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Fated Mates

Page 9

by James Wolfe

  He did this frequently, talk to my stomach. Sometimes, he would just lie on my lap while we had conversations because he wanted the baby to hear him very clearly.

  “How’d you sleep?” I asked him.

  “Pretty well,” he smiled, “you?”

  I looked at him with narrowed eyes. “How do you think?”

  He laughed. “Oh, honey, just one more month."

  “One more month, and then what?” I asked. “I can sleep? Because I don’t think so, babe. Pretty sure in one more month we just both won’t be able to sleep.”

  He laughed again. “Okay, fine, you’re right. You’re going to be sleep deprived for several years. Is that what you want to hear?”

  “Well, it is a little more honest,” I kissed the top of his head softly. “At the moment, I’m deprived in more ways than one, though. Can you fix that for me?” I asked cheekily.

  He didn’t pick up on my hints. “Are you… hungry?” he asked. “Want me to make you some breakfast?”

  I rolled my eyes. “No! I’m… another type of deprived.”

  He suddenly understood and smiled. “I see. But, you know, we still can’t have real sex. Not in your second trimester.”

  I sighed. “I know, I know.” This was something I missed very much, being able to have sex with him. We’d made up for it in other ways, of course, but I still missed the real sex. I was jealous of women who were able to have intercourse the entire nine months of their pregnancy.

  “All right, then,” he said, as he began to lift the covers and expose me in my boxers. We both slept in only our boxers at night.

  Already, my cock was rock hard as it often was in the morning.It was poking out of my boxers, he wouldn’t even need to take my boxers off, but he did anyway and I knew this was because he liked to see me completely naked.

  He started slowly, rolling his tongue from the tip of my shaft to my balls, making my dick twitch at the cool touch of his tongue. It was a tease, but I liked him to tease me a little bit first and he knew it.

  He slurped at my balls next, popping one into my mouth at a time, sending a chill down my spine every time he switched balls. As he did, he let his hand drift up to my shaft and began to move it up and down my skin. My cock was already wet from his tongue so it glided effortlessly back and forth.

  “Oh my God.” I moaned, throwing my head back.

  Seeing that I was getting wroked up, he stopped playing with my balls and instead moved his mouth to my shaft, taking in my entire cock without warning. up and down, he pushed his mouth on my prick, taking the entire thing deep in theback of his throat.

  His hands had moved on from my shaft to my balls, which he was now rolling around in his hands.

  Already, it was too much for me. My hormones from my pregnancy had made sex much more intense for me. Watching his head bob up and down on my cock was so fucking hot.

  I could feel my balls tightening in his hands, letting me know that I’d soon be shooting my cum deep into the back of his throat.

  “I’m going to cum!” I shouted at him as I let my hands dig into the blankets on our bed.

  And right then, I felt my orgasm roll through me as I screamed out in ecstasy. Cumming directly into Alexander’s mouth while he swallowed every damn drop.

  Fuck, he was so fucking sexy.

  “Ugh, that was perfect!” I moaned as he pulled off me. “Not quite as great as real sex, but, you know, a close second.”

  He smiled. “I know it.”

  “Do you want me to take care of you now?” I asked.

  “No, no, I’m fine. I should probably go make you some breakfast. I’m sure you’re getting hungry.”

  I was. Now that I was pregnant, I was starving all the time. I would have wanted to eat sooner, honestly, if I hadn’t been so horny. Horniness often clouded my hunger signals. And, now that I was satisfied, I was definitely hungry. But I’d have been a selfish lover if I hadn’t at least offered to take care of him.

  “I actually am,” I answered.

  He hopped out of bed. “Alright, you relax, I’ll go cook something.”

  “No, wait!” I said, pulling my boxers back on and following him. “I don’t want to be in here without you. I’ll hang out at the kitchen table and watch you cook.”

  He smiled. “Fine by me.”

  It had become a new habit of mine, to sit at the kitchen table and just watch him cook as we talked. You’d think, after two months of constantly being around each other and constantly talking, one of us would have gotten bored. That was certainly how it’d been with boyfriends of mine in the past, when I’d spent too much time with them.

  But I didn’t get bored with Alexander at all. Never, not even for a second. It was insane how everything that came out of his mouth was interesting.

  “So, there’s something I’ve been wanting to discuss with you,” I said, as I sat down.

  He looked at me nervously. “What?”

  “No, no, it’s nothing bad!” I said quickly. “It’s not bad at all. It’s about the baby.”

  “Oh, okay,” he nodded, “what is it?”

  “It’s about his name.”

  He smiled at me. “You’ve been thinking of baby names?”

  “I have,” I said, “and I think I’ve decided on one.”

  He looked at me curiously. “Really? You have? What?”

  “Michael for the first name and Thomas for the middle.”

  He was pulling things out of the cabinet but stopped instantly and stared at me.

  “Michael Thomas?” he asked blankly.

  My heart was starting to pound. Was that wrong? Should I not have said that? Had I actually hurt him when I had been intending to help?

  “I mean, we don’t have to. It was totally just an idea, and if it’s troubling to you, I totally understand—”

  Tears started to well in his eyes. “Michael Thomas?”

  I jumped up out of my chair to hug him. “Oh, baby, don’t cry! I’m so, so sorry, I’m an idiot! I never should have said that… I don’t know what I was thinking—”

  “No, no, I love it!” he said, his voice cracking. “You want to name our child after my fathers?”

  I looked up at him with a gentle smile to see he was now smiling, too.

  “I do. It really bothers me that I’m never going to get to know them. But the way you describe them, they were wonderful men who would be so proud to have a grandchild. I want to honor them in whatever way I can.”

  He wiped the tears out of his eyes and then pulled me in for a tight hug.

  “You are… absolutely, positively wonderful. You are sweet, sensitive, and so considerate to my needs. I love you, I love you, I love every little bit of you. Thank you so much for this.”

  I leaned up and gave him a quick but passionate kiss. “I love you, too. But don’t thank me. This is the least I could do for your fathers since they brought you into the world. They gave me a wonderful man. My life wouldn’t be complete without you. I didn’t know it before, but I definitely know it now.”

  And I was going to continue knowing it for the rest of my days.



  I looked out in to the market, where an array of colored vegetables was laid out in booths on each side of the dirt path.

  I felt a tug on the sleeve of my shirt.

  “Daddy, daddy, I have a question!” I heard my young son yell at me.

  “Yes, Michael?”

  “Can I pick the apples again today? Please? I want to choose which ones!”

  I knew exactly why he wanted to do this, and my heart melted.

  “Sure, go ahead and go pick them. But hurry, because I only came here for chicken and onions, and your father is waiting at home. We’ve got to be quick.”

  He grinned, nodded, and ran over to the apple booth while I went to get the ingredients we still needed for dinner.

  I barely glanced over once the entire time he was picking apples. I didn’t worry. I didn’t hav
e to in the village. There was nothing here that was going to hurt him, no dangers lurking when I turned my head.

  Daniel told me a lot of stories about the human world and how, when he’d been growing up, his parents had been very controlling and paranoid because they’d always been worried that something was going to happen to him.

  When I’d told him that was silly and ridiculous, he’d assured me it really wasn’t. That, actually, dangerous things did happen in the human world, and there was reason to worry.

  I couldn’t imagine raising my child in a world like that. I already worried about him so much… about his health, about whether he was happy, whether he’d continue to be happy and healthy as he grew. I was already so protective over him, and, as of now, there really weren’t many dangers. So I couldn’t imagine what it would be like if there really were.

  I picked out a few onions after already grabbing the chicken, and, when I looked back over at Michael, he was already running to my side.

  “Okay, I only got one!” he said excitedly.

  I knew he’d only get one, and, that was fine, because we had no need for apples, we had some at home. I only allowed him to pick one out because I knew it was going to end up making Daniel’s entire day. Or, at least, I guessed it would. I couldn’t be totally sure, but I knew my son. So I was pretty confident.

  We made our way back to the house where Daniel was waiting. He’d wanted to tag along, but I’d insisted he stay home because of his current state.

  He was pregnant once again. We’d been trying for a while to get pregnant with no success, ever since Michael was two, and he was now four. It was surprising, really, considering how easily and unexpectedly it’d happened the first time.

  But we did our best not to dwell on it. It was hard at times, but we both already felt blessed with Michael. We had the greatest son in the world, and, if we were blessed with a second or not, we still had our perfect little family.

  But, a few months ago, it’d happened. We’d had our second pregnancy. And we were both absolutely, positively ecstatic. As was Michael, who boasted to anyone who would listen about how he was going to be a big brother.

  He looked ready to pop any day now, which was why I’d insisted he stay home. I was obviously always protective of him, even more so when he was pregnant, but unbelievably so when he was near giving birth. It’d happened at the end of his pregnancy with Michael, too. I was just constantly overcome with worry and tried to protect him at all costs. It was actually a really stressful time.

  At least, now, I had Michael to distract me. And that really did help. But, I still refused to let Daniel do much, which I could see was starting to irritate him, especially when it came to doing things with Michael.

  He was very active with Michael. Even though we were both home a lot, I guess you could say he was the primary parent. I was the only one who worked, though usually at night, so I didn’t miss too much.

  Still, Daniel got more time with him. Because he was a human and that made him not well-suited for any work in the village, he didn’t have to work. And nobody really seemed to have a problem with that. He did volunteer at the daycare sometimes. He still did something for the community, but even when he volunteered he had Michael with him.

  As we stepped in the front door, I saw Daniel reading on the couch and watched his face light up when he saw we were back, even though we’d only been gone about twenty minutes.

  “Hey, my two favorite men are home!” he chirped.

  And just like I’d expected, Michael went running to him with an apple in hand.

  “Daddy, I got this for you!” he squealed as he handed him the apple.

  Daniel looked confused at first, and I could tell he clearly didn’t remember what I remembered.

  “An apple?” he asked.

  “Yes!” he said excitedly. “Because you’re the apple of my eye!”

  Instantly, Daniel melted, and his eyes began to water. He was extra sensitive because of the hormones, but, even on a normal day, this would probably have made him emotional.

  It was really just a corny little joke that Daniel made to me from time to time. Whenever he needed to pass me an apple, which really wasn't too often, mostly when I was baking pie, he’d say it to me. That I was the apple of his eye.

  It was the exact kind of little comment that Michael would pick up on. That was just kind of how he was. He tried to imitate us as much as possible. He didn’t know what he was doing, he didn’t know what that phrase meant, he just knew he wanted to be like his fathers. It was really, really sweet.

  “Oh, Michael, honey!” Daniel pulled him in tightly and kissed the top of his head. “You are such an absolute angel!”

  He grinned, loving the praise. “The baby is the apple of my eye, too!” Now he was just milking it, knowing that he had done something adorable. But Daniel didn’t mind, and neither did I.

  “And you’re the apple of mine!” Daniel said as he kissed him one more time and wiped away the happy tears.

  “Hey, bud, why don’t you go give that apple a wash so Daddy can eat it?” I asked him. “He hasn’t had enough fruit today.”

  “Okay!” Michael said cheerfully as he ran to the kitchen sink where I had placed a small stool for him to reach the faucet.

  Daniel rolled his eyes. “Oh, babe, I can’t with the overprotectiveness! I don’t need a piece of fruit every single day! Especially when I get plenty of vegetables in your cooking!”

  I shrugged. “It doesn’t hurt. Only the best for my baby and my baby’s baby,” I smiled at him.

  He shook his head in mock exasperation. “I can’t wait for this little bugger to be out of me! So you stop hassling me over every little thing and let me go to the market with my boys!”

  When he’d been pregnant with Michael, it had been ‘monster’ that he’d always called him when he’d been annoyed with his pregnancy. With this baby, it was ‘bugger.’

  “Be careful what you wish for. He might come rushing out of you right now.”

  He smiled. “I hope he does.”

  Michael ran back over quickly with the apple in hand, handing it to Daniel.

  “Thanks, sugarplum,” Daniel kissed his head again.

  He was always overly affectionate with Michael, but it was ten times worse during this pregnancy. Part of it was the hormones, and part of it was just him being worried about how Michael was going to adjust to the new baby.

  We’d had many long conversations about it at night, about how to give him enough attention when the new baby came, how to prevent his jealousy, little things like that.

  “Daddy’s going to give birth to your little brother any day now,” I told Michael as I patted his shoulder. “Are you ready?”

  “Yeah!” he said enthusiastically. “I’m going to be the best big brother ever!”

  “You sure are,” I assured him.

  “But are you ready, Daddy?” he asked back.

  Both Daniel and I laughed.

  “I think so, I don’t know. Am I the best Daddy in the whole world?”

  Now, this was a complicated question, and he knew it. His eyes bulged a little bit as he looked back and forth between Daniel and me, trying to make a decision, causing us to laugh some more.

  “Um… you're both the best daddy!” he responded.

  “Good answer!” Daniel kissed him again. “So, I guess that means we’re ready, huh, babe?” he said as he turned to me.

  “We are,” I answered, “I already knew we were. With you two by my side, I’m ready for anything and everything. As long as I've got you two.”

  “And you always will,” Daniel told me.

  “So, I’ll always be happy,” I said, before leaning over and kissing him, placing one hand on his pregnant belly.

  And I knew I truly would be. Because I’d been happy every single day since I’d met Daniel, and I didn't expect it to change any time soon.

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