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Daughter Of Ethos: Destination Home Book 2

Page 14

by L M Lacee

  Melody snarled at him. ‘Do not do that, there is no one like you. I will not take command, I do not know enough of this universe to lead, and I am definitely not you. Dearle stars, I so do not have your patience.’

  Dinas smiled and agreed with her. ‘And I brother will not command, because I like Melody am not you!’

  Hawk shook his head as he replied. ‘I am no more special than any other here, I am just a male finding my way as Madam said, just like everyone else.’

  Peyton shook her head as she said. ‘No, you are my First Commander and so much more to us all. You rule this system as much as I do because of who you are. You help keep me balanced, if that is not fair, then I am sorry. We all have trials to overcome and to bear. Hawk I am proud to call you my friend and more. So allow us to help you find your balance. We all want to help, we all want to make this work as much as you do. Which makes it hard for me when I step on your toes.’

  Both males looked at his feet, holding her laugh in as the other females did, she said. ‘It is an expression, it means when I insist on something you think I should stay out of.’


  Peyton said softly looking at the males. ‘But I feel that the Warriors in question need to find out why humiliation never works, other than to cause resentment. I know as does everyone here, that this is not how you train your Warriors, this was an aberration by males who have not had the benefit of your wisdom.’

  Hawk bowed. ‘You humble me Peyton, I hope to continue to be both friend and your Commander.’

  ‘You always will be, I am sorry to say one of your burdens is me, but then I have Darby!’

  Hawk smiled as Darby snarled. ‘Hey, I heard that female.’

  Smiling Peyton ended the meeting. ‘On that note you are all dismissed. Netta stay and we will take care of that little problem. Oh, Hawk what time in the morn?’

  ‘I would like to be boarded by first rising and underway before people start the day.’

  ‘Agreed.’ She thought about what he said for a min, then asked. ‘Which Warbird are we going on?’

  ‘Maikonian I.’

  ‘Huh, I think I will stay on board tonight.’

  ‘I will alert the Commander.’

  ‘Thank you Hawk, Dinas you and Patty will have to say your goodbyes to Heather and the twins here. I need you two to head up medical, now she is leaving.’

  Darby’s sniff did not go unnoticed. ‘Also Melody, contact Vet Kate, we will need her.’

  ‘Peyton, we cannot call her that!’

  ‘Why not, she is the vet?’

  ‘I know that, how about Healer Kate?’

  ‘Will that not get confusing?’

  ‘Have you met Kate?’


  ‘Not confusing.’

  ‘If you say so.’

  ‘I do!’

  Dinas interrupted them. ‘Madam, remember an animal healer, is called an Artar.’

  ‘Thank you Dinas, really Melody, why did not remember that?’

  She sniped back. ‘I did, I was hiding the knowledge from you.’

  ‘Snippy!’ Peyton said to Darby, who shook her head at Peyton but could not help teasing the annoyed Melody either. ‘Truly she is, I wonder why!’

  Melody threw her hands up. ‘I am leaving before I smack you both.’

  ‘Ooh violence! You know what that means?’ Peyton asked Darby who again shook her head.

  ‘No, what?’

  ‘I’ll tell you later.’

  They grinned as Melody growled and left the office calling back. ‘Netta, see me later.’


  Peyton sighed heavily as she sat behind her desk, keeping her eyes on Netta who took a chair opposite her.

  ‘Okay, Netta, I wish you were coming. We are going to miss you. So do not forget to say goodbye to Heather and the girls.’

  ‘I won’t and this sucks, he could have picked something else.’

  Darby agreed. ‘Yep, but this one hurts. For him it was a wise choice, you will remember this as will others when it gets around.’

  Peyton grumbled. ‘The biggest gossips ever.’

  They both acknowledged this with a smile. Netta exclaimed. ‘Oh, tuap! Well, what do I have to do to get bound up?’

  ‘Ooh kinky!’ Darby grinned at her as a laughing Peyton told her. ‘Hush Comp girl. Netta do not worry, seriously the binding will stop the Rie emerging, but you will still have to control your emotions, anger especially.’ At her worried look Peyton assured her. ‘It will not become dangerous, but it will be a little more heightened whatever caused this to emerge way back when, was caused through anger and fear. So those are the emotions your Rie is projecting.’

  ‘You seem to know a lot about this?’ Netta questioned Peyton she was a little uncomfortable with mention of her past. One day she knew she would talk about her experiences, but that day was not here yet and definitely not today. She knew Melody would never say anything even to Peyton and the others. For now, those memories could remain where they were, buried in her mind.

  ‘I do, the knowledge the Star Child gave me is amazing.’ Peyton eyed Netta and Darby as she told them. ‘The truth is this Rie is a gift from the Star Child, the Warriors do not know this, and for now it would be better to keep this information to ourselves.’

  ‘Why?’ Darby asked, and it was not hard to hear the tone of annoyance in her voice.

  Peyton shrugged, amused at Darby’s annoyance. ‘Because the Star Child demanded it, so unless you want to discuss their decision with them, let’s leave well enough alone!’

  ‘Fine, but we will have that discussion.’

  ‘And I will be there when it happens.’


  ‘Anyway Netta, until your Rie and you are trained by an Elite who knows how to do so. We will do it this way.’

  ‘Why can’t you?’ Netta asked as she chewed on her thumb nail.

  ‘Oh hon, I wish I could but I would not have the first idea what it is you need to train you or your Rie. So we will keep you bound and safe. I will give you one final warning, the binding is only good as long as you are not in any physical danger. If you ever get into a situation that your Rie perceives as dangerous it will rise up and break the binding and force you into action, especially if your life is threatened.’

  Netta raised her eyebrows. ‘What do I do then?’

  Peyton did not smile, she blew out a breath and looked at a serious Darby, together they looked at Netta and Peyton said quietly. ‘If that should happen, I suggest you fight hard and well and enjoy the experience, because until you die or the threat is removed your Rie will not settle again, and I will not be able to put the binding back on until it is quiet. Also, each time your Rie escapes and enfolds you, it will change. What changes it makes, I cannot say.’ She held her hand up in a stop gesture when Netta went to ask her a question.

  ‘Not because I do not want to, it is because I do not know. Your Rie is yours alone and will shape itself for what you need. Do you understand?’

  Netta nodded slowly. ‘Yeah, I sort of get it, so it seems I had better get some training in control with Dinas and learn to fight better with a sword. Do you think I always had this Rie?’

  ‘Oh yes, definitely. I am surprised over and over how much our lives on Earth were similar to the peoples and planets of the Indorino Universe, are you not?’

  Darby agreed. ‘I am.’

  Netta shrugged more concerned with other matters at the moment. ‘So if I had been raised out here in this universe as a Warrior, I may have ended up an Elite?’

  Peyton laughed. ‘Netta, you are an Elite, always have been, always will be. The matter and manner of your birth made no difference to that.’

  ‘Oh wow!’ She said shocked. ‘For real?’

  ‘Yes, on Earth it would have remained dormant and probably would have for the rest of your life, of course it would have shown itself in strength, speed and abilities. Like your skill with your knives and probably your choice of
weapons and how good you are with them.’

  Darby explained. ‘Netta, it just took coming out here for it to develop more and show itself.’

  Peyton advised her. ‘When you are training with Dinas, ask him about what it means to be an Elite, you may be surprised at what he tells you.’

  Netta nodded but said nothing as she sat thinking about how her life was to change again. Especially not being able to go with Peyton and the others when they left in the morn. She smiled and said quietly. ‘I guess we know what the gift is now that the Star Child hinted at.’

  Darby said quietly. ‘Yes.’

  Peyton said just as quietly. ‘Remember as with all gifts it’s what you do with it, as to how much of a blessing it becomes.’

  Netta quirked her lips. ‘True.’

  Darby nudged her. ‘Come on, let’s go get some food and tea. You need both after a healing and then we need to pack for her.’ She pointed at Peyton. ‘She will forget everything!’

  ‘Seriously, I am right here. Penny!’ She yelled as she stood.

  Penny growled as she came through the door. ‘Comm`… use the comm`.’

  Peyton looked at her confused until Penny pointed to the button on her desk. ‘It is a comm` Peyton, you touch it when you want me. Remember?’

  ‘So funny, I can fire you!’

  ‘No, you cannot.’

  ‘I cannot?’

  ‘No, it is in my contract.’

  ‘Did I put that in there, it seems like something I would not do?’

  ‘No, Rose did, when we did the negotiation.’

  ‘Did we negotiate? I do not remember that?’

  ‘No, Darby did it for you.’

  ‘Oh… yeah that makes sense.’ Peyton gave her the evil eye instead, ignoring the look, Penny asked. ‘So what can I do for you?’

  ‘I forget now!’ They all looked at her as she stared up at the ceiling, after a few mins she said. ‘Oh yeah, I am leaving tonight. Do not forget to say goodbye to Heather and the girls. Dinas and Patty are to remain home for this mission as will Kerol, he will be needed to watch the shop.’

  Penny’s grin grew wider. ‘I will tell him and them.’

  Peyton smiled at her enthusiastic expression. ‘They already know. Penny you realize it means Kerol may have to go next mission?’

  ‘I know but…’

  ‘Yeah… yeah alright, go… go all of you, I have stuff to do before I leave!’

  Netta halted at the door. ‘Wait… wait, the binding?’

  Peyton flapped her hands around. ‘Oh, I did that earlier. You are as safe as I can make you. Remember my warnings and everything should be okay. I will miss you heaps.’

  ‘I know, I am sorry Peyton. Next mission though right?’

  ‘Definitely, keep your knives sheathed, and we will be fine.’

  Netta grinned as she saluted. ‘Got it.’

  Darby smiled at Peyton. ‘I will see you later, I like the idea of staying on board tonight.’

  ‘Do not threaten me.’ Peyton called after her as she slipped with Netta and Penny from the office.


  The Warship Maikonia I. had been upgraded and Peyton was totally thrilled at the refit, as she walked the newly painted corridors or passageways as they were called on ships. She was impressed with the interior walls which were either a soothing purple or blue that flowed onto what seemed like floating floors that were now a light gray color.

  Commander Kolin’s team’s ingenuity showed in the design of the cabins, apparently, they could be configured smaller or larger, depending on need. This was achieved by making use of the technology from the Hexes. This she knew was only one of the many, many ideas they had put in place. Kolin had even sent along an engineer who had trained with him to supervise all the improvements and then decide on the ones that worked the best and list the ones they wanted to scrap. He and Darby were also to make sure the ship performed as it was meant to, with the new improvements to the drives. It seemed having a license to make changes had inspired the Commander and his team, their new and improved features were all over the twenty-one level Warbird, from container holds to pilot consoles.

  They even enlarged and improved Peyton’s stateroom, which was decorated in, she had been glad to see shades of blues, someone had obviously found out she was partial to the color. Her cabin was half a size larger than a standard cabin which meant when she entered through a sliding door that had palm access security. She entered into a small lounge combined with an office that consisted of a desk, chair and a comp in the corner of the room. When she looked around she found a new door, sliding it open she found they had given her an extra bedroom with its own compact cleansing room. Another new sliding door led to her bedroom, which had a double bed and built-in closet with drawers. One more sliding door led into her own compact cleansing room, which was still the basic sonic shower and retractable toilet with a small retractable sink, on the whole, even if storage was still at a minimal, they had reconfigured her cabin well. She had been told there were five staterooms throughout the ship, all about the same size as hers. This was a trial to see if having that many was feasible and necessary.

  It was easy to see some levels had been designed for the female Warriors in mind as in this level Peyton found herself on. Commander Kolin’s report stated, that all cabins were twin share with adequate cleansing rooms and thoughtful storage, even though the cabins were still compact, they were laid out in a more practical manner. It was still necessary to be circumspect about how much luggage a person was allowed, but on the whole there was an increase in space or so it seemed.

  She walked along to a viewing lounge which she was pleased to see were on every level; they were all decorated with relaxation in mind, soft neutral colors and fabrics on the sofas and chairs with deep soft rugs scattered around, there were the new drink and snack dispensers installed. As with the cabins the lounges reflected the touch of the decorating committee, it looked as though they had taken control of decorating throughout the ship. Peyton knew everyone had to be as grateful as she was for that, no longer did it look like a dull boring, tired place where no one cared what kind of life they led, her musings were cut short by a hail from behind her.

  ‘Greetings Peyton.’

  Peyton stopped, so Trina could catch her up. She liked the always smiling Trina, she was taller than Peyton standing about five-foot-ten, Peyton was relieved to see she was back to her normal shoulder length ash blonde hair style, last time she saw her hair was short almost military cut, which did nothing for her, she stared at Peyton with her bright green eyes, that always told everyone she was possessed of a sharp intelligence, she understood as well as spoke most languages fluently. Now as Peyton studied her, she could see she was upset, she was definitely not her normal cheerful self.

  ‘Greetings Trina, how are you all fixed up?’

  ‘Yeah, gunna have some scars, though.’

  ‘Well, I may have something that can help with that in time.’

  Trina frowned an unusual expression for her. ‘That would be nice. I am not happy about them, they make me feel vulnerable. I do not like feeling that way.’

  ‘No, I hate that feeling as well, they will be punished Trina. Hawk was not happy, it is not how the Warriors think as a rule.’

  ‘Oh, I know, he came and told Janet and me that before I left.’

  ‘He did, did he?’

  They walked slowly together along the passageway toward the lift. Peyton asked Trina. ‘I am going to look at the shipteen want to come with me?’

  ‘Yep, not much to do until tomorrow morn training. Apparently we have tonight to settle in.’

  ‘Why are you here early?’

  Trina shrugged and smiled. ‘Oh well, nothing left to do at home, so figured I may as well.’


  Together they entered the lift heading to the shipteen on the level above. Trina said casually. ‘Janet decided not to come this trip.’

  ‘So I heard.’ Peyton loo
ked at her and asked. ‘Trina, what is going on, you are upset and it is not about what happened. Can I help?’

  Sighing as they exited the lift, Trina answered, ‘Peyton, I am never going to be a Warrior, maybe I should be reassigned?’

  ‘Mmm! So what did you do before we came out here?’

  ‘I was a shop assistant, always dreamed of being a trooper, you know?’

  ‘Yep, I know!’ In fact everyone knew her dream and were as happy as she was, when she finally realized it, after going through the selection process.

  Trina sadly said. ‘But that is not going to happen now!’

  Peyton was surprised, she did not think Trina was a quitter. ‘Why, because an olesho put you down, cut you up a bit. Shoot, you are not going to let that get to you, are you? Girl you can do better.’

  Trina nodded. ‘I know I can, and no not because of them, although Netta’s work with knives would be hard to live up too, have you seen the vid?’

  ‘I did, we all did. So if it is not that, then what is it?’

  Trina shrugged. ‘I think there is something wrong with me.’ Her eyebrows rose over her worried green eyes as she told her quietly. ‘You see, I have this itch…’

  Peyton stopped and grabbed her arm demanding. ‘Where... where is this itch?’

  A little alarmed at the intense female now standing before her, Trina tapped her temple on the right side. ‘Here on the inside it’s like a mozzie bite on your back when you can’t quite reach it, annoying and itchy.’

  Peyton unsure what a mozzie was, still understood the concept. She placed two fingers on either side of Trina’s head and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, they had turned black and held small flames.

  ‘Oh Trina, sweet girl your mate has found you. He does not realize he has reached out his mind and encountered yours. When he does the itch will cease, be patient, it is not long now.’ Then her eyes returned to normal and Trina said. ‘Oh wow, I’m not going crazy?’


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