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Resounding Kisses

Page 5

by Jessica Gray

  “No way.”

  “No way? Tell me you’re not attracted to her.”

  Ter escaped from his brother’s grip and started walking. “Oh, I’m very attracted to her. That’s the problem. She doesn’t seem all that interested in me.”

  “You’re wrong. She’s very interested. Sorry to tell you, bro, but she won’t let you have her as one of your bunnies. From what I saw, she’s not only beautiful, but also very intelligent and she sure knows what she wants. She might be the perfect companion for you.”

  “Or she might not,” Ter murmured.

  “That, only you can find out,” Grant said and they both stayed silent for the remainder of their walk. As they entered the apartment, a very surprised Sam in pajamas greeted them.

  “What are you two doing back so soon?” Sam kissed Grant and then turned to Ter. “I thought you were charming some beautiful woman?”

  “I was. It didn’t work and she took off.”

  Sam made a face and came around to hug him. “Better luck next time.”

  They wandered into the living room and Terrence settled on the couch while Sam snuggled up on Grant’s lap. Talking about their siblings and parents, Sam asked, “Have you met my cousin Preston? He’s up in Sandy Beach.”

  Ter shook his head. “I haven’t met him yet, I’ve been travelling so much, but Ethan is constantly talking to him.”

  Sam smiled. “I think it’s great he wants to open a resort in Sandy Beach.”

  “Ethan’s doing the financing for him,” Ter said.


  Grant agreed and asked, “So what’s up with Allison and Russell? And my cute little nephew?”

  “Jackson’s my nephew too, you know?” Ter raised an eyebrow. “They’re getting married this winter. I’m sure you’ll hear from them as soon as they’ve firmed up a date. Mom will expect everyone to attend.”

  “We wouldn’t dream of missing it.” Grant looked down to see Sam sagging against him. “Someone needs her beauty sleep.”

  Sam nodded and covered a yawn behind her hand. “Sorry, I’m tired.”

  Grant pushed her off his lap and then wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Let’s get you back to bed.”

  Ter watched them disappear into their room, but he stayed on the couch. He was dying to get back to the new song that didn’t want to leave his mind. He pulled out the paper from the bar and immediately, he was right back in the rhythm of writing music and lyrics. It turned out to be a love song for a certain brown eyed woman who’d completely turned his world upside down.

  A few hours later, he yawned and glanced at the clock. It was way past midnight. Standing up, he stretched and then headed for the guest room. He had to get up early the next morning to meet with the one woman who wouldn’t leave his thoughts.

  Chapter 10

  Ivy had a hard time getting to sleep. Every time she closed her eyes, images of Ter invaded her mind. And their kiss. It had been a hyper-sensual kiss and it’d set every cell of her body on fire. When her alarm went off the next morning at five-thirty, she groaned in exhausted defeat.

  Brilliant idea to arrange a meeting so early.

  She dragged herself out of bed, showered and got ready for the day. On her way to her office, she thought about how much she loved working in the legal department of the record label. The work itself was exciting and challenging. But the trappings had been a dire disappointment.

  It reminded her of the movie “The Firm”. The law department of the record label was the epitome of a true good ole boys club, complete with plenty of back slapping, scotch drinking, cigar smoking, and of course, all the real work piled upon the backs of young grunts like her.

  But it was a once in a lifetime experience, and for now, she loved the thrill and adventure the job required. Who knew, if the senior partners ever noticed her, she might actually make partner in a few years from now. Then, she wouldn’t have to work seventy-hour weeks. Wouldn’t that be amazing?

  Entering the office floor, she wasn’t surprised to see she’d beat most everyone in. She headed for her own workspace, liking it much better than the ultra-modern look that had been designed for the main lobby. Too much chrome and glass for my taste.

  She glanced at the clock on her desk as she sat down and noticed it was five minutes until seven. A moment later, a knock sounded on her office door and in walked a bleary-eyed Ter. But the dark circles beneath his eyes didn’t make him look any less gorgeous and her heart did a strange flitter-flatter thing.

  His hair had the just-out-of-bed appeal she recognized from his videos, and his presence filled her office.

  “Good morning, Ivy. I hope you arrived home safely last night.” His voice sent delicious shivers of pleasure down her spine.

  “Good morning.” She pressed the words out of her mouth as she stared at his formidable physique, gasping when her eyes landed on his lips. Heat suffused her body as she remembered the feel of his lips against her own. The way he’d set her heart to racing. His scent. His…

  Knock it off, girl. You’re here to work, not to repeat that heavenly kiss.

  Ivy turned away and busied her trembling hands by picking up the folder containing all the information about Electric Flow and headed for the conference table. “Let’s get started. I’d offer you some coffee, but as you probably saw when you got here, the receptionist isn’t in yet.”

  “No worries,” Ter assured her with a heart-stealing grin and produced two paper cups with steaming hot coffee she’d somehow missed when staring at him a few moments ago. “I’ve brought us some espresso. Hot, strong, and incredibly alluring. Just like you.”

  She took the offered cup, hoping he wouldn’t notice her trembling hands. “Thank you, that was very nice of you.” Nice? Sweet. Lovely. Detail-oriented.

  “It was my pleasure,” he said and pinned her in place with the hungry yet caring look in his emerald eyes. Hot and cold shivers ran up and down her spine and she had little hope left to stick to her determination to not like him.

  “Let’s get back to work, shall we?” She said in what she deemed to be her most businesslike voice, while gesturing towards the conference table. They sat down and she continued, “Yesterday we discussed the need to take down certain videos from your YouTube channel.”

  “I’ll agree to that.”

  “You will?” she asked in surprise. When he nodded and gave her a wink, she blushed and then took a breath. “Thank you.”

  While Ivy flipped through the pages of the contract and explained several paragraphs, Ter never once took his eyes off her. Something that made her increasingly itchy. How was she supposed to concentrate with those eyes on her? And the burning memory of his kiss?

  Nevertheless, they worked steadily for the next three hours and Ivy became more relaxed around Ter the longer they worked together. He was not at all difficult or obnoxious or whatever she’d prejudged him to be.

  But he used every occasion to flirt with her shamelessly, playing on words and using double entendre as often as he was able to. Any other man who would have tried doing the same would have felt the full force of her anger and disappointment. For some reason, though, she liked his witty remarks and his subtle innuendos. A lot more than was good for her.

  Shortly before noon, they finished the contract and she stood up. “That was quick. We’re done. Thank you.”

  “It was good to go over everything. Much more fun than I’d thought.” He smiled, standing a few feet from her on the other side of the conference table.

  “Okay, then I’ll have the revisions to the contract made and will send you over the final version next week.”

  “Does this mean I won’t see you again?” he asked, rounding the table.

  “I don’t see the need for you to meet with our law department again.” Even though I’d love to see you again. But it’s for the best to stop it right here and now.

  “Can I invite you for lunch?” he tossed out, stopping in front of her.

  Ivy wanted
to press herself against the wall of muscles in front of her, but shook her head. “No.”

  Ter sighed. “Why not?”

  “Do you honestly think an offhanded invitation to lunch is something I would say yes to?”

  He watched her for a moment and asked, “What do you want from me?”

  The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop them. “I want you to try harder. A lunch date is boring and won’t work for me.”

  “So, you’re saying you would go out with me if I come up with something more exciting? Something explosive?”

  “Explosive sounds good,” she agreed, noticing the glint in his eyes. “But it can’t have anything to do with music. I get enough of that at work.”

  “Explosive. No music.” Ter scrutinized her, and somehow she felt like he’d set a trap and she’d already taken the bait.

  He gave her his most charming smile. “So, if I asked you to come with me this weekend to see how they knock down an eleven story building in the middle of Newark, you would say yes?”

  She narrowed her eyes at him, not sure if he was making fun of her or not.

  “It will be explosive and have nothing to do with music,” he added, repeating her criteria.

  Ivy thought for a moment. “Okay. Yes, I’ll come with you.”

  “Great! So, what’s left?”

  Ivy shook her head. “Nothing. We’re ready to sign just as soon as you run the changes we discussed by your other band mates. After you and your band members have signed it, I’ll get it signed by our vice-president and the production for the album can get underway. Oh, and they’ll start making the preparations for your tour across the United States. The other countries won’t be added in just yet.”

  “That sounds good. Real good.” He took one more step towards her and breathed a peck on her cheek. Ivy froze in place, unable to move as electricity rushed through her body.

  She wished she had the right to throw herself into his arms and get a real kiss, but she didn’t. This was her office, after all.

  Chapter 11

  Ivy was nervous. She had no idea why she’d accepted his invitation. He’d never score over five or six points on her boyfriend list, so why waste time with him?

  But he’d tricked her with her own words, which was actually a plus. And she’d heard about building implosions. Heck, everyone had heard about them, they were all the rage now. Ever since they’d taken down that old hotel in Albany, where the demolition team had gone out of their way to make sure the building didn’t just simply fall in on itself. No, they’d purposely waited until almost dusk, the better to see the colorful Las Vegas worthy spectacle that was more entertaining than any Independence Day celebration.

  The demolition in Newark was to take place in the middle of the afternoon, and Ivy had been stunned when Ter had casually mentioned his brother Grant was the man responsible for making sure everything went just right. From her first impression at the bar, she’d have never guessed that.

  Bella had thought the idea was wonderful when she heard about it. But right now, Ivy wasn’t so sure. Her friend had been hovering over her for the last hour, making small changes to her makeup. Makeup Ivy didn’t normally wear.

  “Ivy, I’ll put on just enough to enhance your naturally beautiful face and voluminous lips. Especially your lips,” she murmured as she slicked gloss over them.

  Bella was a force to be reckoned with, so Ivy sat back and let her have her way. When she finished and Ivy looked in the mirror, she was stunned at the reflection of herself. “Thanks, Bella. I don’t look half bad. I wonder if Terrence will like me this way?” Her stomach flip-flopped anticipating his reaction.

  “Quit worrying, you,” Bella said with a smile.

  “Are you sure I’m not wearing too much makeup? This is a daytime date.”

  Her friend laughed and assured her for the hundredth time. “Honey, you’re not wearing too much by any standards.” Bella gave her one more critical glance and then stepped back. “Perfection.”

  Ivy let out a breath and headed to change her clothing with Bella following on her heels.

  “So, what are you going to wear?” Bella asked, sitting on the edge of the bed as Ivy stood in front of her closet.

  “I’d thought…” Ivy pulled a dark brown pant suit from the closet and held it up.

  “Absolutely not! You’re not headed to the office. You’re going on a date, for God’s sake. Wear a cute little dress or skirt. It will show off your legs and guys like that.”

  “No. No skirts or dresses.”

  “Ivy, come on. It’s okay to look like a girl…” Bella paused when Ivy kept shaking her head. “Stop doing that.”

  “Then stop asking me to wear something I don’t even own.”

  Bella widened her eyes. “You‘re not serious…are you?”

  “When have you ever seen me wear a dress?”

  “Stay right where you are,” Bella commanded as she ran from the room.

  Before Ivy could even think to disobey her directive, Bella was back with a gorgeous white little summer dress in her hands. She thrust the item at her. “Here. Wear this. It’s going to look so hot on you.”

  Ivy took the garment for lack of anything else to do and slowly looked from it to Bella and back. Turning so she faced the full length mirror on the back of the bedroom door, she held the article of clothing up, amazed to see Bella was right.

  She slipped into the adjoining bathroom and pulled the dress over her head. When she emerged a few minutes later, she was nervous.

  Bella jumped up and down at her sight. “God, Terrence won’t know what hit him when he sees you. He’s not going to know what hit him.”

  “Do you think so?”

  “Honey, you looked absolutely stunning. The white color contrasts perfectly with your dark skin.”

  “The color is nice, but don’t you think it’s too tight?” she intervened.

  “Tight? You haven’t seen tight yet, honey. The material stretches nicely over your curves and it’s definitely not too tight.”

  She felt exposed in the tank top sheath dress with the skirt just ending below her knees, but after a glance in the full-length mirror and Bella’s reassurance, she finally accepted that she looked stunning. And feminine.

  Chapter 12

  Ter arrived at Ivy’s apartment right on time, his gut a nervous knot. When the elevator doors opened and he got his first glimpse of her, his jaw dropped to the floor.

  She was wearing a white tank top sheath dress that hugged her curves like a glove. It highlighted all of the right areas, and his pulse rate kicked up as he let his eyes travel the length of her gorgeous body. She’d wrapped a light denim shirt around her waist to break up the color, and instead of the high heels so many women favored these days, she was wearing white ballerina flats.

  “You are stunning!” He closed the distance between them and bent down to place a kiss on her lips, but she turned her head at the last minute and he ended up kissing her cheek.

  When he lifted his head, he spied her roommate and friend Bella hovering inside the elevator. She reached for the call button and waved her fingers at them. “You two have fun now.”

  Ter took Ivy’s hand and led her from the building. He’d borrowed a car from his brother, and he opened the passenger door for her, waiting until she was seated before he closed it and jogged around to the driver’s side.

  He sank into the seat and then turned to her. “I know I said this before, but it bears repeating. You are so gorgeous, you take my breath away.” He cupped her jaw and held her still for his kiss this time.

  Taking his time, he claimed her lips, molding them to his own before requesting permission with his tongue to deepen the caress. He could feel her heated cheeks beneath his fingers and it took all his self control not to rush back into her apartment and make love to her when she pressed her luscious curves against his hard body.

  Soon, they were both gasping for breath and he forced himself to break the ki
ss and sink back into the driver’s seat to start up the vehicle. Thankfully, Grant’s car had a GPS system to help him find his way, because between stealing glances at Ivy and taking care of the traffic, he wouldn’t have been able to pay attention where to go.

  He could sense her nervousness and found it curious that while in her office, she’d maintained strict control over her emotions, but now she was acting like a nervous school girl. Her mouth was talking a mile a minute, asking him question upon question.

  “Has your brother been doing this a long time?”

  Ter smiled. “Blowing up things?”

  “Yes. I mean, it’s an unusual career choice. How did he get into it? Does your mother worry about him a lot?”

  He didn’t mind answering her questions. He actually found her nervous chattiness kind of cute. So much for being the tough, in-control businesswoman. “Grant’s always been the kid experimenting with some kind of self-made explosives in our backyard.” He chuckled. “I believe my mom worried a lot more back then, because now he knows what he’s doing and she knows how meticulous he is.”

  Ivy nodded, her eyes fixed on the street, apparently in an attempt to avoid looking at him. “Isn’t it unusual to do this on a Saturday instead of a normal work day?”

  “I asked that same question and Grant explained this is done to limit disruptions to the traffic flow as much as possible. They have to close off the area for several hours. Can you imagine that happening during rush hour?”

  “Not really.” She turned to look at him and her shy smile warmed his heart. He wanted to grab her hand and press it against his chest, but resisted.

  “They also have to make sure the buildings on either side are empty. Just in case. No one wants to have to rescue a bunch of workers in a nearby building if something goes wrong.”

  “That’s got to be a monumental task in this city. It never slows down, not even on the weekends.”

  “I’ve noticed that,” he murmured. “Tell me about your work. What is the thing you love most about it?”


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