The War of Gods (A Welcome to the Underworld Novel, Book 3)

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The War of Gods (A Welcome to the Underworld Novel, Book 3) Page 33

by Con Template

  “I don’t fear you, Young Jae,” Tae Hyun said darkly. “Your bullshit threats mean nothing to me.”

  “Bullshit?” Young Jae asked disbelievingly. Another derisive chuckle issued from his lips. “For the past three years, I’ve spent my time under the wings of Japan’s most notorious crime lords. I’ve been rising through the ranks as a shadow King and have formed a powerful gang that no one had anticipated. All it takes is the snap of my fingers and my loyal Scorpions throughout Korea will resurrect. All it takes is a simple phone call and my soldiers from Japan will come running. Is this the war you want, King of Serpents? All for the Queen of the Underworld who will not hesitate to battle you for your throne once she regains her memory?”

  A suspended moment of silence spread over the room while Tae Hyun absorbed Young Jae’s words.

  Yoori, who was now frozen with apprehension, was quiet as well because she knew what Young Jae said was true. Yoori was on the brink and everyone knew it. It was only a matter of time before she regained her memories; it was only a matter of time before Soo Jin reclaimed the life that was stolen from her. More importantly, it was only a matter of time before Yoori ceased to exist. Thoughts like this had invaded her mind in the past, but its effects had never been this strong for Yoori, who was now so broken that she couldn’t help but wonder what was happening in Tae Hyun’s mind.

  Tae Hyun, whose voice teemed with resolution and determination, breached the silence. “I’ve told you once before that I can’t control time, Young Jae. I can’t control the fact that she used to be Soo Jin and that she would’ve been my enemy if we’d met under different circumstances. I can’t control the fact that Ji Hoon was there for her first, that he came before me. But it’s my time now. As far as I’m concerned, you will not touch a hair on her head if I’m around. If you want to get to her, you’ll have to do it over my dead body.”

  Relief entered Yoori’s body at the heartfelt words expressed by Tae Hyun. She had always known that he would protect her. To hear him proclaim it under such circumstances touched her heart even more. Her heart’s moment of reprieve was fleeting before her brother broke it further.

  Young Jae scoffed mockingly. “Then you’re a better man for her than Ji Hoon could ever hope to be.”

  Before giving them time to truly soak up his words, Young Jae’s severe eyes zeroed in onto Yoori.

  He wasn’t staring at her like she was his sister; he was staring at her like she was his most hated enemy.

  “Soo Jin,” he began. “From this moment forth, there will be no more hesitation or mercy on my part. For the next days to follow, I’ll give you the time to enjoy what’s left of your life. It will be my final gift to you. But rest assured that after today, I’m severing all ties with you. The next time I see you, I will bring war upon you.” He glanced at Tae Hyun. “And anyone who stands in my way.” He returned his focus to her, a dark shadow crossing his face. “I came back to Seoul for your head and I won’t leave until I show you hell.” He smiled cruelly, his eyes running from Tae Hyun and then to her once more. “Good luck with the King of Serpents before he sees you for who you really are.”

  Horror laced Yoori’s pale face at the last of her brother’s words. She knew he was referring to the issue pertaining to Tae Hyun’s mother and how she died. She had hoped that it was a bullshit thing Young Jae concocted to break her from Tae Hyun. Yet, deep in her heart, she knew she couldn’t escape the truth.

  It was unmistakable.

  Soo Jin had something to do with the death of Tae Hyun’s mother.

  With that, Young Jae disappeared out of the nearest exit, leaving Yoori and Tae Hyun alone. Behind Tae Hyun, Mina and Ace stood at the doorway, gazing at their boss for further instructions. Tae Hyun clutched on to his gun, his body more than ready to chase after Young Jae.

  It was Yoori’s voice that caused Tae Hyun to finally turn around, his regretful eyes boring into her.

  “Just let him go . . . please,” she begged.

  Blood dripped all around her while tears clouded her doe-like eyes. She owed her brother that much. She owed the one who took care of her, the one who once loved her, and the one she betrayed that much.

  “We’re going to regret letting him go,” Tae Hyun told her softly, throwing his gun to the floor before finally running to her.

  He wrapped her closer to him after Yoori jumped into his embrace, shaking while holding him and finally crying into his arms. She wasn’t sure if she replied with anything. All that she could feel was her soul shattering as she sobbed into his arms. All that she could remember was crying over the loss of her only family member. All that she could remember was crying because she knew that Tae Hyun was right.

  One day, they would both regret letting Young Jae go.

  “When you become human. . .”

  19: Before Hell Takes Over

  Yoori wasn’t sure how long she sat in the bathtub, shaking with self-loathing. She was aware she looked pathetic, but she no longer cared. What was there to care about when her world had fallen apart? Along with the world, her identity and her sense of purpose crumbled.

  After the revelation that shook her to her core, Yoori excused herself from Tae Hyun’s hold when they returned to the apartment. She proceeded to barricade herself in the bathroom, not even bothering to turn on the lights before she crawled into the empty bathtub. She did not want to feel the presence of light; she merely sat there in total darkness and allowed the misery to consume her.

  I’m a monster . . . I caused all of this . . . this is all my fault, she told herself, rocking in the darkness.

  Yoori could feel her memories thrash against the wall she meticulously built. There was a monster inhabiting her body, breathing in silence as it awaited freedom. The monster plagued her with its existence and there was nothing Yoori could do but try to fend it off. It was fast becoming a futile battle because she was losing horribly. The end was near, and she was close to snapping. All she could do was cry to herself, wallow in her own despair, and abhor herself for breathing.

  I should’ve died three years ago . . .

  Yoori recalled the hatred her brother and his wife had for her, the hatred the Cobras had for her, and the hatred she had for herself. How could she blame them? Even she detested her own existence. She wanted to save herself from death before, but now, Yoori wasn’t so sure how much she wanted to live. She could no longer catalog her thoughts and sense of purpose in her life. She wanted to die one moment and live the other. Now, she wanted to die because she was a mess. Was she losing her mind? Was this what it was like to lose one’s sanity?

  She was so consumed in her thoughts that she hadn't realized the door had cracked open until a single beam of light from a lighter penetrated the darkness.

  Yoori gazed up with lifeless eyes. In her periphery, she saw that Tae Hyun was walking through the door. He had changed out of his clothes and was now shirtless and wearing a white, lounge drawstring pant. With a lighter in hand, he reached over the marble sink and lit a single white candle before diffusing the lighter. He tossed the lighter onto the counter, closed the door, and approached her in the candle-lit darkness.

  “You’ve been in here for a while, Brat,” he noted gently.

  He casually stepped into the dry bathtub and sat across from her. His face glowed gorgeously under the kiss of the single candle illuminating the bathroom.

  “Why are you here?” Yoori asked bluntly.

  She hugged her knees to her chest. Looking down, Yoori noticed she was still wearing the clothes she wore earlier. There were splotches of dried blood staining her once pure clothes. The dried blood reminded her of the Scorpions her brother ordered to attack her. The sudden horrid flashes of Anna kicking her, the Scorpions abusing her, and her brother pointing a gun at her, ready to kill her, haunted Yoori. She made sure to keep her tears to herself when she gazed at Tae Hyun. Though she broke down when she saw him at the restaurant, she was determined to keep composure now. She was sick of crying in front of

  “Why wouldn’t I be here?” he asked. His tone was marginally offended that she would ask him such a question.

  “You’ve been avoiding me for the past couple of days.” She didn’t attempt to hide the resentment in her voice. “I don’t see why it’s important that you come see me now.”

  When Yoori and Tae Hyun went to Dr. Han to tend to their wounds and give Yoori the stitches she needed, Tae Hyun confessed that he had been busy for the last couple of days because he was digging up information on her brother. Yoori should have been relieved when she learned this. On the contrary, relief was the last thing she felt. She understood that everything Tae Hyun did, he did to protect her. Nevertheless, she resented that he kept something that important, especially regarding her brother, away from her.

  “I didn’t feel it was necessary to share that I was busy digging up information on your brother, especially with the state you were in,” he explained.

  His hands reached out to hold hers, but Yoori quickly withdrew her hands from his reach. She wasn’t ready for him to touch her, to care for her. If he touched her, then her control would disintegrate. She would simply crumble apart and cry into his embrace again. And God help her, Yoori wanted to maintain some dignity, some strength in her life—at least for a little while before she broke down again.

  Sadness painted the canvas of his face when she denied his efforts to hold her, to love her. His hands should have been caressing the locks of her hair, but instead they were touching frigid, still air. He unwillingly pulled his hands back, but maintained his caring gaze on her.

  Though Yoori was still resentful that he hadn't divulged any of this information when she called him, she also understood that she wasn’t in the best state of mind. Quite frankly, if she were in Tae Hyun’s position, she would not have told herself anything either.

  A few passing breaths of silence spread over them while Yoori and Tae Hyun sat still in the darkness. The wheels of her mind spun, replaying the event at the sushi restaurant. A recollection of something Young Jae disclosed illumed in her memory like neon lights; it had haunted her since the restaurant and it continued to haunt her now.

  Yoori took in a deep breath before rupturing the silence that was beginning to suffocate them. “He wasn’t the one who hid me in Taecin.” The verbalization of this thought tortured her. It acted as a reminder of her brother’s true intentions with her, that he was not the person she thought he was. Young Jae was not the one who hid her and granted her a new life to protect her. If anything, his intentions were the polar opposite. He wanted to punish her, destroy her. Yoori closed her eyes in misery. She felt her insides rip at every damning thought. The caring, warm older brother in her dream did not truly exist. He was simply that—a dream.

  “I know,” Tae Hyun quietly replied.

  Yoori snapped her head up, struck by his answer. Thoughts and memories were frantically pacing around in her mind. She wondered how he knew this, when he knew, and who had told him. She then recalled that he had been digging up information on her brother. If he knew that Young Jae did not hide her, then he must know who did.

  “Do you know who hid me in Taecin?”

  He nodded.


  Tae Hyun kept his lips pressed together. It was clear he was concerned with telling her too much and risking her falling apart—more so than she already was.

  “Who?” Yoori urgently pressed again, her big eyes scrutinizing his under the candle’s light. When his hesitation persisted, she started to get angry. He was treating her like a fragile china doll and she was sick of it. As his silence reigned, Yoori angrily said, “Stop keeping secrets from me. Whatever it is, I can handle it.”

  Tae Hyun looked away from her scrutiny. Despite his own reservations, even he knew that he couldn’t keep this from her.

  “It was my brother,” he finally shared, causing Yoori’s eyes to dilate in shock. “It was my brother who hid you, Yoori. It was my brother who wired money to that family and it was my brother who took care of all the bills at the hospital you stayed in.”

  This new piece of information stunned her so hard that Yoori had to fight to breathe.

  “How?” she uttered incredulously. “How is it possible that it was your brother who hid me?”

  Of all people who could have hidden An Soo Jin, it was Kwon Ho Young?

  The puzzlement on Tae Hyun’s face mirrored that of Yoori's. “I don’t know.”

  By now, Yoori was left tunneling into a quicksand of confusion. The Pandora’s box had been opened and hundreds of questions paced through her mind. Was Soo Jin involved with Ho Young? Was she working with Ho Young? Why would she collude with the enemy? What the hell was wrong with Soo Jin? What was she up to during the last few days of her life?

  Yoori buried her face in her hands, frustration brewing within her like acid. “The puzzle gets bigger and bigger when it comes to Soo Jin, doesn’t it?” she asked, wondering how it was possible that one human being could retain so many secrets.

  There was no need to learn more about Soo Jin to know that she was a dangerous person. Yoori felt ghastly when she considered the possibility that if she regained her memories, it was impossible to prevent Soo Jin from destroying everything she loved, including herself. She was no longer left with any options. The realization caused Yoori’s face to be void of any color or life. She had to protect everything she loved while she still had a chance.

  “I . . . I have to leave you, Tae Hyun,” Yoori announced long moments later, knowing that she couldn’t ignore her unforgiving reality any longer.

  Her distraught heart broke at the thought of no longer having Tae Hyun by her side.

  It’s for the best, she assured herself, biting her lips to keep from crying in front of him.

  “Why do you have to leave me, Yoori?” Tae Hyun questioned, his voice low and gentle.

  The way he looked at her made her want to crawl into his arms and forget about the world around her. It took all her control to resist this urge. She no longer had the luxury of doing that. She no longer had the luxury of escaping from her reality and seeking solace from Tae Hyun. If she wanted any chance of preserving her sanity, she had to face her problems head on.

  “I begged him to not kill me,” she whispered, drawing her knees closer against her chest. She resembled a broken child. “I looked up at my own brother and begged him not to kill me because it was An Soo Jin who betrayed him. I begged him . . . just like those kids begged her before she shot them.”

  She closed her eyes momentarily, agonized by the memory of Soo Jin's crimes. She heard the children begging, screams of chaos, and saw flashes of splattered blood everywhere. This was karma in its most sadistic and sinful form. This was karma, and she was paying dearly for everything.

  Yoori pressed on, ignoring how her heart was throbbing in agony. “Young Jae will bring war upon you to get to me. He will bring in reinforcements from Japan and he will punish you for protecting me.” She inhaled painfully. “I shouldn’t be around you, especially when we both know how ruthless and heartless Soo Jin could be.”

  There was no way around it. As long as she was with him, then Tae Hyun was in constant danger. There were already so many others who were after him; she did not want to add her brother to that list. Most importantly, she did not want to add Soo Jin to that list. It wasn’t feasible for Tae Hyun to watch over her forever. What was going to happen? Was he going to come to her rescue every time? She could no longer put him through that burden. In order to guarantee his safety, she had to leave him.

  “I’m not afraid of Soo Jin,” he assured her.

  Tired of the distance between them, he reached out and pulled her closer to him.

  “I’ll deal with anything that comes my way if it means that I get to be with you.”

  “I’m losing this battle with her, Tae Hyun,” Yoori hoarsely voiced, doing her best to release herself from Tae Hyun’s hold. She did not want him to weaken her resolve on what she had to
do. “Everyday, I’m being pushed further and further over the edge. I’m no longer the same girl you brought into this world, and I’m afraid that pretty soon, I’ll cease to exist when Soo Jin finally takes over.” She regarded him with fresh tears in her eyes. “Perhaps it’s better to just let me go. Let me leave this place and let me fend for myself. Maybe it’s best if I let Young Jae take me out so I could save all of us from Soo Jin.”

  “You think I’m just going to sit by, watch you leave, and allow you to die?”

  “You’ve reached the point where that’s all you can do,” she informed him dejectedly. She herself wished that this wasn’t true. “I’m beyond saving.”

  “Yoori, look at me,” Tae Hyun ordered, readjusting her so that she was lying atop his body.

  As she faced him, his strong arms pressed against her back while he held her to his bare chest.

  Yoori looked into his eyes and wished she hadn’t. Nothing but promises teemed inside his eyes—promises of a happily ever after and promises that she no longer believed in. Yoori was no longer a fool. She no longer believed in fairytale fantasies. Her fate was too intertwined with Soo Jin’s. Someone like Soo Jin didn’t deserve a happily ever after, and as a result, it meant that Yoori would never get her happily ever after as well.

  Despite this belief, she found herself falling deeper into the realm of promises as Tae Hyun smoothed a hand over her arm and cupped her cheek with love and devotion with the other. He held her full attention when he spoke. His voice was tender, yet filled with strength. His enticing brown eyes gazed down at her and for a heavenly moment, he erased all painful memories of anything else that occurred in her world. All that mattered at that moment was the two of them; all that mattered was Kwon Tae Hyun and Choi Yoori.

  “When I stood out there with you on the balcony and told you that none of this was going to be easy, I knew what I was getting into.” Still holding her tightly, he leaned in and feathered his beautiful lips over hers. “I’m not afraid of Young Jae, I’m not afraid of the crime lords in this world, and I’m not afraid of what Soo Jin is capable of.”


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