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The Wolves Catch Their Attorney [Shape-Shifter Clinic 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Cara Adams

  Some of the men she met through her work were far more wolfish than Fergus and Cam had ever been.

  She watched Cam’s brown head pop out of the water, waved back to him as he raised his arm in the air, then he disappeared from her view, under the overhanging lip of the dune.

  “Are you okay with this, Sierra? Would you rather we went down together, holding hands or just side by side?” asked Fergus.

  She smiled at him. “No, I’ll be fine. I can swim and jump all right. I was just a fraction surprised at the suggestion. Such a thought had never occurred to me before. I must be losing my mental flexibility with my advancing years.”

  “A fraction surprised, huh? More like totally shocked and dumbfounded, I’d have thought. And as for age, you’re not thirty yet, are you? So you need to loosen up a little and live.”

  “I have a very important goal to reach before I turn thirty.” Sierra closed her mouth with a snap. She’d never told anyone about her private deadline for making partner, and now wasn’t the time to break her silence. Or her legs hopefully.

  She took a short run up to the edge and launched herself into the air, deliberately emptying her lungs as she did so. For a few brief moments she was flying, as light as the air that surrounded her, weightless and free. It was an awesome feeling. Then she remembered she was about to go way down deep under water so she filled her lungs to capacity. And just in time, as her feet hit the water with a splash and the rest of her body slid down, down, down, and even farther down.

  She’d automatically shut her eyes, but now she opened them, keen to see if there were fish or rocks or whatever else was here with her. But it was just water, getting darker. Almost as if a switch had been pulled, her body started to rise up again. She kicked her legs, helping herself to move higher and the water got paler, clearer, and her head broke the surface. She trod water and took a few deep breaths, looking around. Up on the top of the dune Fergus waved at her and she waved back. She looked at the edge of the lake, which wasn’t particularly far to swim, not even fifty feet probably, and saw the tiny beach there where she was meant to get out. On the beach was Cam, also waving at her. A totally naked Cam. She stared, but his clothing didn’t reappear. Yes, he was naked.

  Well, that was interesting. Sierra put her head back into the water and swam to shore.

  * * * *

  Cam had undressed the minute he’d climbed out of the water. Sure they had spare clothing in Fergus’s car, but they had to get all the way back up that fucking dune first, and walk back to the car, or run along the dunes, or whatever Fergus had planned. Either way, he didn’t want sand stuck all over him because his skin and clothing were wet.

  It was quite hot. There’d been a moment of shock at how cold the water in the lake felt against his hot skin, but he hadn’t been in the water long enough to get cold. He wrung the water out of his shirt and cut-off jeans then laid them on a rock to dry. He was just rubbing his hands over his body getting the water off, when Sierra landed in the lake right in front of him.

  She seemed perfectly controlled, not the least anxious, but nevertheless he watched her closely as she came up out of the water again, waved to Fergus, and then noticed him. He wondered if she’d be prepared to get undressed, too. Maybe they could have sex here on this tiny beach. He’d be up for that. Hell, his cock was already up for it just thinking about Sierra.

  He walked back into the lake up to his knees and tugged her to her feet as she floated toward him. “See how cool that was?” he asked.

  “‘Cool’ is the word all right. The water’s fucking freezing.”

  He laughed. She was still as feisty as ever. “I’m not being a pervert here, but if you take your clothes off the sun will warm your skin fast, and I’ll wring your shorts and T-shirt out for you. They’ll dry pretty quickly, too.”

  “Yes, okay. It’s not like we’ve seen anyone else here today, and there was no other vehicle in the parking lot when we arrived.” She peeled off her clothes and then bent over, wringing water from her hair while he did the same with her clothing.

  He laid her clothes on the rocks next to his to dry, and by then Fergus was swimming over to the beach to join them.

  Fergus first looked at Sierra, and Cam knew he was checking if she was happy. She seemed perfectly relaxed to him. He thought she’d gotten over her first reaction to jumping off the cliff pretty well really.

  They settled happily on the rocks in the sunshine together, commenting on how blue the lake still seemed even at ground level, and how cold the water was, likely because of the extreme depth.

  Cam was quite dry, but he knew Sierra’s hair would take a while to dry. Fergus had very red hair and Cam wondered if he also had the kind of skin that sunburned easily. He wasn’t unnaturally pale, but likely they shouldn’t stay in the sun naked for an extended time.

  He asked, “How do we get back? Do we have to climb the dune again, or is there a path to walk around it?”

  “Yes we walk around. There’s a track that follows the base of all the dunes. But it’s pretty boring just looking at sand when we could see the lake and the great view.”

  “What a shame you can’t go and get the car, Fergus, and bring it around for us,” said Sierra.

  “Or motorcycles. Ambrielle rides a motorbike. What a shame we can’t ride motorcycles back,” suggested Cam.

  “Oh, I like that idea, except I’d probably be delegated to fetch the car and the bikes,” said Fergus.

  “Or if you were vampires instead of werewolves you could fly me back. That’d work,” said Sierra. Cam grinned. He’d just had an amazing idea. He looked at Fergus and saw a matching smile on Fergus’s face.

  Cam nodded to Fergus. He was the Dom. He could suggest the idea to Sierra.

  “Would you like us to give you a ride on our backs for part of the way? A ride on a wolf’s back?” he clarified.

  Sierra stared at Fergus, then turned her head at stared at him. Cam felt his entire face splitting wide with a grin. They’d confounded her this time. She’d never even thought about them transforming into their wolves.

  Slowly she said, “Even in your wolf form you’re still yourselves, right? You know what you’re doing? You understand what is happening around you? You’re still human, just a little furry?”

  This time Cam answered. “Our minds and hearts are still the same. Our senses are enhanced. Our hearing is sharper, our noses smell more distant scents and can differentiate between scents much better than in human form. But we can still think like usual. We decide whether we run or play or jump. We’re not bound to some animalistic law that changes our minds for us.”

  “We would never hurt you,” added Fergus.

  Sierra nodded slowly. As always when she was in her professional mindset, Cam couldn’t read any thoughts or emotions on her face or in her body language, but he was getting to know her better and he felt sure she’d agree. When she gave a firm nod he knew he’d been right. She’d let them take her for a ride on their backs.

  “But first, it seems a shame to waste this beautiful private beach and lovely warm sunshine,” said Fergus.

  “Especially when we’re all already naked,” added Cam, looking at Sierra’s rounded curves and picturing his hands on her breasts, her hips, her ass. Damn, the woman was stunning. She was curved but not fat. He could see the muscles under her pale skin, defined enough to make her look fit and healthy, but not harsh and stringy like the legs of an athlete or dancer sometimes looked. Not to mention she’d run up that hellish sand dune lighter than a balloon, whereas he’d crashed and burned on it not once, but twice.

  Fergus went over to the rock holding his basketball shorts and unzipped the pocket, bringing out a condom. “I came prepared,” he said.

  “Uh-huh and what about Cam?” she asked.

  “I never even thought of that,” confessed Cam. But I sure as hell wish I had.

  “You could suck him and spit instead of swallow, or do you insist on using dental dams?” asked Fergus.

  Sierra cast a long look up and down Cam’s cock. He felt it grow another inch under her scrutiny. It was slightly larger than average, but so was the rest of him, so that just meant his body was in proportion. Right now it sure as hell wanted to be inside her mouth if it couldn’t have her cunt. Or her ass. I wonder if she’s okay with anal sex?

  Then he realized she might not be measuring him, but wondering if he was clean. “I’ve never had a sexually transmitted disease. As a nurse I’ve had shots to prevent me from catching everything imaginable, but I’ve never been sick with anything other than the flu a couple times and chicken pox as a small child.”

  “I believe you. I trust you both. But I still want the condom and I won’t swallow.”

  Cam thought he was lucky she’d even agreed to sex. He wasn’t going to push her to swallow his seed if she didn’t want to.

  Fergus moved back on the beach until he was beside the sand dune, almost touching it. Now if someone looked down from the top of the dune they couldn’t see him, and if anyone was walking around the lake they’d only see him if they were directly opposite or up quite close. He rolled on the condom, lay down, and said, “Come and sit on my cock, Sierra.”

  Cam’s own cock bounced and begged to play, too. Just looking at her was arousing him intensely, but he knew it was the fact they’d spent the morning together as well. They were developing a bond as a threesome, coming to know each other’s hearts and minds. He already knew he not only wanted her, but that he cared for her a lot, far more than he’d expected to so soon in the relationship. But she was absolutely perfect. She was her own woman, independent, feisty, intelligent, physically and mentally tough. As well as that she had the kind of body he wanted to hold and lose himself in forever. She was everything he could want, and so much more than he’d expected to find all wrapped up in one person.

  Cam watched Sierra kneel beside Fergus and use her bare toes to tease along his legs before she sat down. Then she wiped her pussy up and down his belly and pelvis. Cam just knew her pussy would be wet, and not from her swim in the lake either. Fergus could possibly even smell her arousal they were so close. Cam would know when it was his turn. Damn not thinking to bring a condom. Oh well, it would be good to have her suck him. And he had all this time just to look at her naked body, which was pretty good, too.

  Cam almost swallowed his tongue as he watched Sierra slide down over Fergus’s cock, and absorb it deep into her cunt. Little neon signs were flashing behind his eyes saying “hot,” “erotic,” “carnal.” He licked his lips. “Wow!” was all he could think, or possibly, “Ye haw!”

  “Come and get into position, Cam,” said Fergus.

  Oh, so they were going to be together this time. That was nice. It made them even more of a threesome, although each time they’d had sex all of them had been involved. But simultaneously would definitely be even better. Although possibly it’d be so good his head would explode as well as his dick.

  Cam tried kneeling, but his cock wasn’t quite high enough for Sierra to reach. She had to lean forward and that might spoil it for Fergus. So instead he stood up, very close to her, and gradually widened his legs, lowering his effective height, until his cock was exactly level with her mouth. Good.

  Her amber eyes were sparkling and her cheeks were flushed so he knew she was very aroused. She placed a gentle hand on his cock and moved it to her mouth then nearly drove him insane by teasing his balls with her other hand. She rolled them with her fingers, and cupped them with her palm. She pressed her fingernails into his sensitive skin, making him shiver with anticipation. His eyes crossed when she delicately teased the skin of his inner thighs and the flesh either side of his cock. When she finally sucked his dick into her mouth he thought he might explode on the spot, but he managed to regain control of himself.

  Fergus was holding her hips and moving her up and down on his cock. Cam could tell Fergus wasn’t doing all the work, although his feet were planted flat on the sand and his hips and thighs were pumping up and down. But Sierra was wiggling her hips in Fergus’s hands and twisting her body this way and that, all while keeping her hands and mouth on Cam’s own dick. Damn the woman was talented. How could she do that to the two of them at once? He couldn’t even watch her without his brain frying from lust and arousal.

  Her breasts were bobbing up and down as she moved on Fergus. Fergus’s hands remained on her hips, obviously holding her where he wanted her, so Cam stretched out a hand to touch a perky nipple. He flicked it with a fingernail, then stroked her breast with his knuckles. Her skin felt soft and warm under his hands, so he cupped her globe carefully, making sure he wasn’t in Fergus’s way. But Fergus was concentrating on fucking her and this wasn’t a BDSM scene as such even though the event was planned by their Dom. There were no whips, chains, or handcuffs, and no dungeon. Cam was looking forward to when they played a real dungeon scene, but right now, having sex on the beach where theoretically they could be interrupted by anyone at any time, was exciting enough for him.

  Sierra scraped her fingernails along the side of his cock, then pressed the pads of her fingers into the long vein running down his shaft. She followed this up by resting his cockhead in her mouth and teasing his balls again, then scraped her teeth over his sensitive head.

  Now she was running her nails over his inner thighs again. Damn, the woman was a witch. Every inch of his skin was alive with fire, demanding more, yet her hot, wet mouth held his cockhead tightly and every now and then she sucked on him to raise his need higher.

  In retaliation he trailed his fingers over her neck and down between her breasts, finally tweaking her nipple again. She gave him a glance so filled with lust he could hardly breathe.

  “Now!” ordered Fergus hoarsely.

  Cam rolled Sierra’s nipple between his fingers, elongated it, then pinched it sharply.

  She, in turn, took his shaft much deeper into her mouth than she had until now and sucked hard on him. He smiled at her and she let him out. He gave one hard tug on his cock and it exploded onto the sand beside them all.

  Cam wanted to shut his eyes and breathe deeply, but he had to look, had to see Sierra climax. He stood holding his dick in his hand, entranced as her body trembled, shook, then she collapsed flat onto Fergus’s chest. But he’d seen her cheeks flush, watched her eyelids lower over those sparkling eyes, noticed her mouth curve into a smile. He was certain her orgasm had been a good one, even though he’d only been a minor player in giving her that pleasure.

  He dropped onto the sand beside them and stroked her back, rubbing her spine and her shoulders, soothing her, helping her to relax.

  He wasn’t surprised when she didn’t rest for long, though. Already he knew enough about her to know she was the kind of person who was constantly on the move.

  “I suppose I’m going to have to get in that freezing-cold lake to wash myself,” she grumbled.

  “Well at least you don’t have to get your hair wet this time unless you want to,” Cam replied, inwardly intrigued at her choice of conversation starter.

  “That’s true.”

  The three of them stood at the very edge of the lake, where the water was actually quite warm, and rinsed off.

  Then Sierra turned to them and asked, “Were you serious that you’d give me a ride on your backs in wolf form? I’d really like that.”

  Cam hadn’t forgotten. But what would she think if she saw them transform? Would she be horrified at the changes? Would she even adjust to seeing them as wolves?

  Chapter Five

  Sierra wasn’t sure why she’d asked about seeing them as wolves. On the one hand she wanted to know what they looked like. Would Fergus be a regular brown wolf, or would his fur be as red as his hair? And what about Cam? He was very muscular. Would he be bigger than Fergus? And what would it be like to ride a wild animal as if it were something out of a movie? Well a sort of wild animal. She’d know they were really just Fergus and Cam after all.

  But what if seeing them
as wolves repulsed her? What if she felt ill that she’d fucked these animals? What if it meant the end of the relationship that was starting to grow between them?

  Better now than later when I’ll risk having my heart broken. They brought the topic up, but I need to know if I can cope with them in their werewolf form. If I can’t, I need to stop seeing them. It’s part of who they are after all and I have a partnership to earn. And that means even if we do develop a relationship it can never be recognized in public. I’m not going to let talk of a ménage lose me my partnership, that’s definite.

  But her heart wanted to reject those statements. She was already becoming fond of them. She enjoyed the time they spent together, the talking and fun as well as the sex. Even jumping into the fucking lake. She couldn’t say being with them was boring, that was for sure. She always felt cared for and considered when they were with her. They never ignored her or disregarded her wishes.

  So I do need to see them as wolves. I do need to know I can accept this side of them, too.

  Fergus and Cam stood in front of her, side by side, shoulder to shoulder, rather like a wall of muscular skin and bone. “Are you ready to see this? We’ll transform and take you for a brief run up the beach and back again. If you’re okay with that then we’ll start walking back to the parking lot. Okay?” asked Fergus.

  Sierra walked over to her clothes, quickly pulling on her panties and bra, then her T-shirt and shorts. She gave her hair a quick comb with her fingers, then tied it into a ponytail. “Now I’m ready,” she said, slipping her feet into her athletic shoes.


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