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Daughter Of Ethos: Destination Home Book 2

Page 34

by L M Lacee

  Peyton re-took her seat and again drummed her fingers on the table. ‘So many lies Governor Swent, what have you to say for yourself now?’

  Resigned he hung his head and asked. ‘Would it make much difference?’

  ‘To you and your spouse’s maybe not, to your young maybe yes.’

  He nodded as the older female mumbled to him. Peyton sipped her coffee while she waited, she saw the min he agreed to what his spouse was saying. He rubbed the side of his nose, sighed and said. ‘The Ambassador came to our world or what was left of it, he said if we secured the Warriors he would make it easy for us to remain here by having the sand tested. When it was deemed valuable, he also helped us secure a trader to sell the sand.’

  He shook his head as he swallowed and sighed resignedly, the older female touched his hand lightly, he nodded and continued. ‘We were a great society not that many yentas ago. Once millions of citizens lived on our world.’

  ‘Did the planet look like this one?’ Melody asked before she could stop herself.

  ‘No, our world was magnificent, it teamed with vegetation and life. We were the largest planet in the galaxy. Now we live on a sliver of what it once was.’

  Melody frowned in confusion, she had read Darby’s report but still wondered if meteors could really do that much destruction, and if they could, wasn’t there a way to protect planets. Again before she thought, she asked. ‘What could break a planet like that?’

  He looked at her and saw she genuinely wished to know and explained, his voice even sadder than his expression. ‘We woke one morn to find a meteor shower was passing over our planet.’

  ‘You did not have shields or defenses?’ Kent asked in disbelief.

  Melody asked Kent. ‘There are shields?’

  ‘Yes Commander, many types that will deflect or destroy the meteors as well as all manner of defenses. All planets should have them, for exactly this reason.’

  Melody looked at the Governor. ‘Why did your world not have these shields?’

  Governor Swent shook his head. ‘We should have, there was nothing to stop the meteors. We had not prepared as our scientists warned us too. They had pleaded to install the network or shields that other worlds in this region used. The Governors at that time refused to believe the technology was sound. In truth they would not spend the credits, they reasoned it had been many yentas since the meteors had passed this way.’ His voice became belligerent as he felt the animosity and condemnation from the Warriors.

  ‘Why would we spend the credits when we believed they would not return? The Coalition did not say they would return, they should have given us warning.’

  Peyton stated coldly. ‘Why should they, it was your responsibility to protect your citizens, not theirs!’

  ‘How was I to know… how were we?’ He pleaded for their understanding, when he saw the looks of disbelief from them all.

  ‘Because you had been warned by your own scientists.’ Sarn rumbled out, disgust filling his voice. ‘The ones you paid credits to, for their advice, the same ones who knew this would happen again.’

  ‘Wait… wait!’ Melody held her hand up. ‘For credits, millions of your people died because of credits!’

  ‘Yes.’ Peyton told her. ‘They did, for the unwillingness to spend the credits.’

  Melody shook her head as she groaned silently in sympathy for all those lost to selfishness and greed.

  ‘Yes... yes.’ He said heavily. ‘We have suffered... suffered terribly... for that mistake. When it rained meteors, there was nowhere to go. We hid in our homes and waited… waited for the storm to leave and finally after five days it passed. We left our homes and those of us that survived, rejoiced that we were spared, but sadly our beautiful world was ruined, destroyed beyond what any could imagine. Our scientists or the few that remained alive, believed the world had been punctured far too severely to remain whole and would break apart. We sent for help but it was too late. Before anyone could arrive to assist us, our world collapsed and broke into pieces, some smaller than Lowertt, some bigger. Unfortunately, without a tether most of the other splinters collided with our suns and millions more of our people were killed in the aftermath. When the Coalition finally arrived, they helped us gather many of our remaining people and salvage everything we could. We now number just over one hundred thousand citizens and together we have built Lowertt from the remnants of our great nation.’

  Melody asked trying to keep the horror she felt from her voice. ‘The meteors drilled the holes into your planet, they are not manufactured for the sand?’

  ‘Yes, they punctured the world.’

  Avana said without expression. ‘You of course have the sand.’

  He looked at her and nodded. ‘Yes Sene, we do. The meteors turned the soil to sand, we are fortunate, it has sustained our people and daily we strive to regain our place among the great worlds of our universe.’

  ‘Interesting!’ Peyton said unmoved. ‘But that does not tell me about the deal you made with Thanikis.’

  Swent looked at her hard eyes and was sure he saw flames in their depths, he shook his head and quickly said. ‘He came with the Coalition, they offered to take people from here to relocate elsewhere. Many left, but many were like my spouses and myself and wished to remain. This is our home or what was left of it when the Coalition left, Thanikis remained. He offered us a deal, we would hide the Warriors, and he would give us credits and workers to mine the sand. We cannot do so any more, for some reason we are intensely allergic to it.’

  ‘You have not always been?’ Melody asked, knowing he was lying or at least only telling part of the truth.

  ‘Originally, we were able to mine the sand, then we could no longer continue.’

  She asked to clarify. ‘Now your people, all your people are allergic to it?’

  ‘Yes Commander, we develop a rash and will eventually die if exposed for too long.’

  Avana’s expression was set as she snapped. ‘As do your workers.’

  Before he could work up a reply or the older female could as she stared at Avana with her lips pulled into a straight line, the link chirped and Melody answered it. ‘Commander James, speak.’

  Peyton grinned as she wondered who had taught who to answer a comm` in that way, she bet Hawk.

  ‘Engineer Londor for the Star Daughter.’

  Peyton said. ‘Yes Engineer Londor.’

  ‘Star Daughter. We will take the sleepers from the side wall as Commander Kolin did before.’

  ‘Alright, do we have to move?’

  ‘No Star Daughter you are safe.’

  ‘What of the sand and wind?’

  ‘We are sheltered here.’

  ‘How long until you are finished?’

  ‘Four hours will be required.’

  ‘Proceed Engineer Londor.’

  ‘As you wish Star Daughter.’

  Melody disconnected, then the link sounded again. ‘Commander James, speak.’

  ‘Star Daughter!’

  ‘Yes Commander Roeah.’

  ‘We have recovered three hundred females.’


  ‘Yes Star Daughter.’

  ‘Are they well?’


  ‘Do they wish to leave?’

  ‘Very much so.’

  ‘Make it so, please.’

  ‘I have notified Lady Darby who has the healers on standby. I will be with you in mins.’

  ‘Alright Commander, when you come can you bring a female who would be willing to speak to me. If there is one who is not too badly hurt please?’

  ‘I will find one Star Daughter, in mins.’

  Peyton looked at the decidedly lime colored adults who now stared at her fearfully. ‘That was my First Commander, it seems you told another lie Governor Swent. You are not doing too well today.’

  ‘I was unaware you meant the slaves?’

  ‘Oh… so not the right answer!’ Melody stated as Peyton started to glow, her voice was cold e
nough to form ice on the windows as she said. ‘My Commander is correct, that was not the right answer. Seriously Governor Swent, it is unbelievable how foolish you have been. From the time we entered your orbit until now. Well, I suppose we will await my First Commander and find out exactly how foolish you actually are!’


  A little later, no more the ten tense filled mins at least for the Swent family. Hawk and a tall female dressed in filthy white overalls entered. The female's hands and arms were red raw and covered in the green sand, her face appeared to have been wiped clean but it too was red and looked painful. Wherever there were rips and holes in her clothing, her skin was red and also looked painful. She was obviously underfed, ill and exhausted. Avana thought she needed the med unit more than she needed to talk to Peyton.

  Peyton asked Hawk. ‘She speaks Coalition?’

  ‘Yes, Star Daughter.’

  Peyton looked at the female and felt pity well in in her heart, and a spurt of anger surge forward to be clamped down hard. ‘Greetings, your name, please?’

  The female swallowed several times trying to produce some liquid to help her speak, Avana passed her water tube to her. Which she gratefully accepted and drank all of in one long swallow and then sighed loudly. Kent handed her another tube but as she tried to flip the lid with cracked obviously sore fingers, he reached over and quickly lifted it for her. She looked at him without a smile, as tears entered her eyes for the little courtesy.

  With a nod to him she drank half the water, then finally was able to answer Peyton who had waited patiently. Her voice, when it came, was hoarse but clear as she spoke. ‘Sabrina Johnston. My name is Sabrina Johnston, people mostly call me Rina.’

  Peyton smiled as Melody stood and asked Hawk, ‘Does Rina need a healer?’

  ‘Yes Commander, her fingers and face could do with a med scanner immediately, she assures me she is well enough to answer your questions, although I think she would do well on board the Warbird, failing that as she seems very determined, she could do with food and to be clean.’

  Peyton thanked Hawk, then turned to the female. ‘You heard my Commander, so we can accomplish three of those needs right now and if you can bear up a little longer, we will get you the rest and medical attention you require.’

  Rina nodded. ‘Thank you.’

  Peyton said as she nodded to Melody. ‘This is Commander Melody. She will take you to shower and get you some clean clothes as well as something to eat.’

  She turned and pointed to the younger female whose face was screwed up in a horrified look as she looked at the newcomer. ‘You.’

  The female jerked and squeaked. ‘Yes Star Daughter.’

  ‘Get up and go with my Commander and Lady Sabrina.’ When she did not move, Peyton released a little of the anger she was feeling and sent a tongue of starlight along the table scorching a deep furrow into it.


  Governor Swent and his family jumped back from the scorching river of starfire that ran the full length of the beautiful table. The younger female squealed in fear along with the young girls, but one look at the angry Peyton and the female with a small cry ran around the smoldering table and pass Melody, who shepherded Sabrina from the room. Just before she left Peyton her eyes on the Governor told Melody. ‘Make sure she gets our food and one of Darby’s drinks, plus heal her face and hands.’

  Melody nodded knowing she meant Darby’s download, Lukkas said. ‘Chef Helen has sent some food down already, Star Daughter.’

  Melody gave his shoulder a slap as she praised him. ‘You are very efficient Warrior Lukkas.’

  ‘Thank you Commander.’ He said as he ducked his head at her praise.

  She grinned as he and Sarn left with her and the female. They could all hear Rina and Melody talking as they walked down the hallway. ‘How did she do that? Who are you people?’

  Melody replied. ‘I will explain everything in a min, let’s just get you cleaned first.’

  The last they heard was Rina saying. ‘Okay, do you really have real food?’

  Hawk looked at the family and then back to Peyton who told him. ‘Engineer Karl told me everything is working well. They will need four hours.’

  ‘Yes, he also informed me of the same. I will have to return to direct the remaining searchers and the other matter we spoke about.’

  Peyton nodded then asked. ‘Where did you find the females?’

  ‘Beneath the surface. Willian found them in his search of the planet. They were mining the sand.’

  ‘I see, were there any others?’

  He looked at the flames in her eyes and the glow and sighed. ‘Unfortunately, not alive Star Daughter and not all Terran females. We have taken their idents and will notify their planets.’

  ‘Alright, that is good I suppose. So you are not joining us?’

  ‘No, I came to deliver the female and to assure myself you and Sene Avana were well. Also to find out who it was that thought shooting you was a good decision.’

  ‘Well, they may not have been shooting at me per se!’

  He grunted and asked. ‘Who was the one that shot at you?’

  Kent answered before she could. ‘That would be the male, Commander Elite Roeah.’

  The effect on the people at the end of the room was immediate, fear mixed with desperation poured from them, even the young girls cringed at the name. Not for a second did Peyton think Kent had not realized the result of saying Hawks title and name. He knew they would know and understand who it was that stood in their dining room. She was however a little nonplussed to see that having the Elite Commander here, was more frightening for the family than being in the presence of the Star Daughter. At any other time she would have been amused.

  Hawk said to the male, his face and eyes as hard as his voice, and no one was left in doubt that he was an Elite, as the Rie rose within him turning his eyes purple.

  ‘Your death order is assured, do not think otherwise!’

  The male dropped into his seat and his head onto the table as his spouse cried out. The youths snarled and Hawk snarled back, a sound that sent dread along the nerves of everyone there. ‘Do not think your youth will save you. I will kill you were you stand.’

  The three of them quickly sat down and dropped their eyes to the table, he slowly took his eyes from the three young males and looked at Peyton. He searched her face as she mind-sent. I swear, I am alright!

  His eyes returned to his normal black as he replied. Yes, I see that. I forget we can converse this way. I worried, even though I knew Melody was with you and the Warriors.

  Peyton sighed as she told him. Hawk, you know I can look after myself.

  He inclined his head then said. I know you can, but that is why we are here. So you do not have to, it is our pleasure and our need.

  Peyton heard the emotion under his words and hoped to cajole him into a better mood. She knew there was nothing she could do to change his mind about the male’s death, and in truth she would not try. She knew all the Warriors would be aware of the order Hawk had issued within mins.

  What Hawk knew and Peyton may have only guessed, was there was not a Warrior who expected him to do any less than take the males life. It was his duty and need to protect her. He was an Elite it was what he and the other Elites were ultimately designed for.

  Peyton grinned as she asked. So I am not the only one that forgets things, huh?

  He replied with a wicked look in his eyes, and she knew he was smirking on the inside. So it would seem, dearle stars it is not contagious is it?

  Her eyes narrowed as she stared at him, he raised an eyebrow in reply to that look as he told her. ‘The Specialists are standing by to help the females.’

  She could not stop herself asking. ‘Was it their idea?’

  ‘Yes.’ He then focused on the silent Avana. ‘Your brothers are most displeased with you.’

  She growled as she answered him, annoyance coloring her words. ‘They seem to have forgotten I am no lo
nger their responsibility. I have not been for many yentas.’

  He grinned suddenly. ‘For a Sene you do not read your brothers well, you are always their responsibility.’ He pointed to Peyton who grinned at him and for once said nothing when he told Avana. ‘Just as the Star Daughter is mine.’

  Disgruntled Avana said. ‘Fine, I will comm` them.’ She left the room with a Warrior shadowing her.

  Hawk said unsmiling now to a smiling Peyton. ‘Stay safe.’ He turned his head to the Governor and stated. ‘I will be back before we leave.’

  With this pronouncement he left with his squad of Warriors. Kent re-took his position by the wall, as Avana annoyance in every line of her body strode back in and threw herself into her chair.

  ‘All well?’ Peyton asked and tried to hide her laugh at the nettled Sene.

  ‘No! Apparently we are to have a family meeting and work this out.’

  Peyton this time could not hold back her laughter, as she said, ‘Oh, that sounds like Trina.’

  ‘Yes it does, you will of course speak to her and tell her I am all worked out.’

  Peyton sat as she asked bemusedly. ‘I will do this why?’


  Peyton gasped. ‘That is just wrong, so very wrong!’

  Avana shrugged one shoulder as she had seen Melody do. ‘Tough!’

  Peyton pouted and seeing Avana was not budging said. ‘Fine, I will try but bad Avana!’

  Avana smirked. ‘I know right. I just love Terrans.’

  Before Peyton could retaliate the young green female scuttled back in and quickly re-took her seat. Six mins later a very clean Sabrina walked in, wearing black soft pants a blue sweater and soft shoes. now she could see her Peyton saw that Sabrina Johnston, was a nice looking female with tired brown eyes and short ash blonde hair, she appeared as though she was unsure whether she was in the real world or only dreaming. She gave Peyton a hesitant look, although her shoulders were back, and she stood tall, with her head held high. Whatever she had endured on this planet Peyton was glad to see it had not broken her. Melody followed behind her, she nodded to Peyton and tapped her head letting her know she had administered the download.


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