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Choices of Fate (Fate Series)

Page 18

by Chavous, S. Simone

As he moved his hand lower and dipped his fingers between her soft folds, he groaned at how wet she already was before whispering against her ear, “Like I said, practice.”

  Before she could respond, he slid two fingers deep inside her and covered her mouth with a passionate kiss, swallowing the moan his ministrations elicited.

  “You must try harder, Amor,” he said looking down at her, relishing in the way she squirmed under his touch.

  Before she lost herself to the climax that was threatening to overtake her, Alexa snapped her eyes open and pulled her hands from the light grip Ethan had on them. She hooked her leg over his trim hip and rolled him over to his back, fully appreciating the fact that he could easily overpower her, but he was letting her take control.

  “Let’s see how you like it, Mr. Kellar,” she murmured grinning wickedly as she straddled his hips and began kissing the side of his neck.

  “Do your worst, Mrs. Kellar,” he challenged, a megawatt smile spreading across his face at the sound of what would soon be her new name.

  “Mmm, I really like the sound of that,” she whispered as she lifted her head, returning his smile, “but you won’t distract me so easily.”

  With that she returned to her task, planting soft kisses over his shoulders and down to his chest. She paused to look up at him as she lightly flicked her tongue over one of his hard nipples, causing his breathing to increase slightly. He remained silent, his eyes fixed on her, watching the delicious torture intently.

  She slid her tongue across his smooth hard chest, over to the other nipple, gently pulling it into her mouth and nibbling down lightly.

  Ethan sucked in a breath through gritted teeth at the sensation, causing her to grin at the small triumph, but she was far from finished.

  Releasing his nipple, she continued her slow journey, kissing all the way down over his stomach, then moving to run her tongue slowly up the inside of each thigh, carefully avoiding any contact with his impressive erection.

  She could feel how difficult it was for him to remain still, his body was practically vibrating from the effort. Knowing that he was so much stronger than her, that at any moment he could overpower her and do whatever he wanted, yet remained still and let her take the reins, turned her on more than she thought possible. She might not have the strength to conquer him physically, but in that moment she knew with certainty that she possessed something far more powerful. She had his heart.

  When she finally moved so that he could feel her soft breath on his cock, he lifted up on his elbows, “Alexa, Amor, I,” he paused, swallowing hard, “You do not need to do, that. It is not something I have ever done before.”

  Alexa’s eyes, which had been fixed on the magnificent sight of his engorged manhood, snapped to his face in surprise. “Really? Never?” She asked, genuinely shocked, having assumed that women fell all over themselves to do any and every thing this man could ever want.

  “No, never. No woman has ever…Madre de Dios!” he moaned loudly as she sucked the head into her soft, warm mouth without warning, gently swirling her tongue around the rim.

  She wrapped her hand around the thick base and pulled back. “Mr. Kellar, that was not quiet. If you can’t behave I’m afraid I’ll have to stop,” she chastised jokingly.

  Ethan squeezed his eyes shut and dropped his head back against the bed, willing to do anything to get Alexa to put her mouth on him like that again.

  After a moment, Alexa began again, gently licking the drop of his arousal that had emerged before pulling the entire head of his throbbing cock into her eager mouth.

  Feeling a desperate urge to move, Ethan fisted the satiny sheets in both hands, fighting with everything he had to remain still as Alexa began to take him into her mouth with steadily deepening strokes, her hand tightly gripping his stalk and following the motion of her mouth.

  It wasn’t long before her steady rhythm started to draw the intense waves of sensation that would push Ethan over the edge into a mind-blowing orgasm.

  When he could hold it back no longer, he pushed his hands into her hair and held her head as he tensed and growled loudly, spilling his seed into her mouth with powerful throbbing pulses.

  Ethan closed his eyes and relaxed back into the bed while Alexa greedily lapped up every drop of his essence before lightly kissing the tip of his still engorged cock. She climbed up to straddle his hips, watching his face intently while his eyes remained closed. After a moment he smiled and opened his eyes, looking at her with wonder. “Alexa, my God, that was, magnificent.”

  She frowned at him slightly. “I don’t know, Mr. Kellar.” His smile faltered slightly, a look of concern in his eyes. Had he hurt her somehow? “You were supposed to remain quiet, remember?” She grinned wickedly, almost drunk on the power of bending this strong, beautiful man to her will.

  “Hmm, you are right, but it is not as easy as you might think.” In a blur of movement he flipped her to her back and covered her body with his, pausing just to say, “Let us see how you do,” before he pushed his hardness deep inside her in one fluid motion.

  The sound that escaped her throat, something between a moan and a growl, was far from quiet, but at that point they were both far from caring about the noise.


  Several orgasms later, Alexa gathered the sheet around her body and climbed out of bed on rather wobbly legs. She turned and leaned down to place a soft kiss on Ethan’s cheek while he slept, but as she started to move away he swiftly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back into bed.

  She let out a surprised squeak. “I thought you were asleep!”

  He drew her closer, his body spooning hers, and kissed her hair. “I was, but it is difficult to sleep when my heart is moving away from me.”

  “Well, I have to leave your side sometime. I need to use the bathroom or I’m going to burst,” she said as she wiggled out of his arms again and stood. “And I really need a shower.”

  “We can shower together,” he said as got up off the bed, completely naked, and began stalking towards her as she backed towards the bathroom, like a big cat tracking its prey.

  She held her hand up to halt him, knowing if he touched her, she would be lost. “No way,” she said half-heartedly as her eyes greedily drank him in. She bit her lip as her gaze fell onto his tattoo and followed the fascinating pattern down. With her eyes already so low, it was impossible to ignore his steadily growing erection.

  She quickly closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “You know as well as I do, if you get in that shower with me we might never get out, and as tempting as that sounds, we need to check on Chloe.”

  Ethan stuck his bottom lip out slightly with his disappointment, but conceded. “You are right, Amor. She is beginning to stir.”

  Seeing her opportunity, Alexa turned quickly, grabbed the bag she had packed from the floor, and walked through the door of the bathroom, closing and locking it behind her. Once she was inside, she leaned back against the door, fighting the urge to change her mind and tell Ethan to join her.

  “You know, there is no need for you to lock the door, Amor. If I wish to enter, this door will not stop me,” he stated, sounding somewhat amused.

  Alexa couldn’t help imagining Ethan pushing down the door and bending her over the marble vanity top. Her pulse quickened with the thought.

  “Do not worry, I will not interrupt you. While I would thoroughly enjoy coming in there and having my way with you, I am eager to share the news with everyone. My mother will be thrilled. She has been waiting many years to plan this wedding.” Alexa could hear the smile in his voice through the door.

  Her eyes drifted to the large diamond perched on her finger. She hadn’t even thought about the actual wedding. Most girls started planning their weddings when they were little, but Alexa had given up the hope of ever having one shortly after she started dating when she realized her talent made it impossible to get close to anyone.

  She was suddenly giddy thinking of the possibilities.

  “I will go shower in the guest bath, you would be wise to hurry and be finished by the time I return or I cannot be held responsible for what I do knowing you’re still in there naked and wet,” Ethan said through the door before grabbing a change of clothes from the large chest of drawers next to his bed and exiting the large bedroom his mother had always kept ready for his return.


  Ten minutes later, after a nice hot shower, Alexa exited the expansive bathroom, refreshed and dressed for the day, fully expecting to find Ethan waiting impatiently for her. Instead she found the large room empty.

  She opened the door leading to the hallway and was met with the scent of food cooking causing her stomach to growl. She wasn’t certain of the time, but based on the light and how refreshed she felt after such a late night, she knew it must be well into the afternoon, meaning she hadn’t eaten in well over twenty-four hours. As she stepped out and pulled the door closed behind her she heard the beautiful sound of Chloe’s laughter coming from the kitchen.

  She slowly walked down the long corridor, taking in all of the breathtaking artwork and photographs that lined the walls along the way. One item in particular caught her eye, a family portrait including Ethan and Cami as children. Alexa smiled as she viewed Ethan as a child, he couldn’t have been more than five or six years old at the time it was painted, and she thought how much she would like to have a son that looked just like him someday. Of course she already knew that wasn’t in the cards for them and her heart ached with loss of all the things that she longed for, yet simply couldn’t be.

  Ethan wrapped his arms around her, startling her with his sudden appearance, and whispered next to her ear. “You took far too long, Amor. I missed you.”

  Shaking the sullen thoughts from her mind, she giggled and turned in his arms to face him, placing her arms around his neck and placing a chaste kiss on his lips. “I was only in there for ten minutes, my impatient love.”

  “Come, I waited for you to make the announcement,” he said as he took her hand and pulled her towards the kitchen.

  When they entered the surprisingly modern room, Alexa looked down, a look of complete shock on her face as Chloe ran across the room and jumped into her arms.

  “Mama!” she exclaimed as she hugged her mother tightly. Alexa stared at Chloe, unable to find any words as she took in her daughter who was much changed since the previous night.

  She was so much bigger and appeared older, if Alexa didn’t know better she would have guessed her to be nearly two years old, instead of her true age of nine months.

  Alexa looked around at everyone in the room, wondering if any of them were as thrown as she was by the change.

  Elijah stepped towards her. “I see the surprise in your eyes, and trust me, we were just as shocked when we woke up this morning. Chloe’s growth is unprecedented. I have never seen anything like it. My assumption is that the introduction of fresh blood to her diet has sped the process. If I had to guess, I would say that she will be fully grown by the time she reaches three years, perhaps even sooner depending on her diet.”

  Alexa pulled Chloe close and inhaled the scent of her hair. She even smelled different, no longer like a baby and her heart clenched. No mother liked to see her child grow up, especially not so quickly.

  Chloe began to squirm, trying to free herself from her mother’s embrace. “I wanna eat,” she said as Alexa set her down on the floor, once again surprised, this time by the obvious increase in her vocabulary.

  She dashed across the room and around to Barb who was standing at the stove frying up some eggs, sausage, and bacon. “This child has quite the appetite,” Barb stated as she gave her hand to Chloe who immediately bit down on her wrist.

  Alexa cringed at the display. “Don’t fret, child. I’m a strong old bird and she has a small stomach. She’s not taking too much blood, but with her growing like she is we’re going to need to find another source to feed her.” Chloe released Barb’s wrist and swiped her tongue over the puncture marks.

  Ethan grabbed Alexa’s hand again. “Our daughter is a fast learner,” he stated proudly. “And I think she will make an excellent flower girl for the ceremony.”

  His statement caused everyone to turn and stare at him and Alexa. Josephine’s eyes shot to Alexa’s left hand and the magnificent ring that adorned it.

  “Even with the benefit of foresight I had not expected this happy news so soon,” she said looking warmly at her son whose eyes were proudly fixed on his bride to be.

  “How do you feel about this weekend?” he questioned Alexa brightly.

  She looked up at his face, “For the wedding, are you serious? That’s only a few days from now!”

  He took both of her hands and placed his forehead against hers as he whispered. “Amor, I have wasted so much time being afraid, not truly living my life. I do not want to waste a single moment of my time with you. I wish to be bound to you in every way possible, starting with making you my wife. And then my mate if you will consent to it.”

  Alexa pulled back to look into his eyes, slightly confused by his words. “Aren’t they the same thing, wife and mate, I’ve already agreed to become your wife Mr. Kellar?”

  “Not exactly, no. Mating creates a more tangible bond, a blood bond. The process-,”

  “Ethan, perhaps it is best you explain the process to Alexa when you are alone,” his mother interrupted, knowing Alexa would feel uncomfortable learning about the intimate ceremony with so many eyes and ears nearby.

  “I suppose you are right, but she looks so very beautiful when she blushes, maybe it would be worth it just to see her face flush,” he said grinning mischievously.

  As if on cue, Alexa felt her cheeks begin to heat as she smacked Ethan’s arm. “No! You can tell me later. And don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll have ample opportunities to embarrass me over the years.”

  Everyone chuckled, but even though she was smiling, Alexa couldn’t help wondering if what she said was true. Would they have years together?

  CHAPTER 20 - Wedding Plans

  “Come, Alexa,” Josephine says taking her hand, “it looks like we have a wedding to plan. Barb, would you mind keeping Chloe occupied for a few hours?”

  “Of course not, she’ll be just fine with me, don’t you worry, Alexa,” she said when she saw her opening her mouth to protest. Alexa snapped her mouth shut and frowned slightly, knowing it was pointless to argue with the stubborn woman and though she was eager to spend some time with Chloe, she was already feeling anxiously excited about her pending nuptials and wanted to get started with the planning. “Miss Chloe and I will head on off outside, that big ole dog of yours has been nosing around the windows and could probably use some attention. Practically scared me to death peeking in at me this morning,” she chuckled scooping Chloe up and heading out of the room.

  Alexa immediately felt guilty, she hadn’t even remembered to feed Tilly last night and she was not accustomed to sleeping outdoors. After everything that had happened, after what Tilly had done for her, she couldn’t believe her own thoughtlessness.

  Ethan rushed over and gave each of the two remaining woman a quick peck on the cheek. “I will leave my lovely women to it then. Amor, I will get Tilly fed, I am sorry I kept you so, distracted, last night,” he said seeing the distress on Alexa’s face.

  “Thank you.” She loved that he was so considerate of Tilly. The truth was, after what happened the night before, with Tilly saving Alexa, Ethan probably loved the giant dog as much as Alexa did.

  “Mi vida,” Josephine turned to Elijah who was leaning against the counter quietly observing, “we will need for you to arrange for someone to perform the ceremony, and the witnesses we discussed.” She gave him a pointed look and he nodded his understanding with a smile. Alexa wondered when they could have possibly had any discussion about the wedding since they had just learned about it a few moments before.

  “Consider it done, my love,” he replied before turning to Ethan. He pulled him into
a tight hug. “Congratulations, son.” He then moved in front of Alexa and took her free hand. “Alexa, I cannot imagine a better match for my son. I am proud to have you join my family,” he said warmly, causing tears to well up in her eyes. At a loss for the right words, she did what felt right and pulled him into a warm embrace.


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