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Page 9

by Lea Barrymire

  She was on a roll now and knew it. She tried to stem the words but just couldn’t get her mouth to shut. “You know what? I want to mate with you, more than anything I’ve ever wanted. I still haven’t gotten my teeth to fully shift back because I am itching to bite you and mark you. My wolf is so pissed right now she’s going to cause me a killer headache. But I had to stop you and will continue doing so for your own good. You need to know for sure I’m who you want. I can’t take a mate and have him hate me. I’m hated enough as it is. I need an ally, a partner—not someone pissed that I stole his freedom.”

  “I could never hate you, Em.” His whisper was so low she barely caught it. It tugged at her heart but not enough to make her give in.

  She sighed. “You don’t know that. Shit, Seth, I’m the only female you’ve ever scented. You have no idea if I’m the one you want.”

  “Okay. Fine. I don’t know what I want and you’re doing this to save me. You’re my hero.” Sarcasm dripped from each word. “Can you please come out? I’m having a tough time keeping myself from breaking the lock to get to you. My wolf is howling in my head and I really want to hold you. I promise I won’t do anything else. Please.”

  Emily hadn’t thought about how his wolf would react to the rejection. She sighed and thought through the idea. He seemed to be in control and she knew he couldn’t hurt her. She couldn’t see any harm in a little cuddling. Especially if that would give Seth back his control.

  With slow movements she stood and unlocked the door. She opened it to find a large, partially naked, irritated Seth standing in her way. She hadn’t heard him stand again and was surprised by his stealth. He had both hands shoved so far into his pockets that she thought he would rip them off his jeans. His chest seemed even larger now and was heaving. His jaw was clenched. Okay, so maybe he wasn’t as in control as she’d thought.

  Defusing the situation was her only action plan. She lowered her eyes to stare over his shoulder and tilted her head just enough to show she was submissive. She approached him slowly, each step an eternity. The four feet that had separated them seemed like a football field full of claymore mines. When she was within hugging distance she wound her arms around his waist and laid her head against his chest. He hadn’t moved a single muscle as she approached. His jaw remained clenched so hard she thought she could hear his teeth grind. His hands were still in his pockets and his chest was like a rock wall when she touched her face to it.

  She knew her fear wasn’t helping the situation. She couldn’t help it, though. Being with a male this pissed, especially being a female he’d assumed he would claim, was not a safe thing. If she was any other female she’d be worried, but he could still hurt her. He was strong—much stronger than she’d originally thought he would be. Behind that strength was enough testosterone to drown a monkey. That mixture spelled disaster with a capital D.

  She relaxed when he finally took a deep breath and wrapped his arms around her. His skin was hot and hard against hers. As the tension left his body she melted into his embrace. She might be stupid for fighting the mating thing, but she wasn’t stupid enough to fight the wonderful feeling of his arms around her. He was warm and safe.

  His wolf was going apeshit in his head. Emily’s rejection had done something primal to his wolf side, and now it was trying to force him to do something drastic in response. They both knew she was their mate. Her denial had been worse than a slap to the face—it had ripped his heart out of his chest and stomped on it. Now the urge to mark her with something, anything, was riding him hard. He wanted his tooth marks on her skin, his cum on her body, his scent covering her from head to toe. When she’d approached him so demurely, head cocked submissively, he’d had to fight the urge to pounce on her. Especially with her naked flesh glowing in the light from the bathroom.

  The instant her arms went around his waist he felt his body and his wolf calm. She hadn’t rejected him. She had rejected the decision to let him claim her right now. If he was honest with himself, he would agree that his behavior was beyond strange and jumping at such a life-altering decision wasn’t the smartest thing. He was a planner, a coordinator, a list maker. He never jumped into anything without thoroughly going over every angle. The idea of taking her as a permanent mate, now, without knowing anything about her, was crazy. For cripes sake he hadn’t even met her father. The instincts were strong, though, and it was definitely harder to fight them than it ever had been before.

  He wrapped his arms around her and held on for dear life. She was his focus, his anchor. Her naked body molded to his. He could feel his breathing and heart rate slow to match hers. It was such a strange sensation to have his body in perfect harmony with another. As he held her against his chest a profound sense of calm and tranquility flowed through him.

  “Emily,” he sighed. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be so angry about all of this. Knowing it and getting my brain to believe it seem to be two different things, though.”

  She leaned back in his arms and studied him for a moment. “Seth. You’re an Alpha wolf and almost a baby in your shifter abilities. If you hadn’t reacted this way I’d be worried. Control is a difficult thing, especially when you’ve ignored your wolf for so long.”

  “What do you mean I’m an Alpha? I can’t be, can I?”

  “Do you remember in the woods when you spoke to me? Only a strong alpha or beta could do that, but to break through to me makes you a carrier of Alpha blood.” She pushed away from his arms and he held her for a moment before relenting. The instant she was away from his body the tension started building again. He stared down into her eyes and watched understanding cross her face. “You feel it again, don’t you? Your wolf was rejected and freaking out, right? Come with me and I’ll try to make some of the possessiveness go away.”

  Seth let her lead him into her room. He wasn’t sure what the plan was, but anything that got the two of them close to a bed was good in his book. It wouldn’t take much for him to grab her and take her. He was so aroused his cock and balls ached. He could do this. He could be with her and fight the urge to bite her. He’d done it the night before without too much difficulty. In the back of his mind he knew the truth, though. Something had changed. The moment he’d caught her in wolf form had started something in the primitive parts of his brain. She was his and had accepted that when she’d submitted. She needed to be branded with his teeth and scent.

  He was lost in the battle waging in his mind until he realized that she had pushed him against the bed. He sat quickly and sucked in a ragged breath as she knelt between his knees. Holy hell, if she was going to suck him off he wouldn’t survive three minutes without coming down her throat.

  The feral look in Seth’s eyes worried her. He seemed in control but she could almost see the struggle going on between him and his wolf. She understood it but was at a loss as to how to fix it. Her behavior and actions had caused this. She needed to repair the damage or their ride home was going to be torturous and potentially dangerous. As she walked him into her room she debated. Did she tempt fate by making love to him so his wolf would be appeased, or did she give him a blowjob to appease hers? When she backed him to the bed the decision was made for her. Her wolf howled in her head and forced her to her knees. That was the safer idea. Neither of them was in any state of control to keep from marking each other.

  The need to taste him rode her hard. The sight of his straining cock was enough to make her salivate and make her wolf yip with appreciation. The ragged sigh that escaped his lips urged her forward. With nimble fingers she opened the sides of his jeans to free his cock. She wrapped a hand around the base, caressing his full length and squeezing the head before stroking back down. He was really beautiful, long and thick. She grabbed the material and yanked it down his legs until he was completely naked. A sigh escaped her lips as she knelt between his thighs, soaking in the view. She cupped his balls with her other hand and grinned at the groan it elicited.

  No need to go slowly for either of them. He nee
ded the release and she needed to taste his cum on her tongue. She leaned forward and sucked just the head of his cock into her mouth. She moved her tongue around the crown like a lollipop. A drop of pre-cum was already gathering in the slit. She licked it off and savored the salty taste. A quick bob of her head took him almost to the back of her throat. She sucked, hollowing her cheeks on the upstroke. His scrotum tightened in her palm.

  This isn’t going to take long.

  She slid down his cock, moving rapidly up and down his shaft with tightened lips. Gently she squeezed his balls and ran a finger from his sac to his anus. His body tightened and a small gasp slid between his lips, but he didn’t stop her as she lightly rubbed around his rosette. She hummed around his cock. She could probably tuck a finger inside and really make him shoot, but she didn’t want to push him too hard. She knew he was close when his hands speared through her hair. He guided her and increased her movements, grunting on each downstroke. His grip wasn’t painful but it was definitely demanding.

  “God, Em. I’m going to come and you’re going to swallow all of it,” he growled.

  A couple more strokes inside her mouth and he held her still, his cock as deep as it could get. He moaned her name just before his cock jerked and cum washed across her tongue in waves. She swallowed and reveled in the groan he let loose into the room as his cum poured down her throat. It was hot, salty and bitter on her tastebuds, and she loved it. When he pulled out of her mouth she licked the last little bit of release from the tip of his cock.

  Leaning back afforded her a view of a flushed and sated male. Seth’s cheeks were pinked and it ran down his neck. His breathing was still labored but slowing. His eyes were closed and his head was thrown back. His muscles slowly relaxed. She grinned as she stood. He really was a magnificent specimen. Too bad she couldn’t claim him for herself. At least not yet.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Come on. We’ll never make it home if you keep screwing around up there,” Emily shouted up the stairs and tried to put a touch of anger in her words. She didn’t really want to leave, but they had to. Seth needed to work in the morning and she had business to do for her father. Already the anxiety of life was bleeding back into her body. Even with all the drama of their weekend she had been relaxed and finally able to be herself. Going home meant being on guard all the time, ready for anything.

  “Jeez. I’m coming.” Seth grumbled all the way down the stairs. He couldn’t button his jeans and his shirts were fitting him too well. Muscles bunched under smooth skin as he moved. He had changed so much since Saturday morning. Two days really had taken an average human and built a wonderfully yummy shifter body.

  She took him in and whistled. “Wow, you sure look good, wolf boy.”

  His cheeks pinked and she thought again how adorably cute he was when embarrassed. He dropped his duffle bag on the floor by the door and stood with his hands in his pockets. Something was on his mind and she waited him out. He would either say what was on his mind or he would swallow the words. She was hoping for the swallowing part, because she had a feeling she didn’t want to hear what he was going to say. When he looked up with determination etched across his face she knew she wasn’t going to get her way.

  “When we get back you aren’t going to let me see you, are you?”

  She sighed. “Not until after the pack run. Seth, you need to be around others. Come for the run this weekend. Meet other males and females. For your own benefit you need to sniff around the pack and see if anyone else tickles your fancy.”

  “I don’t want anyone else. My wolf doesn’t want anyone else. Why can’t you just let us try this thing out?” His voice was laced with anger and disappointment.

  “Because I can’t let you throw your future away on the first female you scented. If you really still want me after the run then we can talk.” She took the three steps separating them and settled her hands on his chest. “I can’t allow you to make one of the biggest decisions of your life based on a weekend roll in the hay.”

  Anger bloomed between them. He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her against his chest. “You aren’t just a fucking roll in the hay. I don’t care if you believe me or not. You are my mate. Mine. I know it and you know it.”

  “Let me go.” She whispered the command. He released her immediately, sadness and regret playing across his face. She felt her emotions echo his. “Look. Let’s just go home. I’m tired and I’m sure you are too. There isn’t anything you can say that’s going to change my mind and I don’t think I can change yours, which puts us at an impasse.”

  “Fine. But we aren’t done, Emily Prescott. I’m not one of your pups that you can force to leave you alone.” Seth picked up his bag and stalked out of the cabin door. She couldn’t shake the feeling of loneliness that raced through her body as she watched him walk away. Her wolf howled mournfully in her head. She fully agreed with her inner animal.

  Their ride was stressful and uncomfortable. She didn’t want to disturb his brooding and he seemed content to remain silent with clenched jaws and fists. The miles clicked along quickly. The closer to home they traveled the more she dreaded dropping him off. She knew that what she was doing was the right thing, but deep down she hated herself for it.

  “Want to stop at Sal’s, get something to eat?” She actually felt shy when she broke the silence. She wasn’t hungry at all but she needed to stall the inevitable even if he was angry with her. If they could slow their return home for an hour it would give her some more time in his presence. She knew it was stupid but couldn’t help herself.

  “Whatever,” he grunted. He didn’t even turn to look at her when he responded.

  She watched him from the corner of her eye and really had to squash the intense feeling of loneliness that had settled in her heart. She was stronger than this. She was the dreaded Emily Prescott, femme fatale of their pack. She’d kicked the ass of almost every single male in the area. There was no way she was letting this one cause her so much heartache. The pep talk didn’t help—she still ached.

  They pulled into Sal’s parking lot a few minutes later and she still hadn’t got a handle on her emotions. Before she turned the Jeep off she took a deep breath and buried her thoughts and feelings, throwing up her guards and pushing everything down inside. She may feel weakened by the weekend’s interactions with Seth but there was no way in hell she would let anyone else sense that. The number of vehicles in the parking lot told her there were quite a few of her pack members inside. It was none of their business if she was sad.

  “Holy crap. What is that smell?” Seth finally had a different emotion on his face. Gone was the brooding anger. In its place was concern and amazement.

  “Welcome to what a diner smells like to a shifter. Can you identify anything?”

  “Yeah, like, everything. Fried stuff, coffee, burgers, the garbage ‘round back. Jeez, I wasn’t hungry before but now I’m starving.” He climbed out of the Jeep almost as if he were drawn to the diner. She grinned and followed him.

  When they entered the door she automatically scanned for shifters and nodded to the few she wanted to acknowledge. Seth stopped two steps inside the door, eyes wide, nostrils flared. She could see that his muscles were tensing under his shirt. She stepped around him and walked to her table. She knew he would follow but she glanced over her shoulder to make sure. He moved with animal grace as he stalked behind her. She hadn’t seen him move quite like that before and it gave her a spike of arousal. To see him walking, head up, with the confidence and arrogance of an Alpha, made her bitch whimper and pant. She was so screwed.

  “So this is what you meant by scenting others?” He slid into the seat opposite her and turned enough to see more of the dining room. “There are a lot of shifters in here, aren’t there?”

  She grinned and nodded. Everyone in the diner could hear their conversation. She watched as a few heads, both male and female, turned in their direction. She had already scented a few males who had noticed her when th
ey entered. Now there was a flavor of female lust in the air as some of the single women scoped out Seth in all his beauty. She fought her inner beastie because her wolf wanted to growl at them, stake her claim on him in public.

  “Hey, Emily, how was your weekend?” Sal wandered across the diner and stooped to hug her. He sniffed her just before standing with a wide smile on his face. He chuckled. “Hmm, I can tell you had a good time.”

  “Sal!” She could feel a blush color her cheeks. She swatted at him playfully. “It was good to be at the cabin. I need to come out this way more often. It’s so much more relaxing in the woods.”

  “I bet it was relaxing.” Sal waggled his eyebrows and she felt her blush deepen. “So, what are you havin’, other than this hunky male?”

  Hell, she hadn’t thought about showering after sucking Seth off and his scent must be on her. She hadn’t picked it up, but she was so used to the way he smelled that she wasn’t surprised she hadn’t detected it.

  “Sal, if you weren’t one of my father’s oldest friends I’d hurt you.” She shook her head and laughed. “I’m getting a cheeseburger, rare please, and fries.”

  Sal turned his eyes to Seth and grinned widely. “Well, young man, you look good. A weekend in the woods with her seems to have agreed with you. Whatcha having?”

  Seth had been watching the conversation with a mixture of irritation and amusement on his face. When Sal addressed him he smoothed his expression to be friendly but blank. “I’ll have what she’s having. Thanks.”

  Sal walked away chuckling and Emily knew he was going to call her father and give him the news. Great. Just what she wanted—for her father to know she’d spent the weekend with Seth having a little nookie. She couldn’t fault the old man. They’d all been trying to get her to pick a male for years. They were like little old ladies, gossiping about any guy she even looked at.


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