  Gwenie slid her way around the rock and next to me. She curled into a neat pyramid, coming face to face with me. If she weren’t a snake, I’d swear she smiled at me. I patted her on the head.

  “Are you okay?” Oscar hurried over to me and took me in his arms. “I was so scared when you went rushing into Mystic Lights.”

  “Did she ruin the shop?” I couldn’t bare another store in Whispering Falls going up in flames.

  “She’s a rookie.” Colton said, tightening the cuffs on Peony’s wrists. She shrugged her shoulder forward, trying to tug away. “She made some little homemade Molotov cocktail that only exploded in front of her after she threw it creating smoke around her as if she were a spiritualist.”


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